2,389 research outputs found

    Results of approbation of the monitoring system for assessing of the natural and scientific competence of pupils of the institution of general secondary education (using the test technologies)

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    У статті представлено авторську модель моніторингової системи оцінювання природничо-наукової компетентності учнів закладу загальної середньої освіти (із застосуванням тестових технологій) та результати апробації цієї моніторингової системи. Подано досвід використання тестів для учнів разом з анкетами для учнів щодо виявлення чинників, які впливають на рівень навчальних досягнень і компетентностей учнів закладу загальної середньої освіти.The article presents the results of research related to the problem of creating of a monitoring system for assessing of the natural and scientific competence of pupils in the institution of general secondary education (using the test technologies). In particular, the author's model of this monitoring system is presented and the results of testing the monitoring system are revealed. The purpose of the author's monitoring system for assessing the natural and scientific competence of pupils of the institution of general secondary education (using the test technologies) is to obtain information about the level of natural and scientific competence of pupils in the institution of general secondary education and in the country on the whole and in identifying factors that affect the level of a natural and scientific competence of pupils. The tools are as follows: tests for pupils, yearly rating of pupils and questionnaire (questionnaires) for pupils. The results are as follows: the level of natural and scientific competence of pupils, which covers their level of general education, and indicators that characterize the pupil, as well the indicators characterizing the institution of general secondary education, educational process and education system. The analysis of the results will enable to identify the factors that affect the level of natural and scientific competence of pupils. Knowing these factors, you can develop managerial decisions, for example, the decision of the director of the institution of general secondary education, to improve the level of natural and scientific competence of pupils and in further studies to predict the results of pupils. To test the author's monitoring system for assessing the natural and scientific competence of pupils of the institution of general secondary education (using the test technologies), we applied: 1) tests for pupils; 2) annual assessment of pupils on the subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle (algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, biology, geography); 3) Differential diagnostic questionnaire by author E. Klimov, which was our Questionnaire for pupils. In the course of the study, using the correlation coefficients of Pearson and Spirman, the existence of connections between the tools of the author's monitoring system was checked. Thus, during the testing, there was no relationship between the results of the pupils for the test assignments of this test and their annual assessment as to the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle. However, there was established the existence of links (middle and strong, direct and reciprocal) between such pupils' indexes as follows: their annual grades on the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle; gender and annual evaluations of algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry and geography; gender and type of pupil "man-technique"; gender and pupils' answers on some assignments of test; types of pupils "man-technique" and "man-nature" and their annual evaluations on biology and geography; types of pupils "man-man" and "man-sign system", "man-technique and "man-artistic image". Thus, the use of questionnaires together with test assignments for pupils helps to identify the factors that affect the level of academic achievement and competencies of pupils. On the face of it, as our case shows us, these factors are not related to the level of general education of pupils. But, knowing the factors, it is possible to influence, including managerial decisions, the level of general education of pupils and increase it

    Using HyperDocs to develop scientific competence in elementary and high schools

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    The purpose of this study is to show how student competencies can be developed purposefully with the help of HyperDocs in both elementary and high schools. It is a specialized lesson designed to provide students with a blended learning experience. During the processing of the curriculum, students communicate, collaborate, think critically, create (4C) in both real and virtual space. The new method helps to constantly maintain the interest and curiosity of students. Through exploratory learning, they receive answers to their questions, expand their knowledge, apply new knowledge. The methodology is based on the own-made HyperDocs illustrations and text, which are related to the Discovery of Mars


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran discovery learning yang berorientasi pada gaya kognitif terhadap peningkatan kompetensi ilmiah, melibatkan 71 siswa kelas VII di salah satu SMP negeri di kota Bandung. Sampel dalam penelitian dipilih melalui metode random sampling. Kemampuan kompetensi ilmiah dievaluasi dengan menggunakan instrumen tes kompetensi ilmiah yang telah melalui proses judgement dan uji coba. Kemudian untuk mengklasifikasikan gaya kognitif siswa digunakan instrumen tes standar Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT). Teknik pengolahan data untuk melihat peningkatan kompetensi ilmiah sebagai efek pembelajaran ialah menggunakan gain yang dinormalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kompetensi ilmiah pada siswa yang diterapkan model discovery learning yang beorientasi pada gaya kognitif sama dengan model discovery learning yang tidak memperhatikan gaya kognitif siswa yakni di kategori sedang, tetapi sebaran peningkatan kompetensi ilmiah pada siswa model discovery learning yang beorientasi pada gaya kognitif ialah sebanyak 100% siswa field independent peningkatannya berkategori sedang, 27% siswa field dependent dalam kelompok sejenis peningkatannya berkategori tinggi, 64% peningkatannya berkategori sedang, dan 9% peningkatannya berkategori rendah. Kemudian untuk siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field dependent dalam kelompok tidak sejenis sebanyak 60% peningkatannya berkategori tinggi, 20% peningkatannya berkategori sedang, 20% peningkatannya berkategori rendah. Siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field intermediet dengan perlakuan siswa field dependent sebesar 8% peningkatannya berkategori tinggi, 50% peningkatannya berkategori sedang, 42% peningkatannya berkategori rendah. Untuk siswa yang memiliki gaya kognitif field intermediet dengan perlakuan field independent sebanyak 60% peningkatannya berkategori tinggi, 20% peningkatannya berkategori sedang, dan 20% peningkatannya berkategori rendah. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa model pembelajaran discovery learning yang berorientasi terhadap gaya kognitif mempengaruhi peningkatan kemampuan kompetensi ilmiah siswa.;--- This study was conducted to determine the effect of discovery learning which oriented in cognitive style to the increase of scientific competence, involving 71 students of seventh grade in one of junior high school in Bandung. The sample was selected through random sampling method. The ability of scientific competence was evaluated using scientific competency test instrumens that have been through the process of judgment and trial. Then to classify the students cognitive styles, standard test instrumens Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) was used. Data processing techniques to see an increase in scientific competence as a learning effect is to use a normalized gain. The results showed that increased scientific competence to students who applied with discovery learning model that’s oriented on cognitive style have similar value to the discovery learning model that do not notice the cognitive styles of students in the medium category, but the distribution of enhancement of students scientific competence with discovery learning model that is oriented on cognitive style is 100% of field independent students increasing in middle category, 27% of field dependent students in a similar group increasing in high category, 64% increasing in middle category, and 9% increasing in low category. Then to students who have a field dependent cognitive style in the other group is 60% increasing in high category, 20% increasing in middle category, 20% increasing in low category. Students who have the field intermediate cognitive style which treatment like field dependent students is 8% increasing in high category, 50% increasing in middle category, 42% increasing in low category. For students who have the field intermediate cognitive style which treatment with field independent is 60% increasing in high category, 20% increasing in middle category, and 20% increasing in low category. These results indicate the discovery learning model that is oriented in cognitive style affect the enhancement of scientific competence of students

    Uniform Inductive Improvement

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    We examine uniform procedures for improving the scientific competence of inductive inference machines. Formally, such procedures are construed as recursive operators. Several senses of improvement are considered, including (a) enlarging the class of functions on which success is certain, and (b) transforming probable success into certain success

    Analisis Psikologi terhadap Adab-adab Guru dalam Kitab Adab al-Alim wa al-Muta’allim

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    This study aims to analyze the teachers' manners contained in the book of Adab al-Alim wa al-Muta’allim by K.H.M. Hasyim Asya'ari from a psychological perspective. This study was a qualitative study with a literature review approach. These manners had been classified into several categories and then were analyzed with a psychological perspective. The results showed that, first, the teachers' manners could be classified into 6 categories. They are manners related to inner behavior, prayer and practical deed, exemplary, scientific competence, good relationship, and teaching techniques. Second, After had been analyzed from a psychological perspective, the results showed that manners being related to inner behavior, prayer, and practical deed were relevant with al-Quran dan al-Hadits; manners being related to exemplary and scientific competence were associated with Bandura's social cognitive theory; manners being related to a good relationship and teaching techniques were linked with the theory of cognitivism and humanism

    Relevant Consequence and Empirical Inquiry

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    A criterion of adequacy is proposed for theories of relevant consequence. According to the criterion, scientists whose deductive reasoning is limited to some proposed subset of the standard consequence relation must not thereby suffer a reduction in scientific competence. A simple theory of relevant consequence is introduced and shown to satisfy the criterion with respect to a formally defined paradigm of empirical inquiry

    Realization of Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of General Scientific Competence of the Future Bachelors of Machine Engineering Specialties

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    The article reveals the expediency of applying pedagogical conditions for the formation of general scientific competence of the future bachelors of machine engineering specialties. It is indicated that their implementation will positively influence not only the professional qualities of future bachelors, but also the formation of world outlook positions, moral beliefs, and the nature of thinking. It indicates the promotion of the development of spirituality and a common culture, the ability of interpersonal communication