288 research outputs found

    Prikaz knjige: Sportska medicina

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    U knjizi se prikazuje problematika iz cjelokupnog opsega djelovanja sportske medicine, i to: fiziologija, sportskomedicinski pregledi, programiranje treninga, prehrana, doping, traumatologija, problematika povezana sa ženskim spolom i životnom dobi, sportska kardiologija, biomehanika, regenerativna medicina, posebnosti ozljeda i oštećenja u pojedinim sportovima. Posebna poglavlja obrađuju mogućnost zaštite od ozljeda, i to orofacijalnog područja i glave i mozga, a velika se pozornost posvećuje sindromima prenaprezanja lokomotornog sustava s obzirom na njihovu veliku i sve veću učestalost u sportaša i rekreativaca, ali i u općoj populaciji

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    U užem smislu kineziologija je definirana kao znanost o ljudskom kretanju. Potreba za kretanjem danas je sve veća zbog poražavajućih podataka o neaktivnosti populacije. Suvremeni čovjek naziva se još i „Homo Sedens“. Kretanje i pokret imaju i mogućnost određenim dijelom pridonijeti liječenju odnosno preveniranju određenih bolesti i stanja. Tjelesne aktivnosti same po sebi ne mogu biti lijek koji će potpuno ukloniti neku bolest. Utjecaj tjelesne aktivnosti na mišićno tkivo može opisati pojmovima hipertrofije (povećanje obujma tkiva) i kapilarizacije (povećana prokrvljenost) te povećanim energetskim rezervama (glikogen, mioglobin, fosfolipidi i fosfati) i povećanom koncentracijom minerala (kalij, kalcij, magnezij). Kineziterapija podrazumijeva upotrebu pokreta i vježbanja kako bi se prevenirale i smanjile posljedice određene bolesti, tjelesnog oštećenja ili ozljede. Rekreacija je najjednostavniji, najrašireniji i najisplativiji oblik tjelesne aktivnosti i brige za zdravlje

    The history of the development of kinesiology profession at Class Teacher Studies in Osijek from 1893-2017

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    U ovome radu može se vidjeti kronološko stvaranje i nastanak preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija Kineziologije na Fakultetu za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku. Nakon prikupljanja brojnih izvora prikazan je razvoj kineziološke struke od 1893. do 2017. godine. Kreće se od samog osnivanja Učiteljske škole u Osijeku gdje je i započelo prvo školovanje učitelja. Zatim slijedi osnivanje Pedagoške akademije kod koje ćemo istaknuti studijsku grupu razredna nastava i fizička kultura. Nakon nekoliko godina postojanja Pedagoške akademije ona prerasta u Pedagoški fakultet. Školske godine 1998. Učiteljski studij preuzima Visoka učiteljska škola kroz nekoliko godina njezinog djelovanja nakon čega ona prerasta u Učiteljski fakultet. Učiteljski fakultet kroz svoje djelovanje i razvijanje mijenja naziv 2014. godine u Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti. Potrebama zajednice, grada i županije te samim razvojem fakulteta došlo je do osnivanja nove studijske grupe, Preddiplomskog sveučilišnog studija Kineziologije.In this paper we can see the chronological creation and forming of the undergraduate university study of Kinesiology at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Osijek. By collecting numerous sources this work will show the development of the kinesiology profession from 1893 to 2017. Starting from the establishment of the Teacher's School in Osijek, because that is where education of teachers first started. Next we follow the establishment of the Pedagogical Academy, where we will highlight the study group of classroom teaching and physical education. After several years of the existing, Pedagogical Academy changes name into Pedagogical Faculty. In the 1998 school year Teacher study is taken over by the High Teacher School through several years of its activity, to later develop into the Faculty of Teacher Education. The Faculty of Teacher Education through its activities and development changes its name in 2014 to the Faculty of Educational Sciences. The needs of community, town and county, and also the development of the faculty led to the establishment of a new study group, the Undergraduate University Study of Kinesiology


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    Ahilova tetiva je najjača i najdeblja tetiva u ljudskom tijelu . Ahilova tetiva je prokrvljena preko dvije arterije, stražnje tibijalne i peronealne arterije, a inervirana je od strane senzornih živaca suralnog živca te živca cutaneusa. Kao mnoge druge tetive , Ahilova tetiva nema pravu tetivnu ovojnicu. Umjesto toga je okružena paratenonom sastavljenim od mekog tkiva. Opterećenje koje izazove istezanje veće od 8-10 % duljine Ahilove tetive prouzrokuje njenu kompletnu rupturu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je češća u muškaraca, s muško-ženskim omjerom 7:1 do 12:1. Ruptura Ahilove tetive na lijevoj strani je češća nego na desnoj vjerojatno zbog veće prevalencije individua kojima je desna strana dominantna te se opiru sa lijevim donjim dijelom, udom. Tipično, akutna ruptura Ahilove tetive se pojavljuje kod muškaraca koji su u dobi od 30 do 40 godina, koji se bave uredskim poslovima te se povremeno bave sportom. Istovremena bilateralna ruptura Ahilove tetive je veoma rijetka kod zdravih pojedinaca, dok se može pojaviti kod starijih ljudi koji pate od neke bolesti te već duže vrijeme primaju steroidne lijekove. Točni uzroci rupture Ahilove tetive su još nejasni , ali je literatura puna teorija, uključujući ponavljane mikrotraume, poremećaj inhibitora mehanizma, povezanost rupture sa krvnom grupom nula, hipoksiju, degeneraciju tetive, smanjenu perfuziju koja rezultira degenerativnim promjenama te sistemna ili lokalna upotreba steroida. Ahilova tetiva je veoma često zahvaćena sindromom prenaprezanja, a ovisno o lokalizaciji upalnih promjena, riječ je o miotendinitisu, tendinitisu, paratenonitisu ili entenzitisu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je karakteristična za zadnji stadij sindroma prenaprezanja. Klinički znakovi su :izrazito opipljiva udubina pri dorzalnoj fleksiji stopala odmah nakon ozljede, te tu udubinu vrlo brzo ispunjava oteklina i podljev krvi, hematom, jaka bol na pritisak, te pozitivan Thomsonov test. Većina tehnika i procedura koje su opisane kod liječenja akutne rupture Ahilove tetive mogu se podijeliti u 3 grupe : otvorena operacija, perkutana operacija i konzervativno liječenje. Osnovni zadatak rehabilitacije svakako je povratak pune fleksibilnosti, već tada zadebljane i krute tetive. Drugi je zadatak snaženje oslabljenih mišića potkoljenice, kao i povratak refleksnog odgovora tetive kroz proprioceptivne vježbe. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na gležanj i male zglobove stopala koji mogu biti uzrok boli nakon skidanja gipsa. Pomoć fizioterapeuta ubrzava proces rehabilitacije te sprječava mogućnost ponovnog ozljeđivanja davajući pravilne savjete.The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in human body. The Achilles tendon is vascularized through two arteries, tibial posterior and peroneal arteries, and innervated by the sensory nerves by the sural nerve and nerve cutaneus. Like many other tendons, Achilles tendon doesn't have real tendon sheath. Instead it is surrounded by paratenon composed of soft tissue. Load that cause stretching greater than 8-10% of the length of the Achilles tendon cause its complete rupture. Achilles tendon rupture is more common in males, with a male-female ratio of 7: 1 to 12:1. Achilles tendon Rupture of the n on the left side is more common than on the right side,probably due to the greater prevalence of individuals where the right side is dominant and resist with the left lower part,extremity. Typically, acute Achilles tendon rupture occurs in men who are 30 to 40 years old, dealing with office jobs and occasionally sports. Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendon is rare in healthy individuals, as can occur in older people who suffer from a disease that has long received steroid medication. The exact causes of Achilles tendon rupture are still unclear, but the literature is full of theories, including repetitive microtrauma, disorder inhibitor mechanism, the link rupture with blood group zero, hypoxia, tendon degeneration, reduced perfusion resulting in deterioration of the systemic or topical use of steroids. The Achilles tendon is often affected by overuse injuries, depending on the localization of inflammatory changes, it is a miotendinitis, tendinitis, paratenonitis or entenzitis. Rupture of the Achilles tendon is characteristic of the last stage of overuse injuries. Clinical signs include: a very tangible dent in the dorsal flexion of the foot immediately after the injury, and the hollow very quickly fills the swelling and bruise, hematoma, severe pain on pressure, and a positive Thompson test. Most of the techniques and procedures described in the treatment of acute rupture of the Achilles tendon can be divided into 3 groups: open surgery, percutaneous surgery and conservative treatment. The main task of rehabilitation certainly return full flexibility, but then thickened and stiff tendons. Another task is strengthening the weakened muscles of lower leg as well as the return of the tendon reflex responses through proprioceptive exercises. Particular attention should be given to the ankle and small joints of the foot, which may be the cause of pain after removal of plaster.Physiotherapist help accelerate the rehabilitation process and prevents the possibility of re-injury by giving proper advices


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    Ahilova tetiva je najjača i najdeblja tetiva u ljudskom tijelu . Ahilova tetiva je prokrvljena preko dvije arterije, stražnje tibijalne i peronealne arterije, a inervirana je od strane senzornih živaca suralnog živca te živca cutaneusa. Kao mnoge druge tetive , Ahilova tetiva nema pravu tetivnu ovojnicu. Umjesto toga je okružena paratenonom sastavljenim od mekog tkiva. Opterećenje koje izazove istezanje veće od 8-10 % duljine Ahilove tetive prouzrokuje njenu kompletnu rupturu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je češća u muškaraca, s muško-ženskim omjerom 7:1 do 12:1. Ruptura Ahilove tetive na lijevoj strani je češća nego na desnoj vjerojatno zbog veće prevalencije individua kojima je desna strana dominantna te se opiru sa lijevim donjim dijelom, udom. Tipično, akutna ruptura Ahilove tetive se pojavljuje kod muškaraca koji su u dobi od 30 do 40 godina, koji se bave uredskim poslovima te se povremeno bave sportom. Istovremena bilateralna ruptura Ahilove tetive je veoma rijetka kod zdravih pojedinaca, dok se može pojaviti kod starijih ljudi koji pate od neke bolesti te već duže vrijeme primaju steroidne lijekove. Točni uzroci rupture Ahilove tetive su još nejasni , ali je literatura puna teorija, uključujući ponavljane mikrotraume, poremećaj inhibitora mehanizma, povezanost rupture sa krvnom grupom nula, hipoksiju, degeneraciju tetive, smanjenu perfuziju koja rezultira degenerativnim promjenama te sistemna ili lokalna upotreba steroida. Ahilova tetiva je veoma često zahvaćena sindromom prenaprezanja, a ovisno o lokalizaciji upalnih promjena, riječ je o miotendinitisu, tendinitisu, paratenonitisu ili entenzitisu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive je karakteristična za zadnji stadij sindroma prenaprezanja. Klinički znakovi su :izrazito opipljiva udubina pri dorzalnoj fleksiji stopala odmah nakon ozljede, te tu udubinu vrlo brzo ispunjava oteklina i podljev krvi, hematom, jaka bol na pritisak, te pozitivan Thomsonov test. Većina tehnika i procedura koje su opisane kod liječenja akutne rupture Ahilove tetive mogu se podijeliti u 3 grupe : otvorena operacija, perkutana operacija i konzervativno liječenje. Osnovni zadatak rehabilitacije svakako je povratak pune fleksibilnosti, već tada zadebljane i krute tetive. Drugi je zadatak snaženje oslabljenih mišića potkoljenice, kao i povratak refleksnog odgovora tetive kroz proprioceptivne vježbe. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na gležanj i male zglobove stopala koji mogu biti uzrok boli nakon skidanja gipsa. Pomoć fizioterapeuta ubrzava proces rehabilitacije te sprječava mogućnost ponovnog ozljeđivanja davajući pravilne savjete.The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in human body. The Achilles tendon is vascularized through two arteries, tibial posterior and peroneal arteries, and innervated by the sensory nerves by the sural nerve and nerve cutaneus. Like many other tendons, Achilles tendon doesn't have real tendon sheath. Instead it is surrounded by paratenon composed of soft tissue. Load that cause stretching greater than 8-10% of the length of the Achilles tendon cause its complete rupture. Achilles tendon rupture is more common in males, with a male-female ratio of 7: 1 to 12:1. Achilles tendon Rupture of the n on the left side is more common than on the right side,probably due to the greater prevalence of individuals where the right side is dominant and resist with the left lower part,extremity. Typically, acute Achilles tendon rupture occurs in men who are 30 to 40 years old, dealing with office jobs and occasionally sports. Simultaneous bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendon is rare in healthy individuals, as can occur in older people who suffer from a disease that has long received steroid medication. The exact causes of Achilles tendon rupture are still unclear, but the literature is full of theories, including repetitive microtrauma, disorder inhibitor mechanism, the link rupture with blood group zero, hypoxia, tendon degeneration, reduced perfusion resulting in deterioration of the systemic or topical use of steroids. The Achilles tendon is often affected by overuse injuries, depending on the localization of inflammatory changes, it is a miotendinitis, tendinitis, paratenonitis or entenzitis. Rupture of the Achilles tendon is characteristic of the last stage of overuse injuries. Clinical signs include: a very tangible dent in the dorsal flexion of the foot immediately after the injury, and the hollow very quickly fills the swelling and bruise, hematoma, severe pain on pressure, and a positive Thompson test. Most of the techniques and procedures described in the treatment of acute rupture of the Achilles tendon can be divided into 3 groups: open surgery, percutaneous surgery and conservative treatment. The main task of rehabilitation certainly return full flexibility, but then thickened and stiff tendons. Another task is strengthening the weakened muscles of lower leg as well as the return of the tendon reflex responses through proprioceptive exercises. Particular attention should be given to the ankle and small joints of the foot, which may be the cause of pain after removal of plaster.Physiotherapist help accelerate the rehabilitation process and prevents the possibility of re-injury by giving proper advices

    Durch Alter bestimmte und von Ausübung der heilgymnastischen Tätigkeiten abhängende Selbsteinschätzung der persönlichen Beschwerden von erwachsenen Frauen

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    A set of 15 variables was used in a sample of 134 women in order to assess their subjective experience of health. In addition, a variable assessing engagement in sport activities and the information on chronological age were also used. By using a regression analysis in a manifest and latent space with the data first transformed into the image form, the relation of subjective health experience compared to chronological age was established. The results showed that for the adequate sport recreational programme it is essential to get information on health condition from the subjective assessment of the participants themselves.Selbsteinschätzung der persönlichen Beschwerden von erwachsenen Frauen Auf Muster von 134 Frauen wurde ein Fragebogen aus 15 Variablen zur Selbsteinschätzung des gesundheitlichen Wohlfühlens überhaupt und nach den sportlichen Tätigkeiten erarbeitet, und durch Altersangaben erweitert. Dabei wurden die Zusammenhinge zwischen der ganz persönlichen Einschätzung des gesundheitlichen Wohlfühlens einerseits und dem Alter und sportlichen Aktivitäten anderseits, aufgrund der Anwendung von Regressionsanalyse im manifesten und latenten Raum festgestellt, wobei die Angaben eigentlich aus angebotenen Image-Fragen hervorgingen. Um die erholungsportliche Programme entsprechend zu gestalten - was die Endresultaten deutlich zeigen - ist es notwendig, auch die Angaben über die Selbsteinschätzung des allgemeinen Wohlfühlens der Teilnehmerin selbst zu verfügen