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    Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) in green tea extract has activity as an anti-inflammatory agent. On the other hand the stability of EGCG is poor because of the oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Vitamine C and Vitamine E in formulation of green tea extract cream to the stabiliy of EGCG. The green tea extract was obtained from the extraction process by infundation followed by fractination with ethyl acetate as the solvent. The three formulas were compiled in similar composition with the concentration of vitamine C 1% (FI), Vitamine E 1% (FII) and there was no Vitamine C and Vitamine E (FIII) as a control. The EGCG level was determinated by TLC-densitometry methode. The stability parameter was determinated by calculated of the Q10 of each formula. The result of this study showed that the parameter of t90 of EGCG with Vitamine C 1%, Vitamine E 1% and control addition were 0.0108 hours, 0.0087 hours, 0.0084 hours, respectively. Stability of EGCG in green tea leaf extract cream with addition of the vitamin C 1% was higher than it stability with the addition of vitamin E 1%. The concentration of Vitamin C 1% was the optimum concentration as antioxidant in formulation of green tea extract cream

    Stabilitas Epigalokatekin Galat dalam Krim Ekstrak Teh Hijau dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Antioksidan Vitamin C 1% dan Vitamin E 1%

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    Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) in green tea extract has activity as an anti-inflammatory agent. On the other hand the stability of EGCG is poor because of the oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Vitamine C and Vitamine E in formulation of green tea extract cream to the stabiliy of EGCG. The green tea extract was obtained from the extraction process by infundation followed by fractination with ethyl acetate as the solvent. The three formulas were compiled in similar composition with the concentration of vitamine C 1% (FI), Vitamine E 1% (FII) and there was no Vitamine C and Vitamine E (FIII) as a control. The EGCG level was determinated by TLC-densitometry methode. The stability parameter was determinated by calculated of the Q10 of each formula. The result of this study showed that the parameter of t90 of EGCG with Vitamine C 1%, Vitamine E 1% and control addition were 0.0108 hours, 0.0087 hours, 0.0084 hours, respectively. Stability of EGCG in green tea leaf extract cream with addition of the vitamin C 1% was higher than it stability with the addition of vitamin E 1%. The concentration of Vitamin C 1% was the optimum concentration as antioxidant in formulation of green tea extract cream

    Role of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on human health- A review

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    Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, abounds in nature and is highly labile. It is a water-soluble vitamin that is lost in  large amounts during food processing. It is a vitamin whose prescribed requirement across cultures is not uniform. For  example , the prescribed requirement of vitamin C in Great Britain is 30mg/day, while in the U.S.A., it is 60mg/day and 100mg/day in Japan. These variations are unusual and point to the need for further research to establish the acceptable RDAs for diverse populations. The RDA for vitamin C should be more than the amount needed to prevent the occurrence of disease. Vitamin C plays significant functions in the body that enhance its role in the health status of the human body. The  biochemical functions of vitamin C include: stimulation of certain enzymes, collagen biosynthesis, hormonal activation, antioxidant, detoxification of histamine, phagocytic functions of leukocytes, formation of nitrosamine, and proline hydroxylation amongst others. These functions are related to the health effects of vitamin C status in an individual. In human health, vitamin C has been associated with reduction of incidence of cancer, blood pressure, immunity, and drug metabolism and urinary hydroxyproline excretion, tissue regeneration. This vitamin is needed for the proper metabolism of drugs in the  body through adequate hepatic mixed function oxidase system. Epidemiological data have revealed the preventive and curative role of vitamin C on certain disease conditions in the body though controversies still persist. Vitamin C is effective in protecting against oxidative damage in tissues and also suppresses formation of carcinogens like nitrosamines. There is an inverse relationship with blood pressure and both plasma vitamin C and Vitamin C. Vitamin C has a lowering effect on blood  pressure, especially on systolic pressure more than a diastolic pressure. Low levels of plasma vitamin C are associated with stroke and with an increased risk of all cause mortality. Increased consumption of ascorbic acid raises serum ascorbic levels and could decrease the risk of death.Keywords: Vitamin C, cancer, blood pressure, drug metabolism, immunity La vitamine C, appelée également acide ascorbique, abonde en nature et elle est fortement labile. C’est une vitamine soluble dans l’eau qui est perdue en grandes quantités pendant le traitement des produits alimentaires. Il s’agit d’une vitamine dont la prise prescrite dans les cultures n’est pas uniforme. Par exemple, la prise de la vitamine C prescrite en Grande-Bretagne est de 30mg/jour, tandis qu’aux  Etats-Unis elle est de 60mg/jour et de 100mg/jour au Japon. Ces variations sont inhabituelles et elles indiquent la nécessité d’une recherche plus approfondie en vue d’établir les AQR (Apports Quotidiennement  Recommandés) acceptables pour diverses populations. Les AQR en vitamine C devraient être supérieurs à la quantité requise pour prévenir l’apparition de maladies. La vitamine C joue dans le corps des fonctions considérables qui augmentent son rôle dans l’état de santé du corps humain. Les fonctions biochimiques de la vitamine C sont notamment la stimulation de certains enzymes, la biosynthèse des collagènes, l’activation des hormones, des antioxydants, la détoxification de l’histamine, des fonctions des phagocytes, des leucocytes, la formation de la nitrosamine, et l’hydroxylation proline, entre autres. Ces  fonctions ont trait aux effets sanitaires de la teneur en vitamine C dans un individu. En matière de santé humaine, la vitamine C a été associée à la réduction de l’incidence du cancer et de la tension artérielle, à l’immunité, au métabolisme des  médicaments et à l’excrétion hydroxyproline  urinaire, ainsi qu’à la régénération des tissus. Cette vitamine est nécessaire pour un bon métabolisme des médicaments dans le corps par un système d’oxydase de fonctions mixtes hépatiques  adéquates. Des données épidémiologiques ont révélé  le rôle préventif et curatif de la vitamine C sur certaines conditions de maladies dans le corps bien que des controverses persistent encore. La vitamine C est  efficace dans la protection contre des lésions oxydatives dans les tissus; elle supprime également la formation de cancérigènes tels que les nitrosamines. Il  existe un rapport inverse entre la tension artérielle et la vitamine C du plasma et la vitamine C. La vitamine C a un effet de réduction sur la tension artérielle, plus particulièrement sur la pression systolique que sur la pression diastolique. Les  niveaux peu élevés de la vitamine C du plasma sont associés à la congestion  cérébrale et à un risque élevé de toutes les causes de la mortalité. Une  consommation élevée d’acide ascorbique augmente les niveaux ascorbiques du sérum et pourrait réduire les dangers de mort.Mots-clés: Vitamine C, cancer, tension artérielle, métabolisme des médicaments, immunité.


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    Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) in green tea extract has activity as an anti-inflammatory agent. On the other hand the stability of EGCG is poor because of the oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Vitamine C and Vitamine E in formulation of green tea extract cream to the stabiliy of EGCG. The green tea extract was obtained from the extraction process by infundation followed by fractination with ethyl acetate as the solvent. The three formulas were compiled in similar composition with the concentration of vitamine C 1% (FI), Vitamine E 1% (FII) and there was no Vitamine C and Vitamine E (FIII) as a control. The EGCG level was determinated by TLC-densitometry methode. The stability parameter was determinated by calculated of the Q10 of each formula. The result of this study showed that the parameter of t90 of EGCG with Vitamine C 1%, Vitamine E 1% and control addition were 0.0108 hours, 0.0087 hours, 0.0084 hours, respectively. Stability of EGCG in green tea leaf extract cream with addition of the vitamin C 1% was higher than it stability with the addition of vitamin E 1%. The concentration of Vitamin C 1% was the optimum concentration as antioxidant in formulation of green tea extract cream


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    Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a life style and socio-economic related degenerative disease. Hypercholesterolemia is the main risk factor of CHD. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of Vitamine C and E on Total Cholesterol, HDL, and LDL. This was a laboratorial experiment with a randomized post test only control group design. The samples were 25 male Wistar rats, 2-3 months old, 100-200 grams, divided into 5 groups. Blood samples were taken and lipid profiles were analyzed with spectrophotometry method. The collected data was analyzed with One Way ANOVA and post hoc test.The results showed there were significant differences in Total Cholesterol(p=0.000), HDL (p=0.031), LDL (p=0.015)between the negative and positive control groups. The level of cholesterol in groups KP1 (p=0.024), KP2 (p=0.016), KP3 (p=0.000) showed siginificance compared to the positive control group. There was also a significant difference between the HDL level of the Vitamine C supplemented group (p=0.013) compared to the positive control group. The conclusion is that high cholesterol diet may affect the levels of Total Cholesterol, HDL and LDL. Combined Vitamine C and E preventively has more potential in lowering the cholesterol level compared to the vitamins used separately.Vitamine C can increase the HDL level. Administering Vitamine C, Vitamine E or both combined does not affect the LDL level


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    Abstract: Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) in green tea extract has activity as an anti-inflammatory agent. On the other hand the stability of EGCG is poor because of the oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of Vitamine C and Vitamine E in formulation of green tea extract cream to the stabiliy of EGCG. The green tea extract was obtained from the extraction process by infundation followed by fractination with ethyl acetate as the solvent. The three formulas were compiled in similar composition with the concentration of vitamine C 1% (FI), Vitamine E 1% (FII) and there was no Vitamine C and Vitamine E (FIII) as a control. The EGCG level was determinated by TLC-densitometry methode. The stability parameter was determinated by calculated of the Q10 of each formula. The result of this study showed that the parameter of t90 of EGCG with Vitamine C 1%, Vitamine E 1% and control addition were 0.0108 hours, 0.0087 hours, 0.0084 hours, respectively. Stability of EGCG in green tea leaf extract cream with addition of the vitamin C 1% was higher than it stability with the addition of vitamin E 1%. The concentration of Vitamin C 1% was the optimum concentration as antioxidant in formulation of green tea extract cream. Key words: epigallocatechingallate, stability, Vitamine E, Vitamine C, crea

    Vitamin C: Clay + Ceramic in Contemporary Art

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    Vitamin C: Clay + Ceramic in Contemporary Art est le nouvel opus de la collection à succès (un demi-million d’exemplaires vendus) Vitamine aux éditions Phaidon Press. Après avoir offert aux lecteurs une vue d’ensemble d’un large panel de disciplines artistiques : le dessin (Vitamine D et Vitamine D2), la photographie (Vitamine Ph), la sculpture et l’installation (Vitamine 3-D) et la peinture (Vitamine P, Vitamine P2, Vitamine P3), la maison d’édition éclaire aujourd’hui la pratique sculptural..
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