1,667 research outputs found

    Correlations analysis of airport sustainability and local government budget

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    The development of a public private partnership business centre in the region, particularly in the airport area, will improve regional economic equity. This study aims to analyse the correlation between airport sustainability and local government budget in Indonesia. The method used in this research is mixed method research. The results indicate that a cooperation agreement between the local government and the airport management will generate mutual benefits for both parties. Airport managers can improve their services to consumers and local governments receive contributions during the term of the agreement. Based on the T-Value Test Result, the T-value for the Airport Performance variable is 0.694. T-Value Test Results and compared with T-table equal to 1,976 (significant level 0,05) hence T-count <T-table thus variable of Airport Performance is predicted not to have a significant correlation to Local Government Budget (APBD) Performance. Regional governments are expected to participate more actively in investments or asset sharing of airports in the region

    Inflated portable cold storage house with solar cells as facilities to support the fisheries production and marketing.

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    The global fish production currently reaches 158 million tons to 91.3 million tons. However the largest contribution is provided by the fisheries sector. An estimated 136.2 million tons of fish are used directly for consumption and then for fish and livestock. In the fishery sector, Indonesia was ranked second after China, while in the fish cultivation sector Indonesia was ranked fourth after China, India, and Vietnam. The result of increasing exports reached 35.4 billion dollars in 2012. The Technology Inflated Portable Cold Storage House with Solar Power as facilities to support fisheries production and marketing, can be built and applied in a residential location/ specific housing easily, safely, quickly and lightly (0,55mm PVC Tarpaulin). The development program of this technology in supporting fisheries production and marketing meet the requirements of strength, speed, flexibility and comfort. This technology also increased the absorption of the National Fish stock. Specific targets on this research is to provide Cold Storage House Prototype with solar in supporting fisheries production and marketing with cheap and profitable so that can be mass-produced. This research used experiments and action research. The process of research is starting with the development of the design, manufacture, testing and repair of Inflated Portable Cold Storage House with Solar Power Prototype, included first, a technical test of strength and endurance of Portable inflated Structure materials to the weather; second, testing the speed of the manufacture, transportation, assembly, installation, disassembly of Portable Inflated Structure; third, testing temperature, humidity and air pressure in the Inflated Portable Cold Storage House with Solar Power; fourth a technical test, related to the fishery from frozen and market in Inflated Portable Cold Storage House with Solar Power in order to obtain hygienic, inexpensive and profitable fisheries.N/

    The notary’s responsibility toward the authenticity of credit bank guarantees in Indonesia

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    This paper provides an overview of the law and a statute regarding the notary’s responsibility toward the authenticity of credit bank guarantee in Indonesia, and compares them with those of other nations, including the United States of America and Germany. his study uses a combination of primary and secondary sources to assess the current state of the notary responsibility situation regarding banks and the inancial lending world in general and employs a normative or doctrinal approach that views laws as a system of norms. he functions of notaries in Indonesia are diferent from those performed by notaries in some other countries, the notaries play diferent roles and participate in many formalities: a) a function in credit banking bind guarantees that not only allow people to feel comfortable with their transactions, but also increase public trust in the whole banking system; b) personal and material guarantees. In transacting any deeds, including credit bank guarantees, the notary is responsible for the authenticity of the physical, formal and material aspects of the deed; c) the binding of collateral objects; d) a function in binding banking credit guarantees. Also, notaries have the risk of illegal jurisdiction of a banking credit guarantee deed. Notaries in Indonesia have diferent roles compared to other countries, including the United States of America and Germany. Notaries play an important role in increasing economic growth, especially through their responsibility for the authenticity of credit bank guarantees activity and they add to the overall body of knowledge. Keywords : responsibility, general oicer/notary, bind authorizatio


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    The purpose of writing this article is to know what are the principles in granting high-rise property rights to foreigners by citizens of Indonesia who in the regulation has been limited for protection to indigenous Indonesian citizens. then the second objective is how the form of legal protection for high-rise property by foreigners to the revocation or exemption of the right to land procurement for public interest whose essence in protecting the citizens of Indonesia. This article is written on the normative legal research, a research conducted by studying and analyzing the legal materials and issues related to the research problem. This research is to solve the emerging problems, and the research result is prescription of what should be done for solving the problems. The findings suggest that the storey house ownership by the foreigners is based on the right to the state land which is the one land right which can be owned by the foreigners living in Indonesia. Key words: Housing Regulation, Ownership, Property La

    Strategy Development of Revolving Fund for Small Business Grocery Store Using Information System

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    Purpose: This study aims at analyzing the factors influencing the ability to return capital of MSMEs in Indonesia (case study of grocery store in Surabaya). Design/methodology/approach: The sample in this study is 171 pioneering grocery stores of cooperative Crosstabulation analysis was implemented to seek the relationship between factors of store internal resources and indicators of quality cooperatives on the ability to pay MSMEs. After that, a system architechture was designed which is then formulated in fuzzy logic to create decision-making system using MYSQL database. To compare the decision result using fuzzy logic, the data obatained were analyzed using logistic regression. Findings: This study was found the results of manual calculations using logistic regression and calculation results using fuzzy logic-based information system application at www.simtokop.net, it is obtained the same recommendation on six stores that have output: “Growing” (eligible getting the revolving fund). Paper type: Research pape

    Prinsip Perlindungan yang Sama dalam Pemberian Bantuan Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Berat

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    The legal assistance provided to the suspect or the defendant is essentially a defense of the law and the protection provided to the suspect or the defendant to be protected by rights. Often, abandonment and abuses in practice when a suspect is arrested and interrogated, an investigator rarely informs him of the right to legal aid. Whereas this provision has been regulated in Article 114 of the Criminal Procedure Code. This paper concludes with three conclusions. First, the constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to the equitable recognition, guarantee, protection and legal certainty and equal treatment before the law, including the right to access justice through the provision of legal assistance. Second, Some forms of legal guarantees against the perpetrators of serious criminal offenses who are provided with legal assistance, among others, accompanied by legal counsel provided by the state through legal aid providers that have been registered with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Third, there have been many judicial decisions which have had permanent legal force and become jurisprudence which contains the unauthorized report of the hearing if the suspect's rights are not submitted / met by the investigator, especially the rights related to legal aid.Bantuan hukum yang diberikan pada tersangka atau terdakwa pada hakekatnya merupakan pembelaan peraturan hukum dan perlindungan yang diberikan agar tersangka&nbsp; atau&nbsp; terdakwa terlindungi haknya. Namun sering terjadi pengabaian dan pelanggaran dalam praktek ketika tersangka ditangkap dan diinterogasi, berupa penyidik jarang sekali memberitahukan kepadanya hak mendapat bantuan hukum. Padahal ketentuan ini telah diatur dalam Pasal 114 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana. Tulisan ini ditutup dengan tiga kesimpulan. Pertama, konstitusi menjamin hak setiap warga negara mendapat pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan dan kepastian hukum yang adil serta perlakuan yang sama di depan hukum, termasuk hak untuk mengakses keadilan melalui pemberian bantuan hukum. Kedua, Beberapa bentuk jaminan hukum terhadap pelaku tindak pidana berat yang memperoleh bantuan hukum antara lain dengan didampingi oleh penasihat hukum yang disediakan oleh negara melalui lembaga-lembaga penyedia bantuan hukum yang telah terdaftar di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia. Ketiga, telah terdapat banyak kasus yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap dan menjadi yurisprudensi yang memuat tentang tidak sahnya berita acara pemeriksaan apabila hak tersangka tidak disampaikan/dipenuhi oleh penyidik. khususnya hak terkait dengan bantuan hukum


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    Examination of decisions is a process of examination, so examination of judicial decisions can be interpreted as examining court decisions and judges whose task is to try a case. In this case, it concerns the distribution of joint assets in a divorce case in which the joint assets are controlled by one of the parties who is now called the defendant. Joint assets have been regulated in Article 35 of the Marriage Law, known as joint assets. And article 53 of the Marriage Law is a method of dividing property in a marriage. The distribution of joint assets according to the Islamic Law Compilation must be divided equally between the two or ½ part for each husband and wife. Therefore, the judge decided several points for married couples in judging in order to carry out justice Keywords: Employment Relations Decision, Decidendi RatioEksaminasi putusan merupakan suatu proses pemeriksaan, jadi eksaminasi putusan peradilan dapat diartikan sebagai pemeriksaan terhadap putusan-putusan pengadilan dan juga hakim yang tugasnya mengadili suatu perkara. Dalam kasus ini adalah mengenai pembagian harta bersama atas kasus perceraian yang mana harta bersama tersebut dikuasai oleh salah satu pihak yang kini disebut tergugat. Harta bersama telah diatur dalam Pasal 35 UU Perkawinan dikenal harta bersama. Dan pasal 53 UU tentang Perkawinan yaitu cara membagi harta dalam perkawinan. Pembagian harta bersama menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam harus dibagi sama rata antar keduanya ataau ½ bagian untuk masing-masing suami dan istri. Oleh karena itu hakim memutuskan beberapa poin untuk pasangan suami istri dalam mengadili guna menjalankan keadilan Kata Kunci: Eksaminasi, Harta bersama, Ratio Decidend

    The Legal Development of Guarantee in Indonesia

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    The Legal of guarantees are the terms and rules of law governing the legal relationship between giver and recipient accounts receivable by charging a guarantee. Previous law guarantees are subject to the Code of Civil Law (Civil Code) Book II Law Objects. In the development of guarantees are no longer tied to the Civil Code, as lex specialis subject to other legislation related to the guarantee is understood as economic development gave birth to the type and shape of new guarantee, such as Act No. 4 of 1996 on Mortgage of Land, Along with objects related to the Land and Act No. 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary and other legislation which imposes a guarantee in any legal action.Keywords : Guarantee law, development of law, agreement, legal ac

    Decision Support System Peramalan Permintaan Layanan Kecantikan dengan Single Exponential Smoothing dan Simple Moving Average

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    Permasalahan dalam menentukan keputusan strategi pemasaran dan manajemen persediaan sering terjadi pada setiap perusahaan. Pada penyedia layanan kecantikan permasalahan ini mengakibatkan penimbunan persediaan bahan treatment. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tidak rasionalnya keputusan decision maker dalam manajemen persediaan, terlalu ambisi dalam memenuhi permintaan sebanyak-banyaknya, sedangkan gairah pelanggan sedang mengalami lesu kemudian bertolak belakang dengan tawaran penyedia layanan kecantikan. Efek penimbunan bahan treatment dapat mengancam kualitas bahan treatment kemudian berimbas pada kerugian perusahaan. Adapun hal yang dapat mencegah penimbunan terjadi adalah pengetahuan peramalan permintaan. Pengetahuan peramalan permintaan dapat memberikan informasi tentang estimasi permintaan pelanggan pada masa depan. Kemudian decision maker dapat membuat keputusan terbaik dalam manajemen persediaan secara efisien, sehingga aplikasi pendukung keputusan sangat dibutuhkan. Data permintaan merupakan time-series dengan pola horizontal, sehingga metode peramalan yang digunakan adalah Simple Moving Average dan Single Exponential Smoothing. Aplikasi pendukung keputusan ini berbasis web aplikasi dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP orientasi objek dan framework tambahan Laravel. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapati bahwa metode Simple Moving Average dan Single Exponential Smoothing dengan nilai interval=2 dan nilai alpha=0.2 dapat menghasilkan nilai akurasi peramalan RMSE paling baik. Dan juga didapati bahwa metode Simple Moving Average lebih unggul pada peramalan permintaan BB Glow Platinum, Eyelash Single, dan Facial Acne
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