190 research outputs found

    Socio-economic survey of three bean growing areas of Malawi

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    Inbreeding depression and heterosis in sweet corn varieties Manis Madu and Bakti-1

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    S1 and full-sib progeny families developed from selfing and crossing between Manis Madu and Bakti-1 sweet corn varieties were evaluated to estimate inbreeding depression and heterosis in the populations. Selfing has caused a significant decrease in the measurements of all characters taken in both selfed populations, except for days to tasseling which has shown an increase. Midparent heterosis estimates for the characters evaluated ranged from -2.83% to 22.34% for the Manis Madu X Bakti-1 cross progeny population (MMB1), and from -2.65% to 16.57% in the Bakti-1 X Manis Madu cross progeny population (B1MM). The two varieties revealed good potential to be used as parents for crosses between improved populations or inbred lines developed from them

    Progress in mass and clonal selection of grapevine varieties in Portugal

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    Since 1978 we have developed methods for mass and clonal selection of grapevine well adapted to the conditions of Portuguese viticulture. The most remarkable innovation of this methodology is the establishment of large experimental populations of clones in which good estimates of yield heritability and genetic gain can be obtained. The aim of the present paper is to clarify some methodological aspects such as (1) the ideal composition and structure of the experimental populations of clones and (2) the application of this methodology to a large number of Portuguese varieties, in order to maximize the rate of yield improvement. At present we can point out the following results: According to experimental data and computer simulation; we may conclude that the optimal number of clones to be included in each population is about 200-300, each one represented by 4 vines in 5 replications. By this way we can usually obtain heritability estimates between 30 and 80% and genetic gain values higher than 15%.Until now, we have succeeded in applying this methodology to 30 of the most important Portuguese varieties, which represent more than 80% of all varieties normally propagated in the country

    Effect of CCC [(2-chloroethyl)-trimethyl ammonium chloride] on fruiting behaviour of Cabernet Sauvignon

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    A foliar spray of CCC (300 ppm) applied at the stage when inflorescences were between 25 and 100 % cap fall will increase total yield by increasing cluster number and number of berries/cluster in the year following treatment. The effect of CCC on berry size is influenced by the number of berries/cluster.Einfluß von CCC [(2-Chloräthyl)-trimethylammoniumcblorid] auf die Ertragskomponenten von Cabernet SauvignonWurden die Blätter von Cabernet Sauvignon mit 300 ppm CCC gespritzt, wenn die Calyptren der Blüten zu 25-100°/o abgefallen waren, so war der Ertrag im folgenden Jahr gesteigert; hierbei waren sowohl die Anzahl der Trauben als auch die Anzahl der Beeren/Traube vermehrt. Die Wirkung von CCC auf die Beerengröße wurde durch die Anzahl der Beeren/Traube beeinflußt

    Resistência de gramíneas forrageiras ao ataque de Mocis latipes (Guen., 1852).

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    Il Contenuto di sostanze psicoattive nelle varietà di canapa coltivate

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    In the years 1978-79, a test has been carried out on european cultivars of Cannabis sativa L. In order to evaluate the content of Δ9-THC in function of genotype, vegetative stage and environment. The experiences have been done in different pedoclimatic environments of northern, central and insular Italy. They have shown that, in spite of the significativness of the differences found emong varieties, sexes, environments and inflorescence collection periods, the content of Δ9-THC 15 is so low (O,037-0,371 %) that it can't induce psicotropic effects. The investigation has moreover put in evidence the high individuai variability (the maximus variability coefficient has been 170%) which denotes the remarkable heterogeneity of the character examined

    Advancing the time of ripeness of grapes by the application of methyl 2-(ureidooxy) propionate (a growth retardant)

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    Methyl 2-(ureidooxy) propionate (MUP), a plant growth retardant, hastened the ripening of grape berries of Vitis vinifera L. cultivars Mataro and Sultana by about 2 weeks and 1 week, respectively. The vines were sprayed with 0.1 % solution of MUP about halfway :through the first rapid growth phase of the fruit and again 2 weeks later. Terminal and lateral shoot growth was inhibited. Ripening of berries was advanced as measured by development of colour, and changes in titratable acid and reducing sugar content. The earlier ripening of the berries may have been due to hormonal changes but the advancement was much greater than that found previously with abscisic acid or ethylene applied during the slow growth stage of berry development.Die Beschleunigung des Reifezeitpunktes von Trauben durch die Anwendung vonMethyl-2-(ureidooxy)-Propionat, einen WachstumsdämpferMethyl-2-(ureidooxy)-Propionat (MUP), welches das Pflanzenwachstum verlangsamt, beschleunigte bei den Vitis-vinifera-Sorten Mataro und Sultana die Beerenreife um etwa 2 Wochen bzw. 1 Woche. Die Reben wurden etwa in der Mitte der ersten raschen Wachstumsphase der Beeren und ein weiteres Mal 2 Wochen später mit einer 0,1%igen MUP-Lösung besprüht. Das terminale und laterale Triebwachstum war gehemmt. Die Beerenreife war beschleunigt, wie die Entwicklung der Beerenfarbe und die Veränderungen im Gehalt an titrierbarer Säure und reduzierenden Zuckern zeigten. Die frühzeitigere Beerenreife könnte auf hormonale Veränderungen zurückgehen; allerdings war die Reife viel stärker beschleunigt als im Fall früherer Versuche, in denen während der langen Wachstumsphase der Beerenentwicklung Abscisinsäure oder Äthylen angewandt worden waren