2,819 research outputs found

    Applications of Subleading-color Amplitudes in N=4 SYM Theory

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    A number of features and applications of subleading color amplitudes of N=4 SYM theory are reviewed. Particular attention is given to the IR divergences of the subleading-color amplitudes, the relationships of N=4 SYM theory to N=8 supergravity, and to geometric interpretations of one-loop subleading color and N^k MHV amplitudes of N=4 SYM theory.Comment: 39 pages; v2: minor correction

    Demonstration of dispersive rarefaction shocks in hollow elliptical cylinder chains

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    We report an experimental and numerical demonstration of dispersive rarefaction shocks (DRS) in a 3D-printed soft chain of hollow elliptical cylinders. We find that, in contrast to conventional nonlinear waves, these DRS have their lower amplitude components travel faster, while the higher amplitude ones propagate slower. This results in the backward-tilted shape of the front of the wave (the rarefaction segment) and the breakage of wave tails into a modulated waveform (the dispersive shock segment). Examining the DRS under various impact conditions, we find the counter-intuitive feature that the higher striker velocity causes the slower propagation of the DRS. These unique features can be useful for mitigating impact controllably and efficiently without relying on material damping or plasticity effects

    Large-N Universality of the Two-Dimensional Yang-Mills String

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    We exhibit the gauge-group independence (``universality'') of all normalized non-intersecting Wilson loop expectation values in the large N limit of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory. This universality is most easily understood via the string theory reformulation of these gauge theories. By constructing an isomorphism between the string maps contributing to normalized Wilson loop expectation values in the different theories, we prove the large N universality of these observables on any surface. The string calculation of the Wilson loop expectation value on the sphere also leads to an indication of the large N phase transition separating strong- and weak-coupling phases.Comment: 18 pages, phyzzx macro, no figure

    Improved matrix-model calculation of the N=2 prepotential

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    We present a matrix-model expression for the sum of instanton contributions to the prepotential of an N=2 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory, with matter in various representations. This expression is derived by combining the renormalization-group approach to the gauge theory prepotential with matrix-model methods. This result can be evaluated order-by-order in matrix-model perturbation theory to obtain the instanton corrections to the prepotential. We also show, using this expression, that the one-instanton prepotential assumes a universal form.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Amplitudes for massive vector and scalar bosons in spontaneously-broken gauge theory from the CHY representation

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    In the formulation of Cachazo, He, and Yuan, tree-level amplitudes for massless particles in gauge theory and gravity can be expressed as rational functions of the Lorentz invariants kakbk_a \cdot k_b, ϵakb\epsilon_a \cdot k_b, and ϵaϵb\epsilon_a \cdot \epsilon_b, valid in any number of spacetime dimensions. We use dimensional reduction of higher-dimensional amplitudes of particles with internal momentum κ\kappa to obtain amplitudes for massive particles in lower dimensions. In the case of gauge theory, we argue that these massive amplitudes belong to a theory in which the gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by an adjoint Higgs field. Consequently, we show that tree-level nn-point amplitudes containing massive vector and scalar bosons in this theory can be obtained by simply replacing kakbk_a \cdot k_b with kakbκaκbk_a \cdot k_b - \kappa_a \kappa_b in the corresponding massless amplitudes, where the masses of the particles are given by κa|\kappa_a|.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; v2: added paragraph, published versio

    KLT-type relations for QCD and bicolor amplitudes from color-factor symmetry

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    Color-factor symmetry is used to derive a KLT-type relation for tree-level QCD amplitudes containing gluons and an arbitrary number of massive or massless quark-antiquark pairs, generalizing the expression for Yang-Mills amplitudes originally postulated by Bern, De Freitas, and Wong. An explicit expression is given for all amplitudes with two or fewer quark-antiquark pairs in terms of the (modified) momentum kernel. We also introduce the bicolor scalar theory, the "zeroth copy" of QCD, containing massless biadjoint scalars and massive bifundamental scalars, generalizing the biadjoint scalar theory of Cachazo, He, and Yuan. We derive KLT-type relations for tree-level amplitudes of biadjoint and bicolor theories using the color-factor symmetry possessed by these theories.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures; v2: added referenc

    Analytical Tendex and Vortex Fields for Perturbative Black Hole Initial Data

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    Tendex and vortex fields, defined by the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl curvature tensor, form the basis of a recently developed approach to visualizing spacetime curvature. In particular, this method has been proposed as a tool for interpreting results from numerical binary black hole simulations, providing a deeper insight into the physical processes governing the merger of black holes and the emission of gravitational radiation. Here we apply this approach to approximate but analytical initial data for both single boosted and binary black holes. These perturbative data become exact in the limit of small boost or large binary separation. We hope that these calculations will provide additional insight into the properties of tendex and vortex fields, and will form a useful test for future numerical calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Gravity darkening and brightening in binaries

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    We apply a von Zeipel gravity darkening model to corotating binaries to obtain a simple, analytical expression for the emergent radiative flux from a tidally distorted primary orbiting a point-mass secondary. We adopt a simple Roche model to determine the envelope structure of the primary, assumed massive and centrally condensed, and use the results to calculate the flux. As for single rotating stars, gravity darkening reduces the flux along the stellar equator of the primary, but, unlike for rotating stars, we find that gravity brightening enhances the flux in a region around the stellar poles. We identify a critical limiting separation beyond which hydrostatic equilibrium no longer is possible, whereby the flux vanishes at the point on the stellar equator of the primary facing the companion. For equal-mass binaries, the total luminosity is reduced by about 13 % when this limiting separation is reached.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, matches version published in Astrophysical Journa

    Thermodynamics of the localized D2-D6 system

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    An exact fully-localized extremal supergravity solution for N_2 D2 branes and N_6 D6 branes, which is dual to 3-dimensional supersymmetric SU(N_2) gauge theory with N_6 fundamentals, was found by Cherkis and Hashimoto. In order to consider the thermal properties of the gauge theory we present the non-extremal extension of this solution to first order in an expansion near the core of the D6 branes. We compute the Hawking temperature and the black brane horizon area/entropy. The leading order entropy, which is proportional to N_2^{3/2} N_6^{1/2} T_H^2, is not corrected to first order in the expansion. This result is consistent with the analogous weak-coupling result at the correspondence point N_2 ~ N_6.Comment: 14 page