1,587,723 research outputs found

    SPC Report on LSAG Documents

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    The CERN Scientific Policy Committee (SPC) was asked by the President of the CERN Council to examine the documents produced by the LHC Safety Assessment Group (LSAG) and to provide Council with an independent opinion on the conclusions stated in those documents. A dedicated SPC panel was set up, composed of Peter Braun-Munzinger, Matteo Cavalli-Sforza, Gerard ‘t Hooft, Bryan Webber and Fabio Zwirner. The documents made available to the panel were: "Review of the Safety of LHC Collisions", by the LHC Safety Assessment Group (LSAG report); "Astronomical Implications of Hypothetical Stable TeV-Scale Black Holes", by S.B.Giddings and M.L.Mangano (GM paper). After thorough review, discussion and ensuing endorsement by the full SPC, the requested opinion is summarized in the present document

    Integrated Safety and Security Risk Assessment Methods: A Survey of Key Characteristics and Applications

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    Over the last years, we have seen several security incidents that compromised system safety, of which some caused physical harm to people. Meanwhile, various risk assessment methods have been developed that integrate safety and security, and these could help to address the corresponding threats by implementing suitable risk treatment plans. However, an overarching overview of these methods, systematizing the characteristics of such methods, is missing. In this paper, we conduct a systematic literature review, and identify 7 integrated safety and security risk assessment methods. We analyze these methods based on 5 different criteria, and identify key characteristics and applications. A key outcome is the distinction between sequential and non-sequential integration of safety and security, related to the order in which safety and security risks are assessed. This study provides a basis for developing more effective integrated safety and security risk assessment methods in the future

    Safety assessment of biotechnology used in animal production, including genetically modified (GM) feed and GM animals - a review

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    Since the beginning of the large-scale commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the mid-nineties, it has continuously increased. This has occurred in particular in non-European countries from which these crops may be exported as commodities to Europe and other markets. Before genetically modified organisms (GMO) are allowed onto the market as animal feed and/or food, they have to undergo a regulatory safety assessment as required by the law in many nations, including that of European Union (EU) nations under EU regulations. This safety assessment is based on an internationally harmonized approach of comparative safety assessment, in which the differences identified during the extensive comparison between a GMO and a conventional counterpart serve as basis for a further safety assessment. The GMOs that have been notified for regulatory approval and assessed for their safety as feed and food in the EU have so far been derived from crops and microorganisms. It is expected that in the near future, also several genetically modified (GM) animals may initially reach the market outside the EU. International activities to harmonize the safety assessment of GM animals have already started and have resulted in the issuance of specific guidelines by Codex alimentarius. Moreover, PEGASUS, an EU-funded project, will consider the perceptions, advantages and disadvantages of GM animals, including perspectives from the social-and life-sciences

    Safety Assessment of Moso Bamboo Column Under Fire by Using Bamboo as Protection Layer

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    Global warming issue has forced the construction world including architecture to find the green material in order to minimize CO2 which damages to the nature. In the beginning, wood was one of the green material but it has long growth cycle. Lately, bamboo has been chosen for its fast growing cycle and resuming some wood properties, also known as local material and eco-friendly –benign to the nature. Generally, wood and bamboo are composed by carbon-based compound. So, they are combustible and flammable when they are exposed to the fire. Up to now, there are not so many studies regarding the fire behavior of raw round bamboo which is used as the structure. To investigate the effectiveness of bamboo protection layer, the nine-trunk bamboos will be tied up to construct the column. A one bamboo will be placed in the middle and surrounded by the other eight-bamboos –as the protection layer of the center. All of them are with no-fire retardant. By doing this, it is possible to obtain knowledge upon bamboo on its natural properties. Specimen will be exposed to the fire inside the furnace up to 700° C. The temperature changing on the specimen will be measured by thermocouples which are installed inside and outside the wall of main bamboo in the center part. The main bamboo is expected to have lower temperature than its auto-ignition temperature, so that the structure will be able stand out during the fire until the occupants able to be evacuated safely

    Food Safety Management in a Global Environment: The Role of Risk Assessment Models

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    Quantitative risk assessment models are playing a minor role in the development of the new EU legal framework for food safety. There is a tendency of the EU institutions to apply the precautionary principle versus the predisposition of the USA institutions to rely on risk analysis. This paper provides a comparison of the role played by quantitative risk assessment models in the development of new policies on food safety in the EU and in the USA, focusing on a study case: the supply chain of shell eggs. We suggest that EU regulatory bodies should reconsider the role that quantitative risk assessment models have to play in order to design more effective food safety management systems.Food safety policy, food safety assurance, risk analysis, risk assessment, precautionary principle, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Patient safety competencies in undergraduate nursing students: a rapid evidence assessment

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    Aims To identify patient safety competencies, and determine the clinical learning environments that facilitate the development of patient safety competencies in nursing students. Background Patient safety in nursing education is of key importance for health professional environments, settings, and care systems. To be effective, safe nursing practice requires a good integration between increasing knowledge and the different clinical practice settings. Nurse educators have the responsibility to develop effective learning processes and ensure patient safety. Design Rapid Evidence Assessment. Data Sources MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS, and ERIC were searched, yielding 500 citations published between 1 January 2004 - 30 September 2014. Review Methods Following the Rapid Evidence Assessment process, 17 studies were included in this review. Hawker's (2002) quality assessment tool was used to assess the quality of the selected studies. Results Undergraduate nursing students need to develop competencies to ensure patient safety. The quality of the pedagogical atmosphere in the clinical setting has an important impact on the students’ overall level of competence. Active student engagement in clinical processes stimulates their critical reasoning, improves interpersonal communication, and facilitates adequate supervision and feedback. Conclusion Few studies describe the nursing students’ patient safety competencies and exactly what they need to learn. In addition, studies describe only briefly which clinical learning environments facilitate the development of patient safety competencies in nursing students. Further research is needed to identify additional pedagogical strategies and the specific characteristics of the clinical learning environments that encourage the development of nursing students’ patient safety competencies

    Development of MY FRAM matrix to assess food safety risks in horticultural crops

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    A farm food safety risk assessment matrix (MY FRAM) was developed for horticultural farms. The tool enables farmers to carry out self risk assessments on the potential of food safety risks on the farm from site selection to post-harvest handling. MY FRAM was developed on Microsoft ASP. NET C# 4.5 with logical functions and utilised a semi-quantitative risk assessment approach (risk ranking of 1 – 9) for farmers. MY FRAM is an illustrative risk ranking tool to allow farmers to quickly identify potential food safety risks and risk summary and corrective actions are suggested to farms on how to reduce the risks. The tool can also be utilised as a training tool for farm workers to understand the importance of food safety at the farm level

    Management of Road Infrastructure Safety

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    Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) refers to a set of procedures that support a road authority in decision making related to the improvement of safety on a road network. Some of these procedures can be applied to existing infrastructure, thus enabling a reactive approach; and other procedures are used in early stages of a project's life-cycle allowing a proactive approach. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the most well-known procedures and present a series of recommendations for successful road infrastructure safety management. The work described in the paper was completed by the IRTAD sub-working group on Road Infrastructure Safety Management and presented in detail in the respective Report. The methodology followed on this purpose included the description of the most consolidated RISM procedures, the analysis of the use of RISM procedures worldwide and the identification of possible weaknesses and barriers to their implementation, the provision of good practice examples and the contribution to the scientific assessment of procedures. Specifically, the following RISM procedures were considered: Road Safety Impact Assessment (RIA), Efficiency Assessment Tools (EAT), Road Safety Audit (RSA), Network Operation (NO), Road Infrastructure Safety Performance Indicators (SPI), Network Safety Ranking (NSR), Road Assessment Programs (RAP), Road Safety Inspection (RSI), High Risk Sites (HRS) and In-depth Investigation. Each procedure was described along with tools and data needed for its implementation as well as relevant common practices worldwide. A synthesis summarizing the key information for each procedure was also drafted. Based on a survey on 23 IRTAD member countries from worldwide, the lack of resources or tools is the most commonly stated reason for not applying a RISM procedure. This has been frequently found mainly in European countries. Another common reason is the absence of recommendations/guidelines, especially for SPI, RAP, RSI and RSA. This highlights the importance of the presence of some legislation regulating the application of the procedures. Lack of data was found important mainly for SPI, HRS and EAT. Good practices of road infrastructure safety management have been explored in order to find solutions to the issues highlighted by the survey and provide examples about how these issues have been overcome in some countries. Specifically, issues related to data, legal framework, funding, knowledge, tools and dealing with more RISM procedures were addressed. Finally, nine key messages and six recommendations for better Road Infrastructure Safety Management were developed based on the conclusions made
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