484 research outputs found

    Projekt HYDROKARST

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    Apartment purchase financing analysis since World War II until today

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    The diploma work deals with the possibility of financing the apartment purchase since World War II until today. In the history of the financing residential economy we are trying to determine legal basis arranging financing, basic characteristics of financing, loaning and institutions which have a leading role in financing in certain periods of history. Residential politicy in Slovenia went through different periods and it always reflected the influence of economical and political systems during these periods. All important milestones for residential domain in Slovenia are consequences of structural changes in politics and economy. In detail we are focused on today's different sources of financing, from traditional residential loan and mortgage loan to leasing. Traditional residential loans are widely used but lately they are replaced by currently more favourable mortgage loans. In the diploma work is shown the comparison of different calculations of loan and leasing. The government is also stimulating apartment purchase with the residential fund of the Republic of Slovenia with The national residential saving scheme, subsidies to support young families in resolving their first housing problems and residential loaning of fund. A comparison has been made between the financing of the apartment purchase in these periods, today's possibilities of financing the apartments and analysis of the apartment building in Slovenia since World War II until today

    GoraNiNora: kontekstno-odvisno obveščanje za varen obisk gora

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    Measurement effects between modes in mixed-mode survey Consumer confidence

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    Učinek merjenja med načini anketiranja (angl. measurement effect between modes) v kombiniranih oziroma MM anketah (angl. mixed-mode surveys) otežuje posploševanje anketnih ocen na celotno populacijo in primerljivost anketnih ocen med posameznimi sociodemografskimi skupinami znotraj iste MM ankete, primerljivost med časovno ločenimi izvedbami periodičnih MM anket in primerljivost s podobnimi anketami v drugih državah. Kvantificiranje učinka merjenja med načini anketiranja v MM anketi je ključni korak k ovrednotenju resnosti problema v posamezni MM anketi, oblikovanju strategij za zmanjševanje učinka merjenja med načini in upoštevanju učinka v končnih anketnih ocenah. Cilj pričujočega magistrskega dela je oceniti učinek merjenja med načinoma anketiranja v MM anketi Mnenje potrošnikov, ki jo izvaja Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS) in kjer se za zbiranje podatkov uporablja kombinacija spletnega in telefonskega načina anketiranja. V tem okviru smo zastavili dve hipotezi. Prva se nanaša na sam obstoj učinka merjenja med načinoma anketiranja, druga pa na njegovo smer. Glede na razpoložljive podatke smo uporabili dve metodi, metodo pomožnih spremenljivk (angl. backdoor method) in metodo primerjalnega vzorca (angl. comparative sample method or reference survey approach), ki smo ju implementirali na štirih ciljnih spremenljivkah. Izkazalo se je, da lahko hipotezi potrdimo z obema metodama. Ob tem smo med obema metodama ugotovili tudi določene razlike, ki so pričakovane, saj izhajajo neposredno iz njunih specifičnosti. V zvezi s tem metoda pomožnih spremenljivk sicer kaže nekoliko šibkejše učinke merjenja med načinoma, vendar je zaradi svoje praktičnosti in nizkih stroškov potencialno primernejša, še posebej ob morebitnih izboljšavah.The measurement effect between modes in MM surveys (mixed-mode surveys) may impede the applicability of survey estimates and the comparability of survey estimates between socio-demographic segments within a MM survey, the comparability between different editions of periodic MM surveys and the comparability with similar surveys in other countries. Estimating the extent of the measurement effect between modes in MM surveys is a key step for evaluating the severity of the problem in individual MM survey, designing strategies to minimize the measurement effect between modes and for factoring them in the final survey estimates. The aim of this master’s thesis is to estimate the measurement effects between modes in the MM consumer confidence survey conducted by the Slovenian Statistics Office, in which a combination of web and telephone modes is used to collect data. In this setting, two hypotheses were examined. The first one relates to the presence of a measurement effect between modes and the second one to its direction. Given the nature of data available, we applied the backdoor method and the comparative sample method. Results show that both hypotheses can be confirmed by both methods. As anticipated, we also found differences between the two methods owing directly to their specific characteristics. In this context, the backdoor method shows weaker measurement effect between modes but is potentially more advantageous due to its practicality and low costs, especially if improved

    Pokojninsko zavarovanje

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    Studien har sin utgångspunkt i ett genusperspektiv och syftar till att undersöka högstadieelevers inställning till bildämnet. Studiens metod utgörs av en kvalitativ intervjustudie som innefattat tio informanter. Informanternas svar har analyserats med hjälp av ett kodningsprotokoll och presenteras i resultatkapitlet. Teorierna som används i studien utgörs av Zimmerman och West teori om ”doing gender”, Thornbergs socialidentitetsteori och självkategoriseringsteori. Samt en sociokulturell teori om didaktikens situerade natur utifrån hur människor har lärt sig att handla och handlar utifrån social kontext. Resultatet presenteras med hjälp av de tre frågeställningarna som legat till grund för studien: ”vad anser pojkar respektive flickor om bildämnet”, ”finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkar och flickors inställning till bildämnet” samt ”hur tar sig flickor och pojkars inställning till bildämnet i uttryck”. Resultatet av studien visar att pojkar och flickor upplever och har olika syn på bildämnet. Detta tar sig i uttryck genom att flickorna har en positiv inställning till bildämnet som helhet. Pojkarna har en splittrad uppfattning av bildämnet. Av resultatet har det framkommit att de markanta skillnaderna mellan pojkar och flickors inställning till bildämnet är att flickor värderar ämnets kunskaper i ett ”här och nu” perspektiv. Pojkarna värderar ämnets kunskaper utifrån sina framtida planer på yrkesval. De tio informanterna skiljer sig även när det kommer till synen på kreativitet. Flickorna ser sig själva och andra flickor som mer kreativa än pojkar. Pojkarna ser flickor som mer kreativa än pojkar. Enligt informanterna har det med att göra hur flickor och pojkar förväntas vara. Pojkarna upplever att de mansideal de förväntas följa inte värderar kreativitet på samma sätt som andra egenskaper. Resultatet av studien diskuteras vidare i studiens diskussionskapitel. Studien avslutas med en sammanfattning och de slutsatser som arbetet med studien har kommit att leda fram till.

    Problematika nedoslednega prevajanja kategorij kazalnikov uspešnosti za spremljanje ukrepov SKP v predpisih EK iz angleškega v slovenski jezik

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    In monitoring and evaluating the performance framework of the CAP, EU Member States are required to establish performance indicators (PI) that will ensure the evaluation of the performance and effectiveness of the main and specific objectives and priorities of each program. Inconsistent translation of EC regulations from English into Slovenian was observed in the context of the types of PI categories and their relations. There was inconsistency between regulations, ambiguity and uncertainty in certain parts of the regulations. This caused a violation of the principle of legal certainty for Slovenia towards the EU and the EC. It was found that legal translators in Slovene translations of some EC regulations use different terms for the same legal matter, which have a different meaning. This disrupts the hierarchical levels of the PI categories, which creates ambiguous obligations for Slovenia in parts of the regulation. The article presents EU and EC regulations, which clearly show the violation of the principle of legal certainty. Through the performed cognitive verbal semantic analysis and with the help of dictionaries, we propose appropriate translations of PI categories. We propose that the regulations and the official documents deriving from them be aligned with the next financial period 2021-2027.Pri spremljanju in vrednotenju okvira uspešnosti SKP so države članice EU dolžne vzpostaviti kazalnike uspešnosti (KU), ki bodo zagotavljali vrednotenje uspešnosti in učinkovitosti glavnih in posebnih ciljev in prednostnih nalog vsakega programa. Opaženo je bilo nedosledno prevajanje predpisov EK iz angleškega v slovenski jezik, v kontekstu vrst kategorij KU in njihovih odnosov. Povzročena je bila neskladnost med predpisi, dvoumnost in nejasnost določenih delov predpisov. S tem je bilo povzročeno kršenje načela pravne varnosti Slovenije do EU in EK. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da pravni prevajalci v slovenskih prevodih nekaterih predpisov EK za isto pravno zadevo uporabljajo drugačne izraze, ki nosijo drugačen pomen. S tem porušijo hierarhične ravni kategorij KU, kar ustvari dvoumne obveznosti Slovenije v delih predpisa. V prispevku predstavimo predpise EU in EK, kjer je jasno prikazano kršenje načela o pravni varnosti. Preko izvedene kognitivne besedne semantične analize in s pomočjo slovarjev predlagamo ustrezne prevode kategorij KU. Predlagamo, da se predpisi in uradni dokumenti, ki iz njih izhajajo, uskladijo z naslednjim finančnim obdobjem 2021-2027

    Vertical equity of taxes in the eyes of the expert and citizens

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    V magistrskem delu nas je zanimalo kaj meni stroka in državljani o vertikalni izenačenosti v Sloveniji. Vertikalna izenačenost pravi, naj se zavezanci, ki niso v enakem položaju obravnavajo različno, pri tem pa je potrebno upoštevati vse relevantne značilnosti. Glavni namen je bil poglobitev v »pravičnost« davčnega sistema v Sloveniji ter primerjati z ostalimi državami, v katerih se je izvajala podobna anketa. Pri izdelavi magistrskega dela je v teoretičnem delu uporabljena metoda deskripcije in kompilacije, s katerima so opisana dejstva in povzeta stališča drugih avtorjev. V analitičnem delu je uporabljena kvantitativna metoda analize podatkov. Prikazani so izbrani podatki iz ankete o davčnem sistemu, z metodo korelacije je predstavljena povezanost odgovorov in s komparativno metodo so primerjani odgovori stroke in državljanov ter odgovori stroke z izbranimi državami. Skozi proučevanje se pokaže, da se stroka zavzema za vertikalno izenačenost tako v Sloveniji, kot Hrvaški, ZDA in BIH. Za pravično porazdelitev med strokovnjaki se najbolj zavzemajo v javnem sektorju. Raziskava pa tudi pokaže, da je mnenje državljanov v Sloveniji zelo neopredeljeno, kar je lahko posledica prevelike strokovnosti ankete ali premajhna izobraženost. Magistrsko delo je primerno za vse, ki jih področje davkov zanima. Verjamem, da lahko vsakemu bralcu približa socialno naravo, ki se kaže s prerazdeljevanjem. Na podlagi ankete, ki je bila izvedena različnih državah je narejena primerjava, ki je lahko uporabna še za nadaljnje raziskovanje na davčnem področju.In the master\u27s thesis, we were interested in what the opinion of the profession in the citizens about vertical equity in Slovenia. Vertical equity says that taxpayers who are not in the same situation should be treated differently, while all the relevant characteristics have to be taken into account. The main purpose of the master\u27s thesis was to burrow into the "fairness" of the tax system in Slovenia and compare it with other countries in which a similar survey was carried out. The theoretical part of the master thesis includes the method of description and compilation which describe the facts and summarize the views of other authors. The analytical part includes a quantitative method of data analysis. Selected data from the tax system survey are presented, the correlation method presents the correlation of answers, and the comparative method compares the answers of the profession and the citizens and the answers of the profession with the selected countries. The study shows that the profession strive for vertical equality in Slovenia as well as in Croatia, in USA and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Among professionals, the public sector professionals strive the most for the fair distribution. The survey also shows that the opinion of citizens in Slovenia is very undefined, which may be due to the excessive proficiency of the survey or insufficient education of the citizens. The master\u27s thesis is appropriate for anyone interested in the field of taxation. I believe that it can approach the social nature to every reader, which is reflected by redistribution. A comparison that was made based on the survey carried out in different countries can be useful for further research in the tax area