4,767 research outputs found

    Coal Consumption Sources

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    La región Caribe tiene un rezago importante con respecto al resto del país en términos de cobertura y calidad de la educación. Este artículo tiene como objetivo proponer una serie de políticas que permitan dar un gran impulso al sistema de educación escolar de la región y cerrar las principales brechas entre los años 2019 y 2030. Se proponen cuatro grandes ejes de intervención: educación preescolar, jornada única, docentes y fortalecimiento institucional. La inversión necesaria para realizar los programas de esta propuesta se estima en 2.108 millones de dólares. Adicionalmente, se requiere de 4.160 millones de dólares para financiar el aumento en los costos recurrentes del sector educativo de la región en el período citado

    Binary Evolution and the Progenitor of SN 1987A

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    Since the majority of massive stars are members of binary systems, an understanding of the intricacies of binary interactions is essential for understanding the large variety of supernova types and sub-types. I therefore briefly review the basic elements of binary evolution theory and discuss how binary interactions affect the presupernova structure of massive stars and the resulting supernovae. SN 1987A was a highly anomalous supernova, almost certainly because of a previous binary interaction. The most likely scenario at present is that the progenitor was a member of a massive close binary that experienced dynamical mass transfer during its second red-supergiant phase and merged completely with its companion as a consequence. This can naturally explain the three main anomalies of SN 1987A: the blue color of the progenitor, the chemical anomalies and the complex triple-ring nebula.Comment: Proceedings for the conference "SN 1987A: Ten Years After", eds. M. M. Phillips and N. B. Suntzeff, which took place in 1997, but which still has to appear in print. Proceedings are made public as a source of historical referenc

    Зміна основних засад організації банківського нагляду в Україні

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    Este documento tiene dos propósitos. El primero está vinculado con el análisis de la relación salarios y precios en Colombia, utilizando para ello varios indicadores mensuales de precios y salarios. El segundo, de carácter pedagógico, está asociado con la presentación de diferentes alternativas metodológicas que permiten, no sólo, revisar la relación ya mencionada en el contexto de corto y largo plazo

    Оценка влияния золоотвалов теплоэлектростанций на объекты окружающей среды (на юге Дальнего Востока)

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    Durante el primer trimestre de 2009 se realizó una encuesta a 1.305 empresas colombianas, para conocer los mecanismos de fijación e incremento de los salarios y la variación de precios de bienes y servicios; se aprovecha esta información para estudiar los diferenciales salariales entre sectores económicos y grupos ocupaciones, con énfasis en las características empresariales y sectoriales

    Individually-Rational Collective Choice under Random Preferences

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    In this paper I consider the following problem: there is a collection of exogenously given socially feasible sets, and for each one of them, each one of a group of individuals chooses from an individually feasible set. The fact that the product of the individually feasible sets is larger than the socially feasible set notwithstanding, there arises no conflict between individuals. Assuming that individual preferences are random, I here characterize collective choices in terms of the way in which individual preferences must co-vary in order to explain them. I do this by combining standard revealed preference theory and its counterpart under random preferences. I also argue that there exist collective choices that cannot be rationalized, and hence that the individual rationality assumption can be refuted

    Monetary transmission under competing corporate finance regimes = Transmisión monetaria bajo regímenes alternativos de finanzas corporativas

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    The behavioural agent-based framework of De Grauwe and Gerba (2015) is extended to allow for a counterfactual exercise on the role of banks for monetary transmissions. A bank-based corporate financing friction is introduced and the relative contribution of that friction to the effectiveness of monetary policy is evaluated. We find convincing evidence that the monetary transmission channel is stronger in the bank-based system compared to the market-based. Impulse responses to a monetary expansion are around the double of those in the market-based framework. The (asymmetric) effectiveness of monetary policy in counteracting busts is, on the other hand, relatively higher in the market-based model. The statistical fit of the bank-based behavioural model is also improved compared to the benchmark model. Lastly, we find that a market-based (bankbased) financing friction in a general equilibrium produces highly asymmetric (symmetric) distributions and more (less) pronounced business cycles

    Деятельность заказчика-застройщика в условиях экономического кризиса

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    An interacting network coupling financial institutions’ multiplex (i.e. multi-layer) and financial market infrastructures’ single-layer networks gives an accurate picture of a financial system’s true connective architecture. We examine and compare the main properties of Colombian multiplex and interacting financial networks. Coupling financial institutions’ multiplex networks with financial market infrastructures’ networks removes modularity, which enhances financial instability because the network then fails to isolate feedbacks and limit cascades while it retains its robust-yet-fragile features. Moreover, our analysis highlights the relevance of infrastructure-related systemic risk, corresponding to the effects caused by the improper functioning of FMIs or by FMIs acting as conduits for contagion

    A Continuous Extension that preserves Concavity, Monotonicity and Lipschitz Continuity

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    The following is proven here: let W : X × C −→ R, where X is convex, be a continuous and bounded function such that for each y ∈ C, the function W (·, y) : X −→ R is concave (resp. strongly concave; resp. Lipschitzian with constant M; resp. monotone; resp. strictly monotone) and let Y ⊇ C. If C is compact, then there exists a continuous extension of W , U : X × Y −→ £ infX×C W, supX×C W ¤, such that for each y ∈ Y , the function U (·, y) : X −→ R is concave (resp. strongly concave; resp. Lipschitzian with constant My ; resp. monotone; resp. strictly monotone)

    Collection of scientific works of marie skłodowska curie’s family and her biographers’ editions in scientific library of Lviv polytechnic

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    Розглянуто колекцію праць династії Кюрі зі складу фондів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Львівської політехніки та науково-популярних видань, присвячених її життєвому та науковому шляху. Коротко охарактеризовано особливості видань.The paper exhibits collection of works of Curie dynasty that are preserved in Scientific Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University and popular science works about life and research activity of the dynasty. Peculiarities of these editions are briefly characterised

    Применение наноматериалов и нанотехнологий в строительстве

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    Se estudian los determinantes de la heterogeneidad observada en la flexibilidad de precios, empleando los resultados encontrados en una encuesta. Para esto se utilizan los modelos de conteo y se diseñan e implementan un conjunto de pruebas de especificación y de selección de modelos que garantizan una correcta inferencia estadística. Los determinantes más significativos para explicar el grado de flexibilidad de los precios, son las características del producto, los acuerdos contractuales y el sector económico al que pertenece la firma