29,295 research outputs found

    Ladder operators and endomorphisms in combinatorial Physics

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    Starting with the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra, fundamental to quantum physics, we first show how the ordering of the non-commuting operators intrinsic to that algebra gives rise to generalizations of the classical Stirling Numbers of Combinatorics. These may be expressed in terms of infinite, but row-finite, matrices, which may also be considered as endomorphisms of C[x]. This leads us to consider endomorphisms in more general spaces, and these in turn may be expressed in terms of generalizations of the ladder-operators familiar in physics

    On a conjecture by Pierre Cartier about a group of associators

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    In \cite{cartier2}, Pierre Cartier conjectured that for any non commutative formal power series Φ\Phi on X={x0,x1}X=\{x_0,x_1\} with coefficients in a \Q-extension, AA, subjected to some suitable conditions, there exists an unique algebra homomorphism φ\varphi from the \Q-algebra generated by the convergent polyz\^etas to AA such that Φ\Phi is computed from ΦKZ\Phi_{KZ} Drinfel'd associator by applying φ\varphi to each coefficient. We prove φ\varphi exists and it is a free Lie exponential over XX. Moreover, we give a complete description of the kernel of polyz\^eta and draw some consequences about a structure of the algebra of convergent polyz\^etas and about the arithmetical nature of the Euler constant

    Localization for Schrodinger operators with random vector potentials

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    We prove Anderson localization at the internal band-edges for periodic magnetic Schr{\"o}dinger operators perturbed by random vector potentials of Anderson-type. This is achieved by combining new results on the Lifshitz tails behavior of the integrated density of states for random magnetic Schr{\"o}dinger operators, thereby providing the initial length-scale estimate, and a Wegner estimate, for such models

    3D-2D analysis of a thin film with periodic microstructure

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    The purpose of this article is to study the behavior of a heterogeneous thin film whose microstructure oscillates on a scale that is comparable to that of the thickness of the domain. The argument is based on a 3D-2D dimensional reduction through a Γ\Gamma-convergence analysis, techniques of two-scale convergence and a decoupling procedure between the oscillating variable and the in-plane variable.Comment: 19 page

    Strong resonant tunneling, level repulsion and spectral type for one-dimensional adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operators

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    In this paper, we consider one dimensional adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operators in the regime of strong resonant tunneling. We show the emergence of a level repulsion phenomenon which is seen to be very naturally related to the local spectral type of the operator: the more singular the spectrum, the weaker the repulsion

    Magnetization reversal behavior in complex shaped Co nanowires: a nanomagnet morphology optimization

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    A systematic micromagnetic study of the morphological characteristic effects over the magnetic static properties of Co-based complex shaped nanowires is presented. The relevance of each characteristic size (i.e. length L, diameter d, and size of the nanowires head T) and their critical values are discussed in the coercive field optimization goal. Our results strongly confirms that once the aspect ratio (L/d) of the nanowire is bigger than around 10, the length is no more the pertinent parameter and instead the internal diameter and the shape of the nanowires play a key role. We attribute this behavior to the non uniform distribution of the demagnetizing field which is localized in the nanowires head and acts as a nucleation point for the incoherent magnetization reversal. Finally, angular dependence of the magnetization are simulated and compared to the case of a prolate spheroid for all considered morphologies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Lifting vector bundles to Witt vector bundles

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    Let pp be a prime, and let SS be a scheme of characteristic pp. Let n2n \geq 2 be an integer. Denote by Wn(S)\mathbf{W}_n(S) the scheme of Witt vectors of length nn, built out of SS. The main objective of this paper concerns the question of extending (=lifting) vector bundles on SS to vector bundles on Wn(S)\mathbf{W}_n(S). After introducing the formalism of Witt-Frobenius Modules and Witt vector bundles, we study two significant particular cases, for which the answer is positive: that of line bundles, and that of the tautological vector bundle of a projective space. We give several applications of our point of view to classical questions in deformation theory---see the Introduction for details. In particular, we show that the tautological vector bundle of the Grassmannian GrFp(m,n)Gr_{\mathbb{F}_p}(m,n) does not extend to W2(GrFp(m,n))\mathbf{W}_2(Gr_{\mathbb{F}_p}(m,n)), if 2mn22 \leq m \leq n-2. In the Appendix, we give algebraic details on our (new) approach to Witt vectors, using polynomial laws and divided powers. It is, we believe, very convenient to tackle lifting questions.Comment: Enriched version, with an appendi

    M\"obius inversion formula for monoids with zero

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    The M\"obius inversion formula, introduced during the 19th century in number theory, was generalized to a wide class of monoids called locally finite such as the free partially commutative, plactic and hypoplactic monoids for instance. In this contribution are developed and used some topological and algebraic notions for monoids with zero, similar to ordinary objects such as the (total) algebra of a monoid, the augmentation ideal or the star operation on proper series. The main concern is to extend the study of the M\"obius function to some monoids with zero, i.e., with an absorbing element, in particular the so-called Rees quotients of locally finite monoids. Some relations between the M\"obius functions of a monoid and its Rees quotient are also provided.Comment: 12 pages, r\'esum\'e \'etendu soumis \`a FPSAC 201

    Trusting Computations: a Mechanized Proof from Partial Differential Equations to Actual Program

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    Computer programs may go wrong due to exceptional behaviors, out-of-bound array accesses, or simply coding errors. Thus, they cannot be blindly trusted. Scientific computing programs make no exception in that respect, and even bring specific accuracy issues due to their massive use of floating-point computations. Yet, it is uncommon to guarantee their correctness. Indeed, we had to extend existing methods and tools for proving the correct behavior of programs to verify an existing numerical analysis program. This C program implements the second-order centered finite difference explicit scheme for solving the 1D wave equation. In fact, we have gone much further as we have mechanically verified the convergence of the numerical scheme in order to get a complete formal proof covering all aspects from partial differential equations to actual numerical results. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such a comprehensive proof is achieved.Comment: N° RR-8197 (2012). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.179

    A 2D nanosphere array for atomic spectroscopy

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    We are interested in the spectroscopic behaviour of a gas confined in a micrometric or even nanometric volume. Such a situation could be encountered by the filling-up of a porous medium, such as a photonic crystal, with an atomic gas. Here, we discuss the first step of this program, with the generation and characterization of a self-organized 2D film of nanospheres of silica. We show that an optical characterization by laser light diffraction permits to extract some information on the array structure and represents an interesting complement to electron microscopy.Comment: accept\'e pour publication \`a Annales de Physique- proceedings of COLOQ1