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    Zagrepčani u mletačkim prekomorskim kopnenim postrojbama u 18. stoljeću

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    SrediÅ”nja tema rada usmjerena je na raŔčlambu udjela vojnika iz Zagreba u mletačkim prekomorskim kopnenim postrojbama (pjeÅ”aÅ”tvo i konjica) u 18. stoljeću. Rad se zasniva na izvornom arhivskom gradivu pohranjenom u Archivio di Stato di Venezia, a riječ je o popisima pripadnika pojedinih vojnih postrojbi koje je provodila državna magistratura Inquisitori sopra lā€™amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli. U uvodnome dijelu rada ukratko se iznose opći podaci o mletačkim prekomorskim postrojbama, dočim je srediÅ”nji dio teksta usmjeren na raŔčlambu konkretnih primjera prisutnosti vojnika iz Zagreba u navedenim mletačkim kopnenim snagama. Analizira se njihova brojnost tijekom 18. stoljeća, učestalost spominjanja u izvorima, iznose opći podaci o zapovjednicima postrojbi, razmatraju mjesta djelovanja pojedinih satnija te ukazuje na neke opće značajke onovremenih vojnika. U prilogu rada donosi se cjelovit pregled svih zagrebačkih vojnika zabilježenih (prema dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima) u mletačkome pjeÅ”aÅ”tvu i konjaniÅ”tvu

    Rečca zar u Krležinoj zbirci priča Hrvatski bog Mars

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    In his collection of stories Croatian God Mars, Miroslav Krleža used the zar particle 65 times. In the story Battle at Bistrica Lesna, this particle does not appear at all, and it is unevenly distributed in other stories. In some stories there are places of concentration, parts of the text in which several instances of this particle are located close to one another. The particle zar is most commonly used in the description of situations in which one person addresses another person or groups of people by asking questions to which no answer is expected. Such questions in Krležaā€™s stories are used by officers while they revile, curse and rebuke soldiers, especially officers Jugović (Magyar kirĆ”lyi honvĆ©d novella / ā€˜Royal Hungarian Soldier Novellaā€™) and Ratković (Three Soldiers). The use of the particle zar contributes to the characterization of these officers. Krleža used the same particle in the description of soldiersā€™ conversations. In these descriptions, when it appears in the conversations, the particle zar contributes to expressing the vivacity of the conversation. Rhetorical questions in which the particle zar appears are also used in the description of the content of internal monologues. Such questions are given an important role in the descriptions of the contemplations, to which both the officers and the soldiers are subject in moments of solitude, while thinking about their role and their position in the situation in which they find themselves.Posmatran je ukupan skup javljanja rečce zar u Krležinoj zbirci priča Hrvatski bog Mars. Pri osnovnom pregledu tog skupa jasno su uočene kvantitativne karakteristike: neravnomeran raspored reči zar po pojedinim pričama u zbirci, pojava mesta koncentracije na kojim javljanja rečce zar dolaze u blizini jedno drugog, zatim asimetrija javljanja kada je u pitanju raspored javljanja rečce zar u govoru pojedinih likova u priči. Tipična situacija u čijem je opisu upotrebljena rečca zar jeste oficirsko obraćanje vojnicima. Ona je doprinela da se u tom obraćanju iskažu: prekor, ruženje, uvrede, ispoljavanje besa, psovke, pretnje. Rečca zar se takođe javljala i u unutraÅ”njim monolozima, kao i u razgovorima koje vojnici vode među sobom. Upotreba rečce zar znatno je doprinela karakterizaciji likova kada su u pitanju oficiri. Njena upotreba omogućila je da u opisu do izražaja dođe živost razgovora koje vode vojnici, kao i da se opiÅ”e preispitivanje kojem su u trenucima osame podložni i oficiri i vojnici

    Social insects

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    Uspjeh funkcioniranja bilo koje zajednice zadružnih kukaca leži u sposobnosti da ma koliko god brojni oni bili, djeluju kao jedno. Da dobrobit kolonije stave ispred svojih vlastitih potreba. Odlika altruizma, spremnost žrtvovanja, podjela rada i kolektivna briga za mlade je neÅ”to iz čega koliko god mi napredniji bili ili mislili da jesmo joÅ” uvijek možemo učiti od njih. U ovome radu izloženi su pregledi najčeŔćih i najvažnijih zadruga kukaca te je povučena paralela između sličnosti i razlika među njima.Success of working any social community of insects is in ability to how ever many they there are they work as one. They put the well-being of colony before there own needs. Altruism, self-sacrifice, reproductive division of labor and cooperative care of young is something that however evolved we are or we think we are, still can learn form them. In this work is a short review of the most important social community of insects and they are compared to each other to see what resemblances and differences are

    Oprema rimskoga vojnika u prvo doba carstva II.

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    Salonitan Inscriptions of Soldiers and Veterans in Administrative and Religious Posts in Some Cities of Roman Dalmatia

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    Rad je posvećen vojnicima i veteranima koji su uspjeli ostvariti neke upravne, administrativne i svećeničke dužnosti u tri dalmatinska grada. Radi se o jednom centurionu, namjesnikovu beneficijariju i trojici veterana koji su bili aktivni u Saloni, Ekvu i Flanoni, gdje su dvojica od njih obavljali neke svećeničke funkcije.One damaged and four complete Salonitan inscriptions confirm the active soldiers or veterans who in Salona, Aequum and Flanona carried out various administrative and sacerdotal duties. The first group contains three in governmental and religious posts in Salona, one in Flanona, at the time between the reign of Claudius and the first half of the 2nd century. Gaius Curiatius Secundus (cat. no. 1) from the 7th Legion Claudia pia fidelis after AD 42 and the acquisition of the status of veteran in Salona carried out the service of scriba, which means he was an official in maintaining the city archives and finances. Unlike the civic magistrates, the time at post of a scriba would last quite a long time, and it can be said that Curiatius must have been very well acquainted with the political situation in the city, with the local officials and their networking. He concluded his career in local government in this position although, as very few examples from other parts of the Empire show, he could have been promoted and honoured with some priestly position. An uncommon example is that of the veteran Marcus Uttedius Sallubianus Gaius Petilius Amandus (cat. no. 2) from the 14th Gemina Legion, who during the Flavio-Traianic period carried out the duties of city councillor, quaestor and pontifex. It is hard to believe that as veteran he had sufficient money for membership in the city council of a provincial capital; since he was not from this area by descent, rather from Italic Iguvium, it is reasonable to ask how he managed to reach such a high position in the city government. The answer is probably to be found in his uncommon polynymic name, which all told reveals that he was adopted by his father-in-law, Gaius Petilius Amandus. He clearly himself belonged to the civic political elite, and via him, Sallubianus entered the local aristocracy, carried out the positions of city councillor, questor and pontifex, the most highly valued priestly duty. Centurion Sextus Aquilius Severus (cat. no. 4) at the end of the 1st or in the second half of the 2nd century with the permission of the Salona city council put up an epigraph dedicated to Hercules alongside the theatre. Although because of the severe damage it is difficult with certainty to say which cohort he served in, most researchers agree that he was a praetorian. The praetorian cohorts accompanied Emperor Trajan in his wars against the Dacians, the inscriptions telling of some who then received decorations, as Severus did, and it is then rather likely that he took part in these conquests. His cursus honorum is completed with the mention of his service as city councillor in Salona and Flanona, whence he probably sprang, for in this city, on the very border with Histria, the Aquilii were a leading family. Belonging to a second group is a soldier or veteran in magistrate or priestly positions in the Aequum colony. Lucius Granius Proclinus (cat. no. 3) was a beneficiarius consularis of the 14th Gemina Legion and a city councillor and flamen in the colony of Aequum. His altar comes from the second quarter of the 2nd century, and the inscription could be dated a little later, to the middle of the same century. N. Cambi and Ž. Rapanić at once observed the key problem in the understanding of Proclinusā€™ career: how in reality was it possible to combine military service in the office of the provincial governor with political and sacerdotal service in Aequum? Although they suggested inapposite arguments, they assumed that he carried out all these duties at the same time. J. Nelis-ClĆ©ment agreed, after referencing several similar examples, along with the claim that careers like that of Proclinus were very rare, saying that there was no legal barrier in the way of a soldier on active service carrying out municipal duties. She assumes that Proclinus as a young man attained the ranks of Decurion and flamen, in which the key role could have been played by his father, who perhaps prompted his entry into the municipal elite. The luxuriously decorated altar and the ownership of a grave plot in the Salona ager tell us that he belonged to a rich family. What is unusual is that after taking on these duties Proclinus should have decided to go on active military service. He was enrolled into the 14th Gemina Legion, stationed in Upper Pannonia, in Carnuntum, on the distant Danubian frontier. He must have spent some time in the north for he did not immediately after being recruited become a beneficiarius or get a post in the office of the Dalmatian governor. Did his belonging to the municipal aristocracy of Aequum and obvious wealth contribute to his being placed in the position of beneficiarius consularis? Did he himself, or his family or some third person have any impact on the decision as to where he would continue his military service, and was thus his work in the Salona office the fruit of fortuity or deliberate intention? These are questions to which there are no answers, but I am apt to assume that there was some influence on his beneficiarius service being related to his native region, i.e., that he served in the office in Salona, and not at some station in the interior. If as beneficiarius he was really active in the municipal life of Aequum, then distance could not have been a barrier, for there are well known examples of magistrates who lived in one city and performed their duties in another. On the other hand, one should not entirely reject the hypothesis according to which after service of city councillor and flamen he determined to leave Aequum and enlist in the legion. Lucius Apuleius Montanus (cat. no. 5), a veteran from an unknown unit, served at the end of the 2nd or at the beginning of the 3rd century as Decurion and duumvir in Aequum. He clearly lived in Salona, which apparently did not stand in the way of his being active in the political life in Aequum. This article is a much enlarged and supplemented chapter from my doctoral dissertation devoted to inscriptions of Roman soldiers from Salona during the Principate. For this very reason these lines offer only a partial insight into the problem of the representation of active and former soldiers in the civic administrations of Salona, Aequum and Flanona. As for Salona, it would be possible to complete this picture by putting in the inscription of Sextus Julius Silvanus from Aequum and of Gaius Appuleius Etruscus from Novae, along with complete depiction of all the city officials, and the inscriptions from Aequum and Flanona should be addressed in the same way, as well as those from other parts of Roman Dalmatia. Only then would it be possible with greater certainty to say what the proportion of veterans and soldiers in public and political life was in these cities, although even without that, it is possible to say it was very modest. This paper then can provide a sound contribution to any such research

    Iz Hladnog rata

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    Prikaz knjige Bojan B. Dimitrijević (2003.), Jugoslavija i NATO (1951 ā€“ 1957

    Jedan odlomak iz povijesti suradnje Japana i Hrvatske : Hrvatska pjesma Ā«U bojĀ» i japanski muÅ”ki zbor

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    U svojem radu autor je prikazao kako je pjesma Ā«U bojĀ» iz opere Ā«Nikola Å ubić ZrinskiĀ» hrvatskog kompozitora Ivana Zajca doÅ”la u Japan te kako se proÅ”irila među japanskim muÅ”kim zborovima i postala obveznim dijelom njihova repertoara. Također prikazuje potragu za korijenima ove pjesme
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