1,091 research outputs found


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    Abstract in Chinese: 社会发展与市场经济离不开经济学,离不开经济分析。但社会主义市场经济建设,不是要搞“经济学帝国主义”引导下的市场社会,经济学也不能无限“越界”,不能将人类一切行为都纳入经济分析和计算。任何具体学科都有自己的研究领域和相对“边界”,道德价值及其意义世界,人类情感和精神世界,是经济学研究的道德“边界”。这一“边界”不否定经济学“跨学科研究”,它只是表明,在这一“边界”内,经济学的解释是正确的或有效的,而简单“帝国”越界,往往会带来这些领域的价值混乱和理论误导。 Abstract in English: Social development and market economy are inseparable from economics and economic analysis; however, building a socialist market economy does not mean a market society under the guidance of “economic imperialism”, and economics does have its own boundary because not all human behaviors can be formulated into economic anal-yses or calculations. Every specific discipline has its own boundary and study fields, moral values and connotations, emotional and spiritual im-plications, which have defined the ethical boundary of economic re-search. This “boundary” does not mean that “interdisciplinary research” in economics is not allowed; rather, it simply indicates that there is a “boundary” for economics to explain things correctly and effectively. A simple outreach will usually result in confusing values and misleading theories. [pp.261-262


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    Multi-disciplinary research and disciplinary construction of higher education

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    学科是高等教育研究领域的重要范畴 ,但高等教育学本身却不是一门成熟的学科。在这种情况下 ,高等教育研究面临着学科建设的重任。在整个社会科学界大声疾呼“开放社会科学”、“重建社会科学”的今天 ,高等教育学学科建设的取向至关重要。展望未来 ,将高等教育学建设成为一个真正的多学科研究领域 ,将是高等教育学学科建设走向成熟的第一步Discipline is an important realm in higher education, but higher education itself is not a rather mature discipline. So the research of higher education has to carry out disciplinary construction. In the time of opening and reconstructing Liberal Arts, it is very crucial for higher education to make it tropism in disciplinary construction. Looking into the future, the very first step for higher education to maturity is to be a multi\|disciplinary research area

    Study on Statistical Discipline System Based on the National Standard Subject Categories

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    统计学科体系及其分类是统计学的基本理论问题之一。本文围绕中国两次颁布的国家标准《学科分类与代码(gb/T13745)》,探讨其中有关统计学科分类的变化、进展、问题和症结,并结合“大统计“思想在中国践行的历程,提出若干新的理论思考。文章认为:数理统计学与经济统计学之间并非简单的“理论“与“应用“关系;目前的统计学科分类体系还值得斟酌和改进;大统计学已经超越了“人文与社会科学“的范畴,具有独特的跨学科门类性质;同时,大统计学只是一个松散的学科群,其分支大都具有“学科归属的二重性“。充分正视这些学科特点,可为正确处理我国高等院校的统计专业设置等问题提供重要依据。Statistical discipline system and its classification is an elementary problem in statistics.This paper centers on China's two national standards "Classification and code of disciplines(GB/T 13745)",discusses the change,progress,problems and crux of classification of some related statistical discipline.Meanwhile,according to the practical process of the idea of general statistics in China,we propose a number of new theoretical thinking.We conclude that the relationship between mathematical statistics and economic statistics is not just like "theory" and "practice";also,there is room for deliberation and improvement of classification of statistical discipline;general statistics is a distinct interdisciplinary category which has transcended the confines of humanities and social sciences;additionally,general statistics is a loose group of subjects whose subfield has the character of belonging to two kinds of disciplines.Facing up to these characters can provide essential guidance on tackling problems like statistical specialties setting in Chinese institutions of higher learning

    On Essential Issues of Law and Literature Movement

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    法律与文学运动兴起于20世纪70年代的美国,至今已有整整40年的历程。在这40年里,法律与文学运动呈现出不同的面向,有解释学面向、叙事学面向、伦理学面向等等。它主要的批判对象是法律与经济学,二者交锋可谓火力十足。本文是在跨学科研究的视野下来研究法律与文学运动,试图回答法律与文学运动的基本问题:法律是什么?文学可以为法律提供什么?以及法律与文学研究为了什么? 第一章主要考察法律与文学运动的学术渊源——历时性渊源和共时性渊源。历时性渊源是指在法律与文学运动之前,理论家关于法律与文学二者关系的讨论。共时性渊源是考察与法律与文学运动差不多同时产生的学术流派或学术思潮。处于同一时空下的它们会有怎样摩擦...Law and literature movement sprung up in America in 1970s. She has lived through 40 years so far, during which she has presented some different directions such as the hermeneutic, the narrative and the ethical and so on. Her criticizing of law and economics face to face was always on fire. This thesis aims at researching law and literature from the vision of interdisciplinary study and attempts to...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法学理论学号:1362010115014