72 research outputs found

    “ The Alliance Francaise developments and its assimilation to a French Soft power “

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    [[abstract]]「柔性權力」(Soft Power,亦翻譯為軟權力、軟力量、柔性權力、柔性力量) 指一國以其制度上的、文化上的、政策上的優越性或道德性,讓其他國家自願效法或者接受體系的規則,從而間接地促使他人確定自身的偏好。歐洲是目前全球發揮「柔性權力」最大的地區,歐洲文化、藝術、音樂、設計、時裝、飲食長久以來吸引全世界的目光焦點。 歐洲聯盟的「柔性權力」運用研討會,係由文藻外語學院歐盟園區,偕淡江大學歐洲聯盟研究中心共同籌辦,並由臺灣歐洲聯盟中心合辦贊助的跨校研討會,共有十位專家學者,發表總計十篇論文。內容以歐洲文化政策與歐盟多元語言推廣等為旨要,期以文藻多元外語教育及歐洲文化研究之特質,結合淡江於政治及社會面向之深入研究,共同針對歐洲聯盟「軟實力」之發展潛力,積極展開深入的交流與探討[[sponsorship]]文藻外語學院歐盟園區[[sponsorship]]淡江大學歐洲聯盟研究中心[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20100108[[conferencelocation]]文藻外語學院求真樓 Q002 階梯教

    A presentation on Biobased economy developments in the EU, and a Laboratory application research in Taiwan on microalgae culture for biofuels production

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    [[abstract]]Facing limited resources on Earth, sustainable economical development has become a priority in the US and the EU, relying on the advance of their high technologies creativity and efficiency that may transform future generation’s needs and environment. New Biotechnologies looks very promising during the past decades, offering innovative systems and transitional viable options or progress to turn down Carbone emissions and Global warming risks, reduce Wastes excess and bear resources limitations. Many strategies to grow this new Sector Bio- Based knowledge and Economy, using plants or non mineral resources and operate conversion from Biomass into valuable agro-foods, nutraceuticals, industrial chemicals or bio energies forms . This primary resource in terms of entropy could reverse situations and threats against environmental, climatic, social and economical sustainability. This may change the way we live and create new professions and work in long term visions – for arable and livestock farming, forestry, food, aquaculture, chemical industry, materials manufacturing and energy supply. The US, and the EU are becoming leaders in Biotechnologies research and Industrial applications. Taiwan although situated in Asia, is presently world leader for microalgae high technologies cultures and large scale productions. In this vision , is presented a “study of Bioenergies production from Microalgae culture on wastewater” through sewage treatment (nitrogen, phosphor, organic carbon, GHG, conversion into feedstock biodiesel, co-products, high lipid content and growth microalgae) associated to power plant emissions and production controls that might contribute as most sustainable new alternative for transitional third generation biofuels industrialization against the clean energetic solutions developed in the Western countries. The race of biotechnologies engages closer assessment of side effects, transitional changes or choices that might occur in the longer term: at experimentations phase for target products further during their processing and on effects further down the road on the Environment.[[booktype]]紙


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    [[sponsorship]]淡江大學歐洲聯盟研究中心; 政治大學[[conferencetype]]兩岸[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20131015~20131016[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北市; 新北市, 臺

    Reviewing the potential and perspectives for Algal Production and applications and resulting effects with Life Cycle and sustainability assessment

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    [[abstract]]In the recent years, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) inventory accounting for all processing inputs and outputs, evaluates the benefits and risks occurred in the long term. It has become a helpful tool to quantify larger scale of production of multiple biofuels products in terms of energy efficiency and pollutants or reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and, the direct impacts or indirect consequences. While evaluations of resulting risks and uncertainty during the process of production are compared through mathematic models, and legalized ISO system, LCA are becoming an important sustainability measurement means for Pilots projects, Industrial producers and Government decision makers. In particular, third generation advanced biofuels production from algae culture, and second generation land crop productions as well, devoted to transport combustion, are sources of debate. Yet, due the interdisciplinary boundaries, large variability of the results are challenging and call to be analyzed and further refined by different fields specialists (biology, physiology, biogeochemistry, ecology, oceanography, economy,…) and determine more accurately the interactions and ecosystems chains, themselves. It seems the scarce inventories satisfy with net energy ratio or low carbon alternative fuel performance characteristics and are not at all considering: ecological interactions and existence of cycles, soil, water, microbiological chains and carbon balance, nor, the components of the production at each stage of the conversion and total biomass involved or environmental impact for the long term. This calls to more scientists of different fields to involve in the research and by working together manage to make up with missing understanding of the chain reaction and ecosystems balance phenomena and offer closer analyze of by products, resource and waste equilibrium versus high productivity-low carbon and low price energy.[[sponsorship]]臺灣海洋大學[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20131025~20131026[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]基隆, 臺

    The Current and Future EU-CHINA Relations

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    EU Relationship with ACP countries: Perspectives & Challenges in a Changing World from 1957 to Nowadays

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    國際體系及區域化發展研究中,歐盟與非加太國家的互動關係及未來發展,為相當值得探討的案例。以新自由制度主義「合作的形成、政策及制度的協調」作為研究動機,本文探討歐盟與非加太國家之間,自1957年羅馬條約至今日的科都努夥伴協定的制度化發展、歐盟共同商業政策和貿易往來的變遷與現況,並藉此檢視在不斷變遷的國際體系中,雙邊關係發展的新趨勢及挑戰。本文研究結果發現,雙邊關係發展至今仍以歐盟主導,即便雙邊近年持續提倡民主善治、降貧及經濟整合與文化合作等,非加太國家在政策與執行的自主性依舊不高;至今除歐洲發展基金及援助貿易頗具成效外,經濟夥伴協定的談判仍曠日費時,成效不彰。為順利達成雙贏的目標,歐盟與非加太國家仍需進一步追求雙邊關係的正常化並深化非加太國家內部整合的程度。[[abstract]]近代的歐洲是世界文明的發源地,在兩次世界大戰以前,歐洲一直在世界政治舞臺上獨領風騷,引領世界政治、經濟、社會乃至文化的脈動。然而兩次世界大戰對歐洲造成災難性的破壞與傷亡,也迫使歐洲退出世界舞臺的領導地位。   為了重新建立和平與繁榮的前景,戰後的歐洲創立「歐洲共同體」,以新的政治形態重新出發,一方面讓歐洲的土地上不要再出現戰爭,建立永久的和平,另一方面集合群體的力量,加速經濟發展,增進經濟繁榮。然而,受限於美國與蘇聯兩極對峙的權力格局,歐洲在冷戰期間對於和平與繁榮的追求是內向性的,亦即關注的是共同體內部的和平與繁榮,關於拓展共同體的外部角色,特別是政治影響力的部分,歐洲儘管心有餘,卻力有未逮。   冷戰的結束為歐洲統合繼續深化與廣化提供時代的機遇。不再受限於兩極權力格局的歐洲,透過馬斯垂克條約的擘劃,揭櫫發展「經濟與貨幣聯盟」以及「政治聯盟」的企圖心,伴隨歐洲聯盟的擴大、歐元的發行以及共同外交暨安全政策機制的制度化,為歐洲重新活躍於全球政治舞臺注入新的動力。然而,在 21世紀積極發展全球角色,並構建全球影響力的歐洲,受到 2008年美國的次級信貸危機所造成的連動影響,自2010年初開始陷入歐元區的主權債務危機。這場危機從 2010年初希臘無力償付鉅額國債,而遭多家國際債信機構降低信用評級開始,如骨牌效應般,隨後愛爾蘭、義大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、塞普勒斯等歐元國也陸續拉起警報,使歐元遭遇了 1999年發行以來最嚴峻的情勢。這場危機讓歐盟會員國焦頭爛額,不但影響歐洲持續統合的意願,也使得歐盟是否還能在全球事務扮演積極的角色受到質疑。   自從馬斯垂克條約建立歐洲聯盟,迄 2014年已逾二十年,目前已然擁有 28個會員國的歐洲,還沒有停止向外擴大之路。然而對於構建與發展全球性的角色與影響力,歐洲是否已經摸索出一條可行的路徑,在全球化的時代裡,歐洲又是否能夠與其他大國在運籌全球事務時齊足並馳,甚至主導規範、價值甚而世界秩序的建立,對於其所遭遇的困境與挑戰,不論是在政治、經濟、社會甚至文化方面,歐洲是否能夠準確認知問題所在,並對症下藥,採取切實有效的因應之道,這些問題都關係到歐洲是否能夠實現扮演全球性要角的野心。[[booktype]]紙


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    [[abstract]]由於金融危機及先前主權債市動盪,再次引發對歐盟經濟治理的關注。針對經濟問題,歐盟高峰會設置一任務小組。2010年10月21日任務小組向歐盟高峰會提出一份報告,指出在保有國家財政及經濟政策之同時,各會員國間尤其是歐元區,經濟相互依賴度極高。任務小組建議應強化經濟治理,改革方向應朝五個面向發展。 第八屆亞歐高峰會議於2010年10月4至5日在比利時布魯塞爾舉行。亞歐高峰會主席於主持會議時表示,此次會議的主題在於討論「生活品質」,藉此達成所有公民更好的福利並給予更多的尊嚴。在此會議中,所有亞洲與歐洲成員國的領導人皆重申雙邊策略性對話與合作的議題,並且著重在平等的夥伴關係、相互間的尊重與利益分配。 伊斯坦堡是世界上唯一橫跨歐亞兩洲的城市,且在2010年還獲選為歐盟的文化之都。伊斯坦堡為何入選?土耳其不是穆斯林的世界嗎?土耳其為何想加入歐盟?伊斯坦堡的魅力在哪

    Renee Yi-Mond Yuan

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    [[abstract]]France still rely on its Nuclear energy and presently the total Renewable energy (REN) still very limited in production but actions has been taken following the commitments by Kyoto Protocol in the EU and at National level, this text will present shortly the different Renewable Energies strategies and developments, regulations and supports forsm as well as the progress of the R&D in France and future priorities and steps toward sustainability and neutral carbon aura.[[booktype]]紙


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    [[abstract]]近期歐盟與美國,於2014年10月3日結束了TTIP第7回合的談判協商,11月21日歐盟理事會的決議,更讓雙邊TTIP談判有大幅進展。歐盟理事會在其對外貿易議題事務的會議中,決議儘速與美國達成TTIP協定之談判,本期專題摘要理事會重要決議內容。 歐盟近期公布了第405號的歐元區短期民調報告。目前歐盟的28個會員國當中,已有18個國家加入歐元區,以歐元作為其法定貨幣。拉脫維亞是最近一波加入歐元區的國家,於2014年1月正式採用歐元;立陶宛則將於2015年1月正式加入歐元區。第405號短期民調,除設定與前幾年版本類似議題外,同時亦評估歐元區納入新會員國的態度,執委會此次並針對拉脫維亞採行歐元後的適應情形,進行普查。 2014年11月15~16日於澳洲Brisbane舉行了第9屆G20峰會。本屆峰會的主要目標是為全球經濟成長、財政再平衡和新興經濟體、投資和基礎設施、就業和勞動市場流動等各項議題,提供相關策略目標