270,490 research outputs found

    Refinement for user interface designs

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    Formal approaches to software development require that we correctly describe (or specify) systems in order to prove properties about our proposed solution prior to building it. We must then follow a rigorous process to transform our specification into an implementation to ensure that the properties we have proved are retained. Different transformation, or refinement, methods exist for different formal methods, but they all seek to ensure that we can guide the transformation in a way which preserves the desired properties of the system. Refinement methods also allow us to subsequently compare two systems to see if a refinement relation exists between the two. When we design and build the user interfaces of our systems we are similarly keen to ensure that they have certain properties before we build them. For example, do they satisfy the requirements of the user? Are they designed with known good design principles and usability considerations in mind? Are they correct in terms of the overall system specification? However, when we come to implement our interface designs we do not have a defined process to follow which ensures that we maintain these properties as we transform the design into code. Instead, we rely on our judgement and belief that we are doing the right thing and subsequent user testing to ensure that our final solution remains useable and satisfactory. We suggest an alternative approach, which is to define a refinement process for user interfaces which will allow us to maintain the same rigorous standards we apply to the rest of the system when we implement our user interface designs

    Effect of Personality Traits on UX Evaluation Metrics: A Study on Usability Issues, Valence-Arousal and Skin Conductance

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    Personality affect the way someone feels or acts. This paper examines the effect of personality traits, as operationalized by the Big-five questionnaire, on the number, type, and severity of the identified usability issues, physiological signals (skin conductance), and subjective emotional ratings (valence-arousal).Twenty-four users interacted with a web service and then participated in a retrospective thinking aloud session. Results revealed that the number of usability issues is significantly affected by the Openness trait. Emotional Stability significantly affects the type of reported usability issues. Problem severity is not affected by any trait. Valence ratings are significantly affected by Conscientiousness, whereas Agreeableness, Emotional Stability and Openness significantly affect arousal ratings. Finally, Openness has a significant effect on the number of detected peaks in user's skin conductance

    Rancang Bangun UI (User Interface) / UX (User Interface) Aplikasi Manajemen Skripsi Pada Program Studi Teknik Informatika di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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    Skripsi atau Tugas Akhir merupakan karya tulis ilmiah dari hasil penelitian mandiri untuk memenuhi sebagian persyaratan memperoleh derajat kesarjanaan S1 sesuai dengan program studinya. Di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan terdapat koordinator yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan skripsi. Dengan banyaknya mahasiswa yang mengambil skripsi karena sifatnya wajib, koordinator skripsi tersebut mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelolanya disebabkan karena prosesnya masih dengan cara manual. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat perancangan User Interface (UI) dan User Experience (UX) aplikasi manajemen skripsi yang bertujuan nantinya dapat menjadi acuan programmer dalam mengimplementasikan menjadi sebuah website atau aplikasi yang real. Langkah awal yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan literatur atau studi pustaka. Kemudian dilakukan analisis data, deskripsi kebutuhan user dan kebutuhan sistem, dan pembuatan diagram alir data. Tahap selanjutnya adalah perancangan desain user experience (UX) dan user interface (UI) aplikasi manajemen skripsi dan melakukan pengujian usability menggunakan metode Post Study (SUS) dan Post Task (SEQ) dengan mengukur efektivitas, efisiensi dan kepuasan responden. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada desain user experience dan user interface aplikasi manajemen skripsi berbasis website yang dikembangkan sesuai dengan pengujian usability terbukti membantu dalam proses pengembangan dengan hasil pengukuran efektivitas untuk tingkat keberhasilan mahasiswa, koordinator dan dosen sebesar 100%, 100%, dan 97 %. Kemudian untuk hasil rata-rata SEQ mahasiswa, koordinator dan dosen sebesar 6,7, 5,5 dan 6,7. Pengukuran efisiensi rata-rata responden dalam mengerjakan task tidak terlampaui jauh signifikan dibandingkan dengan pengguna ahli, pengukuran kepuasan mendapatkan total skor nilai 86,6 untuk aplikasi mahasiswa, total skor nilai 71,3 untuk aplikasi koordinator dan total skor nilai 75 untuk aplikasi dosen. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa rancangan aplikasi manajemen skripsi adalah Acceptable. Dan desain aplikasi sudah layak digunakan

    SGSDesigner, the ODESGS Environment User Interface

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    In this demo, we will show SGSDesigner, the ODESGS Environment user interface. ODESGS Environment (the realization of the ODESGS Framework [1]) is an environment for supporting both a) the annotation of pre-existing Grid Services(GSs) and b) the design of new complex Semantic Grid Services(SGSs) in a (semi) automatic way. In the demo we will focus in the annotation of a WSRF GS, using the annotation process proposed by the ODESGS Framework

    A computer algebra user interface manifesto

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    Many computer algebra systems have more than 1000 built-in functions, making expertise difficult. Using mock dialog boxes, this article describes a proposed interactive general-purpose wizard for organizing optional transformations and allowing easy fine grain control over the form of the result even by amateurs. This wizard integrates ideas including: * flexible subexpression selection; * complete control over the ordering of variables and commutative operands, with well-chosen defaults; * interleaving the choice of successively less main variables with applicable function choices to provide detailed control without incurring a combinatorial number of applicable alternatives at any one level; * quick applicability tests to reduce the listing of inapplicable transformations; * using an organizing principle to order the alternatives in a helpful manner; * labeling quickly-computed alternatives in dialog boxes with a preview of their results, * using ellipsis elisions if necessary or helpful; * allowing the user to retreat from a sequence of choices to explore other branches of the tree of alternatives or to return quickly to branches already visited; * allowing the user to accumulate more than one of the alternative forms; * integrating direct manipulation into the wizard; and * supporting not only the usual input-result pair mode, but also the useful alternative derivational and in situ replacement modes in a unified window.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Communications in Computer Algebr
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