16,122 research outputs found

    Col.lectius amb conductes disruptives que dificulten el seu aprenentatge, i millora dels seus resultats amb l’aprenentatge emocional aplicat a l’aula de tecnologia

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    El TFM (Treball Final de Màster) parla sobre les conductes disruptives dels alumnes que pateixen molts centres educatius actualment, i que és un element problemàtic i distorsionador per al bon funcionament de les classes. Aquests determinats comportaments disruptius afecten greument el procés d'aprenentatge de la resta de companys, i dificulten la tasca del professorat en poder gestionar correctament l'Aula. Amb aquest treball es pretén donar eines al professorat i als alumnes per que pugui afrontar la problemàtica de les conductes disruptives a través de l'Aprenentatge Emocional, específicament en la utilització de Tècniques Emocionals que ens permetin corregir-les, i dotar als alumnes d'habilitats emocionals que els permetin controlar les emocions i pensaments negatius, que les propicien. Però per poder-lo aplicar, els docents necessiten preparació en aquest camp ja que els són peça fonamentat per l'èxit de l'aprenentatge emocional, i el centre ha d'incloure l'educació emocional dintre dels propòsits de formació a tots els nivells i dintre del currículum acadèmic

    Reduction of foveal bulges and other anatomical changes in fellow eyes of patients with unilateral idiopathic macular hole without vitreomacular pathologic changes

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    Purpose: To compare the foveal characteristics in fellow eyes (FE) of patients with unilateral idiopathic macular hole without vitreomacular pathologic changes with eyes of healthy controls. Methods: Forty-seven FE and 52 eyes of 52 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were studied. Quantitative assessment of the dome-shaped appearance of the hyperreflective lines that represent external limiting membrane (ELM_bulge) and inner outer segment junctions (IS/OS_bulge) were made by optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. Inner retinal complex thickness (IRCT) was quantitatively assessed at 1000 and 2000 µm of the foveal center in nasal and temporal quadrants. Presence of alterations in the inner retinal outer layers and central foveal thickness (CFT) were also analyzed. Results: Significantly lower ELM_bulge (p < 0.0001; Mann-Whitney test) and IS/OS_bulge (p < 0.001; student t test) and higher cases with COST alterations, expressed as a diffuse line (p < 0.006; Chi2 test) were found in FE than control eyes. IRCT were significantly reduced in FE at all the studied locations when comparing to control eyes (p < 0.05; student t test), maintaining anatomical proportionality among locations. Conclusion: FE without pathologic vitreomacular interactions seems to present some central cone alterations that may be related to other causes than vitreomacular traction.Preprin

    Service estimation system for MJ Motors Sdn Bhd using queuing theory / Muhamad Taufik Ali

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    Queuing Theory is a mathematical formula that has been developed basically to determine the average waiting time spent in a specific line. In general, Queuing Theory has already been implemented widely in various types of industry such as food and beverages, health, and also for oil and gas industry. The main purpose of Service Estimation System is to predict the average service completion time for customers in MJ Motors Sdn. Bhd which is one of Honda authorized dealer in Malaysia. The problem is the customers who send their car and wait at the service center are not provided with the status of their cars especially during peak hours. It is related with the level of satisfaction among the customers which is one of the most crucial component in a business. To solve the problem faced by stakeholder, there are several objectives that have to be completed such as collect and analyze the business process and requirements, study and review on how to apply Queueing Theory, and design and develop the suggested system. The methodology used in completing this project is Waterfall model, and once each of the phases are finished, there are specific results delivered and objectives achieved. Next, the results and findings of every activities from the process of analyzing requirements until the development of the system are explained in details and the outcomes of this project matched the expected result, where at the end of this project, the identified problems are solved as the system is able to predict the estimated service completion time. Finally, the last part of this project is to conclude and summarizes the whole activities involved in the completion of Service Estimation System

    Guest editorial: sensorimotor contingencies for cognitive robotics

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The sensorimotor approach to cognition states, that the key to bring semantics to the world of a robot, requires making the robot learn the relation between the actions that the robot performs and the change it experiences in its sensed data because of those actions. Those relations are called sensorimotor contingencies (SMCs). This special issue presents a variety of recent developments in SMCs with a particular focus on cognitive robotics applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dynamical tuning for MPC using population games: a water supply network application

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    ISA Transactions Best Paper Award 2018Model predictive control (MPC) is a suitable strategy for the control of large-scale systems that have multiple design requirements, e.g., multiple physical and operational constraints. Besides, an MPC controller is able to deal with multiple control objectives considering them within the cost function, which implies to determine a proper prioritization for each of the objectives. Furthermore, when the system has time-varying parameters and/or disturbances, the appropriate prioritization might vary along the time as well. This situation leads to the need of a dynamical tuning methodology. This paper addresses the dynamical tuning issue by using evolutionary game theory. The advantages of the proposed method are highlighted and tested over a large-scale water supply network with periodic time-varying disturbances. Finally, results are analyzed with respect to a multi-objective MPC controller that uses static tuning.Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (author's final draft

    Hysteresis based vibration control of base-isolated structures

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    An active control strategy for base-isolated structures is proposed in this work. The key idea comes from the observation that passive base isolation systems are hysteretic. Thus, an hysteresis based vibration control is designed in a way that the control force is smooth and limited by a prescribed bound. A model of a three-story building is used to study and compare the efficacy of a passive pure friction damper alone, with the addition of the proposed active control. We introduce a rate limiter to the actuator to simulate its limited speed capacity, present in every physical actuator. Simulations demonstrate that our active control strategy significantly reduces base displacements and shears without an increase in drift or accelerations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Antoni Muntadas : on translation : the audience : the publication + the picture collection

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    O texto analisa a intervenção de Muntadas, The Picture Collection. Partindo da operacionalização de imagens de arquivo, o artista interpela o espectador na sua relação com os modos de produção/distribuição dos mass media e da arte

    Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factor signalling (IGF) pathways and cancer / Wan Iryani Wan Ismail, Mohd Nazri Abu, Muhammad Ashraf Mohd Salleh, Izmil Haikal Zainol and Rosmadi Mohd Yusoff

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    Cell signalling is part of a strategy in drug discovery. Among the focus is by studying the insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF1R) signalling pathways. The molecular mechanism of insulin and IGF1R signalling pathways have been studied extensively. Both pathways are vital in many of the mechanisms in human body particularly in regulating the metabolism and cell growth. Besides, both pathways have been found to be involved in numerous diseases such as in various types of cancer. This review briefly revealed the information on the pathways, their correlations and current findings in cancer study