9,443 research outputs found

    Pomiędzy logo- i ikonosferą. Chrześcijańskie świadectwo wiary w przestrzeni internetowej

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    The Catholic Church is fully aware of the role that social communica- tion plays in the modern world. In this regard, she sees the media not only as one of the signs of the times, but also as the place of preaching the Gospel message. Cyberspace is of vital importance here, because it offers a gigantic number and variety of pages related to religious topics. Online presence implies a need to search for new languages and com- munication methods that will effectively reach the recipient with a re- ligious message. There is no doubt that among the various forms of religious expression, witness of the faith of a person practicing occu- pies a particular place. This paper makes a qualitative analysis of forms and ways in which religious testimonies are present in the cyberspace in a literary genre perspective, with particular emphasis on the role of words and images.Kościół katolicki ma pełną świadomość roli, jaką we współczesnym świecie odgrywają środki społecznego komunikowania. W związku z tym uznaje media nie tylko jako jeden ze znaków czasu, ale i miejsce głoszenia ewangelicznego orędzia. Bardzo istotną rolę pełni tu cyberprzestrzeń, ponieważ oferuje gigantyczną wprost liczbę i różnorodność stron związanych z tematyką religijną. Obecność w In- ternecie implikuje konieczność poszukiwania nowych języków i tech- nik przekazu, które pozwolą skutecznie dotrzeć do odbiorcy z religi- jnym przekazem. Nie ma wątpliwości, że wśród różnorodnych form wypowiedzi religijnych szczególne miejsce zajmuje forma świadectwa wiary osoby praktykującej. W artykule poddano analizie jakościowej formy i sposoby obecności świadectw wiary w cyberprzestrzeni w ujęciu genologicznym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli słowa i obrazu

    Pastoralna skrb kao odgovor Crkve na fenomen sekularizacije

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    The ongoing process of the secularization of European societies has been present for a few decades now. It is a great challenge for the Church who is trying to resist it in a variety of ways. Pastoral care, meant as the organized saving activity of the Church aimed at saving the man, is one such way. However, resisting the process of secularization is not the direct goal of pastoral care. If pastoral care is run in a proper way, it can be a powerful and meaningful tool of the Church in resisting laicization. The article presents various forms of ordinary and extraordinary pastoral care which contribute to the development of religiousness of believers and to spreading the Gospel in the common social life. The author first presents the role of ordinary pastoral care in this process. He then lists proclaiming God’s word, various forms of the cult and the ministry of Christian love as ways of reviving religious life. He also indicates the role of extraordinary pastoral care, especially the branch which aims at the cooperation with new developing working groups and other informal secular associations.U tijeku je proces sekularizacije europskih društava koji je prisutan već nekoliko desetljeća. Veliki je to izazov za Crkvu koja mu se nastoji oduprijeti na različite načine. Pastoralna skrb, zamišljena kao organizirana spasenjska djelatnost Crkve kojoj je cilj spasenje čovjeka, jedan je od takvih načina. Međutim, opiranje procesu sekularizacije nije izravan cilj pastoralne skrbi. Ukoliko se pastoralna skrb provodi na pravilan način, ona može biti moćno i smisleno sredstvo Crkve u opiranju laicizaciji. U članku su predstavljeni različiti oblici redovite i izvanredne pastoralne skrbi koji doprinose razvoju religioznosti vjernika i širenju Evanđelja u zajedničkom društvenom životu. Najprije, autor predstavlja ulogu redovite pastoralne skrbi u ovom procesu. Zatim nabraja: naviještanje Božje riječi, različite oblike kulta i služenje kršćanske ljubavi kao načine oživljavanja vjerskog života. Također ukazuje na ulogu izvanredne pastoralne skrbi, posebice one vrste koja smjera na suradnju s novim radničkim udruživanjima koja se razvijaju i s drugim neformalnim svjetovnim udruženjima

    Faith as a source of apostolate in the world

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    Ks. Andrzej ProniewskiA believer living in the contemporary world comes across different views of those who have excluded themselves from experiencing God. One may stay indifferent towards their faith, but can also make attempts to bring them closer to God. Spreading the Gospel has been a characteristic feature of the Church’s activity since its very beginnings. Those who believe in God should show other people a perspective of existential fulfilment in friendship with God and to build the Church’s community. Their actions should be filled with faith which is based firmly on the Scriptures and the grace granted by Christ. Such faith is effective, as it opens the perspective of eternal life. Those who believe are invited to be visible witnesses of the presence of God in the world and make their contribution to new evangelisation.Uniwersytet w Białymstok

    The Macrostructure and Register of Chinese, English and Polish School Certificates and University Diplomas

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    This paper presents the macrostructure of Chinese, English and Polish school certificates and university diplomas (Hughes, Varó 2002) in the aspect of translation. The language and vocabulary used in Chinese, Polish and English certificates and diplomas are researched into. The conclusions are that the historically conditioned differences in legal realities in China, Taiwan, Poland (the impact of the partitions and the Communist regime) and the English-speaking countries affect the structure and contents of such certificates and diplomas. Thus, Polish certificates and diplomas are more similar to British and American ones. However, certificates and diplomas executed in China have different macrostructure (they are in a form of a book). As a consequence, some legal terms and expressions which appear in them do not occur in Polish and English

    Poznański okres życia i działalności biskupa Karola Mieczysława Radońskiego

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    Автобіографічна епопея Валерія Шевчука в європейському контексті

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    У статті автор робить спробу окреслити місце автобіографічної епопеї В.Шевчука у європейському контексті

    Practising the works of love and mercy in parishes

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    The parish is an ecclesial community, and as such it makes present the Church as a reflection of the Triune God, God who is love. The author of this article is attempting to translate these dogmatic truths of faith into practice at the level of the parish and thus to approach them on a plane that is practical rather than theoretical. Particular attention is given to the internal and external ways of practicing mercy. Preaching and practicing mercy starts with various human relationships in the parish, and bears fruit in a concrete, common and organized outward action. These are the two wings of practicing mercy in the parish: through the inner interpersonal relationships as well as through concreto initiatives and actions undertaken by the parish. lf any of the two wings is missing, the evangelical character of practicing mercy in the parish is distorted.Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie61-7

    Stefan Żeromski in “The Illustrated Weekly” in 1912

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    The objective of the present article is to analyze Sine ira, the cycle of sketches by Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki, as a testimony of Stefan Żeromski’s impact on shaping historical and political ideas of his times, but also as the new manner the works of a known artist functioned on the pages of „Illustrated Weekly”. After having presented current reviews and publication of Żeromski’s oeuvre, in 1912 the editors of the Warsaw journal offer its readers a critical overview of The History of Sin and Rose, both inspired by the revolution of 1905-1907. The accusations unmasking the “errors” in thinking and writing about the revolution formulated by the journalist take into consideration particularly the recipient’s perspective. These accusations are becoming part of the journal’s strategy to inform about conflicts, current in the context of growing antagonisms in Europe.The objective of the present article is to analyze Sine ira, the cycle of sketches by Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki, as a testimony of Stefan Żeromski’s impact on shaping historical and political ideas of his times, but also as the new manner the works of a known artist functioned on the pages of „Illustrated Weekly”. After having presented current reviews and publication of Żeromski’s oeuvre, in 1912 the editors of the Warsaw journal offer its readers a critical overview of The History of Sin and Rose, both inspired by the revolution of 1905-1907. The accusations unmasking the “errors” in thinking and writing about the revolution formulated by the journalist take into consideration particularly the recipient’s perspective. These accusations are becoming part of the journal’s strategy to inform about conflicts, current in the context of growing antagonisms in Europe

    Balancing on the edge of word: specificity of women’s accounts of concentration camp life (Delbo, Millu, Szmaglewska, Żywulska)

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    The problem of presenting the traumatic experience of deportation and detention in a concentration camp is still painfully topical, the more so that hitherto existing methods and linguistic strategies provide no useful tools for its investigation, being either frustratingly ineffective, or altogether useless. Over time, a certain regularity in handling the problem has become noticeable, i.e. a distinctive separation of the available accounts of the experience into those provided by women and those evidenced by men. The answer to the question of how to narrate has to be then preceded by an appropriate question on social, cultural and gender identity of the narrator. On the basis of the exemplary accounts by four former inmates of the concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau it is possible to understand the specificity and uniqueness of feminine perception of the camp’s reality. The accounts provided by Charlotte Delbo, Liana Millu, Seweryna Szmaglewska and Krystyna Żywulska — all easily identifiable by the different adopted form of message conveyance — share the specificity of women’s subjects raised, aspects closely related to the structure of a woman and her existence in responding to extreme conditions, often omitted in accounts provided by male witnesses. Camp pregnancies, dramatic deliveries, pseudo-scientific experiments, rapes and prostitution — all these constitute additional themes related to by women, victims to the above