121,110 research outputs found

    Memorial Service Program for Florence DeShazer, Shoreline, WA

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    Program for Memorial Service in Shoreline, Washington, celebrating the life of Florence DeShazer.https://digitalcommons.spu.edu/jfdeshazer_overview/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluation of shoreline change using optical satellite images, case study of Progreso, Yucatán

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    A technique to extract the shoreline from optical satellite images has been developed, evaluated and applied to the case study site of Progreso, Yucatán, México. This site was chosen as it is frequently subject to hurricanes, shows shoreline erosion and has a paucity of coastal data. The area under investigation is an 8 km length of shoreline that faces north into the Gulf of México. A novel method to extract satellite-derived shorelines (SDS) was developed ensuring the maximum contrast between sea and land. The SDS was validated using quasisimultaneous in situ shoreline measurements from one day in two different years (2008 and 2010). The in situ shoreline measurements recorded the instantaneous shorewards extent of the wave run-up when walking along the beach. The validation of SDS revealed that the SDS locates consistently seawards of the in situ shoreline, explained by: a) the water depth that an optical satellite image requires to identify a pixel either as sea or land, and b) the shorewards extent of the wave run-up. At Progreso, the overall distance between SDS and in situ shoreline is 5.6 m on average and standard deviation of 1.37 m (in the horizontal) over 8 km of shoreline. For an accurate location of the mean SDS, estimation of the shorewards extent of the wave run-up, tidal level and inter-tidal beach slope were required. In situ measurements regarding the beach profile, shoreline location and water levels were taken into consideration to achieve this. The shoreline change observed over a 6.5 year period allowed the estimation of intraannual and inter-annual shoreline changes and progressive changes in the shoreline location. The intra-annual shoreline change revealed seasonality in the shoreline position. The shoreline position from late winter (March 20, 2004) was landwards (approx. 5 to 9 m) in relation to the earlier winter shoreline position (November 11, 2003). The assessed SDSs from the hurricane season (June to November) are at the landwards envelope limit during the year, between -30 to 15 m in relation to the estimated mean SDS. The largest landward movement (100 m) is related to Hurricane Ivan, detected 13 days after the hurricane passed by Yucatán. The inter-annual shoreline change highlighted that an approximate length of 6 km of shoreline is retreating at a rate between -2.4 and -1.2 m per year. Such estimates of shoreline change would not be possible using other available coastal information at this site. The results of this research show that optical satellite images can be used to study shoreline change over large spatial scales (> 5 km), as well as in short (< 1 yr) and long (> 5 yrs) temporal scales.CONACy

    Spectral characterization of the Nigerian shoreline using Landsat imagery

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    The challenges of shoreline mapping include the high costs of acquiring up-to-date survey data over the coastal area. As a result, in many developing countries, the shoreline has not been consistently mapped. The variety of methods used for this mapping and the large time differences between the surveys (on the order of decades) could result in inaccuracies in shoreline data. This study presents the development of a shoreline characterization procedure for the Nigerian coastline using satellite remote sensing technology. The study goal is to produce a complete, consistent and continuous shoreline map using publicly available data processed in a GIS environment. A spectral analysis using different satellite bands was conducted to define the land/water boundary and characterize the coastal area around the shoreline. The satellite-derived shorelines were compared to charted shorelines for adequacy and consistency. The procedure was developed based on study sites along the Nigerian coastline. Although the shoreline characterization procedure is developed based on datasets from Nigeria, the procedure should be suitable for use in mapping other developing areas around world

    Numerical Simulation on Shoreline Change in Western Region of Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia

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    Shoreline change is considered the most dynamic processes in coastal region. Coastal erosion is a global problem where 70% beaches around the world are recessional. Almost all coastal area in Bali is potential to suffer from erosion. Badung Regency in Bali has many beaches that famous as tourism area where from about 64 km shoreline length, 11,5 km were recorded suffered by erosion in 1985 and 12,1 km erosion in 2007. This study aims to determine the value of shoreline changes that occur in western of Badung Regency from 2001 to 2010 based on the predicted wave data using monthly wind data from Ngurah Rai, Tuban, Badung, Bali meteorological station. Shoreline change simulation measured the forward (accretion) or backward (erosion) distance of the shoreline on the East-West direction. Bali has wind patterns that influenced by the Northwest monsoon from November-April and Southeast monsoon from May-October. In 2001-2010, dominant wind in this region was coming from east, southeast, and west. Geographically western coast of Badung influenced by incoming winds from the west, southwest, and south. Wind blow towards the coast in 2001-2010 are dominantly come from the west with wind speed range was about 1,7-4,7 m/s. Simulation indicated that generally shoreline tends to experience accretion in the north and erosion in the south. From 16000 m of study shoreline, along 7100 m of shoreline tend to suffer by erosion. Oppositely, along 8900 m of shoreline tend to have accretion

    Numerical Simulation on Shoreline Change in Western Region of Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia

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    Shoreline change is considered the most dynamic processes in coastal region. Coastal erosion is a global problem where 70% beaches around the world are recessional. Almost all coastal area in Bali is potential to suffer from erosion. Badung Regency in Bali has many beaches that famous as tourism area where from about 64 km shoreline length, 11,5 km were recorded suffered by erosion in 1985 and 12,1 km erosion in 2007. This study aims to determine the value of shoreline changes that occur in western of Badung Regency from 2001 to 2010 based on the predicted wave data using monthly wind data from Ngurah Rai, Tuban, Badung, Bali meteorological station. Shoreline change simulation measured the forward (accretion) or backward (erosion) distance of the shoreline on the East-West direction. Bali has wind patterns that influenced by the Northwest monsoon from November-April and Southeast monsoon from May-October. In 2001-2010, dominant wind in this region was coming from east, southeast, and west. Geographically western coast of Badung influenced by incoming winds from the west, southwest, and south. Wind blow towards the coast in 2001-2010 are dominantly come from the west with wind speed range was about 1,7-4,7 m/s. Simulation indicated that generally shoreline tends to experience accretion in the north and erosion in the south. From 16000 m of study shoreline, along 7100 m of shoreline tend to suffer by erosion. Oppositely, along 8900 m of shoreline tend to have accretion

    Empirical Analysis of Aerial Camera Filters for Shoreline Mapping

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    Accurate, up-to-date national shoreline is critical in defining the territorial limits of the Unites States, updating nautical charts, and managing coastal resources. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) delineates the interpreted shoreline photogrammetrically using tide-coordinated stereo photography acquired with black-and-white infrared emulsion. In this paper, we present the results of a two-phased study aimed at quantifying the effect of camera filter selection on the interpreted shoreline when utilizing this method of shoreline mapping

    Policy analysis of shoreline restoration options on private shorelines of Puget Sound

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    Puget Sound shorelines have historically provided a diversity of habitats that support a variety of aquatic resources throughout the region. These valued natural resources are iconic to the region and remain central to both the economic vitality and community appreciation of Puget Sound. Deterioration of upland and nearshore shoreline habitats, have placed severe stress on many aquatic resources within the region (PSAT, 2007). Since a majority of Washington State shorelines are privately owned, regulatory authority to legislate restoration on private property is limited in scope and frequency. Washington States’ Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) requires local jurisdictions to plan for appropriate future shoreline uses. Under the Act, future development can be regulated to protect existing ecological functions, but lost functions cannot be restored without purchase or compensation of restored areas. Therefore, questions remains as to the ecological resilience of the region when considering cumulative effect of existing/ongoing shoreline development constrained by limited shoreline restoration opportunities. In light of these questions, this analysis will explore opportunities to promote restoration on privately owned shorelines within Puget Sound. These efforts are intended to promote more efficient ecosystem management and improve ecosystem-wide ecological functions. From an economics perspective, results of past shoreline management can generally be characterized as both market and government failure in effectively protecting the publics’ interest in maintaining healthy shoreline resources. Therefore coastal development has proceeded in spite of negative externalities and market imbalances resulting in inefficient resource management driven by the individual ambitions of private shoreline property owners to develop their property to their highest and best use. Federally derived property rights will protect continuation of existing uses along privately owned shorelines; therefore, a fundamental challenge remains in sustainable management of existing shoreline resources while also restoring ecological functions lost to past mistakes in an effort to increase the ecologic resiliency within the region. (PDF contains 5 pages

    Simulation of shoreline change using AIRSAR and POLSAR C-band data

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    This paper presents a new approach for modeling shoreline change due to wave energy effects from remotely sensed data. The airborne AIRSAR and POLSAR data were employed to extract wave spectra information and integrate them with historical remotely sensed data such as aerial photography data to model the rate of change of the shoreline. A partial differential equation (PDE) of the wave conversion model was applied to investigate the wave refraction patterns. The volume of sediment transport at several locations was estimated based on the wave refraction patterns. The shoreline change model developed was designed to cover a 14-km stretch of shoreline of Kuala Terengganu in Peninsular Malaysia. The model utilized data from aerial photographs, AIRSAR, POLSAR, ERS-2, and in situ wave data. The results show that the shoreline rate of change modeled from the quasi-linear wave spectra algorithm has a significant relationship with one estimated from historical vector layers of aerial photography, AIRSAR, and POLSAR data. With the quasi-linear algorithm, an error of ±0.18 m/year in shoreline rate of change determination was obtained with Cvv band

    Some considerations on coastal processes relevant to sea level rise

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    The effects of potential sea level rise on the shoreline and shore environment have been briefly examined by considering the interactions between sea level rise and relevant coastal processes. These interactions have been reviewed beginning with a discussion of the need to reanalyze previous estimates of eustatic sea level rise and compaction effects in water level measurement. This is followed by considerations on sea level effects on coastal and estuarine tidal ranges, storm surge and water level response, and interaction with natural and constructed shoreline features. The desirability to reevaluate the well known Bruun Rule for estimating shoreline recession has been noted. The mechanics of ground and surface water intrusion with reference to sea level rise are then reviewed. This is followed by sedimentary processes in the estuaries including wetland response. Finally comments are included on some probable effects of sea level rise on coastal ecosystems. These interactions are complex and lead to shoreline evolution (under a sea level rise) which is highly site-specific. Models which determine shoreline change on the basis of inundation of terrestrial topography without considering relevant coastal processes are likely to lead to erroneous shoreline scenarios, particularly where the shoreline is composed of erodible sedimentary material. With some exceptions, present day knowledge of shoreline response to hydrodynamic forcing is inadequate for long-term quantitative predictions. A series of interrelated basic and applied research issues must be addressed in the coming decades to determine shoreline response to sea level change with an acceptable degree of confidence. (PDF contains 189 pages.

    The island of Kauai, Hawaii's progressive shoreline setback and coastal protection ordinance

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    Approximately two-thirds of coastal and Great Lakes states have some type of shoreline construction setback or construction control line requiring development to be a certain distance from the shoreline or other coastal feature (OCRM, 2008). Nineteen of 30 coastal states currently use erosion rates for new construction close to the shoreline. Seven states established setback distances based on expected years from the shoreline: the remainder specify a fixed setback distance (Heinz Report, 2000). Following public hearings by the County of Kauai Planning Commission and Kauai County Council, the ‘Shoreline Setback and Coastal Protection Ordinance’ was signed by the Mayor of Kauai on January 25, 2008. After a year of experience implementing this progressive, balanced shoreline setback ordinance several amendments were recently incorporated into the Ordinance (#887; Bill #2319 Draft 3). The Kauai Planning Department is presently drafting several more amendments to improve the effectiveness of the Ordinance. The intent of shoreline setbacks is to establish a buffer zone to protect shorefront development from loss due to coastal erosion - for a period of time; to provide protection from storm waves; to allow the natural dynamic cycles of erosion and accretion of beaches and dunes to occur; to maintain beach and dune habitat; and, to maintain lateral beach access and open space for the enjoyment of the natural shoreline environment. In addition, a primary goal of the Kauai setback ordinance is to avoid armoring or hardening of the shore which along eroding coasts has been documented to ultimately eliminate the fronting beach. (PDF contains 4 pages