42,661 research outputs found

    PROSPEK USAHA INDUSTRI TERASI MASYARAKAT DESA KARANGAGUNG(Studi Pada Masyarakat Pemilik Industri Terasi Di Desa Karangagung, Kecamatan Palang,Kabupaten Tuban-Jawa Timur)

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    The statement that says that the location of an area or region will largely determine the characteristics and types of work people would very precise, as occurred in the community in the village Karangagung which became one of the district of Tuban - East Java. With the location of the region very close to the sea, so most people take better advantage of the natural resources of marine areas with the fishermen, fish farmers or other businesses that use sea products such as dried fish business and making shrimp paste with the basic material. Condiment business in the village Karangagung been developed by some communities, whether in small or large scale, especially in rural middle Karangagung who has brought a new style in the social life of society. Types of qualitative research by using this description method, describe and classify social phenomena that occur in the presence of shrimp industry in the village Karangagung of the sociology of science by taking samples of shrimp paste entrepreneurs who have experienced success at this time by developing a condiment business. With descriptive research method, this research to describe and estimate the prospects of shrimp industry in the early perintisannya, now and in the future of the science of sociology and the changes that occur in a principal or owner of the shrimp industry. Shrimp industry's business prospects and the changes that occur in the principal / owner of the shrimp industry can be seen from the social exchange theory and the theory of George Caspar Homans George Herbert Mead's symbolic interactionism. Business prospects of the shrimp industry is the sociological side, the possibility of development of the shrimp paste in the early days perintisannya, now and in the future as a result of social exchange in the process of interaction undertaken by entrepreneurs with the merchant wholesalers. The theory of symbolic interactionism to see changes there is a result of the concept of "self" that can be used individually and change the meaning of symbols used to indicate social position, because the property owned by businessman paste allows them to change the meaning of the symbols used in the previous community


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    Evaluation is an activity to get, to analyze, and to interpret the data from the measurement process. The evaluation has close relation to the learning activities, because evaluation is a continuous process which should have a goal and instrument to measure the progress of the student’s achievement. To measure them, it needs an instrument called a test. For this reason, a test must be valid and reliable in order to get accurate data to fulfill the judgment. In this thesis, the writer only focused on the content validity of the English test items in national examination (UN) 2005/2006. Dealing with the research method, the writer used descriptive research design to describe and to analyze the content validity of English tests items in national examination (UN) 2005/2006. The English test items in UN 2005/2006 and Competence Based Curriculum or Curriculum 2004 were taken as the data. The collected were analyzed to know whether the English test items in UN 2005/2006 are valid or not. The result of the data analysis showed that the English test items in national examination (UN) 2005/2006 were valid in term of their content. In other words, the English test items in UN 2005/2006 were considered high validity because it covered 98% (49 test items) the content of curriculum 2004 and only 1 test item (2%) was inappropriate with the curriculum


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    Beach of Gelung Village Situbondo is one of the Situbondo Residence Beach. This village has slope slightly village with muddy and sandy landscape. Various ridge of rock could be found in this village, especially from Anthozoa Class. In this beach, there still found another bio-life. The destruction is often happened because of natural disaster. The research aimed to find out the various kind ridge of rock, especially Anthozoa classes existed in the water region of Gelung village beach, what kind of ridge of rock, especially Anthozoa class dominated Gelung village beach and what kind of various ridge of rock, especially Anthozoa claas in the beach region of Gelung village Situbondo. The research used descriptive method. Location and time of the research were done in beach region of Gelung village Panarukan sub-district Situbondo from January 7th to 14th 2008. Population in this research were all Anthozoa classes in beach region of Gelung village with 3 km wide and the samples were Anthozoa class in every obervation plot, consisted of 5 transect and each transect contained 10 plot. In this research, data from the observation location was found by three phases: sample location research consideration, sampling phase, sample identification. The Pi log Piresult was analyzed by these equations: variability (H’ : - individual of a species/species totalwhere Pi : ni/n), abundance: individual abundance of aobservation, relative abundance: species/total of all species abundance x 100%. The research concluded that Anthozoa classes in Gelung Village Situbondo beach found 12 Anthozoa classes ridge of rock and the highest species was Acropora humilis from famili Acroporidiae and the lowest species was Fungia sp from famili Fungiidia. After analyzing the ridge of rock variability in Gelung village Situbondo beach, they included small category since the variability was less than 1, while the highest abundance was Acropora nobilis species and the lowest was Fungia sp and Tracyphyllia geofrroyi


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    Language plays a very important rule in our live. It is used to communicate each other to express their ideas or emotion. Literary work is one of language usage that made to give pleasure and enjoyment to the reader. Poetry and music are kind of litarary work. Song is the combination between poetry and music. The purpose of this study is to find out the general meaning, the detailed meaning, and the message inside the lyrics poem “How Many Hours” Michael Learns to Rock’s song. This study uses descriptive qualitative method as the research design because there is no treatment in this study as in experimental research. The approach that is used in this study is objective approach because this study does not concern with the author’s experience and life. The object of this study is the lyrics of “How Many Hours” in Michael Learns to Rock’s song , because it contains general meaning, detailed meaning and the message inside. The general meaning of the lyrical poem “How Many Hours” is about poet’s expression toward war and its effects, and his hope on peace. The detailed meaning of the lyrical poem “How Many Hours”, in the beginning, the poet describes a condition of a family who lives in the middle of the war. The poet shows the sadness of a mother towars her life and the future of her little son. A young calm man has changed become a stiff and rigorous man because of the war. In the second stanza, the poet shows the voice of them who live in the middle of war that they need a protection, a safe place, and a nice world. In the third stanza, the poet wants to say that war happens because there is no mutual love among human being. The war gives a long tear and fear to the citizenries. Their days are never far from a long suffering and fear that they themselves do not know when will those feeling diappear. In the last stanza, the poet teases the people who do not care to the war by showing a picture in which the children are still playing in their world that has become broken. The message found in the lyrical poem “How Many Hours” is that war gives fear, trauma, and suffering to the citizenries. Every person should have mutual love among others, so that, the war will not happen


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    Language is important as media of communication for human being who live in certain community. If we pay attention to our surrounding there are some groups of community who used strange and funny language in communication with their fellow groups, especially to the youth. This strange and funny language occurs in Malang and the name is“ Bahasa Balikan “ ( reversed language ). Sometimes, the language is difficult to be understood by others especially for non Malangese people. Malang Post is one kind of regional newspapers that established in Malang. Malang Post also involves reversed language especially in column “ Malangan “, there we can read many words that are reversed by the writer The problems discussed were : (1). What kinds of reversed words are written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003 ?. (2). How is the percentage of reversed words written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003 ?. The objectives of this study were to know kinds of reversed words and the percentage of reversed words in each column written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003. In writing this study, the writer used descriptive quantitative method because he described Malang Reversed Language and calculated percentage of Malang Reversed Language which were written in Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003. All reversed words which were written in Malang Post edited on March 2003 were population of this study. And sample of this study were reversed words written in column “Malangan”. There were 24 columns “Malangan” edited on March 2003. Research instrument of this study was surveying towards documents of Malang Post column “Malangan” edited on March 2003. Next, the writer analyzed the data in several steps. After analyzing the data, the writer found that : (1). The main sources of reversion words are Indonesian and Javanese language. And the words which are put into reversion are Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs. (2). The writer found 24 reversed words of nouns or 30.76 %. 4 reversed words of pronouns or 5.12 %. 11 reversed words of adjectives or 14.10 %. 30 reversed words of verbs or 38.46 % and 9 reversed words of adverbs or 11.53 %


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    This research aims to examine the influence of audit fees, audit tenure and work experience on audit quality. The data used in this research is data generated from questionnaires related to audit fees, audit tenure, work experience and audit quality. The research sample was 10 Malang Public Accounting Firms with the research object being auditors. The data collection method used was the survey method. This method is carried out by distributing questionnaires to auditor respondents from public accounting offices in Malang. This research uses Partial Least Square (PLS) Analysis. To support the Partial Least Square analysis in this research, researchers used the help of the SmartPLS 3.0 application. In analyzing latent variable equations, Partial Least Square is suitable for use in this research because this technique is valid in carrying out the data analysis process

    A Study on Slangs Found in Malang Post

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    The objective of this study is the researcher wants to describe slang of reversion, pure \ud slang, and slang of loan word written in Malang Post published on October 2004. \ud The design of this study is descriptive qualitative. The accessible population is only \ud newspapers published on October 2004 and the sample is all “Ngalam” columns written in \ud October 2004. On that period, the researcher found 25 “Ngalam” columns as the sample. \ud The data collection method used in this research is documentary study. The document in \ud this study is Malang Post newspapers published on October 2004. \ud Based on the research, there are 48 slang words found in “Ngalam” column published in \ud October 2004. 44 words grouped as slang of reversion, 1 word as pure slang, and 3 words \ud as slang of loan word. 35 of them are adopted from Indonesian language and the rest are \ud Javanese. \ud From the result of the research, the researcher concludes that slang of reversion of \ud Indonesian dominate the finding. Malang people prefer to adopt Indonesian words rather \ud than Javanese in creating slang of reversion because several reasons. \ud The researcher hopes the result of this research can be used as one of the reference \ud especially for the lecturer who teaches sociolinguistic and it can be used as an additional \ud material in teaching slang. The researcher also wants to give a description about slang \ud written in Malang Post for the students from other cities who wants to know more about \ud slang in Malang and as a comparison with slang from their own city


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    Learning language is not only a matter acquiring a set of roles and building up large vocabulary, but also enabling to use it. The vocabulary is one major problems. Confronting English foreign. However understanding it is not always easy for everybody especially for children. An English teacher place is very important role in an English instruction since he/she is one of the factors that determines whether the teaching will be successful or unsuccessful. The teacher has to be able to apply various techniques in teaching English because the student at kindergarten school prefer to learn by playing. So the teacher can use of various media like flashcard that to teach vocabulary for student in the kindergarten. In this study the writer used descriptive research. Gay (1987) said that typical descriptive study deal with the assessment of attitudes, opinions, demographist information, condition, and procedure. The accessible population of this study is 50% student and only fourth teacher. The researcher uses two kind of instruments to collect the data. They are observation and interview. Observation is used to get the data of the use of flashcard by the teacher in teaching vocabulary. The interview in this study is give to the teacher. There are two (2) statement of problem: those are: 1) How does the teacher use the flashcard to teach vocabulary in the kindergarten in ankasa balikpapan. 2) what the problems when the teacher use the flashcard to teach vocabulary in the kindergarten in Angkasa Balikpapan. The purpose of this study are: 1) to know the teacher use the flashcard to teach vocabulary in the kindergarten in Angkasa Balikpapan. 2) To know problem the problem when the teacher use the flashcard in the kindergarten in Angkasa Balikpapan. The result of study shows that teacher used first type of flashcard with teacher presents new vocabulary and practice to read them, and then the teacher has problem solving when teacher has the problem when use the flashcard. By using the flashcard the student ability at kindergarten in vocabulary subject increases. So the English lesson is not difficult interesting. Hopefully this can provide the data on the remedial teaching especially on teaching vocabulary in the kindergarten


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    Errors may occur in different components of language, such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Errors can occur because people have not internalized the grammar of the second language. This study aimed to get the answer of research problems, namely (1) What kinds of sentence types that are used in short story in “Reform” magazine No (19,2001)?, (2) What kinds of errors in sentence types that are found in the object of the study? and (3) What is the most dominant error that are found in this investigation?. This thesis used descriptive research design. Besides, the thesis writer used a documentary analysis and selected one short story “When Biruni Remembers It” in “Reform” magazine No (19,2001) as the object of the study. In analyzing the data, the writer investigated the kinds of sentence types based on structure and the kinds of errors in sentence types that are found in the object of the study by taking some steps: (1) Classifying the kinds of sentence types based on structure that are used in short story in “Reform” magazine No (19, 2001), (2) Classifying the kinds of errors in sentence types that are found in short story, (3) Describing the kinds of sentence types based on structure that are found in short story, (4) Describing the kinds of errors in sentence types based on their classification, and (5) Describing the most dominant error in sentence types that is found in short story. From the research findings and discussions, it can be concluded that all the types of sentence based on structure are used in the short story. They are: two simple sentences, nine compound sentences, seven complex sentences, and third teen compound complex sentences. All of them are 31 sentences. In addition, in terms of errors, Oshima’s theory was used in this investigation, that is errors of sentence fragments, errors of choppy sentences, and errors of stringy sentences. Based on the result of the data analysis, it is found out that there are two errors of choppy sentences. However, there is no error of sentence fragments or error of stringy sentences. Therefore, it is concluded that the most dominant error is error of choppy sentence


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengetahui pengaruh promosi sosial media terhadap keputusan pembelian. (2) mengetahui pngaruh lokasi terhadap keputusan pembelian. (3) mengetahui pengaruh minat beli terhadap keputusan pembelian. (4) mengetahui peran mediasi minat beli terhadap hubungan promosi sosial media terhadap keputusan pembelian. (5) mengetahui peran mediasi minat beli terhadap hubungan lokasi terhadap keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Metode analisis yang digunakanan adalah metode macro hayes dengan alat bantu SPSS 25. Dari penelitian tersebut diperoleh hasil (1) promosi sosial media berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. (2) lokasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. (3) minat beli berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. (4) minat beli memediasi pengaruh promosi sosial media terhadap keputusan pembelian. (5) minat beli memediasi pengaruh lokasi terhadap keputusan pembelian
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