28,371 research outputs found

    Protection of valuable areas of local cultural heritage in sustainable development. Cultural parks in the Lodz Region

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    Cultural park is one of the forms, in which valuable areas and historical establishments are protected under the Polish law. Protection covers “space” in its entirety with elements of wild nature and man-made structures. Such spaces have been shaped by the history of human interventions into a unique and original cultural landscape, a complex spatial structure consisting of: passages (rivers, channels, roads, and borders), plains (meadows, fields, water reservoirs, and forests), and objects (natural objects and monuments). They ensure sustainability of development processes. In circumstances created by globalisation, investment pressure, and seeking short-term benefits, comprehensive protection of valuable cultural areas acquires special importance from the point of view of sustainable growth. The paper aims to identify valuable areas of local cultural heritage in the context of sustainable development on the example of cultural parks established in the Lodz voivodeship

    Promotional dilemmas of a tourism product of environmentally valuable areas

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    The study involves the issues of promotional activities undertaken in terms of supporting a tourism product of environmentally valuable areas. It includes the theoretical aspects of promoting a tourism product and the structure of a tourism product of environmentally valuable areas. There is also a discussion on typical forms of tourism movement in environmentally valuable areas. The most significant part of the work includes issues concerning the promotion of a tourism product of an environmentally valuable area and an indication of their limits. The objective of the study is to consider dilemmas pertaining to promotional activities undertaken to give marketing support to a tourism product of an environmentally valuable area, especially in terms of its range and intensity

    Evolution Of Vegetation, Relief And Geology In Central Poland Under Anthropopressure

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    Published in: Origin of Relief of Central Poland and Its Anthropogenic Transformation in Łódź University Geographical Research, edited by. E.Kobojek, T.MarszałThe review of the localities with biogenic, slope, fluvial and aeolian deposits in which the indirect impact of human activity on their ori gin is recorded, shows that evidence of changes of the vegetation pat tern and evolution of the relief and geological structure are in Central Poland particularly numerous. The exact correlation of the sites is beyond the scope of this chapter, due to the strictly local nature of prehistoric anthropopressure and a variety of environmental condi tions. Nevertheless it is possible to draw some general remarks. 1. More significant changes in the relief and geology of Central Poland that occurred under human pressure date back to the Neo holocene (the Early Subboreal Period and Subatlantic Period). More pronounced transformation of the slopes, river valley bottoms and aeolian landforms occurred since the Middle Bronze Age, around 3500 years ago. 2. The punctuated changes, in both vegetation and abiotic com ponents of the environment, were marked at the earliest in the large river valleys (e.g. Warta, Ner, Bzura rivers) and minor valleys within the Warsaw-Berlin pradolina. In higher lying parts of Central Po land, these changes on a similar scale emerged much later, only after ca. 2000–2500 years. It was connected with much worse conditions for the settlements in areas of more diversified relief configuration, with poorer soils and limited access to water. 3. The transformation of the vegetation, relief and geological structure took place gradually, along with the expansion of prehis toric settlement of the Trzciniec Culture , the Lusatian Culture and the Przeworsk Culture, whereas in the historical period – along with Early Medieval settlement. Less important for these changes were the impact of people of the Neolithic cultures, and short-stay of peo ple of the Pomeranian Culture in the Central Poland area. 4. The studied transformations were driven by both natural factors, particularly climate, which has changed during the Holo cene repeatedly (but on a relatively moderate scale), and by anthro pogenic factors, the importance of which was growing rapidly in the expansion phases of prehistoric cultures. These influences are rela tively easy to distinguish in the palynological profiles by a well-de fined group of plants accompanying the settlement and economy, whereas their distinguishing in the relief and geology transforma tions is much more difficult. However, it should be stressed that the development of the slopes and aeolian geosystems, and superim posing increased fluvial activity, in many cases were synchronous. This synchronous response, noting at the same time in different sed imentary environments, rather indicates the dominance of anthro pogenic factor, because the humid climate, favourable to stimulate fluvial and slope processes is less favourable for the simultaneous development of aeolian relief. Favourable natural conditions un doubtedly facilitated breaking the balance of the geosystem and the initiation of processes and their more efficient course under anthro pogenic changes of the environment. 5. The trends of the Neoholocene relief transformations were very different. Both processes, leading to local increases of relief and diversified terrain morphology (e.g. gully erosion, so-called wheel erosion, formation of agricultural terraces, accumulation of series overlaying of Late Glacial dunes) and the processes of op posite trends (e.g. aggradation of valley bottoms, tillage erosion, dismant ling of old dunes). Most Neoholocene morphogenetic pro cesses resulted in the increased lithological differentiation, soil for mation and increasing geodiversity of the environment. 6. A number of processes that affected the nature of the vegeta tion, relief and geology was a targeted, intentional and direct inter ference (e.g. land clearance in order to obtain arable fields, energy raw materials and building materials, construction of embankments in river valleys, exploitation of till, sand and other aggregates). How ever, most of the changes should be regarded as unintended and negative, so to speak, a side effect of centuries of settlement and economy. There may be mentioned here: planation of slopes used for agriculture, gully erosion, wheel erosion, the spread of poor aeo lian areas or the increase in the frequency and scale of floods in the Central Poland rivers as a result of an accelerated water circulation on the vegetation-free slopes. 7. Obviously, the Holocene morphogenetic cycle occurred in the past (and is still occurring) under human impact, which proves the J. Dylik’s thesis quoted in the Introduction. This cycle, superim posed on the periglacial morphogenesis, partially obliterates its ef fects and partially only modifies them. Taking into account the short duration of the Holocene cycle, it is characterised by a large dynam ics of the processes being accelerated and intensified by man

    Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Development in the New EU Member States: Environmental Aspects

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the potential impact of foreign investors' activities on the environment of the new European Union's Member States and discuss a role of a common environmental policy and member states' policies towards foreign investors. The analysis embraces three new EU countries, namely the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. The scope of the analysis are years 1997- 2007. The subject of the analysis is the sector and branch structure of FDI stock in the new EU Member States with special reference to FDI located in pollution-intensive industries which are selected according to the UNCTAD classification. Both the OECD and national data base of statistics is used to calculate the share of foreign investors' involvement in pollution-intensive activities in the new UE Member States. The research results show that as yet there has been no empirical evidence that FDI has a particularly negative impact on the natural environment in the new EU Member States.Celem artykulu jest zbadanie potencjalnego wplywu dzialalności inwestorów zagranicznych na środowisko w nowych krajach czlonkowskich Unii Europejskiej (UE) oraz ocena roli wspólnej polityki ochrony środowiska UE i polityki wobec inwestorów zagranicznych w tym zakresie. Analiza obejmuje trzy nowe kraje czlonkowskie UE, tj. Czechy, Polskę i Słowację. Zakres czasowy analizy to lata 1997-2007. Przedmiotem analizy jest struktura sektorowa i branżowa skumulowanych bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych (BIZ) w tych krajach, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem BIZ ulokowanych w przemyslach intensywnie zanieczyszczających środowisko. Do określenia tych przemyslów wykorzystano klasyfikację UNCTAD. W analizie statystycznej wykorzystano bazę danych OECD oraz statystyki narodowe. Wyniki badań wskazują, że - jak dotychczas - nie ma empirycznych dowodów, iż BIZ mają szczególnie negatywny wplyw na środowisko w nowych krajach czlonkowskich UE

    Policy instruments’ adjustment for green economy

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    The author presents an idea of the Sustainable Development as a concept connected with social market economy and then the history and parallel programs of green economy. He also explains ideas of new economy and the knowledge – based economy as synonyms. At the end there are described instruments for the implementation of the green economy in USA, European Union and Poland.Wydanie współfinansowane ze środków Miasta Łodzi w ramach zadania “Współpraca z wyższymi uczelniami” – umowa 100/03/201

    Nature value of the environment in Poland and its protection

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    Published in: Natural environment of Poland and its protection in Łódź University Geographical Research, edited by E. Kobojek and T.Marsza

    An Evaluation of Changes in the Bioclimate of Łódź in the Light of the Tourism Climate Index

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    The paper presents basic information concerning bioclimatic conditions in Łódź based on the Tourism Climate Index (TCI). The index makes it possible to assess in a comprehensive manner, based on specified meteorological parameters, the climatic conditions affecting the development of tourism. The study uses measurements from the weather station, Łódź-Lublinek, taken in the years 1966-2014. The TCI values have a distinct annual pattern with the highest values recorded in summer. The summer season has the highest frequency of days with ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ conditions for tourism. An assessment of the variability of bioclimatic conditions indicates an increase in the number of days with high TCI values pointing to ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ conditions for tourism and recreation

    Green jobs – good practices

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    The concept of green jobs began to spread along with the development of the concept of the green economy. The development of the green economy requires structural changes, including the creation of green jobs. Their creation is important from the economic, ecological and social points of view. For this reason, the article presents their essence, regulations associated with them, the good practices of European players in the creation of green jobs as well as the benefits associated with them.Wydanie współfinansowane ze środków Miasta Łodzi w ramach zadania “Współpraca z wyższymi uczelniami” – umowa 100/03/201

    Fitoremediacja - alternatywa na czyste środowisko

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    Postęp przemysłowy i cywilizacyjny, oprócz bezsprzecznych korzyści, niesie za sobą degradację środowiska. Obiecujące możliwości w procesach remediacji – usuwania różnego rodzaju zanieczyszczeń z atmosfery, gleby i wody daje zastosowanie roślin. W fitoremediacji wykorzystuje się naturalną zdolność wybranych gatunków roślin do wzrostu i rozwoju w ekosystemach skażonych substancjami organicznymi i nieorganicznymi, a także ich pobierania i detoksykacji. Naturalne fitoremediatory powinny charakteryzować się rozwiniętym systemem korzeniowym, szybkim wzrostem, dużą produkcją biomasy, tolerancją na skażenia oraz zdolnością akumulowania kilku zanieczyszczeń jednocześnie. Ze względu na sposób, w jaki rośliny wpływają na oczyszczanie skażonych ekosystemów, wyróżnia się główne techniki fitoremediacji: fitoekstrakcję, fitodegradację, fitostabilizację, fitoewaporację i ryzofiltrację. W rzeczywistości jednak mechanizmy usuwania czy detoksykacji zanieczyszczeń są bardziej złożone i często wynikają z połączenia różnego rodzaju metod. Fitoremediacja – jak każda metoda – posiada niewątpliwe zalety, jak również pewne ograniczenia, ale generalnie uważana jest za metodę przyjazną środowisku, tanią, mało inwazyjną i akceptowalną społecznie. Technika ta jest powszechnie postrzegana jako alternatywa dla ingerujących w środowisko metod fizyko-chemicznych, które mogą przyczyniać się do wtórnych zanieczyszczeń gleby, wody oraz powietrza. Fitoremediacja znajduje szerokie zastosowanie na zdegradowanych terenach poprzemysłowych, gdzie pomaga przywrócić je do takiego stanu, aby mogły być użytkowane jako obszary rekreacyjne lub mieszkalne.Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Białymstok

    Urban Land Use Planning

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    Published in: Origin Spatial Development of Contemporary Poland in Łódź University Geographical Research, edited by T.MarszałUrban land-use planning is still one of the key questions in research conducted by the Faculty of Geography at the University of Łódź. The particular character of works conducted in Łódź derives from the strong emphasis which is put on their practical application; the basis of many publications is the need to solve emerging practical problems. It also means constant cooperation with local administration, urban planners and other people involved in the practical activity, which is easier thanks to the fact that many members of the local administration staff are graduates from the Faculty of Geography in Łódź. A serious difficulty in preparing this chapter laid in choosing appropriate publications which, due to the limited capacity, were chosen subjectively and selectively, and were classified ambiguously. An indisputable gap was left in reference to the data and research results that had never been published. Nevertheless, they constitute a great number of works created by staff members of the Faculty of Geography, adding up to over 30%. 1 It is also worth mentioning that many studies have been carried out as responses to particular needs of certain organizations, or ordered by local or national administration, as well as state institutions involved in land-use planning in Poland. The cooperation is usually temporary, based on handling particular works and achieving specific goals. They result in preparing e.g. development strategies (e.g. in towns of Inowrocław and Uniejów), projects of new administrative division (dividing Łódź into local units, delimitation of the Łódź Voivodship), land use inventory (e.g. in Aleksandrów Łódzki), city revitalisation conceptions (e.g. Pabianice), experts’ reports on changing administrative borders (Szadek, Skierniewice), cooperation of metropolitan areas (Łódź and Warsaw) and many more. Undoubtedly, the above proves the great value of the competences of the Faculty of Geography staff members