2,572 research outputs found

    Pictorial Guide to the Groupers (Teleostei: Serranidae) of the Western North Atlantic

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    This guide was developed to assist with the identification of western North Atlantic grouper species of the genera Alphestes, Cephalopholis, Dermatolepis, Epinephelus, Gonioplectrus, Mycteroperca, and Paranthias. The primary purpose for assembling the guide is for use with projects that deploy underwater video camera systems. The most vital source of information used to develop the guide was an archive of underwater video footage recorded during fishery projects. These video tapes contain 348 hours of survey activity and are maintained at the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Pascagoula, Mississippi. This footage spans several years (1980-92) and was recorded under a wide variety of conditions depicting diverse habitats from areas of the western North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. Published references were used as sources of information for those species not recorded on video footage during NMFS projects. These references were also used to augment information collected from video footage to provide broader and more complete descriptions. The pictorial guide presents information for all 25 grouper species reported to occur in the western North Atlantic. Species accounts provide descriptive text and illustrations depicting documented phases for the various groupers. In addition, species separation sheets based on important identification features were constructed to further assist with species identification. A meristic table provides information for specimens captured in conjunction with videoassisted fishery surveys. A computerized version enables guide users to amend, revise, update, or customize the guide as new observations and information become available. (PDF file contains 52 pages.

    Systems Analysis by Multilevel Methods: With Applications to Economics and Management

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    This book presents a survey of usable multilevel methods for modeling and solving decision problems in economics and management. The methods are largely extensions of linear programming and fall within the realm of column generation and decomposition. About one third of the book is concerned with methods and the rest describes case studies where these methods have actually been used. They are taken from areas such as national and regional economic planning, production planning, and transportation planning

    Resources of tunas and related species and their fisheries in the Indian Ocean

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    With the new ocean regime coming into being, many of the countries including India have declared an EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) which extends national jurisdiction to 200 miles from the coast. This has created a greater awareness of our responsibility to wards the judicious exploitation of the living and non living resources coming under the extended jurisdiction. The problems of survey, assessment, utilization and management of the resources thus assumes priority. At the same time, the management of living resources, particularly the fishery resources receive both national and international importance. This is all the more so, as the exploitation of living resources has hitherto been confined to a narrow belt of the neritic waters. In the marine fisheries sector, with a decade of stagnation in world fish production, the declaration of the EEZ has given high hopes to some nations of substantially aug menting their fish production. To countries which had well established distant waterfishing operations covering the EEZ of other countries, the continuation of such operations poses serious problems. The new ocean regime undoubtedly offers some of the developing coun tries an opportunity for developing and expanding their capabilities of harvesting fish from their EEZ through their own effort or through collaborative ventures

    Energy Use in the Post-Harvest Food (PHF) System of Developing Countries

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    This article reports on the methodology and results of the study on estimation of energy consumption in post-harvest-food (PHF) system in developing countries. The components of the PHF system are: food processing, transportation, storage and cooking. The study has rather ambitious coverage for 70 processed commodities in 90 countries of Africa, Latin America, Far East and Near East. This was possible because of computer tapes available at FAO for a wide variety of data required for such an analysis. Of course, extensive checking was required for each country but much of the approximations remain, leading only to broad implications. Despite the difficulties with precise data, it seems reasonable to draw the following conclusions from the available information: The post-harvest-food system requires 2 to 4 times more energy than the energy on farms. Commercial energy is often used for food processing, such as milling, crushing, and food transport, and to some extent for cooking. The share of commercial energy in total energy used in the PHF system ranges between 22% in Africa to 80% in Near East. The levels of energy consumption in the PHF system depends on income levels and extent of urbanization and whether a country has locally available fossil fuels or forests. In addition, different components of the PHF system are sensitive to different parameters. For example, energy in food processing depends on cropping and dietary patterns, whether food is exported or imported, whereas food transport depends on the size of the countries and location of urban areas with respect to farms. These parameters are discussed here for the four world regions as well as for the 90 developing countries as a whole. Country-specific insights are given graphically due to lack of space to report all data individually

    Systems Analysis in Forestry and Forest Industries

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    The purpose of this book is to present a variety of articles revealing the state of the art of applications of systems analysis techniques to problems of the forest sector. Such applications cover a vast range of issues in forestry and the forest industry. They include the dynamics of the forest ecosystem, optimal forest management, the roundwood market, forest industrial strategy, regional and national forest sector policy as well as international trade in forest products. Forest industrial applications at mill level, such as optimal paper trimming, cutting, and production scheduling, are however, excluded

    Long-term influence of forestry drainage on the hydrology of an open bog in Finland

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    Metsäojituksen pitkäaikaisista vaikutuksista suon hydrologiaan Suomess

    Influence of sub-drainage on water quantity and quality in a cultivated area in Finland

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    Salaojituksen vaikutuksista veden määrään ja laatuun Suomess

    The influence of different cultivation techniques on changes in soil properties and soil mesofauna

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    Thesis (M.Ag.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Soil Science, 198