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    目的:采用响应面法优化公石松总黄酮微波提取工艺。方法:先摸索液料比、反应时间、微波功率、反应温度四个微波提取条件,然后依据Box-Benhnken试验设计拟用四因素三水平方法,以公石松总黄酮提取率为响应值进行响应面试验,最后对不同公石松样品的总黄酮进行对比分析。结果:得出最佳提取工艺条件为:液料比30∶1(ml·g-1)、反应时间6.72 min,微波功率699.99 W,反应温度90℃,公石松总黄酮的提取率可达到1.02%。结论:微波提取工艺优化后公石松总黄酮的提取率可达1.02%;公石松叶子中的总黄酮含量高于茎,成熟期的总黄酮含量高于未成熟期。福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(编号:JAT171141);;漳州卫生职业学院课题项目(编号:ZYZ201701


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    对脱除多糖的桑葚干燥粉末先用N,N—二甲基甲酰胺提取鞣酸,再用石油醚和正丁酸甲酯萃取3次后获得鞣酸粗品。鞣酸粗品经酸沉、醇沉和重结晶3种方法纯化,采用单因素试验与正交试验优选鞣酸提取工艺和纯化工艺。结果发现:最佳提取工艺条件为N,N-二甲基甲酰胺与川桑葚质量比12∶1、石油醚与正丁酸甲酯体积比3∶1、提取温度40℃、提取时间8 h;最佳纯化工艺条件为酸沉时间16 h、醇沉时间4 h、重结晶温度50℃


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    Objective: To study the extraction process of glabridin from Glycyrrhiza glabra. Methods: The solid-liquid ratio, extraction time and extraction temperature are the three main factors in the experiment, and the extract solvent is ethyl acetate. Establish the response surface quadratic regression equation of glabridin extraction rate and purity. Results:The results indicate that the optimum conditions for glabridin are as follows: solvent is ethyl acetate, extraction time is 90 min, the ratio of solvent to solid is 35 ∶1 (ml/g), and extraction temperature is 44.7 ℃, purity and the maximum yield of Extraction of glabridin are 6.96% and 0.241%, The validation test shows that the experimental values of the model are 0.235% and 6.05% . Conclusion: The model equation can predict the experimental results, it can be used as reference in industrial production. 目的  研究光果甘草中光甘草定的提取工艺。 方法  以乙酸乙酯为提取溶剂,选择料液比、提取时间和提取温度3个因素进行中心组合实验,建立光甘草定提取率和纯度的响应面,建立光甘草定提取率和纯度的二次回归方程。 结果  光甘草定提取的最佳工艺条件为:乙酸乙酯为提取溶剂,提取时间90min,提取温度44.7℃,料液比1:35。该条件下光甘草定提取率预测值为0.241%,纯度为6.96%,验证值为0.235%与6.05%。 结论  所得模型方程能较好地预测实验结果,工业生产中可应用参考

    Research on Urban Target Extraction from Point Clouds Data

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    本文通过对点云数据的相关理论方法的研究,基于小光斑全回波波形分类理论,结合点云本身的拓扑结构及回波特性等数据的特点,进行点云的城区道路植被及其近似目标的提取。根据该目标提出研究交通标志牌提取、路灯杆提取、城区植被提取、植被分割、被植被遮挡目标检测等方法。最后通过结构分析与多回波分类的理论方法,实现了研究目标。具体研究内容包括: (1)城区道路立式目标提取 根据点云数据城区目标与植被易平行的两种目标,对交通标志牌和路灯杆进行提取,在欧氏聚类后的结果上,利用交通标志牌的高反射性和基于比例的形状计算进行提取,其次采用标准化切割和基于数据几何特征的统计分析算法进行路灯杆提取,结果表明能够在高分辨点...In this report, based on the relevant theories of point clouds data and the methods of small-light class full-echo waveform classification, we conduct a series of research on targets detection and extraction combined with the topological structure of the point cloud itself and the echo characteristics. According to this goal, the methods of feature extraction, urban vegetation extraction, and vege...学位:博士后院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机科学与技术学号:201417001


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    针对1种典型的酸性、高有机质含量类型土壤——红树林土壤,从DNA产量、DNA纯度、土壤腐殖酸类物质的提取量以及DNA提取物PCR(polymerase chain reaction)扩增反应的敏感度等方面比较了不同提取缓冲液对土壤DNA品质的影响。结果表明,酸性SDS(sodium dodecyl sulfate)提取缓冲液所获得的土壤DNA产量及纯度均较低;PVP(polyvinylpyrrolidone)提取缓冲液所获得的土壤DNA产量较高,但土壤腐殖酸类物质的提取量亦远高于其他提取缓冲液;酸性SDS提取缓冲液及PVP提取缓冲液所获得的土壤DNA提取物即使稀释到10?3量级亦不能获得目的基因PCR扩增条带。PVPP(polyvinylpolypyrrolidone)提取缓冲液及CTAB(cetyltrimethylammonium bromide)+PVPP提取缓冲液所获得的土壤DNA产量较PVP提取缓冲液低,但其纯度较高,并且其纯度随提取缓冲液中PVPP浓度的升高而提高;当2%PVPP提取缓冲液及CTAB+PVPP提取缓冲液所获得的土壤DNA提取物分别稀释到10?2及10?1量级时,均能获得PCR扩增条带。综上所述,酸性提取缓冲液及PVP提取缓冲液不适用于酸性、高有机质含量类型土壤DNA的提取,而2%PVPP提取缓冲液及CTAB+PVPP提取缓冲液均能提高此类土壤DNA的提取品质


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    Plant phenomics is under rapid development in recent years, a research field that is progressing towards integration, scalability, multi-perceptivity and high-throughput analysis. Through combining remote sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning and deep learning, relevant research methodologies, biological applications and theoretical foundation of this research domain have been advancing speedily in recent years. This article first introduces the current trends of plant phenomics and its related progress in China and worldwide. Then, it focuses on discussing the characteristics of indoor phenotyping and phenotypic traits that are suitable for indoor experiments, including yield, quality, and stress related traits such as drought, cold and heat resistance, salt stress, heavy metals, and pests. By connecting key phenotypic traits with important biological questions in yield production, crop quality and Stress-related tolerance, we associated indoor phenotyping hardware with relevant biological applications and their plant model systems, for which a range of indoor phenotyping devices and platforms are listed and categorised according to their throughput, sensor integration, platform size, and applications. Additionally, this article introduces existing data management solutions and analysis software packages that are representative for phenotypic analysis. For example, ISA-Tab and MIAPPE ontology standards for capturing metadata in plant phenotyping experiments, PHIS and CropSight for managing complicated datasets, and Python or MATLAB programming languages for automated image analysis based on libraries such as OpenCV, Scikit-Image, MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox. Finally, due to the importance of extracting meaningful information from big phenotyping datasets, this article pays extra attention to the future development of plant phenomics in China, with suggestions and recommendations for the integration of multi-scale phenotyping data to increase confidence in research outcomes, the cultivation of cross-disciplinary researchers to lead the next-generation plant research, as well as the collaboration between academia and industry to enable world-leading research activities in the near future