32,555 research outputs found

    The noise pollution of maritime traffic: the case of the dardanelles’ ferries

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    As an archipelago country, Indonesian coastal areas are the most dynamic and strategic areas for development as they provide many resources for human livelihood. At the same time, however, coastal areas are also prone to environmental hazards such as erosion and sedimentation processes. Erosion along the coast may cause loss of coastal land and damage infrastructures and buildings. The Semarang City, Tegal Regency, and Demak Regency of the Central Java Province are especially vulnerable to coastal erosion. This paper examines both the phenomenon and mitigation of erosion hazards in Central Java. It was found that in Semarang City, for the past 100 years coastal erosion has threatened facilities and land use along the coast causing extensive loss of coastal land. The local government has embarked on several mitigating measures including the construction of dykes and sea walls. Similarly, coastal erosion and abrasion had damaged tourism infrastructures and diminished the coastal land of the Tegal Regency since 1994. In Demak it led to the relocation of settlement and damage of aquaculture. Given the significant role of the city of Semarang, Tegal and Demak in the ongoing development of Central Java the issues of coastal erosion should have garnered serious attention from local and provincial government. Needless to say, coordination between planning and implementation of mitigation measures need to be comprehensive and enhanced

    Determination of Agents and Their Strategies in River Basin according to Game Theory

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    Ecological approaches in planning discipline have been discussed since 1960s, but the coordination between economical developments, environmental sustainability and planning is lack. We observe that environmental problems continue increase. In existing planning approaches, by natural resources are being evaluated in plans. However it is known that this is not sufficient to formulate the relationship between environmental value and planning decision-making process In an approach of planning that aims to protect the environmental values and balanced use of these values, it is important that plan borders and management site. There is no possibility for sustainability if the plan borders overlap with the river basin?s borders. The aim of this study is to determine the players who decides about usage of resources in Susurluk river basin and affects the environmental quality and to find out the their strategies and conflicts. This study, which aims to find the optimum balance between conflicts of decision-makers by ?game theory?, is survey of an unfinished doctorate thesis. ?Game theory?, which is a mathematical approach that explains the rational behaviour of the conflicted agents and explains the utility for them, is used in economics and international relations. It is easier to define agents and their competition, and their conflicts in these areas, however it is more difficult to do that in environmental issues and planning because there are a lot of players and strategies in the game. The important thing is finding out the players and analysing them. In this study, basic parts of the game will be determined in order to use them in the game theory method. Basic parts of the game are players, acts, information, strategies, pay offs, outcomes and equilibrium. At the end of the study while players and acts will be determined, the answers about the play will be found the pure strategies and mixed strategies are, if there is any cooperation in the game, expected utility, risk and uncertainty situations. Then all will be discussed for determining the rules of the game. Susurluk River Basin, which is chosen as the study area, has high level of pollution due to the development of industry and increase of population. There are 81 municipalities near the river basin that is under control of 3 city authorities. The method selected for the study will search the water pollution in the river basin first. Water pollution analysis that is done in 1982 and 2000 will be determined by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resource - The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) in the water pollution research. Sides in other words players will be determined by investigating the pollution source and who is effected at the polluted points. Examining the horizontal and vertical relationships and existing laws helps to determine the strategies and operations of the players in the management organisation of the river basin. Strategies and benefits will be discussed with authorised personnel of municipality, ministry, and governorship. Key Words: sustainable development, river basin planning, game theory

    What influences the emergence of a new subject in schools? The case of environmental education

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    New subjects are always emerging but only some gain a place in the formal school curriculum. In fact, most of the now accepted conventional school subjects have, at some stage, struggled to become established. This paper presents findings of a three-year study of teacher and school responses to the introduction of environmental education (EE) as a new subject within the Taiwan national curriculum. School leaders and teachers were interviewed the year prior to the introduction of the new curriculum and during the first two years of implementation. Findings substantiate the importance of six themes (such as examination status and a university pathway) raised in elaborations of the traditional Layton/Goodson model. However, the complex community-school relationships and the value accorded in EE to community-based and even global action, as opposed to academic outcomes, highlighted the need for curriculum policy makers to consider expanding the traditional model with another five themes and most importantly introducing three particular themes. When seeking to promote the emergence of a holistic and integrative subject such as environmental education there is a need to also consider local environment involvement, the transformative nature of EE within whole school involvement, and linkages with a national cooperation network. Without these factors it appears EE may struggle to gain a place in the curriculum

    Konaklama i̇şletmeleri̇nde çevreye duyarlı uygulamalar: Yeşi̇l yıldızlı otelleri̇n web si̇teleri̇ni̇n i̇ncelenmesi̇

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    Çevreye duyarlı uygulamaları ile yeşil yıldız belgesi alan işletme sayısı her geçen gün hızla artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yeşil yıldıza sahip konaklama işletmelerinin çevreye duyarlı uygulamalarının incelenmesidir. Bu kapsamda çevreye duyarlı, yeşil yıldız belgeli tesislerin web siteleri Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın bu işletmeler ile ilgili kriterleri temel alınarak içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz sonucunda 7 temel kod ve 12 alt kod oluşturulmuştur. Bu kodlar konaklama işletmelerinin genel yönetim kategorisi altında çevre politikası, ödül ve sertifikalar ile etkinlikler, eğitim kategorisi altında personel eğitimi ve misafir eğitimi, çevre uyumu kategorisi altında ekolojik çevre ve ekolojik mimari, enerji ve su kategorisi altında enerji tasarrufu, su tasarrufu ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynağı kullanımı, atıklar ve kimyasallar kategorisi altında atıkların değerlendirilmesi ve kimyasalların kullanılmaması, yiyecek-içecek ve çevre ile ilgili diğer konularda yaptığı uygulamalardan elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak konaklama işletmelerinin büyük çoğunluğunun web sitelerinde yeşil yıldız belgesi ve çevre yönetimi ile ilgili uygulamaları hakkında bilgi vermediği ortaya çıkmıştır. Öte yandan çevreye duyarlı konaklama işletmelerinin web sitelerinde en fazla yer verilen çevre unsuru ödül ve sertifikalar iken, en fazla üzerinde durulan konular da çevre politikası, atıkların değerlendirilmesi, personel ve misafir eğitimi ile enerji tasarrufudur. Çevre ile ilgili duyarlılığın artması doğrultusunda yeşil yıldız belgesine sahip olan konaklama işletmelerinin yaptığı çevre uygulamalarını bir pazarlama aracı olarak web sitelerinde daha fazla duyurmaları önerilmektedir

    Statistical Approaches in GIS-Based Techniques for Sustainable Planning: Kayaçukuru Case

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    The purpose of this study is to make both a summary and additional descriptive and inferential statistical analyses for a completed thesis on "Sustainable/Environment Friendly Development Planning of Fethiye-Kayaçukuru Using GIS-Based Techniques" (M.Sc. in the Graduate School of Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies, Middle East Technical University, Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Oğuz Işık, September 2000, 214 pages). The statistical analyses explained in this paper comprise a part of the whole GIS-based techniques developed for a case study about Fethiye-Kayaçukuru Plain to explore the contributions of such an approach. In this respect, first, the study area, spatial and non-spatial data and the way they are handled are introduced. Then, the performed statistical descriptive and predictive analyses/models and their interpretations in the developed "loose-coupled" "decision/planning support system" are mentioned. Finally, the concluding remarks of the study are discussed emphasising the contributions of this approach in the sustainable/environment friendly development planning and in particular for the Plain. Keywords: Sustainable/environment friendly development, decision/planning support system, non-spatial and spatial statistical analyses, statistical testing, modelling.

    Political economy of citizens’ participation in environmental improvement: The case of Istanbul

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    We aim at questioning, within a political economy framework, the institutional context of environmental policies for the case of Turkey in general and of Istanbul in particular. The paper is centred around a survey study conducted with citizens of Istanbul (n=1565), a metropolitan city whose population is around 9 millions, with regard to their attitudes and behaviours on environmental issues, together with a set of in-depth interviews (n=16) carried out with representatives of business, NGOs, trade unions, and bureaucrats. The point of departure of the paper is the claim that environmental policies are likely to alter, overtly or covertly, the income distribution of societies, and ipso facto those who will be worse off in the ex-post sense will have a clear incentive to influence public authorities and politicians (be they central or local units) in not implementing them—their success depending of course on the extent to which the governing body is not sterile but open to corruption (the so-called “government failures”). The implication of the existence of such government failures on the enforceability of regulations dealing with environmental issues is certainly an area to which attention has recently been given, both at theoretical and empirical levels, where the issue of institutional context has emerged as one if not the important issue in addressing such failures. Turkey, being one of the clear examples of the existence of such corruptive elements, should certainly offer rich inputs to the said discussion, and the paper makes an attempt to questioning the institutional aspect of environmental policies from the point of view of citizens of Istanbul and of different stakeholders.political economy; environment; citizen participation; Istanbul

    The Concept of Neighbourhood in Contemporary Residential Environments: An Investigation of Occupants' Perception

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    The dwelling occupant satisfaction is related to the efficiency of the combination of numerous factors stemming from the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the various components of the residential environment. Those components exist at a whole scale ranging from an interior space within the housing unit to the whole urban environment. This study aimed to explore the immediate social and physical environment around the dwelling unit, which is often referred to as “neighbourhood”. In addition to the physical space that the concept reminds, the term neighbourhood is also used to describe a socially distinguished area depending on residents’ perception. In the traditional sense, this physical space is outlined with virtual boundaries that are traced differently in the minds of each individual according to the life style and type of social interaction and the type of use of the physical environment. The perceptions of residents’ in relation with this neighbourhood area are also affected with both physical and social characteristics of the concerned environment. This paper aimed to investigate the situation of the neighbourhood concept in contemporary urban residential environments by making use of the data obtained from two distinct independent housing researches conducted in Turkey. The analysis and evaluation of the findings together with an overview of the literature reflecting the traditional and contemporary neighbourhood concepts in Turkish residential environments, reveals that changes are about to occur in the definition, creation and experiencing of the neighbourhood issue. The evaluation of the literature, manifestos and approaches of most housing institutions and policy builders in the contemporary world expose a rather increasing interest to the issue of neighbourhood as the concept constitutes an important component of residential satisfaction. The findings of this study indicate that the neighbourhood feeling in contemporary urban environments is now less dependent on the sharing of common close physical residential environment due to housing initiatives driven by liberal / random land use options, financial viability and profitability. The benefits expected of the use of the close physical environment is disregarded due to possibilities obtained with increasing mobility and transportation facilities. The remote activities and life styles of dwelling occupants become the basic factors that shape the social environment. The segregation of the close social environment from the close physical environment is a major source for residential environment dissatisfaction. A conclusion drawn from the findings is that the physical properties of the close built environment may act as sources of dissatisfaction if the residents’ perception of neighbourhood notion is disregarded during residential environment design. Hints to increase dwelling occupants’ satisfaction from the residential environment lies in redefining the neighbourhood concept through creating adequate, functioning, distinct, value added common spaces that ease admittance and social interaction. However, those spaces shall be a part of the urban tissue. The long-term effects of physical segregation, clustering of the residential environments, creating of sprawl type settlements shall be re-evaluated

    Sustainability versus development: Mudanya's war of survival as a liveable city

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    Sustainable development assumes that the natural and historical resources of a city which constitute to its local characteristics, will not yield to urban and regional pressures. Economies of the advanced capitalist countries are more or less equal and efficient and sustainability can be developed as a criteria but what about the developing countries? Will they sustain their inequalities and inefficiencies? This concept assumes that every settlement had reached to a certain level of development so is far away from all the pressures of growth. But in developing countries such as Turkey, the basic concern is not the sustainability but the survival of local characteristics. Our anxiety is to regain the liveable characteristics of our cities which have already been dismissed and to achieve a certain level of liveability by increasing the quality of life. The most important problem of developing countries is the physical pressure originating from their level of growth not reached to a point of saturation. Mudanya, Turkey, lives this occasion in such a process worth to discuss. The current developments in Mudanya accomplish a striking example to an urban settlement's war in order not to lose its liveability against metropolitan growth. Deterioration of local values has gained speed especially with the planning of this settlement in Bursa Metropolitan Area. These values can be summarized as sea, the productive agricultural lands and cultural property. g The paper will discuss the concept of survivability within the example of Mudanya by conserving/protecting these values.


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    Rapid growth of urban areas and their development problems in industrializing countries has had major impacts on the environment. Water, the main source of life on earth is under the threat of various types of pollution. These threats have been forceful in demonstrating the necessity of the management and planning of drainage basins. The importance of the evaluation of the total economic value of the water resources and aquatic ecosystems of drainage basins has not yet been accepted in the current planning system of Turkey. In Turkey a total number of 36 public agencies take part in the decision making process within a drainage basin. Decisions taken by these agencies with respect to the use of land and water affect the quality and sustainability of water as a natural resource. These agencies act under a legal structure comprising 105 different laws and regulations related to the environment and this creates additional confusion in planning practice. The situation calls for the organization of special drainage management institutions for drainage basins. The aim of this study is to explore the use of game theory to analyze the roles and actions of different interest groups (players) and develop a better understanding of the decision making process and its consequences on a drainage basin. In this study, we use the case of a river sub-basin from the north-western region of Turkey: the Nilüfer Watershed that contains fertile agricultural lands and the third biggest industrial city in Turkey. The Nilüfer Stream is deeply polluted by industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewater. There are 1 metropolitan municipality, 20 district municipalities and 8 provincial authorities of central government within the watershed. All players have strategies about environment and planning such as land use decision, waste water standard and discharge permitting etc. Some strategies conflict the other players’ strategies. Game theory, which aims to explain the interactive decision making process with more than one decision maker, has developed as a theory of human strategic behavior based on an idealized picture of rational decision making (Binmore, 1996; Eichberger, 1992). The game theory has been applied to social sciences especially to economy, international relations, politics, which are in the state of making decisions in non-cooperative conditions. Although there is limited in number the game theory applications in planning, they are very important studies on location problem in spatial planning such as Stevens, (1961), Isard and Reiner, (1962), Isard, (1967). There are also new studies that use the game theory in planning. Sharing problem of river as a natural resource is the main study area in planning (Dinar and Wolf, 1994; Kilot, 1994; Kucukmekmetoglu and Guldman, 2002; Rogers, 1993). Game theory applications on environmental problems started in 1990s. Environmental problems such as transfrontier pollution (air or water) are often multilateral, and they affect all the agents in the economies of countries. There are studies in which air pollution problem is analyzed by the game theory with the cooperation of neighbor countries such as Ray (2000), Maler and Zeeuw (1998), Barret (1998). In this research an in depth analysis is made to understand the preferences and attitudes of different players taking part within the Nilüfer watershed. Players generally make independent decisions without any form of cooperation situation. Therefore, non-cooperative game is used in this analyze. The decision making process of the players are analyzed through a scenario in two-player games. The scenario is about strategies of environmental protection and industrial development in the watershed. We explore Nash equilibrium in game which represents present condition. Nash (1950) proved the existence of a strategic equilibrium for non-cooperative games. The main outcome of the paper will be to point to new directions in the planning process and to open to discussion the use of game theory in planning. Game theoretic approach will make it easier for the agents to cooperate if the conflicts in the planned area are clearly defined. It is possible to achieve cooperative bargaining solutions where all agents are winners. Actually, this is the target of planning because sustainable development of the river basin depends on bargaining where all agents are winners.


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    The natural environment and manufacturing are becoming inextricably linked. Factors such as scare resources, changing customer expectations, legal obligations, environmental social movements led to the transformation of traditional production perspective based on cost effective value. Businesses started to develop their manufacturing activities through ecological value by their environmental practices along with maximizing their profitibility. The environmental-oriented pro-duction is at the more on focus. Environmental responsibilities and consequences linked to these are assessed as important performance indicators besides productivity and profitibality variables. Nowadays businesses realized that the production of ecological value turning into economical val-ue eventually. Businesses have to integrate their production management decisions and environ-ment management principles in order to accomplish environmental production systems in the structure that the pressure groups such as stakeholders, colleaques and legislative regulations play a part. In this study; production activities were evaluated in terms of environment-oriented per-spective. Study has been viewed in title; development process of environmental management, driv-ing forces of proactive environmental management, business and environmental interactions, envi-ronmental practices of the production function and environmental performance