151,402 research outputs found


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    Information and Communication Technologies and Informal Scholarly Communication: A Review of the Social Oriented Research

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    This article reviews and analyzes findings from research on computer mediated informal scholarly communication. Ten empirical research papers, which show the effects and influences of information & communication technologies (ICTs), or the effects of social contexts on ICTs use in informal scholarly communication, were analyzed and compared. Types of ICTs covered in those studies include e-mails, collaboratories, and electronic forums. The review shows that most of the empirical studies examined the ICTs use effects or consequences. Only a few studies examined the social shaping of ICTs and ICT uses in informal scholarly communication. Based on comparisons of the empirical findings this article summarizes the ICT use effects/consequences as identified in the studies into seven categories and discusses their implications


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    [[abstract]]由於金融危機及先前主權債市動盪,再次引發對歐盟經濟治理的關注。針對經濟問題,歐盟高峰會設置一任務小組。2010年10月21日任務小組向歐盟高峰會提出一份報告,指出在保有國家財政及經濟政策之同時,各會員國間尤其是歐元區,經濟相互依賴度極高。任務小組建議應強化經濟治理,改革方向應朝五個面向發展。 第八屆亞歐高峰會議於2010年10月4至5日在比利時布魯塞爾舉行。亞歐高峰會主席於主持會議時表示,此次會議的主題在於討論「生活品質」,藉此達成所有公民更好的福利並給予更多的尊嚴。在此會議中,所有亞洲與歐洲成員國的領導人皆重申雙邊策略性對話與合作的議題,並且著重在平等的夥伴關係、相互間的尊重與利益分配。 伊斯坦堡是世界上唯一橫跨歐亞兩洲的城市,且在2010年還獲選為歐盟的文化之都。伊斯坦堡為何入選?土耳其不是穆斯林的世界嗎?土耳其為何想加入歐盟?伊斯坦堡的魅力在哪

    英語教育における流暢さと即興力の育成 ── 中学生の話すことにおける意識の一考察 ──

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    The major goals of this study are to examine junior high school students’ awareness of fluency and impromptu skill in terms of speaking in English as a Foreign Language (hereafter, EFL) and to consider what to do, by way of future research and creation of daily lessons, in order to raise awareness and to develop their practical speaking abilities. Recent Japanese EFL education (see MEXT 2017a-e) emphasizes that developing learners’ fluency and impromptu skill is particularly important. This is because traditional Japanese EFL education has focused on acquisition of grammar, drawing learners’ attention to individual forms rather than to meaning. Problematic outcomes of such an approach are tendencies for learners to comprehend texts/utterances in a heavy bottom-up manner and to refrain from speaking/writing without confirming that what they are about to say/write is grammatically correct. In this study, 419 junior high school students in 1st to 3rd grades responded to a short paper-and-pencil questionnaire that examined their awareness of fluency and impromptu skill in EFL speaking. Results of analyses showed a significant difference in awareness of impromptu skill between 1st and 2nd grades and between 1st and 3rd grades, whereas no significant differences were found in awareness of fluency between these three grades. Moreover, results of analyses showed no correlation between 1st graders’ mid-term/ final exam scores and their awareness of fluency/impromptu skill, but showed a correlation between 2nd graders’ final exam scores and their awareness of fluency and between 2nd graders’ final exam scores and their awareness of impromptu skill. Based on this and other information obtained in the study, we consider issues for future research and creation of classroom activities that develop fluency and impromptu skill in Japanese EFL education


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    Exploring the Possibilities of Care Prevention by Acupuncture Therapists

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    近年、鍼施術による痛みや運動器の傷害に対する有効性が認められている。鍼施術は補完代替医療に位置付けられているが、近代西洋医学に統合した治療的介入も試みられている。超高齢社会において、予防医学や介護予防の領域が一層重視されてくると思われる。本稿の目的は、介護予防領域での鍼灸師の取り組みに焦点をあて、これまでに報告されている文献を通して、鍼灸師による介護予防の取り組みの現状と可能性について検討することである。医学中央雑誌、科学技術情報発信・流通総合システム(J-STAGE)、メディカルオンライン、全日本鍼灸学会学会誌検索システム等を介して鍼施術の効果及び鍼灸師による介護予防に関する文献を収集した。検索のキーワードは「鍼灸」「介護予防」である。レビューによって、これらの文献を、鍼灸の効果を示すもの、介護予防活動に関する実践報告、他職種との連携に関するものの3つに大別し、考察した。鍼灸師による介護予防の分野における専門性として、鍼や東洋医学的知識を用いて痛みを緩和するとともに、心理的・精神的、身体的にも効果をもたらす可能性が考えられる。これまで鍼灸師による介護予防に焦点を当てた研究は少なく、医療や介護予防分野における鍼灸や鍼灸師の業務に対する認知度は低い。一般的に鍼灸や鍼灸師の業務に対する理解が得られていないことが、認知度が低い最大の要因であろう。鍼施術は健康の維持増進に向けて予防法としての活用も期待されている。鍼灸師による介護予防活動に関するエビデンスを蓄積するとともに、一般に広く普及させることが重要であると考えられる。Recently, acupuncture has been the focus of many studies due to its potential usefulness in the treatment of pain and musculoskeletal disorders. Although acupuncture is classified as a type of alternative complementary medicine; it is a therapeutic intervention that tries to achieve the same results as modern western medicine. In an aged society, preventive medicine and care prevention play a greater role. This study aims to investigate the current status and possibilities of care prevention for elderly people by acupuncture therapists using the information provided in the existing literature. The online database of the Japan Medical Abstracts Society, J-Stage, JJSAM was searched for the following keywords: "acupuncture" and "care prevention". The studies obtained in the search results were classified into three categories: effects of acupuncture therapy, practical reports of care prevention activities by acupuncture therapists, and collaboration with other occupations. Expertise in the care prevention field was defined as an acupuncture therapist practicing acupuncture with a knowledge of oriental medicine, which was considered to be effective not only in reducing pain but also in maintaining the patients\u27 pschological, mental, and physical health. It is significant to note that acupuncture and acupuncture therapists are not understood well by the medical community at large. Acupuncture is considered a preventive intervention for maintaining and promoting general health. Our literature review revealed that, at present, there are few, lesser-known studies that investigate elderly preventive care in terms of acupuncture. It is important to accumulate further evidence of acupuncture efficacy and popularize the delivery of care prevention for elderly people by acupuncture therapists