4,446,555 research outputs found

    Two crises, two responses

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    The crisis in Greece presents an extraordinary test for the euro, but also an opportunity to strengthen, and apply more diligently, existing procedures governing the economic and monetary Union. This Policy Brief authored by Bruegel Director Jean Pisani-Ferry, Senior Fellow André Sapir and Resident Fellow Benedicta Marzinotto emphasises the need for a more nuanced understanding of the different kinds of crises affecting euro members. Using Spain and Greece as examples, this paper makes policy recommendations for both scenarios. It explains how budgetary surveillance can be strengthened to prevent crises. It says the scope of Article 143 of the Lisbon Treaty should be extended and a clear and predictable conditional assistance regime put in place for effective crises management in the euro area.

    The Compliment Responses Used by Herbalife's Male and Female Customers in Surabaya

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    This journal mainly deals with the males' and females' compliment responses from Herbalife following up system. The focus of my analysis is the types of the males' and females' compliment responses that occurred most frequently by both genders, the differences or/and similarities of males' and females' compliment responses types. To analyze the data, I used Holmes' (1995&2006) and Wolfson's (1989) theories. I used Lesmana's research (2009) as well the contrast between an online communication research and an offline communication research as supporting thesis. For the methods, I used a descriptive qualitative approach to be supported by quantitative data in developing my research.Then, from my analysis, I found that the both male and female interlocutors tended to accept the compliments given by me as the female complimenter

    Responding to gratitude in elicited oral interaction. A taxonomy of communicative options

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    This study explores responses to gratitude as expressed in elicited oral interaction (mimetic-pretending open role-plays) produced by native speakers of American English. It first overviews the literature on this topic. It then presents a taxonomy of the head acts and supporting moves of the responses to gratitude instantiated in the corpus under examination, which considers their strategies and formulations. Finally, it reports on their frequency of occurrence and combinatorial options across communicative situations differing in terms of the social distance and power relationships between the interactants. The findings partly confirm what reported in the literature, but partly reveal the flexibility and adaptability of these reacting speech acts to the variable context in which they may be instantiated. On the one hand, the responses to gratitude identified tend to be encoded as simple utterances, and occasionally as complex combinations of head acts and/or supporting moves; also, their head acts show a preference for a small set of strategies and formulation types, while their supporting moves are much more varied in content and form, and thus situation-specific. On the other hand, the frequency of occurrence of the responses to gratitude, their dispersion across situations, and the range of their attested strategies and formulations are not in line with those reported in previous studies. I argue that these partly divergent findings are to be related to the different data collection and categorization procedures adopted, and the different communicative situations considered across studies. Overall, the study suggests that: responses to gratitude are a set of communicative events with fuzzy boundaries, which contains core (i.e. more prototypical) and peripheral (i.e. less prototypical) exemplars; although routinized in function, responses to gratitude are not completely conventionalized in their strategic or surface realizations; alternative research approaches may provide complementary insights into these reacting speech acts; and a higher degree of comparability across studies may be ensured if explicit pragmatic and semantic parameters are adopted in the classification of their shared object of study

    Blended-Learning: the Responses From Non-English Students in the Indonesian Tertiary Context

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    The process of language teaching and learning has undergone major changes due to the developments of technology. The use of technology in education field has paved the way for higher education institution to innovatively shape their modern media in a language teaching and learning. Subsequently, the implementation of blended-learning has aroused at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia for approximately one and a half year ago to maximize the use of technology. Most lecturers in all study programs have increasingly utilized the social network sites such as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. for the successfulness of blended-learning. This present study aims at exploring the students' responses on how blended-learning might be used to develop their language learning and discovering their attitudes towards the implementation of blended-learning as an interactional teaching and learning tool in English for Business course. Employing a qualitative in form of a case study, eighty-two undergraduate students from study program of Informatics Engineering were observed, interviewed, and distributed questionnaires. The data were performed to collect the students' responses and students' attitudes toward the implementation of blended-learning in the process of their language learning. The findings were found out that most students from Informatics Engineering major showed their positive responses and positive attitudes using blended learning for the language teaching and learning. They also gained some educational benefits for their English language development. Thus, this blended learning brings us to the new trend for language teaching and learning media in order to motivate the students in enhancing their language acquisition

    Redress and civil litigation report

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    The Royal Commission has examined the extent to which ‘justice for victims’ of institutional child abuse has been, or can be, achieved through previous and current redress processes and civil litigation systems. This report contains recommendations in relation to the provision of effective redress for survivors through the establishment, funding and operation of a single national redress scheme and the provision of a direct personal response to survivors by institutions. This report also contains recommendations for reforms to civil litigation systems to make civil litigation a more effective means of providing justice for survivors. The Royal Commission is investigating criminal justice issues (including processes for referral for investigation and prosecution) and support services separately. It will report in relation to them in later reports

    Regression of ranked responses when raw responses are censored

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    We discuss semiparametric regression when only the ranks of responses are observed. The model is Yi=F(xi′β0+εi)Y_i = F (\mathbf{x}_i'{\boldsymbol\beta}_0 + \varepsilon_i), where YiY_i is the unobserved response, FF is a monotone increasing function, xi\mathbf{x}_i is a known p−p-vector of covariates, β0{\boldsymbol\beta}_0 is an unknown pp-vector of interest, and εi\varepsilon_i is an error term independent of xi\mathbf{x}_i. We observe {(xi,Rn(Yi)):i=1,…,n}\{(\mathbf{x}_i,R_n(Y_i)) : i = 1,\ldots ,n\}, where RnR_n is the ordinal rank function. We explore a novel estimator under Gaussian assumptions. We discuss the literature, apply the method to an Alzheimer's disease biomarker, conduct simulation studies, and prove consistency and asymptotic normality.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    Building Effective Responses: An Independent Review of Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services in Wales

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    Independent researchers from the Connect Centre for International Research on Interpersonal Violence based in the School of Social Work at the University of Central Lancashire were commissioned by the Welsh Government in 2013 to conduct research into violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence services in Wales. The research aimed to inform the forthcoming Ending Violence Against Women and Domestic Abuse (Wales) Bill, implementation of the legislation and future policy more generally, as well as informing future funding decisions. The remit of the review covers: Domestic abuse, including that experienced in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) relationships and elder abuse. Violence against women, including female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage and honour-based violence. Sexual violence including rape, sexual assault and harassment Sexual exploitation including prostitution and trafficking1 for sexual purposes. Services for women and men who are victims or perpetrators of violence against women, domestic abuse or sexual violence. The review does not encompass criminal justice services or housing services and, with the exception of prevention work, services for children and young people in Wales were also excluded from this study
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