493 research outputs found

    Analysis of Scrum introduction in a small company

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    In this bachelor thesis we have described implementation of Scrum in a small company. Scrum was used for the development of web application Javna razvetljava. We have described the reasons for Scrum introduction, presented the project for which Scrum was used and described implementation process of Scrum in our company. We have analysed the used method and evaluated Scrum practices with interviews. We have also proposed improvements for Scrum usage

    Vloga in naloge asistentskega osebja pri organizaciji in izvedbi sestankov

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    V vsakdanjem poslovnem življenju si ne moremo zamisliti uspešnega dela in življenja brez medsebojnega dogovarjanja in sodelovanja. Probleme in vprašanja je zaradi njihovega obsega in zahtevnosti, treba reševati v širšem krogu ljudi, saj se na ta način lahko misli, predloge, mnenja dopolnijo. Prav zaradi kompleksnosti sestankov pa jih je treba skrbno organizirati in izvajati. Prispevek prikazuje vlogo in naloge asistentskega osebja pri organizaciji in izvedbi delovnih sestankov. Asistentsko osebje mora namreč poskrbeti za njihovo organizacijsko ter tehnično pripravo. Med sestanki skrbi za nemoten potek, morebitno zapisovanje in je pomoč predsedujočemu. Po sestankih pauredi gradivo in predsedujočega opozarja na preverjanje izvedbe zadolženihaktivnosti udeležencev

    Implementing agile and lean software development in a small company

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    This Bachelor’s thesis introduces the implementation of agile and lean methods into the company process, which used some practices previously, but inconsistently. For successful implementation, the characteristics of agile and lean approach, with an emphasis on Scrum and Kanban, had to be considered first. Considering the characteristics of the project, it became apparent that the combination of both would be best – Scrumban. Based on this, an implementation plan with an exact characterization of methods used, selected rules and estimated work course was formed. After the implementation, a performance analysis was carried out, which assessed the success rate with the help of graphs and monitoring the consistency of using specific practices. The results proved that the implementation was successful and, consequently, the project product delivery was faster

    The Scrum agile method: A systematic literature review

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    Scrum is an agile method for software engineering, used by companies to develop products faster and more efficiently. Because the customer is more engaged in the process and the development is incremental and iterative projects progress better, it is also easier to implement any changes in functionality the customer might want. In this thesis a review of existing scientific literature regarding the method Scrum in software engineering has been made. The review brought forth answers to three previously set research questions: which types of research of the method Scrum are present in the scientific literature, what are the advantages and challenges in working with Scrum, and what does previous research suggest for the easiest implementation of the method at work. A comparison of results of this review and our own experiences with working on a project in Software engineering class has been made

    Evaluation of CRM software developement methodology

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    Namen diplomske naloge je na podlagi predstavljene literature pripraviti dopolnjen model za evaluacijo procesa razvoja programske opreme (ang. software development methodology - SDM ), ki SDM ne ocenjuje enovito, ampak preko njegovih ključnih aktivnosti. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena literatura, model za evaluacijo SDM ter študija primera, ki uporablja model. V drugem poglavju, pregledu literature, je predstavljena Rogersova teorija o difuziji informacij in njej sorodne teorije, model evaluacije SDM, ki ga predlagata Vavpotič in Hovelja ter sistem uravnoteženih kazalnikov. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljen razviti model, ki se v četrtem poglavju predstavi v kontekstu študije primera. Razviti model je bil uporabljen v podjetju, kjer se je izkazal za učinkovitega.The aim of this document is to present an improved model for the evaluation of software development methodology (SDM ). The model does not evaluate SDM as a whole, but through SDM’s key activities. The document consists of literature review, developed evaluation model and case study, where the developed model has been utilized. In the second chapter (literature review) Rogers’ Diffusion of innovations theory is presented, along with its related theories, SDM evaluation model suggested by Vavpotiˇc and Hovelja, and Balanced scorecard. In chapter three developed model is presented, which is then used in the case study, covered by chapter four. The developed model was utilized in a company and yielded positive results

    Uporaba instrumentov internega komuniciranja ter cilji internega komuniciranja v velikih in malih podjetjih v Sloveniji

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    Internal communications is one of the most important activities in organizations. Without internal communications in fact, none of organizations could exist. Despite this, as a research field it is neglected. In the paper authors explore use of instruments of internal communications in entrepreneurships in Slovenia.The research includes a sample of 50 companies with 5 to 50 employees and 50 companies with over 50 employees.The main goal was to analyze twenty instruments of internal communications and fourteen goals of internal communications. The three specific goals were (a) which instruments of internal communications use in analyzed companies, (b) how frequent use particular instrument of internal communications in analyzed companies and (c) how important is particular goal of internal communications in analyzed companies. The differences between two groups of analyzed companies appear in all three fields of research. Key words: internal communications, tools of internal communications, goals of internal communications.Interno komuniciranje sodi med najpomembnejše aktivnosti v organizaciji, saj je tako pomembno, da brez njega ne more obstajati prav nobena organizacija. Kljub temu je kot področje raziskovanja zelo slabo raziskano. V članku prikazujemo uporabo instrumentov internega komuniciranja v podjetjih v Sloveniji. Raziskava je bila izvedena na vzorcu 50 podjetij s 5 do 50 zaposlenimi in 50 podjetji z nad 50 zaposlenimi. Ugotavljali smo pogostost uporabe dvajsetih instrumentov internega komuniciranja in pomembnost štirinajstih ciljev internega komuniciranja. Analizirali smo (a) katere instrumente internega komuniciranja v podjetjih uporabljajo, (b) kako pogosto uporabljajo posamezen instrument internega komuniciranja in (c) kakšno pomembnost pripisujejo posameznim ciljem internega komuniciranja. Razlike med dvema skupinama podjetij, ki smo jih v raziskavi obravnavali, se pojavljajo na vseh treh področjih. Ključne besede: interno komuniciranje, instrumenti internega komuniciranja, cilji internega komuniciranja

    Managing project communication

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    V okviru zaključnega dela smo predstavili problem komuniciranja na projektu. Komuniciranje je ključno za uspeh projekta, kjer želimo v omejenem času in z omejenimi sredstvi doseči zastavljen cilj. S komuniciranjem želimo podati vse potrebne informacije za zaposlene, jih s tem motivirati, da delo uspešno opravijo. Na projektu Masivna montažna hiša je podjetje komuniciralo z zaposlenimi in zunanjimi izvajalci s pomočjo internega, poslovnega in tržnega komuniciranja. Interno komuniciranje je uporabljalo z zaposlenimi v podjetju, poslovno komuniciranje z zunanjimi izvajalci, tržno komuniciranje pa z naročnikom projekta. Skozi raziskavo na projektu Masivna montažna hiša smo prišli do rezultatov, da je bilo komuniciranje na projektu pomanjkljivo, saj je prevladovalo predvsem enosmerno komuniciranje, premalo je bilo dvosmernega komuniciranja, zato vam bomo predstavili izboljšano komuniciranje na projektu.Throughout our final thesis we presented the difficulties of communication on a project. Communication is crucial for the success of a project, where we want to achieve a set goal in a limited amount of time and with limited resources. With communication we strive to provide all the necessary information to our employees, motivating them to successfully complete their work. On the Masivna montažna hiša project, the company communicated with employees and external contractors through internal, commercial and marketing communication. Internal communication is used with employees within the company. Business communication is used with external contractors and marketing communication is used with the project owner. Through our research on the Masivna montažna hiša project, we have come to the conclusion that communication on the project was inadequate, since there was too much one-way communication and a lack of two-way communication. For this reason we shall present an improved way of communication on the project

    An evaluation model of software development process for enterprises

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    To date, many software development methodology evaluation models and theories have been proposed. Most of them, however, neglect the economical aspect of SDM, which results in management having little role in decisions regarding SDM. Consequently enterprises do not reap all the potential benefits that SDM adoption may bring. In this thesis a SDM evaluation model that combines social, technical and economical aspect of SDM is introduced. Proposed model makes evaluation based on SDM activities, unlike existing models that focus specifically on SDM as a whole. This facilitates identifying critical activities and helps managers at making better decisions regarding SDM investments. The model was tested on a practical case of Slovenian company. The results confirmed that evaluating individual SDM activities as well as making the evaluation using the three aspects is a reasonable approach

    The overview of project management based on PMBoK standard

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    Ni težko ugotoviti, da današnji čas narekuje vključevanje slehernika v različne dejavnosti, ki predstavljajo velik del našega življenja. Bodisi gre za šolanje, službo, prosti čas bodisi za nas same ali druge. Ugotovimo, da lahko te dejavnosti preslikamo v projekte, ki so lahko enkratni ali ponavljajoči. Tako lahko splošno zaključimo, da je projekt ciljno usmerjen in zaključen proces razvijanja dejavnosti, ki so usmerjene k doseganju končnega cilja. Tako so redke organizacije, ki niso prešle na projektno zasnovo dela. Ne glede na panogo imajo projekti skupne značilnosti, ki jih podpirajo različni standardi in metodologije. V nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavim, kaj je to projekt in projektno vodenje z vidika PMBoK-standarda, kaj PMBoK-standard predstavlja, kako je zasnovan in kako sem njegove procese prepoznal v praksi skozi lastne izkušnje razvijalca programskih rešitev in vodje projekta razvoja programskih rešitev.It is pretty obvious that we are involved in various activities that represent a large part of our lifetime. Activities can be about education, job, spare time and can involve only ourselves or others. These activities can eventually be developed into projects. We can conclude that project is objective oriented and completed process of developing activities that are focused at reaching the final goal. Today there are probably only few modern organizations that are not project oriented. Projects have common characteristics no matter what branch of industry they are part of and are supported by various standards and methodologies. In the content below I will present what is project and project management, what does PMBoK represent, how it is designed and how I managed to identify it\u27s processes in practice based on my experiences as software developer and software project manager