49,779 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Dissertation Selection Management System for the College

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    学位论文在当前教育体制下起到越来越重要的作用。学生不再是单纯的知识的学习,在严进严出的教育现状下,学位论文作为一个学用结合的产物,势必越来越受到重视。而近年来,学生数量呈现快速的增长,这对传统的学位论文管理方式提出了挑战。传统的以手工录入为主要的控制方法,在规模效应下呈现了较多的问题。所以,研发一套基于互联网的综合网上学位论文管理系统成为了当前较为重大的课题。 基于上述背景分析,结合高校实际需求,本文开发了一套学位论文选题信息系统。本项目是采用ASP和HTML开发前端界面,C++开发分配算法,主要包括学位论文选题,学位论文配套文档跟踪,学位论文意见建议指导等功能。 论文的主要内容包括: ...With the rapid development of modern society, economy science and technology become more important part in our daily life. New model of the society requires talent higher value of the previous recommendation on student achievements and the overall quality students. Especially, the increasing emphasis on practical and innovative ability of students may link more chances and challenges. It changes t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201223029


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    A Study on the Seafarer Compensation System for Occupational Hazards in Taiwan and Comparative Reviews of the Related Laws in Mainland of China and Japan

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    内容摘要 海运带动经济发展,商船船舶为海运经营的主要工具,船员则为船舶营运的尖兵。船员的工作充满了危险,常有意外(包括伤病及死亡)发生,因此船员工作安全和伤病的议题,自始至终都是个不可完全避免的问题,船员的工伤(职业灾害)补偿问题受到关注。本研究之主题为“台湾船员工伤补偿制度研究--兼两岸及日本相关立法比较”,研究之对象为台湾船员,梳理船员各种意外保障措施,阐析当意外发生时,船员享有哪些权益;以国际宏观角度审视台湾地区的补偿措施是否跟得上国际水平;也比较两岸与日本的工伤(职业灾害)补偿制度,俾了解台湾船员在伤病与抚恤方面的保障是否足够,并提出立法与实践之完善建议。 全文除绪论和结语外,正文...ABSTRACT Ocean shipping drives the development of economy. The merchant ship is the major facility in the operation of ocean shipping, and the crew is the key of ship operation. However, the job of crew is filled with risks usually, and the accidents including diseases and death occur frequently. Therefore, the issues regarding the safety of crew job and disease are unavoidable questions, and the...学位:法学博士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362011015446

    Marketing Strategy Research for A Jade Company

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    本文首先从A企业发展现状着手,分别就A企业当前的发展情况、存在问题和问题根源进行分析,找出阻碍A企业发展的主要因素。其次从宏观层面对珠宝和翡翠行业的竞争格局进行全面深入解读。从微观层面对A企业所处的竞争环境、企业所具有的竞争力分析。最后在基于A企业所拥有的资源能力和竞争优势的基础上,对翡翠市场进行细分分析,确定A企业的目标人群与市场定位。 在对A企业目标人群和市场定位的基础上,论文研究分析了A企业的市场营销组合,从产品、价格、渠道、促销四个方面确定了A企业的市场营销组合策略。论文提出要加强促销组合策略的制定与运用,以口碑营销、故事营销、关系营销和文化营销做为营销突破口,增强客户粘性;论文提出...The discourse firstly starts with the current situation of A Enterprise, and then has analysis on A Enterprise’s developing situation, existing problems and their root causes, in order to find out the main obstacles which hinder the development of A Enterprise. Secondly, in the discourse we make in-depth interpretation on the competitive structure of jewelry and jade industry from the macro-level ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X200815612

    Mechanisms of activity hepatic stellate cells induced myeloid-derived suppressor cells accumulation and migration

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    原发性肝癌(hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)是全球第五大常见的恶性肿瘤,在肿瘤致死的病因中排名第三位。在全球,每年有超过50万人死于肝癌,且一半以上在中国。随着科学研究的发展,科研人员发现肝癌的发生发展不仅仅是病毒感染、环境因素、基因突变这些因素,肿瘤微环境对肿瘤的发生、发展、复发转移有着重要作用。肝脏是一个具有“免疫特赦”的脏器,肝癌微环境中的非实质细胞及其细胞因子是肝癌的免疫逃逸,复发转移的重要因素。 肝星状细胞(hepaticstellatecell,HSCs)是肝癌微环境中重要的非实质细胞。活化的星状细胞具有免疫调节能力,能够诱导免疫抑制细胞的产生,促进肝癌的...Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver tumor and the third greatest cause of cancer-related death in the worldwide, and its incidence is increasing. In the worldwide, there are more than 500 thousand people died of liver cancer. The development and progression of HCC is a multistage process. Beside of virus infection, environmental factors and gene mutation, the the role o...学位:理学博士院系专业:医学院_生理学学号:2452012015396

    A Study on Confusable Chinese Conjunctions by Thai Learners

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    本研究将汉语联合关系连词(包括:选择连词和并列连词)、偏正关系连词(包括:条件连词和转折连词)作为研究对象进行探讨。全文共分为六章。 第一章为绪论。本章主要包括选题的意义与价值、研究综述,其中分为汉语连词本体研究、对外汉语连词教学研究,以及泰语连词的概貌研究。通过本章的探讨,我们发现汉语连词在语法意义、语义轻重、语体色彩等方面比泰语连词复杂得多,汉泰连词的句法和语用上也存在较大的差异。第一章也将探讨文章的研究目的、研究内容、研究对象、研究材料、研究方法和本论文的创新之处。 第二章为汉泰联合关系连词的辨析,本章探讨了两类联合关系连词:一、选择连词“还是、或者、要么”与泰语连词的辨析;二、并列...This research analyzes Chinese combined relation’s conjunctions (including Alternative Relation and Coordinative Relation’s conjunction) and Modified-Head Relation’s conjunctions (including Conditional Relation and Adverse Relation’s conjunction). There are 6 chapters in this research. Chapter l: Introduction to this research. This chapter explains the significance and value of the topics, the ge...学位:文学博士院系专业:人文学院_语言学及应用语言学学号:1022013015444

    Design and Implementation of Dissertation Selection Management System for the College

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    毕业设计作为锻炼和检验学生的综合能力和素质有效手段,受到了各个高校的重视。然而,由于高校本科层次招生逐年递增,再加上院校合并等因素,毕业学生人数的不断增加,传统的手工模式已经不适应新时期论文指导工作的需求,出现了诸多问题。如何结合学校具体情况,研发一套高效的学位论文选题管理系统就显得具有重要意义。 本文将结合学校关于论文选题工作的具体要求,遵循软件工程开发流程, 设计和实现学位论文选题管理系统。系统作为毕业论文选题的管理和沟通平台,可方便教师、学生和管理人员对毕业设计进行选题、沟通、交流和管理等工作。 围绕系统的建设,论文的主要内容包括: 1、在分析系统建设可行性的基础上,利用UML用...Graduation design as one exercise and effective way to evaluate students' comprehensive ability and quality, has drawn all the attention of the colleges and universities. However, due to the college admissions undergraduate level increasing year by year, coupled with the colleges and universities merger factors, the number of graduate students is increasing, so the traditional manual mode has not ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323169

    The Feasibility Study on the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Slag as Fine Aggregate of Concrete

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    随着城镇化的快速推进和人民生产、生活的发展,大量增加的生活垃圾已成为全国一个比较严重的社会问题。发达国家的发展历程表明,通过焚烧可使垃圾减量80%~85%,减容约90%,但仍将残留总重约10%~20%的焚烧炉渣,大部分炉渣进入填埋场进行填埋处置,这将显著增加城市周边填埋库容的压力,占用大量的土地。 与此同时,大规模的城镇化和基础设施建设对于混凝土的需求量稳定增长,混凝土用砂数量巨大,加上砂浆和其他用途,估计每年全国需要30亿吨以上建设用砂。随着对砂子的不断开采,全国天然河砂资源趋于枯竭。福州、厦门、漳州等沿海地区出现了天然河(江)砂资源急剧减少、质量下降、限采或禁采的情况,混凝土用砂供需矛盾...With the rapid development of urbanization and the development of people's production and life, a large increase of domestic waste has become a more serious social problem. The development course of developed countries show that by burning the domestic waste reduction from 80% to 85%, volume reduction of about 90%, but still remaining about 10% to 20% of the incineration slag, and most of the slag...学位:工程硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_工程硕士(建筑与土木工程)学号:2532013115181

    The Performance-based Seismic Design Of Tall Frame-Tube Wall Structure Based On Yield Mechanism

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    随着科技和经济的发展,对于高层建筑结构的抗震设计提出了更高的要求,从以往的单纯满足规范要求的指令式的设计方式,转变为满足不同抗震性能要求的设计方式,特别是抗震性能设计思想被引入规范之后,针对高层超限结构往往需要进行性能设计。但现在的性能设计主要还是停留在构件层次,即小震、中震、大震下对应结构构件应该达到怎样的性能目标,这往往使结构性能设计仅局限于构件层次。而从屈服机制角度来探讨结构的抗震性能,实际将构件层次与整体结构层次连系起来,使得结构整体性能目标的确定更加明确,而且更易于构件控制,同时便于工程师从概念角度理解性能设计。 针对以上问题,本文提出基于屈服机制的抗震性能设计思想,以结构的屈服机...With the development of technology and economic, higher requirements are put forward for the seismic design of tall buildings. It is turned form the past command-style design approach simply to meet the codes to the design approach to meet the different requirements of the seismic performance. Especially after the seismic performance design is introduced to the codes,the tall building structures b...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_结构工程学号:2532013115180