754 research outputs found

    カイゴ ホケン セイドカ ニ オケル ザイタク カゾク カイゴシャ ノ カイゴ モンダイ ト カダイ

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    ザイタク デ ニンチショウ ノ ヒト オ カイゴ スル ダンセイ ノ カイゴ モンダイ タイショ スタイル ノ サンシュツ ホウホウ

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    男性介護者の介護問題対処スタイルの算出方法を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象者は男性介護者298 名である.対処スタイルの平均得点と標準偏差,寄与率による各対処スタイルの独立性の検討と,基準関連法による各対処スタイルの妥当性を検討した.結果・考察: 平均得点と標準偏差,寄与率から似た特徴を持つ対処スタイルであることが考えられたが,基準関連法により独立した対処スタイルであることが明らかとなり,各対処スタイルは独立した特徴を持つことが明らかとなった.男性の介護問題対処の算出方法は,各対処スタイルの平均得点とし,最も得点が高い対処スタイルが,介護問題へ活用する対処であると考えられる.The purpose of this paper was to calculation of the coping scale for Nursing Care Problems Coping Scale for Male Caregivers for People with Dementia Living at Home. The subjects were 298 men who care for people with dementia at home. It was independence and investigated validity the coping style; the result of av erage score, standard deviation and Contribution ratio of coping style. Each coping styles are independent, it became clear that each with its own characteristics. Calculation method is the average score of each coping style. Most high score of average of coping style is the coping style of nursing care problem.原著論文 = Original articl

    地域政策研究ニューズレター No.112全文

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    The government insured long-term care service in Japan went forward in 2000. Though elderly ethnic Koreans without Japanese citizenship living in Japan are able to receive insurance services, they face cultural and structural challenges in doing so. This paper investigates the problems and possibilities the elderly Korean experiences with this type of care with the intention of improving the Japanese care system. What exactly are the long-term care insurance system and plan in Japan? While examining the government insured long-term care service plan, my findings suggest an inadequacy of the resident registration system for foreign residents in Japan. Although the elder-ly care system in Japan operates at the local community level, the central government is responsible for the resident registration system for non-Japanese citizens. This system encounters problems when there was a lack of cooperation between the local and central governments. A new communication system between local and central governments is to be launched in July, 2012. By examining the Ikuno Action Plan (2006) for long-term care service as a case study in Osaka, in an area, highly populated with Koreans, this study raises possibilities for improving the long-term care for the elderly Koreans in Japan