1,981 research outputs found

    State Bank of India Annual Report 2022

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    Mjerenje iskustva korisnika bankoosiguranja: empirijsko istraĹľivanje

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    Purpose – This study attempts to investigate customer experience with respect to the bancassurance channel. Design/Methodology/Approach – The study is based on primary data collected using a structured questionnaire from customers buying life insurance policies from SBI Life through different branches of State Bank of India in the city of Guwahati in the state of Assam, India. Cronbach’s alpha was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. Statistical tools, such as mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis were used to attain the objective of the study. Findings and implications – The study found that customers have favorable experiences when buying life insurance through the bancassurance channel. There are seven core factors that affect customer experience in bancassurance: ease of buying, whether maturity benefit is received, reliability of the channel, responsiveness of the channel, after-sale services, stock market-related information, and accuracy of the channel. Banks should devise a strategy to sustain favorable experiences of their customers, as this enables banks to retain their existing customers while also attracting new ones. Limitation – The study is restricted to customers buying life insurance policy from various branches of State Bank of India in Guwahati, India. Therefore, longitudinal and cross-sectional research is needed to generalize the findings. Originality – The study is first of its kind and hence original in nature.Svrha – Studija istražuje iskustvo korisnika pri kupovini police osiguranja u banci (usluga bankoosiguranja) kao prodajnom kanalu. Metodološki pristup – Istraživanje se temelji na primarnim podacima prikupljenim korištenjem strukturiranog anketnog upitnika na uzorku korisnika koji kupuju SBI policu životnog osiguranja u različitim podružnicama banke State Bank of India u gradu Guwahati, savezna država Assam u Indiji. Pouzdanost anketnoga upitnika testirana je koeficijentom Cronbach alfa. Statističke mjere srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije te faktorska analiza korištene su da bi se ostvario cilj istraživanja. Rezultati i implikacije – Istraživanje otkriva da korisnici imaju pozitivno iskustvo u kupovini police životnog osiguranja u banci kao kanalu prodaje. Utvrđeno je sedam glavnih čimbenika koji utječu na iskustvo korisnika pri kupovini osiguranja u banci kao kanalu prodaje, a to su: jednostavnost kupovine, dobivanje povlastica vezano uz dospijeće police, pouzdanost kanala, odgovornost kanala, poslijekupovne usluge, informacije o radu burzi te preciznost kanala. Banka bi trebala osmisliti strategiju održivosti pozitivnog iskustva korisnika jer će joj to omogućiti zadržavanje postojećih i privlačenje novih korisnika. Ograničenja – Istraživanje je ograničeno na korisnike koji kupuju policu životnog osiguranja u različitim podružnicama banke State Bank of India u gradu Guwahati, savezna država Assam u Indiji. Zbog toga je potrebno longitudinalno i kros-kulturno istraživanje kako bi se ovi rezultati mogli generalizirati. Doprinos – Ovo je istraživanje prvo ovakve vrste, a samim time i originalno

    Job Satisfaction of Agricultural Professionals in Commercial Banks of Kerala

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    The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala, to analyse the factors affecting job satisfaction of agricultural professionals in commercial banks of Kerala. Ninety agricultural professionals working in two major banks viz., State Bank of India and Canara Bank were randomly selected. Ex-post facto research design was followed. It was found that about fifty per cent of respondents felt that they have high job satisfaction. The results of the Principal Component Analysis based on eigen values obtained revealed that all the five components viz., pay, promotion, work, supervision and people were the factors influencing job satisfaction

    The global financial crisis and indian banks: survival of the fittest?

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    The Indian banking system was initially thought to be insulated from the global financial crisis owing to heavy public ownership and cautious management. It was thus a surprise when some banks experienced a deposit flight, as depositors shifted their money toward government-owned banks and specifically toward the State Bank of India, the largest public bank. While there was some tendency for depositors to favour healthier banks and the banks with more stable funding, the reallocation of deposits toward the State Bank of India in particular cannot be explained by these factors alone. Nor can it be explained by the impact of explicit capital injections by the government into some public-sector banks. Rather it appears that the implicit guarantee of the liabilities of the country’s largest public bank dominated other considerations

    A Service Quality Assessment of banks with special reference to State Bank of India (SBI) and HDFC Bank

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    The service quality assessment of the banking sector has been an area of interest among many of the researchers worldwide.  The present research aims to enrich the existing body of literature on the said subject.The research has used the SERQUAL model by Parsuraman et al. 1990.  The findings have been made with respect two of the best banks in India—The State Bank of India(SBI) and the HDFC Bank. The findings of the study highlight the need and importance of focus on the elements of responsiveness and friendliness in the service delivery so that the customer is satisfied with the banking service. Key words: SERVQUAL, Service Quality, Banking Servic


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    Finance is the life blood of trade, commerce and industry nowadays, banking sector act a backbone of modern business. Development of any country mainly depends upon the banking system. The term bank is either derived from Old Italian word bench or from a French word banquet both mean a bench or money exchange table Debit cards have revolutionized both the shopping experience and the banking world. Using debit cards in India safely and effectively is important. KEY WORD:Debit card,Credit Card,Customers,Ban

    Role of Banking Sector in Nation Building

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    The study seems to know the performance of State Bank of India and Punjab National Bank through estimation of growth rate of performance indicators by recorded time series data from 2001- 2013. In absolute term , linear trend value of performance indicators have increased by significant manner which is good sign for 2020 vision during the period of study the estimated growth rate for number of borrowers and amount advanced as product different of loans, recovery outstanding and over dues was noticed during the last decades. It is alarming for the 2020 financial vision as good sign of progress by the developing nation. The comparison between two leading banks in India shows better and fast growth in the country. Apart from these banks other banks progress are not performing up to the level of future growth because of several factors study pertains to only two banks i.e State Bank of India and Punjab National Bank.  The pace for financial vision 2020 by these banks has been studied.

    “A Study onawareness and performance Of YONO App by its users in Mumbai regionâ€

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    YONO (You Only Need One) is an integrated digital banking stage offered by State Bank of India (SBI) to allow users to access a range of financial and other services of bill payments. YONO is offeredas  smartphone app for Android and iOS. YONO was launched on Friday 24 November 2017 by Arun Jaitley, the Finance Minister of India. YONO compromises services from over 60 e-commerce companies withtravel planning, online shopping, taxi booking, online education and offline retail. YONO also offers conventional mobile banking services such as fund transfers, bank account opening, cashless bill payments, and loans. State Bank of India, has launched a unified integrated app called YONO (You Need Only One) that would offer all types of financial and lifestyle products

    Work Life Balance Amongst the Working Women in Public Sector Banks - A Case Study of State Bank of India

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    In terms of Indian context, the concern over work-life balance is gradually becoming a common talk especially for women employees. Work life balance is a state of equilibrium in which the demand of both professional and personal life is equal. Each role having different set of demands and when such role demands overlap, multiple problems are faced. In reality life and work over-lap and interact. In designing the work life policies employer should think that the commitment of employees can make the difference between those companies which compete at the marketplace and those which cannot. A balanced life for women is one where they spread their energy and effort between key areas of importance. This research study aims to figure out the working environment of public sector banks for women employees and what is the perception of women about the initiative and policies of banks and effects of those initiatives on their lives. Chi square test is applied in this paper to check the authenticity of data given by the respondents. The research is conducted among working women in banks with special reference to SBI, Bhopal (M.P.) city head office. We suggest that Work-Life Balance is not a problem to be solved. It is an ongoing issue to be managed
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