46,590 research outputs found

    Alterations of membrane curvature during influenza virus budding

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    Influenza A virus belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family. It is an enveloped virus that contains a segmented and negative-sense RNA genome. Influenza A viruses cause annual epidemics and occasional major pandemics, are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and have a significant financial impact on society. Assembly and budding of new viral particles are a complex and multi-step process involving several host and viral factors. Influenza viruses use lipid raft domains in the apical plasma membrane of polarized epithelial cells as sites of budding. Two viral glycoproteins, haemagglutinin and neuraminidase, concentrate in lipid rafts, causing alterations in membrane curvature and initiation of the budding process. Matrix protein 1 (M1), which forms the inner structure of the virion, is then recruited to the site followed by incorporation of the viral ribonucleoproteins and matrix protein 2 (M2). M1 can alter membrane curvature and progress budding, whereas lipid raft-associated M2 stabilizes the site of budding, allowing for proper assembly of the virion. In the later stages of budding, M2 is localized to the neck of the budding virion at the lipid phase boundary, where it causes negative membrane curvature, leading to scission and virion release

    Proteomic and functional analyses of the virion transmembrane proteome of cyprinid herpesvirus 3

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    Virion transmembrane proteins (VTPs) mediate key functions in the herpesvirus infectious cycle. Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) is the archetype of fish alloherpesviruses. The present study was devoted to CyHV-3 VTPs. Using mass spectrometry approaches, we identified 16 VTPs of the CyHV-3 FL strain. Mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that eight of these proteins are essential for viral growth in vitro (ORF32, ORF59, ORF81, ORF83, ORF99, ORF106, ORF115, and ORF131), and eight are non-essential (ORF25, ORF64, ORF65, ORF108, ORF132, ORF136, ORF148, and ORF149). Among the non-essential proteins, deletion of ORF25, ORF132, ORF136, ORF148, or ORF149 affects viral replication in vitro, and deletion of ORF25, ORF64, ORF108, ORF132, or ORF149 impacts plaque size. Lack of ORF148 or ORF25 causes attenuation in vivo to a minor or major extent, respectively. The safety and efficacy of a virus lacking ORF25 were compared to those of a previously described vaccine candidate deleted for ORF56 and ORF57 (Δ56-57). Using quantitative PCR, we demonstrated that the ORF25 deleted virus infects fish through skin infection and then spreads to internal organs as reported previously for the wild-type parental virus and the Δ56-57 virus. However, compared to the parental wild-type virus, the replication of the ORF25 deleted virus was reduced in intensity and duration to levels similar to those observed for the Δ56-57 virus. Vaccination of fish with a virus lacking ORF25 was safe but had low efficacy at the doses tested. This characterization of the virion transmembrane proteome of CyHV-3 provides a firm basis for further research on alloherpesvirus VTPs. IMPORTANCE Virion transmembrane proteins play key roles in the biology of herpesviruses. Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) is the archetype of fish alloherpesviruses and the causative agent of major economic losses in common and koi carp worldwide. In this study of the virion transmembrane proteome of CyHV-3, the major findings were: (i) the FL strain encodes 16 virion transmembrane proteins; (ii) eight of these proteins are essential for viral growth in vitro; (iii) seven of the non-essential proteins affect viral growth in vitro, and two affect virulence in vivo; and (iv) a mutant lacking ORF25 is highly attenuated but induces moderate immune protection. This study represents a major breakthrough in understanding the biology of CyHV-3 and will contribute to the development of prophylactic methods. It also provides a firm basis for the further research on alloherpesvirus virion transmembrane proteins

    Proteomic analysis of Glossina pallidipes salivary gland hypertrophy virus virions for immune intervention in tsetse fly colonies

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    Many species of tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) can be infected by a virus that causes salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH). The viruses isolated from Glossina pallidipes (GpSGHV) and Musca somestica (MdSGHV) have recently been sequenced. Tsetse flies with SGH have a reduced fecundity and fertility which cause a serious problem for mass rearing in the frame of sterile insect technique (SIT) programs to control and eradicate tsetse populations in the wild. A potential intervention strategy to mitigate viral infections in fly colonies is neutralizing of the GpSGHV infection with specific antibodies against virion proteins. Two major GpSGHV virion proteins of about 130 kDa and 50 kDa, respectively, were identified by Western analysis using polyclonal rabbit antibody raised against whole GpSHGV virions. The proteome of GpSGHV, containing the antigens responsible for the immune-response, was investigated by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and 61 virion proteins were identified by comparison with the genome sequence. Specific antibodies were produced in rabbits against seven candidate proteins including the ORF10 / C-terminal fragment, ORF47 and ORF96 as well as proteins involved in peroral infectivity PIF-1 (ORF102), PIF-2 (ORF53), PIF-3 (ORF76) and P74 (ORF1). Antiserum against ORF10 specifically reacted to the 130 kDa protein in a Western blot analysis and to the envelope of GpSGHV using immunogold-EM. This result suggests that immune intervention of viral infections in colonies of G. pallidipes is a realistic optio

    The role of influenza neuraminidase transmembrane domain on budding and virus morphology

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    Influenza A virus neuraminidase (NA), a type II transmembrane glycoprotein plays a role in the cleavage of sialic acids and facilitating the release of mature virions from the surface of infected cells. NA has also previously been shown to play a role in virion formation during influenza A virus budding, although the exact mechanisms by which NA contributes to influenza virion formation and morphology is currently unknown. Previous research has shown that mutations within the transmembrane domain (TMD) of NA can result in alteration in virion morphology, particularly in the production of filament like influenza virions. In this research project we examined if the TMD does indeed play a role in influenza virus budding and morphology. We utilised both full and partial mutations of the TMD of NA from A/WSN/33, a primarily spherical lab adapted influenza strain, with the TMD of a primarily filamentous strain A/California/09. To evaluate the effects of TMD on the morphology of a primarily spherical strain with that of filamentous strain. This study used a transfection based virus like particle (VLP) system to examine the effects of TMD alterations on morphology, utilising various biochemical and microscopy methods. Our findings show that as previously indicated mutations within the TMD do result in alterations to virion morphology, as well as showing that despite previous theories both NA and NA’s TMD may play a more active role in in budding and morphology than previously though

    Modulation of triglyceride and cholesterol ester synthesis impairs assembly of infectious hepatitis C virus

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    In hepatitis C virus infection, replication of the viral genome and virion assembly are linked to cellular metabolic processes. In particular, lipid droplets, which store principally triacylglycerides (TAGs) and cholesterol esters (CEs), have been implicated in production of infectious virus. Here, we examine the effect on productive infection of triacsin C and YIC-C8-434, which inhibit synthesis of TAGs and CEs by targeting long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase and acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase, respectively. Our results present high resolution data on the acylglycerol and cholesterol ester species that were affected by the compounds. Moreover, triacsin C, which blocks both triglyceride and cholesterol ester synthesis, cleared most of the lipid droplets in cells. By contrast, YIC-C8-434, which only abrogates production of cholesterol esters, induced an increase in size of droplets. Although both compounds slightly reduced viral RNA synthesis, they significantly impaired assembly of infectious virions in infected cells. In the case of triacsin C, reduced stability of the viral core protein, which forms the virion nucleocapsid and is targeted to the surface of lipid droplets, correlated with lower virion assembly. In addition, the virus particles that were released from cells had reduced specific infectivity. YIC-C8-434 did not alter the association of core with lipid droplets but appeared to decrease production of infectious virus particles, suggesting a block in virion assembly. Thus, the compounds have antiviral properties, indicating that targeting synthesis of lipids stored in lipid droplets might be an option for therapeutic intervention in treating chronic hepatitis C virus infection

    A tail-like assembly at the portal vertex in intact herpes simplex type-1 virions

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    Herpes viruses are prevalent and well characterized human pathogens. Despite extensive study, much remains to be learned about the structure of the genome packaging and release machinery in the capsids of these large and complex double-stranded DNA viruses. However, such machinery is well characterized in tailed bacteriophage, which share a common evolutionary origin with herpesvirus. In tailed bacteriophage, the genome exits from the virus particle through a portal and is transferred into the host cell by a complex apparatus (i.e. the tail) located at the portal vertex. Here we use electron cryo-tomography of human herpes simplex type-1 (HSV-1) virions to reveal a previously unsuspected feature at the portal vertex, which extends across the HSV-1 tegument layer to form a connection between the capsid and the viral membrane. The location of this assembly suggests that it plays a role in genome release into the nucleus and is also important for virion architecture
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