10,607 research outputs found

    Distance to U Pegasi by the DDE Algorithm

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    A distance is found for the W UMa type binary U Pegasi, with a newly modified version of the Wilson-Devinney program (W-D) that makes use of the direct distance estimation (DDE) algorithm. The reported distance of d = 123.6pc is an average based on solutions for B and V data and a primary star temperature of 5800K. Standardized light curves (not differential), radial velocities, and a spectroscopic primary star temperature are input to the pro- gram. Differential corrections were performed for each light curve band along with the velocities for two primary temperatures that span 100K. Log10d is a model parameter like many others that are adjustable in W-D. The eclipsing binary distance agrees with the Hipparcos parallax distance and is more precise.Comment: 2 pages, 1 table, International Conference: Binaries - Key to Comprehension of the Universe, Brno, Czech Republic June 8-12, 200

    The V471 Tauri System: A Multi-datatype Probe

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    V471 Tauri, a white dwarf--red dwarf eclipsing binary in the Hyades, is well known for stimulating development of common envelope theory, whereby novae and other cataclysmic variables form from much wider binaries by catastrophic orbit shrinkage. Our evaluation of a recent imaging search that reported negative results for a much postulated third body shows that the object could have escaped detection or may have actually been seen. The balance of evidence continues to favor a brown dwarf companion about 12 AU from the eclipsing binary. A recently developed algorithm finds unified solutions from three datatypes. New radial velocities (RVs) of the red dwarf and BV RCIC light curves are solved simultaneously along with white dwarf and red dwarf RVs from the literature, uvby data, the MOST mission light curve, and 40 years of eclipse timings. Precision-based weighting is the key to proper information balance among the various datasets. Timewise variation of modeled starspots allows unified solution of multiple data eras. Light curve amplitudes strongly suggest decreasing spottedness from 1976 to about 1980, followed by approximately constant spot coverage from 1981 to 2005. An explanation is proposed for lack of noticeable variation in 1981 light curves, in terms of competition between spot and tidal variations. Photometric spectroscopic distance is estimated. The red dwarf mass comes out larger than normal for a K2V star, and even larger than adopted in several structure and evolution papers. An identified cause for this result is that much improved red dwarf RVs curves now exist

    Algorithmic skills of independent work of future teachersof vocational training in informatics and computer engineering

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    The article deals with the essence and types of algorithmic skills aimed at effective independent work of future teachers of professional training in computer science and engineering. Their formation allows them to prepare specialists for work in the information society. The author adheres to the idea that algorithmic skills are a set of skills, integrated is of General educational, specialized and professional pedagogical skills of independent work of future teachers. From this follows the logic of the study. Groups of skills which are formed and realized in independent work by future teachers of professional training are defined. The possibility of representation of algorithmic skills as readiness to carry out effectively algorithmic activity is analyzed. In contrast to the conventional definition of algorithmic skills as a way of implementing algorithmic activities.В статье рассматривается сущность и виды алгоритмических умений, направленных на результативную самостоятельную работу будущими педагогами профессионального обучения по профилю "Информатика и вычислительная техника"

    Облікова політика при переході на МСФЗ як підґрунтя фінансового обліку підприємства

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    Облікова політика - це фундамент, на якому базується фінансовий облік підприємства. В ній фіксуються тільки ті принципи і методи обліку та оцінки, які передбачають кілька варіантів обліку на вибір підприємства. або щодо яких є невизначеність

    Asian financial crisis and Korean trade dynamics

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    Since the Asian financial crisis in 1997, Korean international trade has gone up substantially in both volume and trade balances. The improvement is largely due to an expansion of international markets through various bilateral trade agreements and the structural changes in Korean exchange rates. This paper investigates the exchange rate – trade balance dynamics, popularly known as the J-curve phenomenon. Employing the Bounds-Testing approach to cointegration and error-correction modeling on Korean bilateral trade for the pre- and post- Asian crisis periods, the study finds that support for the strict version of the J-curves has been fading after the crisis. The weaker version of J-curve is generally supported in both pre- and post-crisis sample periods. There exists a long-run relationship among the Korean exchange rates, domestic income, foreign income, and Korean trading balances

    High temperature creep and damage accumulation in cyclically loaded axisymmetrical bodies of revolution

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    The paper presents the constitutive equations as well as the data of numerical simulation of creep-damage problems of cyclically loaded and heated axisymmetrical structural members. The procedure of constitutive equations deriving is discussed. The experimental and numerical data have been obtained for cyclically heated specimens made from high quality steel were compared in order to verify the flow rule and damage parameter equation. The problem of creep and damage accumulation in the nipples of the regenerator for catalytic cracking of petroleum was analyzed with consideration of different temperature cycle parameters

    A Sociophonetic Account of the Similarities Between Northern Minnesota English and Winnipeg Canadian English

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    The Minnesota dialect of American English is often confused with some vague “Canadian English” (Bartholdi 2015).[1] The current study aims to identify precisely which Canadian dialect of English. In so doing, we extract F1 and F2 measurements of 11 monophthong vowels of English ([i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ, ɑ, ɔ, o, ʊ, u, ʌ]) produced by 20 Northern Minnesota speakers (10 males and 10 females) and compare and contrast the same set of vowels produced by 10 speakers (5 males and 5 females) of Winnipeg Canadian English whose vowels were measured by Hagiwara (2006). Our findings confirm the impressionistic claims that Northern Minnesotans sound like Canadians. The sociophonetic investigation shows that the phonological processes that raise the “face” vowel [e] over the “kiss” vowel [ɪ], those that front and lower the “foot” [ʊ], and those that have caused the “lot” vowel [ɑ] and the “cloth” vowel [ɔ] to merge are the same in both dialects. However, in our considered opinion, the most important contribution of this paper to variationist sociolinguistics is “the discovery” that male Northern Minnesota English (NMNE) sound like males in Winnipeg Canadian English (WCE) speakers because of F1, while female NMNE speakers sound like female WCE speakers because of F2. [1] The Youtube video can be found at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVlNl_LX47

    The Acoustic Correlates of [ATR] Vowel Harmony in Somali

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    In the scholarship on the Somali language, lexical and syntactic structures have received disproportionately more attention than phonetic analyses. The goal of the present study was to empirically describe the relationship between tongue root harmony constraints and several other phonetic features of Somali vowels that affect vowel quality in the articulation of selected phonemes. To accomplish this, baseline measurements of the acoustic features of each set of [± ATR] (Advanced Tongue Root) vowel sounds were taken in spectrograms and compared across sets. The measurements made for each waveform include: fundamental frequency, formant 1, formant 2, formant 3 and vowel duration. The values were submitted to an independent samples t-tests. The tests indicate that F1 is the most reliable correlate of [ATR] followed by Duration. F2 is reliable for some vowel pairs while F3 demonstrated little significance. F0 was not a significant correlate in distinguishing between any vowel pairs

    St. Cloud Area Quarterly Business Report, Vol. 01, No. 02

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    Steganography A Data Hiding Technique

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    Steganography implements an encryption technique in which communication takes place by hiding information. A hidden message is the combination of a secret message with the carrier message. This technique can be used to hide the message in an image, a video file, an audio file or in a file system. There are large variety of steganography techniques that will be used for hiding secret information in images. The final output image is called as a stego-image which consists of a secret message or information. Imperceptibility, payload, and robustness are three most important parameters for audio steganography. For a more secure approach, encryption can be used, which will encrypt the secret message using a secret key and then sent to the receiver. The receiver after receiving the message then decrypts the secret message to obtain the original one. In this paper, compared steganography with cryptography, which is an encrypting technique and explained how steganography provides better security in terms of hiding the secret message. In this paper, the various techniques are illustrated, which are used in steganography and studying the implementation of those techniques. Also, demonstrated the implementation process of one of the steganography techniques. A comparative analysis is performed between various steganographic tools by using the sample test images and test data. The quality metrics such as PSNR and SSIM are calculated for the final output images which are used for rating the tools. This paper also discusses about the Steganalysis which is known as the process of identifying the use of steganography