3,915 research outputs found

    China's tackling of online pornography: Puzzles, issues and trends

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    --Online pornography,obscenity and indecency,People's Republic of China,protection of minors,Internet regulation

    Safety and Protection of Minors Policy

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    The protection of minors in UAE law as persons in need: An analytical study

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    © KONINKLIJKE BRILL NV, LEIDEN, 2019 This article reviews the legal regime for the protection of minors in the UAE. First, the rights of minors protected under threat of criminal sanctions, as enshrined in the UAE Children Rights Law 2016, is addressed. Subsequently, the protection of minors in civil legislation, especially with regard to financial transactions, is considered by examining the legal effects of acts performed by minors themselves or by agents on their behalf. The legal authority of a minor\u27s agent to act on his/her behalf is outlined and the consequences of acts performed by the minor or his/her agent beyond legal limits is presented. Finally, the role of the Social Care and Minors Affairs Foundation (SCMAF) is considered when caring for minors and protecting their property. The article concludes with an assessment of the legal regime for the protection of minors, especially in connection with financial transactions, evaluates the guarantees and safeguards included therein, and issues some additional recommendations

    Las competencias de la Generalitat de Cataluña en materia de protección pública de menores

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    En l'actualitat, les institucions jurídiques de protecció pública dels menors estan regulades en normes dictades a l'empara del títol competencial legislació civil. En aquest treball s'exposen les raons per les quals això ha estat així. El legislador català va seguir el camí que, poc abans, havia traçat el legislador estatal; de fet, el legislador estatal a través d'aquesta via buscava, i en bona part ho va aconseguir, unificar, uniformar i incorporar la regulació d'aquesta matèria al denominat Dret comú. Aquest procés de "civilització" d'una activitat de naturalesa administrativa ha plantejat distorsions, des d'una certa disminució de les garanties dels ciutadans davant l'Administració fins una inseguretat jurídica notable. Per això seria procedent desfer el camí recorregut i tornar a “administrativitzar” l'actuació de les administracions en matèria de protecció de menors. És el moment oportú de fer-ho. Ara és en marxa a Catalunya un procés de reforma de la legislació en matèria de protecció pública dels menors. Per una banda, en el marc del Departament de Justícia, s'elabora l'avantprojecte de llei pel qual s'aprovarà el llibre segon del Codi civil de Catalunya, en què es regula la protecció dels menors. Paral•lelament, en el Departament d'Acció Social i Ciutadania s'ha iniciat el procés per dictar una nova Llei reguladora de la infància i l'adolescència. En aquests textos legals es regularan, doncs, les institucions públiques i privades de protecció dels menors i se n'establirà el règim jurídic. Al Codi civil haurien de quedar regulades les institucions juridicoprivades de protecció dels menors, a l'empara del títol competencial legislació civil (art. 129 EAC). En canvi, les institucions juridico públiques de protecció dels menors haurien de regular-se en normes administratives, a l'empara del títol competencial serveis socials i protecció pública de menors (art. 166 EAC). Això no obstant, en la mesura que les institucions privades i públiques de protecció de menors s'interrelacionen, una i altra normatives hauran de complementar-se. Res a dir que una llei civil contingui normes administratives; aquest no és el problema. La qüestió és establir amb claredat el règim jurídic de les institucions juridicopúbliques de protecció de menors. L'actuació de l'Administració en matèria de protecció pública de menors ha de quedar sotmesa al Dret administratiu, en la mesura que l'Administració actuï com a poder públic, és a dir, en exercici de les prerrogatives que l'ordenament li reconeix per satisfer interessos públics, com ara la protecció de la infància.Legal institutions for the public protection of minors are at present regulated by regulations enacted as civil legislation. This study looks at the reasons why this was the case. Catalan legislators continued down the road that Spanish state legislators had travelled beforehand. In fact, by this means Spanish state legislators sought, and to a large extent succeeded in, unifying, standardising and including the regulations in this area into common law. This process of "making civil" a task of the government had created distortions, ranging from some decreases in citizen's guarantees when dealing with the Government to considerable legal uncertainty. That is why it would be wise to retrace our steps to make the government's work in terms of the protection of minors more administrative. It is the right time to do so. A process reforming the legislation for public protection of minors is now under way in Catalonia. First, the Department of Justice is producing a draft law which will approve the second book of the Catalonia Civil Code, which regulates the protection of minors. At the same time, the Department of Social Action and Citizenship has begun the process to enact a new Law regulating childhood and adolescence. These legal texts will therefore regulate the public and private institutions protecting minors and a legal regime will be established for them. The Civil Code should regulate the legal/private institutions for the protection of minors, under the jurisdiction of civil legislation (art. 129 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia). However, the legal and public institutions for the protection of minors should be regulated within a governmental framework, as social services and public protection of minors (art. 166 of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia). Despite this, to the extent that the private and public institutions for the protection of minors are interrelated, the two regulations must complement each other. This is beside the fact that a civil law contains administrative regulations; this is not the problem. The issue is clearly establishing the legal regime of the legal/public institutions for the protection of minors. The Government's work in terms of the public protection of minors must be subject to administrative law, insofar as the Government acts as a public authority, i.e. by exercising the prerogatives that the regulation confers on it to satisfy public interests, such as the protection of children.1. Introducción: el papel de la familia y los poderes públicos en la protección de los menores. Las instituciones jurídicas privadas y públicas de protección. – 2. La legislación vigente en materia de protección pública de menores y el marco legal y estatutario en el que fue dictada. 2.1. La legislación vigente en Cataluña sobre protección pública de menores. 2.2. La cuestión del título competencial al amparo del cual se han regulado las instituciones públicas de protección de menores. 2.3. Las consecuencias jurídicas de regular las instituciones de protección pública de menores al amparo del título competencia legislación civil. 2.4. El nuevo marco estatutario. – 3. Las reformas legales en materia de protección de menores actualmente en curso en Cataluña

    Professor Eva Lievens speaks on protecting minors more effectively across media platforms

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    Challenges and confusion in media and communication regulation: a four country comparison.

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    In this chapter we discuss recent developments and challenges in European media and communication policy, focussing on the period since the 2008 global financial crisis. We are especially interested in the implications of the financial crisis and its political repercussions nationally (austerity measures and cuts to public services as well as growing anti-politics sentiments and widespread dissatisfaction with free-market capitalism and representative democracy) for media and communication policy, understood here in a broad sense, so to include all electronic communications, such as the Internet, mobile communications, social media etc. Our overarching concern is with the implications of developments in media and communication policy for the democratic functions of the media in Europe

    First Line of Defense: Protecting Youth on Campus

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    Many institutions recognize the need for a centralized process to address the safety of youth on campus. Legislation, publicized incidents, state and national laws, and research have pushed this topic to the forefront. In an effort to educate, mitigate risk, and create consistency, the implementation of university-wide youth protection policies has become a common practice. While each campus is different, foundational components to these policies can create a cultural shift and educate individuals on their role in reporting abuse and neglect. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) launched its youth protection policy, Safety and Protection of Minors, in July 2016. The policy took over two years to create and is now in the second year of implementation. Based on the evolution of this policy, from inception to application, the university has learned that this initiative is a shared responsibility and that leaders play a key role

    [MT] Consultation document on the broadcasting code for the protection of minors

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    The Broadcasting Authority has published a Consultation Document to amend the Broadcasting Code for the Protection of Minors. The Code, in its current format, has the defect of concentrating mainly on the protection of minors from the viewpoint of advertising, while barely dealing with other aspects of protection of minors in the broadcasting sector (see IRIS 2010-7/29). The current Code also doesn’t address the participation of minors in various programmes. As the remit of the Code is being extended, the Broadcasting Authority in its Consultation Document is proposing to alter the title of the Code to read “Code for the Protection, Welfare and Development of Minors on the Broadcasting Media”. [Excerpt]peer-reviewe