
Regression of ranked responses when raw responses are censored


We discuss semiparametric regression when only the ranks of responses are observed. The model is Yi=F(xiβ€²Ξ²0+Ξ΅i)Y_i = F (\mathbf{x}_i'{\boldsymbol\beta}_0 + \varepsilon_i), where YiY_i is the unobserved response, FF is a monotone increasing function, xi\mathbf{x}_i is a known pβˆ’p-vector of covariates, Ξ²0{\boldsymbol\beta}_0 is an unknown pp-vector of interest, and Ξ΅i\varepsilon_i is an error term independent of xi\mathbf{x}_i. We observe {(xi,Rn(Yi)):i=1,…,n}\{(\mathbf{x}_i,R_n(Y_i)) : i = 1,\ldots ,n\}, where RnR_n is the ordinal rank function. We explore a novel estimator under Gaussian assumptions. We discuss the literature, apply the method to an Alzheimer's disease biomarker, conduct simulation studies, and prove consistency and asymptotic normality.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

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