31,347 research outputs found

    The role of traditional land use systems in the well-being of rural Timor-Leste

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    Natural ecosystems and traditional land use systems have an important role in the life and well being of the rural population of Timor-Leste. Our objectives are: 1) to analyse the different functions that natural ecosystems and land use systems supply to the rural populations of Timor-Leste, identifying the goods and services produced and their economic value; 2) to relate the services produced by land use patterns with Timor-Leste rural population well being; and 3) to discuss the impacts of the present situation and to foresee changes on the well being of rural Timor-Leste. This paper is based on a multidisciplinary approach incorporating contributions from several fields of knowledge, and uses documentary sources, field observations and interviews. The land use patterns identified in Timor-Leste are: natural and semi-natural ecosystems, subsistence agriculture, sacred, housing, basic infrastructures and industries and services. These land use patterns produce a set of goods and which are essential for the survival and well-being of Timor-Leste rural communities. Key-words: Timor-Leste, natural ecosystems, land, well being, developmen

    Food and nutrition security in Timor-Leste

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    This report is a literature review on Food and Nutrition Security in Timor-Leste based on data from surveys conducted by the Timor-Leste National Statistics Directorate, as well as from national and international organizations working in Timor-Leste. This review was supported by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)-funded project “Strategy for Investment in Fisheries in East Timor”. This report describes the current food and nutrition situation in Timor-Leste for the purpose of planning and implementing interventions aimed at improving food and nutrition security, especially within aquatic agricultural systems. The potential role of aquaculture in improving food and nutrition security is considered, with reference to the recently endorsed Timor-Leste National Aquaculture Development Strategy (2012-2030) developed by the National Directorate of Fisheries and Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

    Influences and echoes of Indonesia in Timor-Leste

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    This paper presents four case studies that highlight how Indonesia and Timor-Leste remain intricately entwined at the social, political, cultural and personal levels. Abstract Since 1999, when a United Nations (UN) transitional administration was established in the wake of the East Timorese vote for independence from Indonesia, the case of Timor-Leste has been a relative mainstay in research and policy debates on post-conflict reconstruction. Timor- Leste is often characterised by scholars as a ‘postconflict’ country and, as a consequence, compared to other countries that have recently emerged from political strife. While this focus is understandable, it has also meant that surprisingly little scholarly attention has focused on the connections, points of similarity and interrelations between Timor- Leste and its near neighbour and former occupier Indonesia. Only recently have researchers begun to explore the multiple dimensions of Timor-Leste/ Indonesian relations and unpack the relationship across a range of disciplines

    One Instrument, Many Targets: Timor-Leste?s Macroeconomic Policy Challenge

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    It is difficult to be sanguine about Timor-Leste?s progress towards achieving the localized Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The share of people living under the national poverty line increased from 36 per cent in 2001 to 50 per cent in 2007. The maternal mortality ratio remains unacceptably high. About half of the children are underweight. In Dili, the capital, 58 per cent of the youth have no jobs (Government of Timor Leste and UN, 2009). Can Timor-Leste scale-up MDG-related investments? (?)One Instrument, Many Targets: Timor-Leste?s Macroeconomic Policy Challenge

    Engaging Processes of Sense-Making and Negotiation in Contemporary Timor-Leste

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    The articles in this special issue build on past ethnographic inquiries and focus on political and social change since Timor-Leste independence. One of the things we have found particularly exciting about researching post-independent Timor-Leste has been to carry out fieldwork in a context where not just researchers, but also our informants, are caught up in processes of sense-making of determining what kind of place Timor-Leste as an independent nation is becoming. The reality of ethnographic research in such a context is far different from, as Ferguson (1999, 208) has it, the archetypal image of the anthropologist dropped into the middle of a cultural homogenous village community where the researcher acquires from local informants a degree of cultural fluency. Rather, while we as researchers have tried to learn about Timor-Leste, our informants, as citizens of a new nation, have been absorbed in a parallel process of learning, deliberating and at times contesting what kind of place Timor-Leste as an independent nation is, and should become in the future (see Kammen 2009). In other words, making sense of independent Timor- Leste has, over the past decade, been a project that preoccupies Timorese citizens as much as the foreign researcher. This issue addresses some of these processes of sense-making and negotiation; and highlights the ambiguities and paradoxes, while stressing the heterogeneity and unpredictability of contemporary Timor-Leste


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    Timor Leste is a country that just gained independence in 2002. Since its independence, the Government of Timor Leste has faced many problems related to the welfare of its people and has been unable to resolve these problems within its own country. The supply shortage of water supply and sanitation in rural areas of Timor Leste is one of the most significant domestic problems that continue to receive assistance from abroad. This then becomes a big problem being faced by the Government of Timor Leste regarding the health of its people. Given these problems, Australia as a neighboring country, provides assistance through cooperation between the Government of Australia through AusAID (Australian Agency for International Development) and the Government of Timor Leste through the Community Water Supply and Sanitation Program, which is then followed by the Rural Clean Water and Sanitation Program or BESIK. II. The results of this study were that there were several problems during the program, but BESIK II still achieved significant and very good output results in increasing access to clean water and sanitation for people in Timor Leste. In this study, the authors will analyze the collaboration of the BESIK II Program through the concept of Global Water Governance by Messner and Nuschler with the four core variables of Global Water Governanc

    Diplomasi Timor Leste Bergabung dalam Keanggotaan Tetap ASEAN

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    This research explain about Timor Leste Wants to Join ASEAN Membership, This is an opportunity to improve the country \u27s profile in the region in addition to economic and political advantages which can be obtained by becoming a member of ASEAN. since Timor Leste applied to join the members of asean untill recently Timor leste has not been accepted as an ASEAN memberhip. One of ASEAN membershipa assume Timor Leste can\u27t be a membership of ASEAN because the gap with the other Asean member countries it feared would be problem fo ASEAN.This research theoretically has built by using Morghenthau Neoclassical Realism perspective on International Relationsand supported by Foreign Policy theory from James N. Rossenau. Formulation of all arguments, data, facts, and theoritical framework in this research using qualitative explanation methods.This research also using nation-state as the level of analyze, the focus on this research Timor Leste in diplomatic efforts became a membership of asean.To accepts Timor Leste doing diplomacy to of ASEAN membership. Timor Leste interlacing good relationship with membership of ASEAN. Timor Leste doing collaboration with ASEAN\u27s membership, then Timor Leste join all ASEAN activity and Timor Leste Also intituiting ASEAN office in Dili, Timor Leste. that aptly been accepted Timor Leste must more tries to get support to joining to be a membership of ASEAN

    The Situation Development of Timor Leste Refugees Post Election From The Social and Legal Aspect

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    As neighbouring countries not only based upon its geographical but also its historical, Indonesia and Timor Leste has developed a lot of effort to overcome residual issues that arose from Timor Leste separation from Indonesia such as the refugee problem. Protection of Refuges is a classical issue in International Law. Even though the right to seek asylum has been ensrined in The Indonesia constitution (UUD 1945, Law Number 999, Law Number 37/1999. Until now Indonesia has not ratified or acceded to any international instruments on refugees. In the cases of Timor Leste's Refugees. Indonesia and Timor Leste have to create a bilateral cooperation based on peaceful co existence principles, and good neighbour lines principles

    Delivering Justice for Women Victims of Conflicts: How Judicial Mechanisms Perpetuated Gender Inequality in Timor-Leste

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    Abstrak: Timor-Leste adalah salah satu kisah sukses operasi perdamaian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) terlepas dari lamanya operasi tersebut dilakukan. Intervensi PBB di Timor-Leste bersifat khusus karena PBB menetapkan dua mekanisme peradilan selama operasi perdamaian berjalan, yaitu Serious Crime Unit (SCU) atau Unit Kejahatan Serius dan Komisi Kebenaran (CAVR). Baik SCU maupun CAVR memiliki mandat yang berbeda dengan tujuan bersama untuk mengatasi pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di Timor-Leste. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkritik kedua mekanisme tersebut, khususnya mengenai bagaimana inisiatif ini mengusahakan keadilan bagi perempuan korban konflik di Timor-Leste. Kritik berfokus pada mandat, tindakan dan otoritas mereka. Berdasarkan ketiga aspek ini, kesimpulan yang dihasilkan adalah mekanisme –mekanisme ini gagal memberikan keadilan bagi para perempuan korban di Timor-Leste. Kata Kunci: Timor-Leste, operasi perdamaian PBB, pelanggaran HAM, mekanisme peradilan, SCU, CAVR, perempuan korban Abstract: Timor-Leste is one of few success stories of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations despite its long period. The UN intervention in Timor-Leste is unique because it established two justice mechanisms during the peacekeeping operations, namely the Serious Crime Unit (SCU) and the Truth Commission (CAVR). Both SCU and CAVR have different mandates with a common objective to address human rights violations committed in Timor-Leste. This paper tries to criticize these two mechanisms, particularly on how these initiatives delivered justice for women victims of conflict in Timor-Leste. The critique focuses on their mandate, performance, and authority. Based on these three aspects, it is concluded that these mechanisms failed to deliver justice to women victims in Timor-Leste. Key Words: Timor-Leste, UN peacekeeping operation, human rights violations, justice mechanism, SCU, CAVR, women victim

    The role of traditional land use systems in the well-being of rural Timor-Leste

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    Natural ecosystems and traditional land use systems have an important role in the life and well being of the rural population of Timor-Leste. The land itself is the support of natural ecosystems and subsistence agriculture of rural populations of East Timor and is the main focus of this research. This paper is part of work in progress. Our research, located in rural Timor-Leste focuses on land tenure, rural family income and the mechanisms that will induce changes in the rules of traditional society organisation. The main objectives of this paper are: 1) to identify the different land use patterns of Timor-Leste; 2) to identify the goods and services produced by them and 3) to relate the services produced by land use patterns with the well-being of Timor-Leste rural population. This paper is based on a multidisciplinary approach incorporating contributions from several fields of knowledge, and uses documentary sources, direct observations made in various periods in the field and interviews conducted in 2003, 2009 and 2010. We identify as the main land use patterns in Timor-Leste the following ones: natural and semi-natural ecosystems, subsistence agriculture, sacred, housing and basic infrastructures and Industries and services. For Timor-Leste rural communities the above land use patterns produce a set of goods and services, which can be classified as supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural goods and services, and those are essential for their survival and well-being. The conceptual framework used to examine the above mentioned issues is the human rights approach to development within which human rights are considered as means and objectives of development as much as economic purposes.Timor-Leste, land use patterns, ecosystems goods and services, well-being.