52,227 research outputs found

    New type of vulnerability curve gives insight in the hydraulic capacitance and conductivity of the xylem

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    Drought vulnerability of trees and other woody plants is much debated in the context of climate change, which creates a high interest in understanding plant water relations. The role and functioning of internal water storage is crucial, but still insufficiently understood. Drought vulnerability is typically assessed by considering loss in conductivity in function of decreasing xylem water potential, in a so-called ‘vulnerability curve’. The xylem water potential at which a certain percentage of conductivity is lost (usually 50%) gives an indication of the vulnerability to cavitation. In a ‘desorption curve’, we can examine the release of water from internal storage tissues with decreasing water potential. Both curves are very valuable, but rely on a sequence of manual measurements (xylem water potential, hydraulic conductivity and water content) and are time-consuming. Therefore, we propose a new type of vulnerability curve that is based on continuous measurements of diameter shrinkage and ultrasonic acoustic emissions (UAE). We monitored weight loss, xylem diameter shrinkage and UAE and measured xylem water potential during the dehydration of excised branches of Vitis vinifera L. ‘Johanniter’. The vulnerability curves could be interpreted in terms of water loss in elastic and inelastic tissues. The proposed method can be a tool to assess hydraulic capacitance and conductivity of the xylem

    Xylem surfactants introduce a new element to the cohesion-tension theory

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    Vascular plants transport water under negative pressure without constantly creating gas bubbles that would disable their hydraulic systems. Attempts to replicate this feat in artificial systems almost invariably result in bubble formation, except under highly controlled conditions with pure water and only hydrophilic surfaces present. In theory, conditions in the xylem should favor bubble nucleation even more: there are millions of conduits with at least some hydrophobic surfaces, and xylem sap is saturated or sometimes supersaturated with atmospheric gas and may contain surface-active molecules that can lower surface tension. So how do plants transport water under negative pressure? Here, we show that angiosperm xylem contains abundant hydrophobic surfaces as well as insoluble lipid surfactants, including phospholipids, and proteins, a composition similar to pulmonary surfactants. Lipid surfactants were found in xylem sap and as nanoparticles under transmission electron microscopy in pores of intervessel pit membranes and deposited on vessel wall surfaces. Nanoparticles observed in xylem sap via nanoparticle-tracking analysis included surfactant-coated nanobubbles when examined by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Based on their fracture behavior, this technique is able to distinguish between dense-core particles, liquid-filled, bilayer-coated vesicles/liposomes, and gas-filled bubbles. Xylem surfactants showed strong surface activity that reduces surface tension to low values when concentrated as they are in pit membrane pores. We hypothesize that xylem surfactants support water transport under negative pressure as explained by the cohesion-tension theory by coating hydrophobic surfaces and nanobubbles, thereby keeping the latter below the critical size at which bubbles would expand to form embolisms

    Tree differences in primary and secondary growth drive convergent scaling in leaf area to sapwood area across Europe

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    open28siTrees scale leaf (AL) and xylem (AX) areas to couple leaf transpiration and carbon gain with xylem water transport. Some species are known to acclimate in AL : AX balance in response to climate conditions, but whether trees of different species acclimate in AL : AX in similar ways over their entire (continental) distributions is unknown. We analyzed the species and climate effects on the scaling of AL vs AX in branches of conifers (Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies) and broadleaved (Betula pendula, Populus tremula) sampled across a continental wide transect in Europe. Along the branch axis, AL and AX change in equal proportion (isometric scaling: b ˜ 1) as for trees. Branches of similar length converged in the scaling of AL vs AX with an exponent of b = 0.58 across European climates irrespective of species. Branches of slow‐growing trees from Northern and Southern regions preferentially allocated into new leaf rather than xylem area, with older xylem rings contributing to maintaining total xylem conductivity. In conclusion, trees in contrasting climates adjust their functional balance between water transport and leaf transpiration by maintaining biomass allocation to leaves, and adjusting their growth rate and xylem production to maintain xylem conductance.openGiai Petit; Georg von Arx; Natasa Kiorapostolou; Silvia Lechthaler; Angela Luisa Prendin; Tommaso Anfodillo; Maria C. Caldeira; Herve Cochard; Paul Copini; Alan Crivellaro; Roman Gebauer; Jozica Gricar; Leila Gronholm; Teemu Holtta; Tuula Jyske; Anna Lintunen; Raquel Lobo-do-Vale; Mikko Peltoniemi; Richard L. Peters; Sylvain Delzon; Martina Lavric; Elisabeth M. R. Robert; Sılvia Roig Juan; Martin Senfeldr; Kathy Steppe ; Josef Urban; Janne Van Camp; Frank SterckPetit, Giai; von Arx, Georg; Kiorapostolou, Natasa; Lechthaler, Silvia; Prendin, ANGELA LUISA; Anfodillo, Tommaso; Caldeira, Maria C.; Cochard, Herve; Copini, Paul; Crivellaro, Alan; Gebauer, Roman; Gricar, Jozica; Gronholm, Leila; Holtta, Teemu; Jyske, Tuula; Lintunen, Anna; Lobo-do-Vale, Raquel; Peltoniemi, Mikko; Peters, Richard L.; Delzon, Sylvain; Lavric, Martina; Robert, Elisabeth M. R.; Roig Juan, Sılvia; Senfeldr, Martin; Steppe, Kathy; Urban, Josef; Van Camp, Janne; Sterck, Fran

    Natural variation at XND1 impacts root hydraulics and trade-off for stress responses in Arabidopsis

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    Soil water uptake by roots is a key component of plant performance and adaptation to adverse environments. Here, we use a genome-wide association analysis to identify the XYLEM NAC DOMAIN 1 (XND1) transcription factor as a negative regulator of Arabidopsis root hydraulic conductivity (Lp). The distinct functionalities of a series of natural XND1 variants and a single nucleotide polymorphism that determines XND1 translation efficiency demonstrate the significance of XND1 natural variation at species-wide level. Phenotyping of xnd1 mutants and natural XND1 variants show that XND1 modulates Lp through action on xylem formation and potential indirect effects on aquaporin function and that it diminishes drought stress tolerance. XND1 also mediates the inhibition of xylem formation by the bacterial elicitor flagellin and counteracts plant infection by the root pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Thus, genetic variation at XND1, and xylem differentiation contribute to resolving the major trade-off between abiotic and biotic stress resistance in Arabidopsis

    The effects of Moina artificial diet and nutrase xyla supplemented artificial diet on growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus larvae

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    An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of Moina, artificial diet (55% CP) and nutrase xyla supplemented artificial diet on growth performances and survival rates of Clarias gariepinus larvae. A combination of Moina and artificial diet (with or without nutrass xyla) resulted in higher growth performance and survival rates during a 12-day nursing time with specific growth rates of 30.04-32.15% d super(-1) and survival rates of 87.5-90%. Best growth performance and survival rate was obtained with a combination of Moina and artificial diet supplemented with nutrias xylem. Feeding of Moina and artificial diet supplemented, with nutrias xyla alone to the larval led to a lower growth performance of 25.60-27.04% d super(-1). However, the survival rate of Monia of larvae fed a combination of Moina and artificial diet (with or without nutrias xylem supplementation) artificial diet without nutrias xylem addition proved relatively less suitable for larval rearing of Clarias gariepinus owing to a low survival rate of 69% and growth performance of 19.7% d super(-1). This study showed the feasibility of feeding a combination of Moina and nutrias xylem supplemented artificial diet to the larvae of Clarias gariepinu

    Distribution of xylem hydraulic resistance in fruiting truss of tomato influenced by water stress

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    In this study xylem hydraulic resistances of peduncles (truss stalk), pedicels (fruit stalk) and the future abscission zone (AZ) halfway along the pedicel of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants were directly measured at different stages of fruit development, in plants grown under two levels of water availability in the root environment. The xylem hydraulic connection between shoot and fruits has previously been investigated, but contradictory conclusions were drawn about the presence of a flow resistance barrier in the pedicel. These conclusions were all based on indirect functional measurements and anatomical observations of water-conducting tissue in the pedicel. In the present study, by far the largest resistances were measured in the AZ where most individual vessels ended. Plants grown at low water availability in the root environment had xylem with higher hydraulic resistances in the peduncle and pedicel segments on both sides of the AZ, while the largest increase in hydraulic resistance was measured in the AZ. During fruit development hydraulic resistances in peduncle and pedicel segments decreased on both sides of the AZ, but tended to increase in the AZ. The overall xylem hydraulic resistance between the shoot and fruit tended to increase with fruit development because of the dominating role of the hydraulic resistance in the AZ. It is discussed whether the xylem hydraulic resistance in the AZ of tomato pedicels in response to water stress and during fruit development contributes to the hydraulic isolation of fruits from diurnal cycles of water stress in the shoot

    Studying in vivo dynamics of xylem-transported 11CO2 using positron emission tomography

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    Respired CO2 in woody tissues can build up in the xylem and dissolve in the sap solution to be transported through the plant. From the sap, a fraction of the CO2 can either be radially diffuse to the atmosphere or be assimilated in chloroplasts present in woody tissues. These processes occur simultaneously in stems and branches, making it difficult to study their specific dynamics. Therefore, an 11C-enriched aqueous solution was administered to young branches of Populus tremula L., which were subsequently imaged by positron emission tomography (PET). This approach allows in vivo visualization of the internal movement of CO2 inside branches at high spatial and temporal resolution, and enables direct measurement of the transport speed of xylem-transported CO2 (vCO2). Through compartmental modeling of the dynamic data obtained from the PET images, we (i) quantified vCO2 and (ii) proposed a new method to assess the fate of xylem-transported 11CO2 within the branches. It was found that a fraction of 0.49 min−1 of CO2 present in the xylem was transported upwards. A fraction of 0.38 min−1 diffused radially from the sap to the surrounding parenchyma and apoplastic spaces (CO2,PA) to be assimilated by woody tissue photosynthesis. Another 0.12 min−1 of the xylem-transported CO2 diffused to the atmosphere via efflux. The remaining CO2 (i.e., 0.01 min−1) was stored as CO2,PA, representing the build-up within parenchyma and apoplastic spaces to be assimilated or directed to the atmosphere. Here, we demonstrate the outstanding potential of 11CO2-based plant-PET in combination with compartmental modeling to advance our understanding of internal CO2 movement and the respiratory physiology within woody tissues

    Obstruction of Water Uptake in cut Chrysanthemum Stems after Dry Storage: Role of Wound-induced Increase in Enzyme Activities and Air Emboli

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    Hydraulic conductance of cut chrysanthemum stems was lowered by the aspiration of air as well as by a wound-induced plant response. By measuring the hydraulic conductance of stem segments in which air could be introduced into and/or removed from the xylem vessels at various times after harvest, we showed that the two processes, air aspiration and wound-induced reactions, occur independently. The pronounced xylem occlusion after a longer period of dry storage is due to the progress of the enzymatic wound-induced reaction in time superimposed on emboli due to aspired air. The wound-induced blockage was also present when air entrance was precluded from harvest. Measurements of enzyme activities in stems at time intervals from harvest showed that the activity of L- phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) increased after wounding in contrast to the activities of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase. This suggests a major role of PAL in the xylem occlusion caused by wounding of the flower ste
