420 research outputs found

    The Effect of self-disclosure on the quality of friendship in adolescent Army fandom: Pengaruh self-disclosure terhadap kualitas pertemanan pada remaja fandom ARMY

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    This study aims to determine the influence of self-disclosure on the quality of friendship in adolescent ARMY Fandom. The subjects in this study were 300 ARMY fandom adolescents (aged 18-21 years) who had fellow ARMYs recruited incidentally. The result of this study shows that there is an influence of self-disclosure on quality friendship in adolescent ARMY Fandom

    Social Relationships, Self-Esteem, And Loneliness In Adolescents With Learning Disabilities

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    Objective: many studies have underlined that students with learning disabilities (lds) feel that school is their main factor of frustration and reflects on their social reputations, isolation, and sociorelational discomfort. However, the role of LDs in psychosocial outcomes in adolescence is still unclear. In the present study, we explore the differences among three groups of adolescents (adolescents without LDs, adolescents with LDs, and adolescents with LDs who have the support of psychosocial educational intervention) in self-esteem, friendship quality, loneliness, and secrecy. Method: The sample comprised 93 adolescents, 49 males (53%) and 44 females (47%), in the 11–16 age range (M = 13.73; SD = 1.66). Participants completed measures on self-esteem (Multidimensional Self-Concept Scale), friendship quality (Friendship Quality Scale), loneliness (Loneliness and Aloneness Scale for Children and Adolescents), and secrecy (Self-Concealment Scale). Results: Our findings showed that students with LDs who underwent psychosocial educational intervention felt less parent-related loneliness and showed higher self-esteem than other adolescents regarding interpersonal relationships, their duties, their families, and their bodies. Conclusions: The study suggests that having the support of a psychosocial educational intervention could have a role in adolescent psychosocial adjustment

    The role of parental psychopathology in friendship among children with AD/HD

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    Impairment to social functioning has been consistently found among children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) with research indicating it extends into adulthood for 30-50% of these individuals (Jackson & Farrujia, 1997). Recent research has found that even a single, high-quality friendship can act as a buffer against the negative outcomes associated with peer rejection (Hodges and Boivin, 1999), and that parents play an especially important role (Frankel 1996, 2003; Frankel & Myatt 2003; Ladd & Hart 1992; Krappman, 1986). However, parents of children with AD/HD have been commonly found to experience psychopathology of their own. (Hechtman, 1996, in Johnson & Mash, 2001; Chronis-Tuscano & Clarke, 2008). The goal of this study was to examine the role of parental psychopathology in the number and quality of friendships of children with AD/HD. Participants in this study included 28 children between the ages of 7-11 and one caregiver. Multiple regression analysesdid not find a significant relation between parental psychopathology and child friendships. However, post-hoc analysesindicated that this study may have been under-powered. Post-hoc analyses also revealed a relation between aggressive behavior and the quality, but not the number, of child friendships

    The Power of Friendships: Associations Between Friendship Quality, Satisfaction, and Well-Being for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit characteristic deficits in the social domain, which can interfere with their ability to form and maintain high quality relationships with their peers. Indeed, children with ASD are generally regarded as having lower quality friendships than typically developing (TD) children. However, based on a small emerging literature, children with ASD, despite reporting having lower quality friendships, indicate that they are satisfied with their friendships at similar levels to their TD peers. This apparent discrepancy between friendship quality and satisfaction for children with ASD as compared to TD children suggests that another factor may account for why satisfaction is still high in spite of lower quality friendships. Namely, friendship expectations (i.e., personal perceptions about the characteristics friends should possess and behaviors they should engage in) may differ between children with and without ASD, and these expectations may moderate the association between children’s ratings of quality and satisfaction. Understanding these patterns of relations among dimensions of friendship is critical to providing children with ASD with effective interventions as may be needed to support their social development. The current study investigated the associations between friendship expectations, quality, and satisfaction in middle childhood with a sample of 58 children, comprised of 22 children with ASD and 36 TD children. Contrary to past research, results of the current study indicated that children with ASD were less satisfied with their friendships than TD children. Further, children with ASD demonstrated a stronger association between friendship quality and friendship satisfaction than TD children. Friendship expectations did not moderate associations between friendship quality and friendship satisfaction for children with ASD. Additionally, this study explored the association between children’s friendship quality and satisfaction with indicators of children’s overall well-being (global self-worth and quality of life) and found that children with ASD evidenced stronger associations between both friendship quality and friendship satisfaction with quality of life. Clinical implications are discussed

    Collegiate Assimilation and Current Quality of High School Friendships

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    Jablin’s (1982) organizational assimilation theory states that as individuals are assimilated into a new organization, new relationships are formed. The formation of new relationships means that less effort can be committed to maintaining past relationships. This study investigated whether a college student’s progression through the phases of organizational assimilation via- encounter, metamorphosis, and exit phases, were predictive of the current quality of high school friendships. The results demonstrated that an individual’s progression through each phase of assimilation was not predictive of past friendship quality

    'We are achieving this...Eliminating the violence and making us all Friends'. The power of friendships to generate peaceful coexistence in Sant Roc (Badalona)

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    This article analyses the contribution of friendship between members of different cultures to improving peaceful coexistence in a vulnerable neighbourhood. Specifically, it analyses the personal friendship between Said, a member of the Pakistani community, andTio Antonio, amember of the Roma community, as a turning point in improvingthe coexistence in a neighbourhood which had been experiencing conflictive situations and clashes between the residents for years, especially between the Roma and the Pakistani communities. This friendship has played a mediating role and served as an example for other friendships between members of the two communities, leading to the creation of a joined organization. This analysis contributes to the existing literature, where the role of personal friendship in the transformation of conflictive intercultural relations into peaceful, constructive ones has barely been explored

    "We are achieving this… Eliminating the violence and making us all Friends”. The power of friendships to generate peaceful coexistence in Sant Roc (Badalona)

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    This article analyses the contribution of friendship between members of different cultures to improving peaceful coexistence in a vulnerable neighbourhood. Specifically, it analyses the personal friendship between Said, a member of the Pakistani community, and Tio Antonio, a member of the Roma community, as a turning point in improving the coexistence in a neighbourhood which had been experiencing conflictive situations and clashes between the residents for years, especially between the Roma and the Pakistani communities. This friendship has played a mediating role and served as an example for other friendships between members of the two communities, leading to the creation of a joined organization. This analysis contributes to the existing literature, where the role of personal friendship in the transformation of conflictive intercultural relations into peaceful, constructive ones has barely been explored
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