10,393 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Erlotinib on Brain Metastases in Patients with Non-small-cell Lung Cancer

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    Background and objective Brain metastases are common in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and the prognosis is poor. Erlotinib is a specific inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor-associated tyrosine kinase (EGFRTKI), which has been gradually used in the treatment for advanced NSCLC. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antitumor efficacy and its relevant factors of erlotinib in NSCLC patients with brain metastases. Methods The clinical data of 30 NSCLC patients with brain metastases were reviewed retrospectively. All of them were treated with erlotinib, given orally 150mg daily. These patients discontinued administration of erlotinib until disease progression, death or intolerable side effects. Results In terms of intracranial lesions, partial response (PR) was observed in 2 patients (6.7%), with stable disease (SD) in 17 patients (56.7%), for overall disease control rate (DCR) of 63.4%. As for systemic disease, PR was observed in 2 patients (6.7%), with SD in 5 patients (16.7%), for overall DCR of 23.4%. There was no statistical difference in DCR among different subtypes of age, gender, smoking history, histology, PS score, the number of brain metastases, the onset of brain metastases, chemotherapy, brain radiotherapy and side effects. The median time to disease progression (MTTP) and median survival time (MST) was 2.4 months and 7.7 months respectively. The 1 and 2 year survival rate was 38.4% and 15.2%. The univariate analysis showed that the survival time was related to the patients’ PS score, smoking history, brain radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The multivariate analysis indicated that brain radiotherapy was the independent prognostic factor and the relationship between the survival time and smoking history was near to statistical significance. Conclusion The patients receiving brain radiotherapy may have better survival benefit. Non-smokers have a trend to survive longer than smokers. Erlotinib may be effective on brain metastases in NSCLC patients and appears to be a possible new treatment option

    Discussion on Coastal Building Setback of Coastal Small Towns

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    本文以海岸带小城镇海岸线建筑后退距离为研究对象,在借鉴国内外相关经验的基础上,提出以多因素分析法代替单一因素分析法确定海岸线建筑后退距离的基本思路,并重点探讨了不同海岸底质下多因素分析法对于海岸线建筑后退距离的影响。文章以福建省若干海岸带小城镇为例,就海岸线建筑后退距离的确定方法初步进行了实例研究。On the basis of relevant experience at home and abroad, the paper takes the coastal building setback of coastal small towns as research object, discusses the calculation and control method of multiple-factor analysis instead of single-factor analysis. And then it explains the impact of multiple-factor analysis on how to calculate coastal building setback under different coastal sediments. At last, the paper develops methods for empirical research, taking several coastal small towns in Fujian province as example.厦门大学校长基金资助项目:海岸带及海岛小城镇总体规划的技术与方法研究资


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    This research was conducted to determine the condition and to know how much the influence from any basic knowledge and skills to the Mandarin speaking ability of Bunda Mulia University’s students majoring at Chinese Languange Department from 1st to 4th grades. During the process of collecting data and information, the author has interviewed 137 respondents who are active as students at Bunda Mulia University. Besides asking a variety of information related to this essay, the author also required their examscoresto be further processed by using SPSS-linear regression. Thus, the results can be obtained about correlation between each subject with the speaking subject itself. These results showed that most of the subjects had a significant effect on the ability of students’ speaking. Therefore, the author hopes that in the future students and the faculties may work together, especially in improving the Mandarin speaking skill through any existing curriculum in Chinese Language Department of Bunda Mulia University

    A Study of Relational Benefits in Restaurant Consumers based on Social Exchange Theory

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    旅游观光业是以人为本的第三产业,通过人际接触与服务的方式进行交流,进而达成消费者与提供服务的经营者双方都获得彼此所需。由于科技的发展与进步,智能科技与互联网的普及,旅游观光业大量使用先进科学技术替代过往,提供了新的服务方式。有助于快速服务与降低人员成本,但同时失去过往人际交际才能培养出的浓厚感情与忠诚度等其他利益。面对这问题状况,科技服务的提供在旅游观光业到底是利大于弊,亦或是弊大于利,是个令人值得探讨的状况。 其中,服务接触的概念是指提供服务的店家通过媒介将服务传递给消费者的方式;关系利益则是以消费者观点,了解在消费的过程当中,消费者从交易中获关系中获得的利益,例如折扣等;顾客自发行为则是...The last two decades have seen growing importance placed on research in the Relationship Marketing, and there has been a shift in attention from a focus on Interpersonal contact service to an emphasis on determining Self-Service technology or technology-based service. Furthermore, with the increasing usage of technology-based service and loyalty behaviors requirements for Service Encounter (SE), R...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1762012015399

    Research on Pricing Factors of Grade A of Structured Fund And Exploitation of Related Strategy

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    2014年下半年开始的牛市,让分级基金这种产品逐渐进入散户投资者的视野。然而,这种新型的基金产品已经在中国存在了8年之久。在这漫长的蛰伏时间里,逐渐完成了自身的完善与改进,逐渐由一种呆板的封闭型基金转化为母子基金相互转化、A、B端自主交易的新形态。 由于其机制的灵活性、投资方法的多样性,分级基金从国内最早的于2007年7月17日成立的国投瑞银瑞福深证100,到目前成功上市的142只股票型分级基金(包括转债类分级),短短的8年内,分级基金市场规模从场内几千万的规模一度发展至2015年6月份的5000多亿,整体规模甚至曾超越ETF基金的场内规模。 然而,由于分级基金这种产品在设计时采用了极其复...With the beginning of the bull market in 2014,structured funds start coming into the sight of retail investors. However, this product has been existed in China for already 8 years. During the 8 years, structured fund finish its development and modification. Graduated from a rigid closed-end funds, structured fund become more mutual. Now they are constituted by mother fund、grade A and grade B. Due...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562013115206

    Survival Analysis of 1,742 Patients with Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Background and objective At present non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is still the leading cause of death induced by cancer. The aim of this study is to investigate the prognostic factors of advanced NSCLC. Methods Total 1,742 cases of stage IV NSCLC data from Jan 4, 2000 to Dec 25, 2008 in Shanghai Chest Hospital were collected, confirmed by pathological examinations. Analysis was made to observe the impact of treatment on prognosis in gender, age, smoking history, pathology, classification, clinical TNM stage. Survival rate, survival difference were evaluated by Kaplan-Meire method and Logrank test respectively. The prognosis were analyzed by Cox multivariate regression. Results The median survival time of 1,742 patients was 10.0 months (9.5 months-10.5 months). One, two, three, four, and five-year survival rates were 44%, 22%, 13%, 9%, 6% respectively. The median survivals of single or multiple metastasis were 11 months vs 7 months (P < 0.001). Survival time were different in metastasic organs, with the median survival time as follows: lung for about 12 months (11.0 months-12.9 months), bone for 9 months (8.3 months-9.6 months), brain for 8 months (6.8 months-9.1 months), liver, adrenal gland, distannt lymph node metastasis for 5 months (3.8 months-6.1 months), and subcutaneous for 3 months (1.7 months-4.3 months). The median survival times of adenocarcinoma (n=1,086, 62%) and squamous cell carcinoma cases (n=305, 17.5%) were 12 months vs 8 months (P < 0.001). The median survival time of chemotherapy and best supportive care were 11 months vs 6 months (P < 0.001); the median survival times of with and without radiotherapy were 11 months vs 9 months (P=0.017). Conclusion Gender, age, gross type, pathological type, clinical T stage, N stage, numbers of metastatic organ, smoking history, treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer were independent prognostic factors

    Factor Analysis of high frequent mispricing of CSI

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    研究股指期货的定价偏差对投资者进行期现套利和套期保值具有重要意义。本文采用经典的持有成本定价模型和考虑了交易成本、税金和股指期货交易保证金等因素下的无套利定价区间模型来计算沪深300股指期货主力合约5min定价偏差,并研究沪深300股指期货5min定价偏差的持续性特征以及期货市场持仓量、到期期限、期现货市场成交量、期现货市场高频跳跃价差和两市场的波动率这七个因素对沪深300股指期货定价偏差的影响。本文将现货市场和期货市场的高频价格跳跃引入股指期货定价偏差的影响研究,并创新性的提出了期现跳跃价差对股指期货定价偏差的影响;此外,本文将HAR模型应用于日内数据研究股指期货定价偏差的持续性,并在HAR...Study of stock index futures mispricing plays an important role on arbitrage and hedging. This paper uses the classical Cost-Carry model and the No-Arbitrage Pricing Interval Model considering transaction cost, cash deposit and other factors to calculate the theoretical price of futures related to CSI300 and further its mispricing. Further more, this paper studies the persistence of mispricing of ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国民经济学学号:1542012115187

    Study on the risk factors for intrauterine infection of hepatitis B virus among pregnant women

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    目的探讨厦门市孕妇乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染情况和HBV宫内感染的影响因素。方法在1; 064名孕妇第一次到医院建立孕产妇保健卡时进行问卷调查并检测其血清乙肝标志物,根据检测结果选择外周血乙型肝炎表面抗原(hepatitis B; surface antigen,HBsAg)阳性的产妇179例随访至其分娩,并采集其分娩时的脐血和胎盘组织。对脐血进行HBsAg和HBV; DNA的检测,对胎盘组织进行HBsAg的检测。采用chi~2检验和非条件Logistic回归分析相关因素与HBV宫内感染的关系。结果被调查的1; 064名孕妇中,HBsAg阳性的孕妇共179名,感染率为16.8%。对179名HBsAg阳性的孕妇的脐血进行检测发现,发生HBV宫内感染的孕妇共; 34名,感染率为19.0%。孕妇HBV宫内感染的危险因素为胎盘HBsAg阳性、孕妇血清乙型肝炎E抗原(hepatitis B e; antigen,HBeAg)阳性、孕前超重,OR分别为5.123(95% CI:1.422 ~ 18.413)、4.619(95%; CI:1.225 ~ 17.534)、 3.343(95% CI:1.233 ~; 9.092)。结论对于HBsAg和HBeAg双阳性的超重/肥胖孕妇,其新生儿可能发生HBV宫内感染,应加强自身防护措施,合理规避HBV宫内感染风; 险。Objective To investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV); infection in pregnant women and the risk factors for Intrauterine; infection of HBV among pregnant women in Xiamen. Methods Total 1 064; pregnant women were included in this study. A questionnaire was; performed to collect the general information of the subjects and HBV; infection status was tested on the first day when they came to the; hospital. Then HBsAg positive pregnant women were selected and followed; until delivery. We collected their cord blood and placenta tissue when; they delivery. HBsAg and HBV DNA in cord blood and HBsAg in placental; tissue were detected. Chi-square test and the non-conditional Logistic; regression analysis were conducted to investigate the correlation; between HBV intrauterine infection and risk factors. Results 179 out of; the 1 064 pregnant women were HBsAg positive. The infection rate was; 16.8%. 34 out of 179 HBsAg positive pregnant women were found; intrauterine transmission with a rate of 19.0%. The risk factors for the; occurrence of HBV intrauterine transmission were placenta HBsAg positive; (OR = 5.123, 95% CI:1.422-18.413),mothers with hepatitis B e; antigen(HBeAg) positive (OR = 4.619, 95% CI:1.225-17.534) and; overweight(OR = 3.343, 95% CI:1.233-9.092), respectively. Conclusions; Placenta HBsAg positive,mothers with HBeAg positive and overweight are; independent risk factors for the occurrence of HBV intrauterine; transmission.国家自然科学基金; 厦门市科技计划项

    Influence factor analysis of postoperative pregnancy in patients of endometriosis associated infertility after laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy surgery

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    目的 探讨宫腹腔镜联合手术治疗子宫内膜异位症(内异症)合并不孕患者术后妊娠情况及影响术后妊娠率的临床因素。 方法 本研究为回顾性队列临床研究,选择2012年4月至2014年4月于厦门市妇幼保健院就诊行宫腹腔镜联合手术并符合研究标准的内异症合并不孕患者共419例为研究对象,收集门诊和住院病例资料,随访至2016年4月,根据妊娠情况分为妊娠组和未妊娠组,回顾性分析患者年龄、不孕年限、不孕类型、BMI、腹部手术史、r-AFS分期、病理分型、术后辅助药物治疗、促排卵治疗及试孕方式等临床因素与术后妊娠率的关系;并根据患者试孕方式分为ART(辅助生殖技术)组和自然试孕组,分析比较两种试孕方式的妊娠率...Objective To probe into the pregnancy outcome after laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy surgery in patients of endometriosis associated infertility and the clinical factors influencing the postoperative pregnancy rate. Methods Retrospectively cohort study. 419 patients with endometriosis associated infertility who underwent laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy surgery in Maternal and Child...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_妇产科学学号:2452014115356