2,969 research outputs found

    Sanayi Toplumundan Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiş Sürecinde Temel Dinamikler

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    Industrial Society is based on mass production and mass distribution of standardized goods and services. The objective of companies is to reduce the unit cost by producing and distributing the same goods in large quantities cheaper than their competitors. Mass production and mass distribution requires an economic model based on centralization; mechanistical, rigid/hierarchical organizational structures; and traditional education. Companies act on the basis of the logic of “produce, store, and sell”. Information Society on the other hand is an indication of a more complex and richer social structure. The objective of companies is to produce mass customized and personalized goods and services for their customers. The customer can buy a personalized good or service with the best price from anywhere in the world. Called “The Age of Terrific Deal” by Robert B. Reich, Information Society requires an economic model based on personalization; dynamic and flat organizational structures; and customer focused education. Companies must act on the basis of the logic of “sell, produce, and deliver”. This paper discusses the major changes that take place during the transition from Industrial Society to Information Society along with basic dynamics of the Information Society

    Açık Erişim Kavramı ve Gelişmekte Olan Bir Ülke Olarak Türkiye İçin Anlamı

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    The problems experienced in the scholarly communication process have led scientists to review the printed periodicals publishing system. The new electronic publishing models, which would alter the framework nurturing the price increases of printed periodicals publishing, have been started to be discussed with the rapid developments in the World Wide Web, which functions as a sort of catalyst. In this respect, the concept of open access, based on the idea of unrestricted access to scholarly reserch, has been set forth. The main purpose of this article is to discuss the concept of open access, the reason for its emergence and its meaning for Turkey as a developing country in the context an introductory discussion

    Elektronik Yayıncılık, Bilimsel İletişim ve Kütüphaneler

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    This article deals with the electronic publishing and scientific communication and discusses, from various aspects, the impact of electronic publishing on libraries. It examines the technological, economic and legal problems which impede the implementation of a totally electronic environment for scientific communication. The impact of electronic publishing on libraries is discussed from the view points of, inter alia, information retrieval,indexing, dissemination of information through secondary reference sources and archiving

    The OpenAIRE guide for research institutions

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    Çelik, Sönmez (Dogus Author)Bu metin, Araştırma Kurumlarına yardımcı olmak için 13.04.2011 tarihinde yayımlanan OpenAIRE Kılavuzu’nun çevirisidir. Çeviri, ANKOS Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşivler Grubu üyeleri ve İYTE Kütüphanesi tarafından yürütülen OpenAIREplus Projesi, Türkiye Yardım Masası destek ekibinin işbirliği ile yapılmıştır. OpenAIRE Projesi, bir Avrupa Yardım Masası Sistemi aracılığıyla araştırmacılara Avrupa Komisyonu Yedinci Çerçeve Programıyla uyumlu bir destek sağlamayı; araştırmacıları, bu çerçeve program kapsamında fon desteği alan çalışmalarına ait çıktılarını OpenAIRE Portalı’na dahil bir kurumsal veya konusal arşivde yayımlamaları için desteklemeyi hedeflemektedir. OpenAIRE Projesinin devamı niteliğinde olacak bir proje olan OpenAIREplus’ın temel amacı ise, hakemli bilimsel yayınlara ve ilişkili veri setlerine sağlam çapraz bağlantılar sağlamaktır.This text is transcript of OpenAIRE Guide which is prepared in order to help research institutions was released on 13.04.2011and translated with the cooperation of ANKOS Open Access and Institutional Repositories Grup members and OpenAIREplus project team of Turkey which is coordinated from Izmir Institute of Technology Library. OpenAIRE Project aims to support researchers in complying with the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme Open Access Pilot through a European Helpdesk System; support researchers in depositing their research publications in an institutional or disciplinary repository; build up an OpenAIRE portal and e-infrastructure for repository networks. The project will work in tadem with OpeanAIREplus Project which has the principal goal of creating a robust, participatory service for the cross-linking of peer-reviewed scientific publications and associated datasets

    Bilgi Toplumu ve Bilgi Teknolojisi

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    Terms such as "information age", "information society", "information technology", and "information superhighway" are used very often in our daily life. This is mainly due to the fact that the importance of "information" for economic and social development is continually inceasing. In this paper, we review the concepts of "information society" and "information technology", and provide some figures with regards to the amount of information technology investment that is needed to establish the national information infrastructure in Turkey. As the principal task of universities has been to create and distribute information, we then look at the role of universities in information society, and summarize some of the views on information society and "networked" society

    Türk Kütüphaneciliği Dergisi, 1987-2001

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    The journal Türk Kütüphaneciliği (Turkish Librarianship) has been published since 1987. A continuation of the Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği Bülteni (Bulletin of the Turkish Librarians’ Association) that was published between 1952 and 1986, Türk Kütüphaneciliği became a refereed journal in 1995. Based on a review of 238 articles published in the journal between 1987-2001 (135 of which were published before it became refereed, 103 after), this study compares some bibliometric features (number of pages in each issue, the length of articles, authors, topics, citations, etc.) of articles that were published before the journal became refereed with those after. The average number of pages in each issue increased 81% after the journal became refereed. The average length of an article increased 75% (from 8 pages to 14 pages). The number of citations per article increased 65% (from 11 citations to 171 citations). The percentage of articles having abstracts in Turkish and English increased from 24% to 96%. Articles were written by 94 different authors representing 42 institutions. Overwhelming majority of articles were written by a single author. Researchers affiliated with the departments of librarianship have authored the majority of articles. More than 20% of articles that appeared in the journal are on libraries (including public, academic, and special libraries), followed by 12% on information retrieval and bibliographic control (cataloging and classification), and 8% on information technology and library automation. More than half (53%) of all citations (3204) were for books while 42% for journals and 5% for “other publications” (e.g., unpublished manuscripts, web sites, among others). Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği Bülteni, Türk Kütüphaneciliği, Resmî Gazete (Turkish Official Gazette), Library Trends, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Information Technology and Libraries and College & Research Libraries are among the most frequently cited journals. Majority of citations were for articles appeared in a few core journals, which fits Bradford’s Law of Scattering (1934). The problems facing Türk Kütüphaneciliği are also discussed along with some recommendations

    Arşiv Materyali Olarak Fotoğraflar

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    In the archival science and process photographs have their own unique position because there are special characteristics that result from their genre and/or chemical structure. Thus, it is of extreme importance that photographs be protected according to archival rules. In archival science there are two major important appraisal criteria for archival material; historical and evidential values. In other words, to be treated as archival material, the historical and evidential value should first be determined. At this point it is clear that photographs that have a primary historical and evidential value are one of the most important archival material which are unique and precious. Photographs are unlike paper, audio-visual and/or electronic material. Specialist knowledge is required in order for archivists to evaluate photographs. Photographs are distinct in requiring expertise, not only for their storage and preservation processes, but for other processes too. Thus Photographs can also be considered to be one of the most compelling archival material for archivists to work with. In this study all the important points about photographs as archival material and the management of photographs through archival practice will be discussed.Fotoğrafların arşivcilik bilimi ve sürecinde doğaları ve/veya kimyasal yapılarının sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan özelliklerinden kaynaklanan kendilerine has bir yeri vardır. Bu nedenle fotoğrafların arşivcilik kurallarına göre korunması çok önemli bir unsurdur. Arşivcilik sürecinde arşiv malzemesinin değerlendirilmesi ile ilgili iki temel değerlendirme kriteri vardır; tarihi değer ve kanıt değeri. Diğer bir ifade ile arşiv malzemesi özelliğinin kazanılabilmesi için öncelikle göz önünde bulundurulması gereken unsurlar tarihi değer ve kanıt değeridir. Bu noktada tarihi ve bilgi değeri olan fotoğraflar tek ve benzersiz arşiv malzemelerinin en önemlilerindendir. Fotoğraflar, kağıt, görsel-işitsel ve/veya elektronik malzemeden farklıdırlar. Bu noktada arşivcilerin fotoğrafları değerlendirebilmeleri için uzmanlık bilgisine duydukları ihtiyaç ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunun yanında fotoğraflar söz konusu olduğunda sadece depolanmaları ve korunmaları için değil diğer tüm süreçler için de uzmanlık bilgisi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle fotoğraflar arşivcilerin ele aldıkları en zor ve uğraştırıcı arşiv malzemelerinden biri olarak da görülebilir. Bu çalışma kapsamında arşiv malzemesi olan fotoğraflar ile ilgili tüm önemli noktalar ve fotoğrafların arşivsel süreç kapsamında yönetimi incelenmektedir.

    An Attitude Scale for the Information Search Process (ASISP): A Study of Reliability and Validity

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    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, lisans öğrencilerinin “Bilgi Arama Süreci” (BAS) ile ilgili tutumlarını ortaya çıkarabilecek geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı geliştirmektir. İç tutarlılık ve güvenirliğini belirlemek için Cronbach Alpha (n=374) ve test- tekrar test düzeyleri hesaplanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği Açımlayıcı (n=883) ve Doğrulayıcı (n=200) faktör analizleri ile hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, varimax rotasyonu, madde-toplam korelasyonları ve boyutlararası korelasyon hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Bu hesaplamalar sonucunda, beş boyut ve 46 maddeden oluşan Bilgi Arama Süreci Tutum Ölçeğinin (BASTÖ), bireylerin BAS’a ilişkin tutumlarını belirlemek üzere kullanılabilecek güvenilir ve geçerli bir araç elde edilmiştir. Böylelikle BASTÖ, “Başlama”, “Konu seçim süreci”, “Odak konunun belirlenmesi”, “Bilgi toplama ve tamamlama” ve “Araştırma yöntemi becerileri” boyutlarından oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarının BAS’ın kültüre bağlı olduğu düşüncesini desteklediği söylenebilir.The main aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool, which can reveal the attitudes of undergraduate students regarding the Information Search Process (ISP). Internal consistency and reliability computed with Cronbach Alpha (n=374) and test-retest. Construct validity was calculated through factor analyses, Exploratory Factor Analysis - EFA (n=883), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis-CFA (n=200). Additionally, varimax rotation, item-total correlations, and interdimensional correlations were conducted. After conducting these tests reliable and valid attitude scale, Attitude Scale for the Information Search Process (ASISP) with a total of 46 items, and a five-dimensional structure measuring individuals’ attitudes toward ISP was finalized. Thus, ASISP is constituted by, “task initiation,” “topic selection process,” “defining focused topic”, “information collection and search closure,” and the “skills of research methodology” dimensions. The results of the study support the idea that the ISP is culture depended