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    The contribution of this paper is the analysis of economic influences of tourism and hotel industry on the economic growth of the Republic of Croatia. The aim of the paper is to analyze the problems of Croatian tourism in the period from 1985 to 2005. In order for the guidelines to be better determined, a statistical analysis of mutual influences of tourism variables will be performed. The statistical analysis in this paper includes average annual growth rates, the elasticity of tourist demand on anthropogenic events in the destination, the cyclic component of the GDP, and the influence of the GDP of hotels and restaurants on the overall GDP. Authors also presented the elasticity of single activities on the overall GDP and the influence of overnights and tourist arrivals on the total employment and employment in hotels and restaurants. The foundation for the acceptance of obtained results and their accuracy, as well as the justification of the set hypothesis, are the models of economical time series. The analyzed period is used into the focus because of the different and very strong influences on the Croatian tourism flows in above mentioned period.Tourism, Croatia, Influences, Forecasting.

    Constraints and possibilities of the rural tourism development with the special stress on the case of Croatia

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    Global economic restructuring has created a climate in which many local economies have to adjust in order to maintain or enhance their socio-economic viability. Social and economic forces operating at the global level are determining both the nature and form of the rural landscape and how we value and use it. These changes, coupled with new ideas and approaches to leisure and recreation time are encouraging tourism development in rural areas at an ever increasing pace. The definition of rural tourism has been subject of much debate in the literature without arriving at any firm consensus. Most definitions tend to focus on the types of activities visitors engage with in a rural area, this leads to labelling of different tourism types. For example, forms associated with rural areas are agri tourism, eco tourism, green tourism, cultural tourism, heritage tourism, nature tourism and countryside tourism. All of these forms are closely associated with the basic requirements of sustainable development. What mustn't be overlooked as the very essence of rural tourism is local cooperation and community involvement through different forms of networking. This is supposed to be one of the most important requirements for rural tourism to become sustainable in the long term. The main objective of this paper is to examine the trends of rural tourism development in Europe and to highlight most obvious constraints to its better development in the context of sustainability. In this context some suggestions will be given so as to enhance future development of the rural tourist destinations in general and especially in the Republic of Croatia where this form of tourism is still underdeveloped. Key words: rural tourism destinations, sustainable development, networking, Croatia

    Transport system as an element of sustainable economic growth in the tourist region

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    Transport system is a whole composed of technical, technological, organisational, economic and legislative elements with the aim to perform transfer, loading and unloading of goods and passengers. Taking in consideration that most economic activities demand participation of certain transport system elements, any economic growth is impossible without an adequate transport system development. In order to secure environmental sustainable economic growth the economic policy subjects have to pay special attention to those parts of economy whose negative impact on environment cannot be neglected. One of them is transport. The influence of transport on environment consists in emission of gasses, smokes, noise and visual degradation of nature. A part of economic system that is extremely sensitive regarding environmental devastation is tourism. At the same time the efficiency of tourism strongly depends of the level of transport system development. On the example of interdependence of transport system and tourism in the Adriatic region the possibility of optimising the balance between these economic activities will be examined.


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    The work aims at helping design and implement a plant tour to provide an additional source of revenue to the city of Labin. There are advantages in addition to generating extra revenue for the manufacturer to conduct tours of their plant; tours need to be complicated to produce these benefits. This proces requires careful planning. Particular attention must be given to safety and catering of the tour participants. Today\u27s tourists desire to experience the excitement of watching people and machines involved in their lives. Not only just by seeing the manufacturing process but also creating a unique experience that changes the perceptions of the visitor about the project. Companies that provide industrial tours in their facilities try hard to make the time spent during the tour a quality time. Museums are places where people are energized in a whole new way, especially when involved in the research Center tours. In the potential future tours the visitors see how an industry operates, with extensive safety awareness programs, environmental protection best practices and a sparkling-clean, orderly facility. Muzej Labin enhances the experience by enabling visitors to get the feel of the company culture and conscientious workforce. After these industrial tours, not only do visitors know more about the products they use, but they also see more value in the product. Their experience while «touching» the products they use will change their perception of the product for the rest of their lives, they feel more intense, they have experienced the process.Rad nastoji pomoći oblikovati i provesti posjet tvornici kako bi se osigurao dodatni izvor prihoda za grad Labin. Mnogo je prednosti provođenja izleta tvornicama povrh generiranja ekstra profita za proizvođača; izleti bi trebali biti osmišljeni tako da stvaraju kreiraju pogodnosti. Ovakav proces zahtijeva pažljivo planiranje. Posebna pažnja mora se posvetiti sigurnosti posjetitelja i ugostiteljskim aktivnostima koje će im se pružiti. Današnji turist želi iskusiti uzbuđenje gledajući ljude i strojeve važne u njihovim životima, kojim činom ne samo da se promatra proizvodni process, već se stvara jedinstveno iskustvo koje mijenja percepciju posjetitelja o projektu. Tvrtke koje nude industrijske izlete u svojoj ponudi jako se trude da to vrijeme bude kvalitetno provedeno. Muzeji su mjesta gdje se ljudi ispune energijom na jedan sasvim nov način, posebice kada su uključeni u posjet Centru za istraživanje. Potencijalni budući izleti omogućit će da posjetitelji vide kako funkcionira industrija, uz opsežne programe sigurnosti i informiranosti, najkvalitenije postupke u zaštiti prirode i besprijekorno čista, uredna postrojenja. Muzej Labin unapređuje ovakvo iskustvo budući da omogućava posjetiteljima osjetiti duhovno i materijalno stvaralaštvo jedne kompanije, ali i savjesnu radnu snagu. Nakon ovakvih industrijskih izleta posjetitelji ne samo da znaju više o proizvodu kojega koriste, nego i više cijene taj proizvod. Njihovo iskustvo dok “dodiruju” proizvod kojega koriste promijenit će njihovu percepciju o proizvodu za čitav život. Isto tako osjećaju proizvod intenzivnije budući da su djelićem učestvovali u njegovoj proizvodnji


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    Ruralni turizam se kroz povijest razvijao i stvarao temelje na kojima se i danas gradi. Svijet je toliko tehnološki napredovao, no bez obzira na to, čovjek je svjestan činjenice da ne smije zaboraviti selo, običaje i tradiciju, a koji su jedni od glavnih čimbenika ruralnog turizma. Istraživanje u radu pokazuje u kojoj mjeri su obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva spremna pokretati takve projekte, te koliko su upoznati s mogućnošću financiranja tih projekata u okviru fondova Europske unije. Najvažnije je doći do spoznaje iz kojih razloga se obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva ne odlučuju za projekte kako bi se radilo na njihovom pojednostavljivanju i uklanjanju, te uspješnom povlačenju sredstava iz fondova Europske unije. Naša predivna zemlja prepuna je još neiskorištenih potencijala, a današnjem turistu ima mnogo toga za ponuditi, samim time direktno utjecati na razvoj ekonomije te napredovanje cjelokupnog gospodarstva zemlje.Rural tourism has evolved through history and created the foundations on which it is still built today. The world has progressed so much technologically, but nevertheless the man is aware of the fact that he must not forget the village, customs and tradition, which are one of the main factors of rural tourism. Research in the work explores the extent to which family farms are ready to initiate such projects and how much they are aware of the possibility of funding these projects within EU funds. The most important thing to come up with is the notion that family farms do not decide on projects to simplify and eliminate them, and to successfully withdraw funds from EU funds. Our beautiful country is full of unused potential, and the dormant tourist has much to offer, thus directly influencing the development of the economy and the advancement of the country's entire economy

    Spatial Structure of Tourism in The City of Umag

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje način na koji se turizam razvio u Gradu Umagu te kakva je njegova prostorna struktura danas. Kao dio najrazvijenije turističke regije u Republici Hrvatskoj, Grad Umag se postavio kao jedan od pionira hrvatskoga turizma. Cilj ovoga rada je detaljnom analizom ukazati na zastupljenost pojedinih vrsta turizma u Gradu Umagu i njihovu važnost u turističkoj ponudi Grada. Na temelju statističkih pokazatelja objašnjavaju se trendovi razvoja po pojedinim fazama u razdoblju od 1966. do 2018. godine te faktori koji su na njega utjecali. Rad ukazuje na problem ograničenosti turističke sezone u Gradu Umagu na ljetne mjesece u godini. Potencijal Grada Umaga leži u sportskom i nautičkom turizmu kao rješenju problema sezonalnosti, no potrebne mjere iziskuju veća infrastrukturna ulaganja.This paper analyzes how tourism has developed in the City of Umag and what its spatial structure is like today. As a part of the most developed tourism region in the Republic of Croatia, Umag has become one of the pioneers of Croatian tourism. The aim of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis in order to point out the presence of certain types of tourism in the City of Umag and their importance in the city’s tourist offer. Thr paper presents development trends for each phase in the period from 1996 to 2018, using statistical indicators, and the factors that influenced it. The paper draws attention to the problem of restriction of the tourist season in the City of Umag to the summer months of the year. The potential of the City of Umag lies in sports and nautical tourism as a solution to the problem of seasonality, but the necessary measures require more investment into infrastructure

    Impact of the film industry on tourism development - case studies of Split and Dubrovnik

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    Filmska industrija je jedan od važnijih suvremenih oblika kreativne industrije koja uvelike utječe na ekonomski razvoj, a i na turizam stvarajući materijalne i nematerijalne resurse za filmski turizam. Filmovi imaju pozitivan utjecaj na turizam, prvenstveno jer se lokacije snimanja filmova brendiraju kao turističke destinacije, organiziraju se različite ture, snimaju se reklame te se otvaraju tematska mjesta zabavnog i kulturnog sadržaja. Turisti imaju mogućnost uz pomoć filma unaprijed vidjeti i upoznati se s glavninom onoga što mogu susresti na turističkim destinacijama. Predmet rada je utjecaj filmske industrije na razvoj turizma, s naglaskom na Split i Dubrovnik kao lokacije snimanja poznatih filmova i serija.Film industry is one of the main contemporary versions of creative industry which has a huge impact on both economic development and tourism while producing material and immaterial resources for the film tourism. Films have a positive effect on tourism mainly because the shooting locations are becoming tourist destinations, there is a variety of organised tours, commercials are shown all over the world and many thematic sites with entertaining and cultural character are being opened. Through films, tourists have possibility of having a deep insight of the main tourist sites in a destination. The object of this thesis is affection of the film industry on tourism development with emphasis on Split and Dubrovnik as popular shooting locations of TV series and films. The subject of the paper is the impact of the film industry on the development of tourism, with an emphasis on Split and Dubrovnik as shooting locations of famous films and TV series

    Tourism as a factor of development in Baranja

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    Za regiju Baranje najznačajnija gospodarska grana je poljoprivreda. No, obzirom na sve nepovoljnije gospodarske trendove u Baranji, stanovništvo traži drugi izvor prihoda. Kao najbolje rješenje nameće se ruralni turizam koji danas Baranjcima većinom predstavlja dodatan izvor prihoda na obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu. Razvojem ruralnog turizma potiče se diverzificirana ekonomska struktura koja je ključna za razvoj ruralnog prostora. Međutim, osim utjecaja na gospodarska i demografska obilježja Baranje, ruralni turizam ima značajan utjecaj na fizionomsku i funkcionalnu preobrazbu određenih naselja u Baranji. Ta preobrazba se najbolje očituje u naseljima gdje se koncentrirao specifičan oblik turizma, a kao studije slučaja u ovom radu su naselja: Bilje, Karanac i Zmajevac.For the region Baranja the most important economic activity is agriculture. But considering all the more unfavorable economic trends in Baranya, the population is looking for another source of income. The best solution is the rural tourism, which today mostly represents an additional source of income on a family farm. The development of rural tourism encourages a diversified economic structure that is crucial for rural development. However, apart from affecting the economic and demographic characteristics of Baranja, rural tourism has a significant influence on the physiological and functional transformation of certain settlements in Baranja. This transformation is best seen in settlements where the specific form of tourism is concentrated, and as a case study in this paper are settlements: Bilje, Karanac and Zmajevac

    Statistička analiza turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Osnovni cilj istraživanja ovog rada je analiza kretanja i strukture u turizmu u Republici Hrvatskoj kao strateški važnoj gospodarskoj grani. Upravo je turizam područje koje uvelike potiče razvoj hrvatskog gospodarstva, ali i zadržava određeni broja stanovnika u zemlji. U ovom završnom radu se na temelju provedene statističke analize relevantnih pokazatelja pruža podloga za donošenje odluka vezanih za strateška pitanja gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj. Nastoji se analizirati u kojem se smjeru razvija hrvatski turizam odnosno u kojem bi se smjeru trebao razvijati. Analizirajući statističke podatke turizma može se vidjeti da hrvatsko gospodarstvo ovisi o turizmu. Dodatni problem hrvatskog turizma je i sezonalnost (samo u srpnju i kolovozu turisti noće preko 6 dana dok ostatak godine se to kreće oko 2 dana), ali Republika Hrvatska svakako posjeduje potencijale i resurse (kongresni, zdravstveni, sportski turizam...) za dodatnim razvojem turizma. Analiziran je i udio broja noćenja turista iz 10 najzastupljenijih zemalja u ukupnom broju noćenja inozemnih turista u odabranom razdoblju i dani su mogući razlozi za uočene promjene u udjelima.The main aim of this paper is to analyze the trends and structure of tourism in the Republic of Croatia as a strategically important industy. In fact tourism is what greatly encourages the development of the Croatian economy, but also keeps certain number of people in a country. In this paper it is provided a strong basis for decision making regarding to strategic issues of the Croatian economy, based on the analysis and relevant indicators. It is necessary to see in which direction is Croatian tourism developing and in which direction it should be developing. Based on a analysis of the data we see that Croatian economy is dependent on the tourism industry. The additional issue of Croatian tourism is also seasonality (only in July and August tourist make 6 or more overnight stays while the rest of the year it fluctuates around 2 days), but the Republic of Croatia certainly has potential and resources (congressual, health, sports tourism...) for further development of tourism. Percentage of overnight stays from 10 most represented countries in overall number of overnight stays made by foreigners in chosen period has also been analyzed and possible reasons for fluctuations over the period are given

    Trends in croatian hotel industry

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    Tourism and hotel business is becoming one of the leading industries of the world. Therefore, an increased attention needs to be paid to the study of trends in tourism because they determine the trends in hotel industry. The purpose of the paper is to point out the importance of hotel industry as one of the most important elements of development in tourist economies. The paper aims at introducing the newest trends in modern hotel industry and offering a review of the recent trends of demand and the directions of hotel industry development. The importance of hotel industry on both micro and macro, i.e. global level is increasing. Besides a series of theoretical representations and conclusions, this paper brings some concrete data and examples from practice in hotel management.tourism industry, trends, European Union, perspectiveness, small country