22,085 research outputs found

    Quasi-film commercials. Analysis of selected car manufacturer campaigns

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    When seeking original forms of expression, contemporary commercials often reach for the achievements of film making. That is reflected in references to the conventions of certain film genres, and the references to particular films. The goal of the article was to present selected examples of the relationships between commercials and film, which can be found in car manufacturer advertising campaigns (Toyota, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz). The analysis of the gathered study material enabled me to identify two forms of quasi-film commercials: a TV spot and a short film

    Press Advertising – Varieties and Sub-Varieties. Methods of Promoting the Press

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    In the text entitled “Press advertising – varieties and sub-varieties. Methods of promoting the press”, the author discusses press advertising, which is a fast developing mass-media phenomenon. Modernity has granted press advertising a high quality of print and paper, as well as Infinite possibilities of combining various promotional forms with the press. The author argues that press advertising is one of the best ways in which a company can communicate with the market. Its advantage is, above all, a high frequency of distributing the contents and the possibility of conveying accurate advertising information in vast quantities.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę


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    Interpretation of a verbal-visual communication

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    In contemporary internet-dominated everyday life, ever more often one faces communications which utilise both verbal (words) and iconic (images) codes. In the article, I analyse two types of said communications: advertisements and memes. Both advertising content and memes belong to journalistic discourse. Therefore, one can analyse them using the same methods as verbal opinion texts, which require one to specify the situational background, the specific situation, the persuasive/ propaganda aim, and to standardise arguments. At the same time, memes are included in comical discourse, to analyse which it is necessary to be able to juxtapose the actual image with the presented image

    Manipulative techniques in political election campaign advertising: experience of Ukraine (Маніпулятивні прийоми у політичній передвиборчій рекламі: досвід України)

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    The article embraces the scope of the techniques used in manipulation of public opinion by candidates in the election process of Ukraine during the period of 2004-2012. The main focus is on the political election campaign advertising, revealing its meaning as communicative activity and as a process that mostly always is accompanied by the use of manipulative techniques. Based on the author's analysis of election campaigns and works of Ukrainian scholars, there were also determined manipulative methods and techniques that were most actively used during the last election cycles (У статті розкрито особливості використання прийомів маніпуляції суспільною свідомістю суб’єктами виборчих процесів в Україні у 2004-2012 рр. Основна увагу зосереджено на політичній передвиборчій рекламі; розкривається її зміст як комунікативної діяльності та процесу, який фактично завжди супроводжується використанням маніпулятивних технологій. На основі авторського аналізу виборчих кампаній та праць українських вчених, визначено маніпулятивні методики та прийоми, які найактивніше використовувалися під час останніх виборчих циклів

    Interference hierarchical, heterarhichnyh and cognitive models of advertising communication (Взаємовплив ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделей рекламної комунікації)

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    In the article has considered the general features of advertising models of effective communication between sellers and consumers. The author analyzed and explained the different approaches of hierarchical, heterarhichical and cognitive models in advertising communication (У статті подано загальну характеристику моделей вивчення ефективності рекламної комунікації. Головна увага зосереджена на розгляді ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделях та аналізі різних підходів до їх вивчення

    Strategies for organising the attention of receivers in e-mail marketing

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     The article entitled “Strategies for organising the attention of receivers in e-mail marketing” discusses issues within social communication, more specifically e-mail advertising communication. In it, I consider the intention to draw the attention of receivers as the major element of said type of communication. The creators of advertisements utilise various methods for presenting their offers, as, in the light of market research, e-mail communication still holds a high significance in marketing. E-mail inboxes are often filled with advertising messages. Users easily identify some of those as advertising messages, and remove them without engaging their attention resources. Other, however, require more careful consideration as they do not reveal their commercial provenance, or even force users to open them. In order to discover the communication-based mechanisms which lay at the foundation of the influence on the receiver, I conducted a study of the material that I collected within a period of 2 years; there I analysed only those elements of an e-mail visible to receivers prior to clicking on a message. Eventually, I extracted 300 examples indicating the applications of the strategies discussed in the article, one of which is based on the intention to highlight an offer among other messages, while the other is aimed at concealing the marketing dimension of an offer. The assumed perspective of this communication-based study was explained by a description of an interdisciplinary nature: I discuss each strategy from the perspective of a linguist, I propose explanations of the mechanisms of their operation based on the knowledge regarding selected psychological mechanisms, and I indicated the operating tactics utilised within each strategy. The significance of the study was emphasised by the fact that a conscious and intentional concealment of the purpose of an e-mail constitutes an instrumental approach to receivers. Therefore, the application by the senders of advertising messages of the discussed strategies raises justified ethical doubts, and demands further research consideration, which might lead to legislative solutions

    Role model (in) advertising?

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    The article concentrates on analysing the growing interest of academics in studying advertisements. While arguing why this perspective of reading literature may bring interesting critical results, the article focuses mainly on the character of Anna Csillag and its evolution through the twentieth century. Originally Anna Csillag was created as an advertising strategy to be used in selling hairgrowth cream. Boasting beautiful hair, the character grew in popularity across Europe, turning into a public icon of the first half of the twentieth century. Anna Csillag appears as a fictional character in Bruno Schultz’s story Księga (The Book). The article also traces other references to this figure in the twentieth and twenty-first century literary and artistic works

    Formalne i praktyczne czynniki determinujące pracę antykwariatu książkowego "Rara Avis" w Krakowie

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    W artykule przedstawiłam antykwariat jako przedsiębiorstwo i opisałam niezbędne formalności jakie muszą zostać spełnione, aby antykwariat mógł rozpocząć działalność. Wskazałam ponadto na czynniki wpływające na pracę placówki antykwarycznej, takie jak: lokalizacja i lokal, reklama, personel oraz asortyment