172,947 research outputs found

    Adsorption/desorption and electrically controlled flipping of ammonia molecules on graphene

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    In this paper, we evaluate of the adsorption/ desorption of ammonia molecules on a graphene surface by studying the Fermi level shift. Based on a physically plausible model, the adsorption and desorption rates of ammonia molecules on graphene have been extracted from the measured Fermi level shift as a function of exposure time. An electric field-induced flipping behavior of ammonia molecules on graphene is suggested, based on field effect transistor (FET) measurements

    Normal heat conduction in one dimensional momentum conserving lattices with asymmetric interactions

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    The heat conduction behavior of one dimensional momentum conserving lattice systems with asymmetric interparticle interactions is numerically investigated. It is found that with certain degree of interaction asymmetry, the heat conductivity measured in nonequilibrium stationary states converges in the thermodynamical limit, in clear contrast to the well accepted viewpoint that Fourier's law is generally violated in low dimensional momentum conserving systems. It suggests in nonequilibrium stationary states the mass gradient resulted from the asymmetric interactions may provide an additional phonon scattering mechanism other than that due to the nonlinear interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The vertical composition of neutrino-dominated accretion disks in gamma-ray bursts

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    We investigate the vertical structure and elements distribution of neutrino-dominated accretion flows around black holes in spherical coordinates with the reasonable nuclear statistical equilibrium. According our calculations, heavy nuclei tend to be produced in a thin region near the disk surface, whose mass fractions are primarily determined by the accretion rate and the vertical distribution of temperature and density. In this thin region, we find that 56Ni^{56}\rm Ni is dominant for the flow with low accretion rate (e.g., 0.050.05 MM_{\odot} s1\rm s^{-1}) but 56Fe^{56}\rm Fe is dominant for the high counterpart (e.g., 1M1 M_{\odot} s1\rm s^{-1}). The dominant 56Ni^{56}\rm Ni in the special region may provide a clue to understand the bumps in the optical light curve of core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A loss function approach to model specification testing and its relative efficiency

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    The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test proposed by Fan, Zhang and Zhang [Ann. Statist. 29 (2001) 153-193] and Fan and Yao [Nonlinear Time Series: Nonparametric and Parametric Methods (2003) Springer] is a generally applicable nonparametric inference procedure. In this paper, we show that although it inherits many advantages of the parametric maximum likelihood ratio (LR) test, the GLR test does not have the optimal power property. We propose a generally applicable test based on loss functions, which measure discrepancies between the null and nonparametric alternative models and are more relevant to decision-making under uncertainty. The new test is asymptotically more powerful than the GLR test in terms of Pitman's efficiency criterion. This efficiency gain holds no matter what smoothing parameter and kernel function are used and even when the true likelihood function is available for the GLR test.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOS1099 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Crystal Structure Prediction

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    We present a genetic algorithm (GA) for structural search that combines the speed of structure exploration by classical potentials with the accuracy of density functional theory (DFT) calculations in an adaptive and iterative way. This strategy increases the efficiency of the DFT-based GA by several orders of magnitude. This gain allows considerable increase in size and complexity of systems that can be studied by first principles. The method's performance is illustrated by successful structure identifications of complex binary and ternary inter-metallic compounds with 36 and 54 atoms per cell, respectively. The discovery of a multi-TPa Mg-silicate phase with unit cell containing up to 56 atoms is also reported. Such phase is likely to be an essential component of terrestrial exoplanetary mantles.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Extracting and Stabilizing the Unstable State of Hysteresis Loop

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    A novel perturbation method for the stabilization of unstable intermediate states of hysteresis loop (i.e. S-shaped curve) is proposed. This method only needs output signals of the system to construct the perturbation form without delay-coordinate embedding technique, it is more practical for real-world systems. Stabilizing and tracking the unstable intermediate branch are demonstrated through the examples of a bistable laser system and delay feedback system. All the numerical results are obtained by simulating each of the real experimential conditions.Comment: 6 pages, REVTEX, 4 ps figure

    Density of states of a graphene in the presence of strong point defects

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    The density of states near zero energy in a graphene due to strong point defects with random positions are computed. Instead of focusing on density of states directly, we analyze eigenfunctions of inverse T-matrix in the unitary limit. Based on numerical simulations, we find that the squared magnitudes of eigenfunctions for the inverse T-matrix show random-walk behavior on defect positions. As a result, squared magnitudes of eigenfunctions have equal {\it a priori} probabilities, which further implies that the density of states is characterized by the well-known Thomas-Porter type distribution. The numerical findings of Thomas-Porter type distribution is further derived in the saddle-point limit of the corresponding replica field theory of inverse T-matrix. Furthermore, the influences of the Thomas-Porter distribution on magnetic and transport properties of a graphene, due to its divergence near zero energy, are also examined.Comment: 6 figure

    The influence of outflows on the 1/f-like luminosity fluctuations

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    In accretion systems, outflows may have significant influence on the luminosity fluctuations. In this paper, following the Lyubarskii's general scheme, we revisit the power spectral density of luminosity fluctuations by taking into account the role of outflows. Our analysis is based on the assumption that the coupling between the local outflow and inflow is weak on the accretion rate fluctuations. We find that, for the inflow mass accretion rate M˙rs\dot M \propto r^{s}, the power spectrum of flicker noise component will present a power-law distribution p(f)f(1+4s/3)p(f) \propto f^{-(1+4s/3)} for advection-dominated flows. We also obtain descriptions of p(f)p(f) for both standard thin discs and neutrino-cooled discs, which show that the power-law index of a neutrino-cooled disc is generally larger than that of a photon-cooled disc. Furthermore, the obtained relationship between p(f)p(f) and ss indicates the possibility of evaluating the strength of outflows by the power spectrum in X-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursts. In addition, we discuss the possible influence of the outflow-inflow coupling on our results.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Fractional \hbar-scaling for quantum kicked rotors without cantori

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    Previous studies of quantum delta-kicked rotors have found momentum probability distributions with a typical width (localization length LL) characterized by fractional \hbar-scaling, ie L2/3L \sim \hbar^{2/3} in regimes and phase-space regions close to `golden-ratio' cantori. In contrast, in typical chaotic regimes, the scaling is integer, L1L \sim \hbar^{-1}. Here we consider a generic variant of the kicked rotor, the random-pair-kicked particle (RP-KP), obtained by randomizing the phases every second kick; it has no KAM mixed phase-space structures, like golden-ratio cantori, at all. Our unexpected finding is that, over comparable phase-space regions, it also has fractional scaling, but L2/3L \sim \hbar^{-2/3}. A semiclassical analysis indicates that the 2/3\hbar^{2/3} scaling here is of quantum origin and is not a signature of classical cantori.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, typos removed, further analysis added, authors adjuste

    Shakura-Sunyaev Disk Can Smoothly Match Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow

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    We use the standard Runge-Kutta method to solve the set of basic equations describing black hole accretion flows composed of two-temperature plasma. We do not invoke any extra energy transport mechanism such as thermal conduction and do not specify any ad hoc outer boundary condition for the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) solution. We find that in the case of high viscosity and non-zero radiative cooling, the ADAF solution can have an asymptotic approach to the Shakura-Sunyaev disk (SSD) solution, and the SSD-ADAF transition radius is close to the central black hole. Our results further prove the mechanism of thermal instability-triggered SSD-ADAF transition suggested previously by Takeuchi & Mineshige and Gu & Lu.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter