27,145 research outputs found

    Transcriptional profiling of the pea shoot apical meristem reveals processes underlying its function and maintenance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the importance of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) in plant development and organ formation, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling its function is limited. Genomic tools have the potential to unravel the molecular mysteries of the SAM, and legume systems are increasingly being used in plant-development studies owing to their unique characteristics such as nitrogen fixation, secondary metabolism, and pod development. Garden pea (<it>Pisum sativum</it>) is a well-established classic model species for genetics studies that has been used since the Mendel era. In addition, the availability of a plethora of developmental mutants makes pea an ideal crop legume for genomics studies. This study aims to utilise genomics tools in isolating genes that play potential roles in the regulation of SAM activity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to identify genes that are differentially expressed in the SAM, we generated 2735 ESTs from three cDNA libraries derived from freshly micro-dissected SAMs from 10-day-old garden peas (<it>Pisum sativum </it>cv Torsdag). Custom-designed oligonucleotide arrays were used to compare the transcriptional profiles of pea SAMs and non-meristematic tissues. A total of 184 and 175 transcripts were significantly up- or down-regulated in the pea SAM, respectively. As expected, close to 61% of the transcripts down-regulated in the SAM were found in the public database, whereas sequences from the same source only comprised 12% of the genes that were expressed at higher levels in the SAM. This highlights the under-representation of transcripts from the meristematic tissues in the current public pea protein database, and demonstrates the utility of our SAM EST collection as an essential genetic resource for revealing further information on the regulation of this developmental process. In addition to unknowns, many of the up-regulated transcripts are known to encode products associated with cell division and proliferation, epigenetic regulation, auxin-mediated responses and microRNA regulation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presented data provide a picture of the transcriptional profile of the pea SAM, and reveal possible roles of differentially expressed transcripts in meristem function and maintenance.</p

    Reactive Oxygen Species Stimulate Insulin Secretion in Rat Pancreatic Islets: Studies Using Mono-Oleoyl-Glycerol

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    Chronic exposure (24–72 hrs) of pancreatic islets to elevated glucose and fatty acid leads to glucolipoxicity characterized by basal insulin hypersecretion and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). Our aim was to determine the mechanism for basal hypersecretion of insulin. We used mono-oleoyl-glycerol (MOG) as a tool to rapidly increase lipids in isolated rat pancreatic ß-cells and in the clonal pancreatic ß-cell line INS-1 832/13. MOG (25–400 µM) stimulated basal insulin secretion from ß-cells in a concentration dependent manner without increasing intracellular Ca2+ or O2 consumption. Like GSIS, MOG increased NAD(P)H and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The mitochondrial reductant ß-hydroxybutyrate (ß-OHB) also increased the redox state and ROS production, while ROS scavengers abrogated secretion. Diazoxide (0.4 mM) did not prevent the stimulatory effect of MOG, confirming that the effect was independent of the KATP-dependent pathway of secretion. MOG was metabolized to glycerol and long-chain acyl-CoA (LC-CoA), whereas, acute oleate did not similarly increase LC-CoA. Inhibition of diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) did not mimic the effect of MOG on insulin secretion, indicating that MOG did not act primarily by inhibiting DGK. Inhibition of acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) reduced the stimulatory effect of MOG on basal insulin secretion by 30% indicating a role for LC-CoA. These data suggest that basal insulin secretion is stimulated by increased ROS production, due to an increase in the mitochondrial redox state independent of the established components of GSIS

    PERISTIWA 13 MEI 1969 : Permasalahan Masyarakat Etnis di Malaysia

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “PERISTIWA 13 MEI 1969 : Permasalahan Masyarakat Etnis di Malaysia”. Secara umum penulisan skripsi ini didorong oleh keinginan peneliti untuk melakukan kajian yang lebih mendalam mengenai permasalahan masyarakat etnis di Malaysia. Studi ini secara garis besar ingin menjawab pertanyaan “Bagaimana permasalahan etnis Melayu dan etnis Cina hingga puncaknya pada 13 Mei 1969?”. Untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut, peneliti melakukan kajian dengan menggunakan metode historis yang meliputi 4 langkah penelitian, diantaranya adalah pengumpulan sumber tulisan melalui kajian studi literatur, kritik sumber, interpretasi atau analisis terhadap sumber dan historiografi. Alasan peneliti dalam memilih permasalahan masyarakat etnis di Malaysia yang puncak permasalahannya pada peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 karena peristiwa tersebut merupakan peristiwa yang sangat krusial bagi Malaysia, begitupun dengan permasalahan etnis di Malaysia yang sudah ada sejak masa penjajahan Inggris, tidak banyak sumber yang membahas peristiwanya, sehingga peneliti mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai permasalahan masyarakat etnis di Malaysia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh oleh peneliti ialah sebagai berikut : peristwa 13 Mei 1969 merupakan puncak dari permasalahan yang ada pada masyarakat etnis di Malaysia terutama etnis Melayu dengan etnis Cina, permasalahan diantara etnis Melayu dan etnis Cina sudah ada sejak penjajahan Inggris, kebijakan yang dikeluarkan Inggris pada masa penjajahan dengan menerapkan sistem stratifikasi sosial pada masyarakat etnis berdampak terhadap pola hubungan etnis Melayu dengan etnis Cina. Pelaksanaan pemilu 1969 menjadi salah satu puncak dari konflik etnis Melayu dengan etnis Cina di Malaysia, dengan terjadinya peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, hasil dari pemilu 1969 menjadi salah satu faktor pemicu terjadinya peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 .;---This thesis is titled “The 13rd May 1969 Affair: Ethnical Issiues In Society of Malaysia”. Generally this research was driven by Researcher personal interest to compose deeper study about Ethnical Issues of Malaysian society. This study generally to acknowledge How was ethnical issues between Malay ethnic and Chineese able to culminated in 13rd May affair. To examine this issues Researcher used historical methode wich included hueristic, verification, interpretation and historiography. Researcher’s exsecuse while choose these issues because 13rd May 1969 was very crusial to Malaysian Society, as well this issues occured since British colonialization, there are only few resourcses wich examine this issues so then Researcher interested to observe these ethnical issues in Malaysia. Based on research result, Researcher found: the 13rd May 1969 affair was the culmination of ethnical issues between Malay ethnic and chineese, these issues already occured since British colonialization, British colonial gouverment policies of social stratification system impacted to social relation between Malay ethnic and Chineese. The national election in 1969 became one of climax of the conflict between Malay ethnic and Chineese, by these 1969 election, become one of the most influental factor of 13rd May 1969 affair

    Transformations in Tapestry in the Ayacucho Region of Peru

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    This article examines contemporary Peruvian tapestry in its historical context. Though tapestry production represents a significant source of income for weavers in Ayacucho, Peru, the contemporary industry has not yet been studied in the context of long-term Andean textile traditions and their historical transformations. Ayacucho is home to numerous crafts traditions, but also terrible violence during Peru’s undeclared civil war (1980–95), which started there. The paper provides an overview of contemporary Andean textiles, emphasizing differences between textiles woven on the pre-Hispanic type Andean loom, and those such as tapestry woven on the Hispanic-type treadle loom. The technology of Andean textile production (loom types, materials, yarn production, dyeing) is discussed. Andean tapestry is traced from its earliest appearances ca. 500 B.C., through its fluorescence in the Wari and Tiahuanaco empires, and the Inca empire, and production during the colonial and the little-known 19th century Republican period, with a focus on Ayacucho. The paper then analyzes Andean cloth today, especially forces leading weavers to stop making textiles. The final section presents a preliminary history of 20th century Ayacucho tapestry production, based on interviews with weavers and their family, and non-weavers involved in crafts development. It examines the work of individual weavers within social and political contexts in terms of violence and democracy in Ayacucho. The paper also examines how gender and race affect tapestry by analyzing the gendered division of labor in the tapestry industry, in which very few women weave, and the racism faced by weavers of indilgenous origin


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    Antena merupakan perangkat penerima dan pemancar gelombang radio. Berdasarkan jenis pencatuannya, antena terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu balanced dan unbalanced. Antena balanced harus dicatu oleh saluran transmisi balanced juga. Pada kenyataannya, saluran transmisi pada antena yang paling banyak digunakan adalah saluran microstrip yang bersifat unbalanced. Ketika menghubungkan sebuah antena balanced dengan saluran transmisi unbalanced akan menimbulkan radiasi yang tidak diinginkan. Untuk mencegah hal itu terjadi, dibutuhkan penambahan suatu saluran transmisi balanced pada bagian pencatuan antena seperti coplanar stripline. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan perancangan perangkat transisi microstrip ke coplanar stripline dengan bahan substrat FR4. Bahan ini dipilih karena harganya yang terjangkau. Transisi microstrip ke coplanar stripline dirancang dengan spesifikasi dapat bekerja pada frekuensi ultrawideband 2-18 GHz untuk return loss kurang dari -10 dB dengan impedansi saluran microstrip 50 Ω dan impedansi saluran coplanar stripline 150 Ω. Setelah spesifikasi frekuensi kerja, return loss dan impedansi kedua saluran terpenuhi, desain kemudian difabrikasi. Hasil pengukuran desain perangkat yang telah difabrikasi dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi desain untuk membuktikan dan mengetahui kinerja dari perangkat.---Antenna is a device for radiating or receiving radio waves. Based on the feed line, antenna is divided into two types, that is a balanced and an unbalanced antenna. A balanced antenna should be fed by a balanced transmission line. In fact, the most widely used transmission line is the microstrip line which has unbalanced characteristrics. Directly connecting a balanced antenna with an unbalanced transmission line will cause unwanted radiation. To prevent this, it is necessary to add a balanced transmission line to the antenna such as coplanar stripline. In this research, a transition of microstrip to coplanar stripline is proposed with FR4 substrate. The transition of microstrip to coplanar stripline is designed with specifications to operate at ultrawideband 2-18 GHz frequency with return loss less than -10 dB and the impedance of microstrip adjusted at 50 Ω also the impedance of coplanar stripline adjusted at 150 Ω. After the operating frequency, the return loss and impedance of both transmission line specification are achieved, the design is fabricated. The measurements results from fabricated design compared with the simulation results to verify the performance of the device

    NISC Newsletter: October 2010

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    International News Conference in Copenhagen demands EU legislation on invasive species Report Concludes Invasive Species, Climate Change, Form \u27Deadly Duo\u27 State News MSU, partners in six states consider converting invasive plants to fuel Maryland Sea Grant and the Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species In the News Out, Invasive Species! Invasive Tallowtree Spreading Rapidly Across Gulf Coast Hunting Asian Carp New Website Landscape for Life Helps Homeowners Create Sustainable, Beautiful Gardens! NISC Staff Updates Highlights of Recent Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (ANSTF) Meeting from NISC DOC Policy Liaison Conference

    Photographic Evidence for 19th Century Central Asian (kat Production

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    Rare. early photographs can provide both factual information about the various technical processes used to produce Central Asian ikat fabrics and an evocative vision of the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara in the 19th century. These photographs demonstrate the physical structure and equipment of the various craft workshops necessary for ikat production, the preparation of the ikat warp. the application of the pattern, the dye process, and the weaving and finishing of the cloth. Other photographs show the production of the most common 19th century lining materials, and the marketing of ikat in the bazaars. Ikat fabric received wide distribution to Central Asian peoples of various backgrounds. including nomadic tribesmen, and photographs demonstrate their use in 19th century yurt dwellings. Portraits of urban families of Uzbek, Tadjik and Jewish background show the ways in which ikat cloth was utilized in household decoration and in the construction of various luxury garments. Photographs of ceremonies ranging from betrothal and marriage rites to funerals further demonstrate the important social role played by luxury textiles in Central Asia. On-site examination of ikat wall hangings will elucidate the evolution of ikat technique and design in response to the social and economic changes that took place during the 19th century. The relationship of the structure and coloration of various ikats to a system of dating may be seen in a direct visual analysis of the ikat wallhangings

    Integrated Remote Sensing, Structural and Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Iraqi‐Kurdish Fold Belt

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    An integrated two‐dimensional remote sensing, structural and petroleum systems modeling study was carried out for the Iraqi‐Kurdish Fold Belt to analyze potential trap structures as well as the driving mechanisms of petroleum generation, migration and accumulation in the structural complex thrust belt area. Processing of Landsat‐7 ETM data has been used to create false color images, highlighting lithological differences, from which geological maps can be generated. Analysis of lineaments in these images is used to generate fault and fracture maps, producing a suite of geological surface maps. In addition, analysis of drainage patterns and erosional features is used to understand the relative age of the structures. Key regions were selected for ground‐truthing. Lastly, these maps were combined with published and proprietary subsurface data to create a structural cross‐section of the Qara Chauq to Bina Bawi transect of the Kurdish Folded Belt. The cross‐section indicates that a minimum of 20% shortening has occurred across this region. Twelve paleo‐sections, including pre‐ and post erosion geometries, were used for the model building process. The model features both, basement faults and surface folds as well as thrust geometries that accommodate the structural framework and its development. The strata were modeled as an alternating limestone and shale sequence. The Sargelu and the Kurra Chine Fm were considered as source rock intervals. The reservoir rocks include the Shiranish, Aqra‐Bekhme and the Sargelu Fm. The Gercus Fm acts as a regional seal horizon. Special focus was laid on the N‐S trending basement faults and their evolution through time since these faults appear to divide the petroleum system into areas of differing maturity. The influence of fault permeability evolution upon petroleum migration has been evaluated to unfold the charge history of the region. Temperature and vitrinite reflectance data derived from key wells and literature have been used for thermal calibration. The model results and a detailed petroleum systems analysis show the differential maturation and generation behavior of the source rock compartments and reveal the major influence of timing and fault migration for the oil & gas charge over time

    Elementary Teachers’ Comprehension of Flooding through Inquiry-based Professional Development and Use of Self-regulation Strategies

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    This study focuses on elementary teachers’ comprehension of flooding before and after inquiry-based professional development (PD). There was an improvement in teachers’ understanding toward a normative view from pre- to post-test (n = 17, mean gain = 4.3, SD = 3.27). Several misunderstandings and a general lack of knowledge about flooding emerged from the geoscience content two-tier pre-test, some of which persisted throughout the PD seminar while other responses provided evidence of teachers’ improved understanding. The concepts that teachers struggled with were also apparent upon examining teachers’ reflections upon their learning and teaching practices throughout the seminar. Teachers were challenged as they attempted to add new academic language, such as storm surge and discharge, to their prior understandings. Flooding concepts that teachers showed the least improvement on included analyzing a topographic region, reading a map image, and hydrograph interpretation. Teachers’ greatest areas of improved understanding occurred in understanding the probability and role of ground conditions in flooding events. Teachers demonstrated considerable growth in their understanding of some flooding concepts through scaffolded inquiry lessons modeled throughout the PD. Those teachers who had greater prior knowledge and demonstrated more use of self-regulated learning showed the most change toward a normative view of flooding. The explicit modeling and participation in inquiry-based science activities and written responses to self-regulatory learning prompts throughout the seminar supported teachers’ learning