106,820 research outputs found

    On clustering procedures and nonparametric mixture estimation

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    This paper deals with nonparametric estimation of conditional den-sities in mixture models in the case when additional covariates are available. The proposed approach consists of performing a prelim-inary clustering algorithm on the additional covariates to guess the mixture component of each observation. Conditional densities of the mixture model are then estimated using kernel density estimates ap-plied separately to each cluster. We investigate the expected L 1 -error of the resulting estimates and derive optimal rates of convergence over classical nonparametric density classes provided the clustering method is accurate. Performances of clustering algorithms are measured by the maximal misclassification error. We obtain upper bounds of this quantity for a single linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm. Lastly, applications of the proposed method to mixture models involving elec-tricity distribution data and simulated data are presented

    Yosemite in Spring

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    IS EARTHQUAKE—-THE I siTIES OB.THS;Eir,I.-rTHB-TIME-FOR.TQUEISTS. ~ f-,-SisaEMi\u27EE:;\u27VM,iiET.Mar - 7*-tisa:solans . flfcourState Capital havehttps://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmb/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Fat-tail Distributions and Business-Cycle Models

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    Recent empirical findings suggest that macroeconomic variables are seldom normally dis- tributed. For example, the distributions of aggregate output growth-rate time series of many OECD countries are well approximated by symmetric exponential-power (EP) den- sities, with Laplace fat tails. In this work, we assess whether Real Business Cycle (RBC) and standard medium-scale New-Keynesian (NK) models are able to replicate this sta- tistical regularity. We simulate both models drawing Gaussian- vs Laplace-distributed shocks and we explore the statistical properties of simulated time series. Our results cast doubts on whether RBC and NK models are able to provide a satisfactory representation of the transmission mechanisms linking exogenous shocks to macroeconomic dynamics.Growth-Rate Distributions, Normality, Fat Tails, Time Series, Exponential- Power Distributions, Laplace Distributions, DSGE Models, RBC Models.

    Fat-Tail Distributions and Business-Cycle Models

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    Recent empirical findings suggest that macroeconomic variables are seldom normally dis- tributed. For example, the distributions of aggregate output growth-rate time series of many OECD countries are well approximated by symmetric exponential-power (EP) den- sities, with Laplace fat tails. In this work, we assess whether Real Business Cycle (RBC) and standard medium-scale New-Keynesian (NK) models are able to replicate this sta- tistical regularity. We simulate both models drawing Gaussian- vs Laplace-distributed shocks and we explore the statistical properties of simulated time series. Our results cast doubts on whether RBC and NK models are able to provide a satisfactory representation of the transmission mechanisms linking exogenous shocks to macroeconomic dynamics.Growth-Rate Distributions, Normality, Fat Tails, Time Series, Exponential- Power Distributions, Laplace Distributions, DSGE Models, RBC Models.

    Mars sample return: Site selection and sample acquisition study

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    Various vehicle and mission options were investigated for the continued exploration of Mars; the cost of a minimum sample return mission was estimated; options and concepts were synthesized into program possibilities; and recommendations for the next Mars mission were made to the Planetary Program office. Specific sites and all relevant spacecraft and ground-based data were studied in order to determine: (1) the adequacy of presently available data for identifying landing sities for a sample return mission that would assure the acquisition of material from the most important geologic provinces of Mars; (2) the degree of surface mobility required to assure sample acquisition for these sites; (3) techniques to be used in the selection and drilling of rock a samples; and (4) the degree of mobility required at the two Viking sites to acquire these samples

    Trade liberalization and evolution of skill earnings differentials in Brazil

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    From 1988 to 1995, when trade liberalization was implemented in Brazil, relative earnings of skilled workers decreased. In this paper, we in-vestigate the role of trade liberalization in explaining these relative earn-ings movements, by checking all the steps predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin- style trade transmission mechanism. We find that: i) employment shifted from skilled to unskilled intensive sectors, and each sector increased its relative share of skilled labor; ii) relative prices fell in skill intensive sectors; iii) tari .changes across sectors were not related to skill inten-sities, but the pass-through from tari .s to prices was stronger in skill intensive sectors; iv) the decline in skilled earnings di .erentials mandated by the price variation predicted by trade is very close to the observed one. The results are compatible with trade liberalization, accounting for the observed relative earnings changes in Brazil.earnings inequality, trade liberalization

    Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Pribadi dan Semangat Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa di Jember

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    Entrepreneurship education will be integrated into the education system has the potential to support economic growth. Sector of entrepreneur should start to grow, not only for the general public, but also among the students. On the other side, there were many differences in the Personal Entrepreneurial Competency (PEC) among students between state univer-sities and private universities. Target of research was description potency and intention of student in private university and state university. The purpose of study were: (1) Identify PEC and entrepreneurial intentions of students on state and private universities in Jember; (2) Identify the factors driving and inhibiting the development of an entrepreneurial cul-ture in state and private universities in Jember. The research method using the PEC and Intention Entrepreneurship. Results: Internal Push Factors identified in the role of Univer-sities. Internal Inhibiting Factors identified as the weak role of the Universities, while inhi-biting factors external, public perception that the entrepreneurial future is uncertain. From the results of the mapping of potential entrepreneurial ability, most of the students in the state and private universities in Jember on various items in the position enough ratings or moderate. Entrepreneurship intention is influenced by Openness to experience, Self Effica-cy, Subjective Norm, Traits, where each variable is different effects in Universities