12,410 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Programmable Logic Controller (Plc) Omron Cp1e Na20 Dra Dalam Proses Pengaturan Sistem Kerja Mesin Pembuat Pelet Ikan

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    Tiar Kusuma Dewi, Priyo Sasmoko, in paper application of programmable logic controller (PLC) omron CP1E NA20 DRA in control system of fish pellets builders engine explain that better known as PLC or Programmable Logic Controller is an electronic apparatus that works digitally , has a programmable memory , save the commands to perform specific functions such as logic , timing , counting and arithmatik to control different types of machines or processes through modules input / output analog or digital . PLC will run the display module according to the mnemonic code is entered into the PLC via the Programming Console or the CX - Programmer programs . However , here are discussed PLC using the CX - Programmer . OMRON PLC used is CP1E NA20 DRA . PLC works by observing input ( via sensors related ) , then the process and take action as needed , ie turn on or turn off the output ( logic 0 or 1 ) . Users create a program that will then be executed by the PLC in question , so that the tool Fish Pellet Machine Manufacturers Automatic will work as desired

    Study and implementation of programmable logic controller

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    This project work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the history and development of Programmable Logic Controllers and its subsequent applications in different industries. In The second part PLC was implemented to control 3 different processes namely lift car controller, Liquid level controller, Temperature controller. Automation of many different processes, such as controlling machines or factory assembly lines, is done through the use of small computers called a programmable logic controller (PLC). This is actually a control device that consists of a programmable microprocessor, and is programmed using a specialized computer language. Before, a programmable logic controller would have been programmed in ladder logic, which is similar to a schematic of relay logic. A modern programmable logic controller is usually programmed in any one of several languages, ranging from ladder logic to Basic or C. Typically, the program is written in a development environment on a personal computer (PC), and then is downloaded onto the programmable logic controller directly through a cable connection. The program is stored in the programmable logic controller in on-volatile memory.The programmable logic controller has made a significant contribution to factory automation. Earlier automation systems had to use thousands of individual relays and cam timers, but all of the relays and timers within a factory system can often be replaced with a single programmable logic controller. Today, programmable logic controllers deliver a wide range of functionality, including basic relay control, motion control, process control, and complex networking, as well as being used in Distributed Control Systems. There are several different types of interfaces that are used when people need to interact with the programmable logic controller to configure it or work with it. This may take the form of simple lights or switches or text displays, or for more complex systems, a computer of Web interface on a computer running a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Programmable logic controllers were first created to serve the automobile industry, and the first programmable logic controller project was developed in 1968 for General Motors to replace hard-wired relay systems with an electronic controller.The lift controller controls the movement of the lift. The program is designed to make the lift car move to the correct floor based on floor request. The temperature controller controls the temperature of the fluid based on a set point. The level controller controls the level of a liquid in a tank

    Tissue Processor Based PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

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    Tissue Processor Tissue Processor consists of consists of several stages of dehydration, clearing, and paraffin infiltration.Phase dehydration to remove water content in tissues by immersion into alcohol. Clearing stage is the process of pulling out the alcohol content in the network by using a liquid xylol. Paraffin infiltration stages is the stage of filling cavities with liquid paraffin tissue. The purpose of this research is to modify the equipment that had broken before became an useful equipment that use basic controlled  PLC. This modification tool-making using the "one-group posttest design" by treatment of the instrument without first measuring the initial state, the results of treatment directly measured without comparison to a control group. Making the modification tool using PLC as the main controller throughout the series. The tool mechanical motion using DC motors and AC motors as well as the use of two sensors limit switch as the controller limits the motor movement. Based on the results obtained temperature measurement error with the largest value of 4.44% in paraffin heater tube 1 and the biggest error of 4.0% in paraffin heater tube 2. While the measurement time of each - each tube obtained the smallest error on the tube-to-one by 0 , 03%, and the biggest error of measurement contained in the tube to the fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth of 0.16%

    Sistem Koreksi Otomatis Pada Mesin Packaging Dengan Pengendali Plc

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    Salah satu kecacatan produk dalam kemasan pouch apabila produk tersebut ditemukan overlap. Overlap pada produk sabun refill (isi ulang) merupakan salah satu kecacatan produk yang dapat menyebabkan minat konsumen menurun. Sistem Autocorrection (Pengoreksi-Otomatis) merupakan sistem kendali berbasis PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) yang dirancang untuk mengatasi overlap pada produk pouch. Sensor photo electric amplifier ditanamkan pada sistem ini yang berfungsi sebagai trigger input ke PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) sekaligus pendeteksi overlap yang kemudian sinyal input dari sensor tersebut diolah oleh PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Output yang dihasilkan berupa gerakan pada sidelay motor (actuator dengan motor AC sebagai penggeraknya) untuk bergeser ke arah kiri atau ke arah kanan tergantung salah satu sensor aktif terlebih dahulu


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    Sistem penyaluran energi listrik melalui saluran udara dengan penghantar kawat menuju beban merupakan distribusi listrik yang diterapkan pada saluran listrik di Indonesia. Penghantar kawat yang digunakan pada sistem distribusi tanpa isolasi memungkinkan terjadi gangguan yang menyebabkan pemadaman. Perancaanaan sistem automatic transfer switch berbasis programmable logic controller untuk mempermudah dalam proses pemindahan catu daya pengganti ke beban dalam waktu yang singkat dan beroperasi secara otomatis berdasarkan standar PUIL. Perencanaan sistem automatic transfer switch yang dirancang dengan sederhana menggunakan programmable logic controller untuk memudahakan dalam proses maintenance dan dengan harga terjangkau. Programmable logic controller merupakan komponen listrik yang menjadi kontrol pada sistem automatic transfer switch untuk meringkas pengawatan yang ada pada rangkaian dan mudah dalam mengontrol rangkaian


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis website pada mata pelajaran programmable logic controller. (2) Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis website pada mata pelajaran programmable logic controller. (3) Mengetahui efektivitas media pembelajaran berbasis website yang dikembangkan untuk pembelajaran programmable logic controller. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) yang menggunakan model pengembangan Alessi Trollip. Tahapan-tahapan pengembangan media ini meliputi : tahap perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. Tahap pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap kelayakan produk sebagai media pembelajaran meliputi uji alpha dan uji beta. Uji coba alpha dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, uji coba beta dilakukan oleh 25 siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam peneltian ini menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner, dan lembar observasi. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang diungkapkan dalam distribusi skor skala lima (skala likert). Produk akhir dari pengembangan media pembelajaran ini dilanjutkan dengan uji efektifitas produk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pre-eksperimental design yaitu One-Group Pretest – Posttest Design Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengembangan media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran programmable logic controller ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu tahap perencanaan, desain dan produksi / pengembangan (2) Tingkat validitas media pembelajaran programmable logic controller yang diberikan oleh ahli materi dengan maksimal skor 5 mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,13 dengan kategori ”baik”, hasil penilaian ahli media dengan skor rata-rata 4,11 dengan kategori ”baik” dan hasil penilaian siswa diperoleh skor rata-rata 4,08 dengan kategori ”baik”. (3) Sedangkan dalam pre-test dan post-test dengan nilai rata-rata pre-test 59,84 dan post-test 73,44.. Hasil uji-t menyatakan nilai thitung > ttabel (8,955 > 2,064) dan signifikansi (0,000 < 0,05), artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan rata-rata skor nilai prestasi belajar siswa pre-test dengan post-test

    Implementasi Wireless Sensor Network untuk Komunikasi Antar PLC (programmable Logic Controller)

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) adalah sebuah perangkat jaringan nirkabel yang digunakan untuk memonitoring secara kolektif dan menyebarkan informasi tentang berbagai data yang ditangkap maupun kondisi lingkungan sekitar, seperti suhu, suara, getaran, gelombang elektromagnetik, tekanan, dan gerakan. Aplikasi dan penggunaan dari Wireless Sensor Network ada banyak dan bervariasi, tapi umumnya adalah untuk komunikasi, monitoring, tracking, dan controlling. Aplikasi spesifik dari Wireless Sensor Network salah satunya adalah komunikasi antar PLC.Dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan hardware, seluruh referensi dari datasheet dari tiap-tiap komponen. Komponen yang dipakai berupa modul ZIG100, mikrokontroller ATMega 128, dan beberapa komponen pendukung lainnya.Hasil Tugas Akhir ini berupa perangkat wireless sensor network yang diimplementasikan dalam PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Perangkat Wireless Sensor Network yang digunakan adalah ZIG100. PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) dapat berkomunikasi ke PLC lain menggunakan Wireless Sensor Network. Sehingga komunikasi antar PLC dapat berjalan lancar karena Wireless Sensor Network dapat bertahan di lingkungan pabrik, dapat mengatasi kesalahan node, dan topologi jaringan yang dinamis. Wireless Sensor Network, Programmable Logic Controller, ZIG10

    Comparison of the reliability of programmable logic controller and electromagnetic relay control in industrial production line

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    This paper is aimed at determining the reliability of Industrial Production Line using Programmable Logic Controller. Production lines in the manufacturing sector are automated using Programmable Logic Controller module, which is programmed using programming software. The programming software used is the Siemens S7-200 while the programming language is the Ladder Programming language. Most manufacturing industries in Nigeria today still use relays for control purposes. The wirings from the control panel are so massive that any fault from the machine usually takes hours to trace and replace using the traditional electromagnetic relay. Alternative and better control methods use Programmable Logic Controller. Research articles on the reliability of PLC in a food production line are scarce. This paper is written to address this gap. The study uses the statistical analytical method, which provides useful and higher accuracy of the result as it allows high tolerance to uncertainties. The study determines the failure rate, the mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to failure (MTTF), and availability as a means of determining the reliability of the network. Accordingly, the study showed that the mean availability of the Production line using PLC for three consecutive years is 84% while the reliability is 86%. Consequently, the use of PLC should be encouraged in industrial automation as the fault can be detected easily, thereby reducing downtime as compared to the use of electromagnetic relay in the control circuitry.Keywords: Programmable logic controller, availability, reliability, ladder programming language, relay logi