9,407 research outputs found

    Hydromorphological classification of Slovenian rivers

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    This paper provides an overview of hydromorphological and related classifications of rivers in Slovenia and elsewhere. The Rosgen classification is presented in greater detail; it was used in the study as the basis for developing the first Slovenian hydromorphological classification. A hydromorphological survey form was designed to classify rivers and used in the office and field survey of hydromorphological variables in the 95 river sections selected in Slovenia. In the river sections studied, hydromorphological types were identified by analyzing the co-occurrence of selected hydromorphological variables. This method was used to identify 10 hydromorphological types, for which the main hydromorphological features are presented in this paper. Based on the results of the first hydromorphological classification of Slovenian rivers, guidelines are provided for future work

    Fantasy and Identity in Critical Political Theory

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    In this essay I explore the appeal of the psychoanalytic category of fantasy for critical political theory, by which I mean a theory grounded in a political ontology that offers a rationale for both normative and ideological critique. I draw on the work of William Connolly, Susan Faludi, Jacqueline Rose, and Judith Butler, among others, to consider the explanatory and critical implications of the concept of fantasy for questions of identity, and political identity in particular. I argue that fantasy is a useful device with which to explore and probe the political and ideological aspects of a practice or narrative because it foregrounds the combined significance of the symbolic and affective dimensions of life. Moreover, a psychoanalytic perspective can facilitate a move away from an epistemological or moralizing understanding of fantasy and political identity, shifting the emphasis instead toward a more ontological and ethical understanding

    Estimation of magnitudes of debris flows in selected torrential watersheds in Slovenia

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    In this paper the application of different methods for estimation of magnitudes of rainfall-induced debris flows in 18 torrents in the Upper Sava River valley, NW Slovenia, and in 2 torrents in Pohorje, N Slovenia is described. Additional verification of the methods was performed in the torrential watersheds with active debris flows in the recent past (Predelica and Brusnik in the Soca River basin, W Slovenia). For some of the methods, the knowledge of morphometric characteristics of a torrential watershed, torrential channel and torrential fan is enough. For other methods, a mathematical tool (HEC-HMS) had to be applied in order to develop a hydrologic run-off model of precipitation that can trigger debris flows. Computed debris-flow magnitudes were of the order between 6,500 m(3) and 340,000 m(3). Their values are a function of torrential watershed parameters, such as: watershed area, Melton number, fan gradient, and torrential channel gradient. The investigated fans were classified into 3 groups with regard to the debris-flow hazard: debris-flow fans (hazard exists), torrential fans (no hazard), and transitional fans (debris flows are possible, but with low possibility). A limit between debris-flow fans and torrential fans is proposed: Melton number 0.3 and torrential fan gradient 4 degrees, that is, 7%. Out of 24 investigated torrential fans, 13 fans were classified into the group of debris-flow fans, 5 fans were classified into the group of torrential fans, and the rest 6 fans were classified into the group of transitional fans

    Delineation of risk area in Log pod Mangartom due to debris flows from the Stoze landslide

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    The paper shows in detail the case of delineation of risk area in the village of Log pod Mangartom in the Koritnica River valley due to possible debris flows that might in future be triggered on the Stoze slope above the Mangart Mountain pasture. On the basis of field and laboratory investigations of the debris flow of November 17, 2000, that devastated the Koritnica River valley, the possible scenarios of triggering new debris flows on the Stoze slope were investigated. For the determination of debris flow hazard area in the Koritnica River valley, the results of one- and two-dimensional modelling of selected debris flows of known magnitudes and different viscosities were applied. For the determination of risk area, the existing and the possible new infrastructures were taken into account, and the risk area was divided into 3 zones. The paper presents the expert bases summarised by the legislator in the relevant decree issued by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the conditions and limitations governing the construction in the debris-flow risk area of Log pod Mangartom. This regulation is the first of its kind in Slovenia

    "An Irish Boy he may well be but he spak braid Scots when he coortit me": Song connections between Ireland and South West Scotland

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    This essay considers how the song culture of South West Scotland is influenced by that of Ireland. The author’s sources include the observations of modern cultural experts Phyllis and Billy Martin, and Nick Spencer. These are set alongside quotations from nineteenth century broadside ballads, which offer historical context. The author reviews social and economic connections between the two areas, and attempts to identify musical influences from Ireland on South West Scotland, from the 1950s onwards. In addition, she discusses ethnic stereotyping as it features in the area’s song culture. The Irishman, in South West Scotland, appears in various guises: as a bold deceiver, as a drunkard and rogue, and as a seducer (often in a Scottish setting, or with a Scottish link, and sometimes associated with stereotypes applied to Scottish Highlanders); cross-cultural love affairs are a strong feature both of the broadside and oral traditions in this context. In conclusion, the writer makes summary comments about cross-cultural connexions between South West Scottish and Irish songs, identifying this as a rich area for future investigatio

    Aesthetics into the Twenty-first Century

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    The new concerns facing aestheticians in the twenty-first century require serious attention if the discipline is to maintain continued viability as an intellectual discipline. Just as art changes as cultures develop, so must aesthetics. In support of this view is a personal account of evolving engagement with aesthetics and the factors that led to embracing change and a plurality of practices as essential to the health of aesthetic today. A brief examination of the state of aesthetics as it has evolved in the American Society for Aesthetics since its inception in the 1940s will follow. These two lines of development, one idiosyncratic and personal, and the other focusing on the aims and outcomes of one prominent national society, will perhaps offer some useful background for understanding the current state of aesthetics and the problems confronting the discipline today. Following these considerations will be a look at some of the main concerns reflected in the social and political aesthetics and the expansion of aesthetics to include the popular arts which again challenges aesthetics to move beyond its historic boundaries

    "Emplaced" tradition

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    Since the expulsion of "folk" from the academic discourse the research of folk traditions seems inappropriate for a modern ethnologist. However, the landscapes are endowed with collective memory and meaning, given by the tradition. In the "emplaced" tradition can be discerned some continuity by which continuity includes change. Moreover, the aim of the paper is to show new dimensions of research and meanings, if the tradition is researched from the space-place perspective.Od izgona "ljudskega" iz akademskega diskurza se zdi raziskovanja ljudskega izročila za današnjega etnologa nekako neprimerno. Vendar, v pokrajino so vtisnjeni kolektivni spomin in pomen, ki ga ji daje tradicija. V tradiciji v kraju je mogoče zaznati kontinuiteto, ki vsebuje spremembe. Namen članka je pokazati nove razsežnosti raziskovanja in pomenov, če tradicijo raziskujemo iz prostorsko-krajevnega vidika

    Croatian historical myth, south-Slavic brotherhood and the death of the opera

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    Starting from the analysis of what remains of the opera Petar Sva\u10di\u107, composed in 1902 in Trieste by Josip Mandi\u107 to a libretto by Karlo Luke\u17e, the paper discusses the ideas of nationhood then current among young Croats, the survival of sublime pathos in the context of desublimation and the impact of political pragmatism both on the creation of the national opera and on its reception

    Izmail Sreznjevski in slovenščina

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    The Slovenian language played an important role in the history of Russian-Slovenian scholarly contact. The unique linguistic material of Slovenian attractedthe research of important nineteenth-century Russian linguists. Thisarticle discusses in greater detail how complex issues were resolved with regardto studying Slovenian dialects, their scholarly description and classification,and the borders between them. It is interesting that an important contributionto solving these issues was made by the Russian scholar Izmail Sreznevskyand somewhat later by his student Jan Baudouin de Courtenay.V zgodovini rusko-slovenskih znanstvenih stikov je pomembno vlogo odigralslovenski jezik, ki je s svojim enkratnim jezikovnim gradivom raziskovalnopritegnil pomembne ruske jezikoslovce 19. stoletja. Pričujoče delo naj bi podrobjenepokazalo, na kateri način so se reševala zapletena vprašanja raziskovanjaslovenskih narečij, njihovega znanstvenega opisa, sestavljanja znanstveneklasifikacije in določanja zemljepisnih mej slovenskih narečij. Zanimivoje, da sta pri reševanju navedenih vprašanj pomembno prispevala ravno ruskiraziskovalec Izmail Sreznjevski in nekoliko pozneje njegov učenec Jan Baudouinde Courtenay