58 research outputs found

    Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Receiver Circuit

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    近几年来,随着亚微米、深亚微米CMOS工艺的不断成熟,以及无线通信技术的蓬勃发展,低成本、低功耗、高集成度的CMOS射频集成电路的设计与研究引起了人们的很大关注。低噪声放大器和混频器是射频接收机的核心模块,几乎在任何一种无线通信标准的射频接收前端电路中都离不开这两个重要模块。因此,如何利用深亚微米CMOS工艺技术设计射频接收前端的低噪声放大器及混频器是摆在面前的重要任务。 本文首先简要介绍了射频电子技术发展史以及各种架构的CMOS射频接收机的优缺点,着重分析了无源元件的射频特性与MOSFET的物理基础,接着对射频电路中相关的噪声理论与非线性失真进行了较系统的讨论,在此基础上对CMOS射频接收...With achievement of more mature CMOS processing technology under submicron and deep submicron level and the rapid advance of wireless communication technology over past decades, the RF CMOS circuits with low cost, low power dissipation and high integration have drawn much attention. Since the low noise amplifier (LNA) and the mixer are core building blocks of radio frequency front-end devices and ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:20042400

    UWB Radio Frequency Front Design For Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    超宽带UWB无线通信具有良好的高速数据传输、无线测距定位、抗干扰能力,并且具有低功耗、低成本特点,非常适合应用于城市智能交通系统交通流检测。 为了搭建了宽带射频收发机,实现对UWB系统测距定位算法的验证,由于3.5GHz频段未来可能发展为B3G通信的一个宽带频段,现阶段发展应用比较少,本文选择此频段采用分立器件完成宽带射频收发机测试平台。同时分析了收发机的射频指标,设计收发系统中集成频率综合器、下混频器、正交上变频器、可变增益放大器等核心芯片的电路,并且采用ADS仿真软件仿真设计了工作在3.5GHz频段的低噪声放大器、平衡式低噪声放大器,功率放大器。 超宽带射频芯片尚处于设计开发阶段,因此...UWB wireless communication owns good performance on high-speed data transmission, positioning and anti-jamming, so it can be properly applied to the Intelligent Transportation System for detecting traffic flow. A broadband RF transceiver is designed for testing UWB ranging algorithm. Because 3.5GHz may be future B3G band, this band is chosen for transceiver which is build up by discrete comp...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_电子与通信工程学号:2332009115277

    Development of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Pilot Frequency Repeater for Emergency Communication

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    在信息化高度发达的今天,人们对信息的需求和获取也提出了更高的要求,尤其是在突发事件发生后,相关信息的及时获取和传递就显得极为重要。近年来国家将应急通信领域的发展建设提上了新的高度,这也使相关的研究工作具有很强的针对性和现实意义。 本文从我国国情和应急通信领域发展的实际出发,以900MHz无中心多信道选址移动通信系统为设计蓝本,论证开发了一款实用、稳定、便携的转发器样机,提供了一套射频部分的解决方案,使在突发事件后能够快速组网做出响应。 本文的主要工作是在理论指导的基础上运用HFSS、ADS等射频仿真软件对组成系统的微波滤波器、放大器、混频器、耦合器和相关辅助电路进行设计和仿真,在完成加工制...Nowadays,with the highly developed information technology, people have higher requirements to the demands and obtainment of information, especially when something emergent occurs, timely accessing and transferring to related information has become extremely important. In recent years, the country has taken the development and construction of emergency communications to a new level, which makes rel...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_电子与通信工程学号:X200722201


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    Timing jitter is a key parameter of low-noise systems, including optical frequency combs and low-noise laser microwave photon radar systems. Consequently, precisely measuring its values is quite important. The traditional direct detection method is limited by the floor noise of the microwave oscillator or photodetector noise, and its measurement accuracy is relatively low. Optical measuring methods, such as optical heterodyne and optical cross-correlation methods, are very complicated and have relatively high requirements on both reference and measured sources. This study presents a method to measure timing jitter with high precision without using a reference source, thereby overcoming some deficiencies of traditional methods. Based on long fiber delay line technology and optical carrier frequency interference, an attempt is made to realize ultra-high precision for measuring timing jitter. Results from the simulated system show that the noise base of a 10-MHz laser is 3.29×10 -13 fs2/Hz (equivalent to -211 dBc/Hz) when the frequency deviation is 100 MHz at its 100th power harmonic point 10 GHz, and the total root mean square timing jitter from 10 kHz to 10 MHz is 535 as, which has an obvious advantage for ultra-low timing jitter measurement. This measurement method is a convenient, high-efficiency method that can be applied to different measured sources, such as passively mode-locked lasers, optical frequency combs, and super-continuum spectra

    Research and development on RF transceiver IC for digital interphone

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    Study of RF Front-end Applied for Beidou Navigation System

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    射频前端放大技术是北斗卫星导航系统的核心技术之一,它决定着系统终端接收机接收信号的质量,也是后端基带信号处理电路能够很好处理从北斗卫星发送的微弱信号的重要条件。本论文是在广泛调研了近年国内外在射频前端放大系统研究现状的基础上,采用自上而下的设计思路,通过系统级-模块级的层次化步骤进行方案设计,根据北斗卫星导航信号的特点采用了带高放的超外差的系统结构,并由其所要求的系统性能指标要求确定各个模块参数如噪声级联、增益分配及其器件的选择,借助仿真分析进一步验证并实现了可应用在北斗导航终端接收中的射频前端放大电路。论文主体内容由如下三个部分组成: 1.北斗导航射频前端放大系统的链路仿真和分析。首先介绍...For signals from the terminal receivers of Beidou satellite navigation systems, the quality was determined by RF front-end amplification, which is one of the core technologies of satellite navigation systems and also an important condition for maintaining the work performances of back-end baseband signal processing circuits. Based on the extensive investigation about newest progress of RF front-en...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电子与通信工程学号:2312010115296

    Automatic Design of Calibrating Subsystem for Space TT&C Equipment

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    应用于我国航天测控网的典型测控设备UCB的标校分系统,设备功能不够完善,自动化水平低,不能实现远程监控,无法适应和满足当前新的测控业务需求。本文的工作是研究和分析标校测试工作的现状,提出在整合原有设备和解决现有存在问题的基础上,设计研制一套功能齐全、性能稳定的自动化标校分系统。本文提出了标校分系统的总体设计方案和各分系统模块的设计方案。在应答机方面,提出了全频段联试应答机设计的解决方案,并对应答机的指标进行了论证。为了实现对标校设备、微波信道和电源的监控,采用了以三菱FX2n-80MR可编程控制器为核心的远程监控分机的设计方案。远程通信链路则采用了利用现有普通电话实现5Km远程数据通信的设计方...Unified C-Band Microwave TT&C System (UCB) plays an important role in China’s space TT&C network for its inter-linkage based on universal interface and international standard band C design, its good performance and its high automation. But the relevant calibrating devices cannot be competent for the current demand in the field of TT&C, because of the un-perfect performance such as havi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制理论与控制工程学号:X20033101

    The research progress and application of novel terahertz detectors

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    Terahertz waves have many unique electrical and optical properties, which have significant applications in both civil and military fields, such as physics, biology, public safety inspection, local area communication, information security, environmental monitoring, non-destructive testing and defense technology etc. Terahertz detector is one of the core components in a terahertz system. Therefore, its application is usually determined by the characteristic and performance of the detector. In recent years, there are some major breakthroughs in the development of terahertz detectors. However, there are still technology challenges that limit the application of such device. For example, room temperature terahertz detectors exhibited a large noise equivalent power and low sensitivity. This is in contrast to cooled terahertz detectors, which demonstrated high response rate and low noise equivalent power, but they cannot be miniaturized and are costly. This paper provides a summary and discussion on the recent development and application of terahertz detectors from the aspect of material preparation and device configuration

    Advances in SXFA-Coated SAW Chemical Sensors for Organophosphorous Compound Detection

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    A polymer-coated surface acoustic wave (SAW)-based chemical sensor for organophosphorous compound sensing at extremely low concentrations was developed, in which a dual-delay-line oscillator coated with fluoroalcoholpolysiloxane (SXFA) acted as the sensor element. Response mechanism analysis was performed on the SXFA-coated chemical sensor, resulting in the optimal design parameters. The shear modulus of the SXFA, which is the key parameter for theoretical simulation, was extracted experimentally. New designs were done on the SAW devices to decrease the insertion loss. Referring to the new phase modulation approach, superior short-term frequency stability (±2 Hz in seconds) was achieved from the SAW oscillator using the fabricated 300 MHz delay line as the feedback element. In the sensor experiment on dimethylmethylphosphonate (DMMP) detection, the fabricated SXFA-coated chemical sensor exhibited an excellent threshold detection limit up to 0.004 mg/m3 (0.7 ppb) and good sensitivity (∼485 Hz/mg/m3 for a DMMP concentration of 2∼14 mg/m3)

    Low Power Consumption、High Stability CMOS Ring Oscillator

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    低成本、低功耗的振荡器已成为市场的主导需求;而高密度的频谱资源对振荡器的精确性和稳定性提出更高要求。因此,频率稳定的振荡器是集成电路设计的热门难点课题。 本项目采用UMC0.6µm线宽工艺,使用内部独立电压源结构,借助差动延时单元的抑制噪声作用,设计一种输出频率为8MHZ、精度为2%的CMOS环形振荡器。就此,本文的研究工作及研究成果如下: 1.根据巴克豪森准则和线性时变噪声模型对振荡器的环路级数、增益,及相位噪声进行模型匹配,得到了能降低相位噪声的振荡环路结构和MOS管尺寸优化的系统设计方案。 2.为解决系统电路模块中的外部电源噪声,将电压提升电路和Bandgap电路在芯片...Low cost, low power consumption oscillator has been the main requirement in the oscillator market, and the limited resource of spectrum call for more stable and accuracy oscillator. So designing a frequency stable oscillator is a hot and hard topic in IC design. This project uses model of UMC 0.6µm to design a stable 8MHZ, 2% precision CMOS ring oscillator, with internal independent power s...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_精密仪器及机械学号:20042901