1,612 research outputs found

    Sustainable apple breedings needs sustainable marketing and management

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    Apple breeding programmes are currently in the middle of transition in terms of ownership and management. Until now most of them were funded by the public. Breeding took place by traditional methods since decades in a very sustainable way to develop better apple varieties. Today, increasing loss of national boundaries and globalisation, less interest by national bodies and institutions and rising cost levels for high tech breeding methods entire programmes are nowadays urged to look for new sustainable co- or self-financing business models in order to continue their work. The paper explains through financial calculations how risk can be split by all partners and how the supply chain can be developed further into a value chain by using a collective royalty system on trees and fruit, to add value to all market participants and to support the breeding efforts and to become sustainable through profitability. A leading shift of mindset requires the involvement of variety managers and companies who are coaching the whole process of introduction


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    В статті мова йде про роль і місце дворян Катеринославської губернії в процесі запровадження інституту дільничних земських начальниківThere are the role and place of Katerinoslav region nobility in process of introduction the establishment of divisional zemsky chiefs is considered in this articl


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    В статті мова йде про роль і місце дворян Катеринославської губернії в процесі запровадження інституту дільничних земських начальниківThere are the role and place of Katerinoslav region nobility in process of introduction the establishment of divisional zemsky chiefs is considered in this articl

    Development Of Organizational Methods For Introduction Of Risk Management In It-Projects

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    The article describes the organizational methods of the process of introduction of risk management in IT-projects. These organizational methods make it possible to eliminate the contradiction that arises among the requirements addressed to the risk management executives of IT-organizations, IT-project managers, practitioners. The essence of the contradiction lies in the fact that risk management should provide maximum convergence of the actual and planned results (a variation of less than 5%), but it should not change the existing model of management in IT-projects (Waterfall, Agile, etc.). We shall note that in 2014, according to The Standish Group International, a variation between actual and planned results in IT-projects was 89%. The article also presents the results of experimental testing of organizational methods of the process of introduction of risk management in an IT-project, according to which the variation between actual and planned results was 4.5%. The results of the study will be of interest to project managers, project team members and also all who are engaged in project activities

    Process of Introduction of Australian Braford Cattle to South America: Configuration of Population Structure and Genetic Diversity Evolution

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    This study analyzes the evolution of the population structure and genetic diversity of Braford cattle in South America from 1949 to 2019 to suggest effective strategies for breeding in the future. The percentage of bulls historically increased. The average generational interval decreased to 11.78 years for the current population. Average inbreeding (F) and coancestry (C) are low and show a historically increasing trend (0.001% to 0.002%, respectively). The degree of nonrandom mating (α) increased from −0.0001 to 0.0001 denoting a change in the trend to mate similar individuals. The average relatedness coefficient (ΔR) increased in the current period from 0.002% to 0.004%. A single ancestor explained 4.55% to 7.22% of the population’s gene pool. While the effective population size based on the individual inbreeding rate (NeFi) was 462.963, when based on the individual coancestry rate (NeCi), it was 420.168. Genetic diversity loss is small and mainly ascribed to bottlenecks (0.12%) and to unequal contributions of the founders (0.02%). Even if adequate levels of diversity can be found, practices that consider the overuse of individual bulls (conditioned by nature or not), could lead to a long-term reduction in diversity. The present results permit tailoring genetic management strategies that are perfectly adapted to the needs that the population demands internationally

    Некоторые особенности применения ИКТ в вузах Республики Казахстан

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    In this publication is considered process of introduction information and communication technologies in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out work on creation of legislative base on education informatization with use of digital educational resources and technologies.В статье рассматривается процесс внедрения информационно-коммуникационных технологий на территории Республики Казахстан. На сегодняшний день МОН РК проводит работу по созданию законодательной базы по информатизации образования с использованием цифровых образовательных ресурсов и технологий

    Моделювання процесу впровадження нової продукції на ринок

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    Розглянуто моделі процесу впровадження нової продукції на ринок, що охоплюють принципи оцінки функцій попиту, витрат і очікуваного прибутку. На їх основі побудовано функцію, яка стосується управлінського рішення щодо прийняття ідеї нового продукту.The models of the process of introduction of new products to the market, covering valuation principles of demand functions, costs and expected profits are considered in the paper. On this basis a function is constructed relating the management decision to adopt the idea of a new product

    Establishment of the international accounting standards in Central-Eastern European and other developing countries

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    This article investigates the developments in the process of introduction of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) mainly in the countries of central-eastern Europe. These countries are now going through a stage of developing basic infrastructure in most of the areas of economic activity and especially in the financial markets. In particular, this article presents the business environment of developing countries and highlights problems arising in the entire financial sector of these countries from establishment of the IAS. Its most important finding is that factors like fluidity of domestic accounting standards, lack of appropriate training of accountants and employees, as well as lack of trust in the economic-political system of the country play a negative role to the IAS introduction process.peer-reviewe

    Modelo de la Biblioteca Virtual de la Educación Superior Cubana : resultados y proyecciones

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    The model of the Digital Library of the Higher Education is conceptually defined. His structure and the main flows of information are presented. The model is in process of introduction in the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. The center of the model constitutes Personal Digital Libraries (PDL), that is created and maintained by professors and university investigators and constitute themselves in the main documents that are stored in the database of the Virtual Library of the Higher Education. The Intranet of the Universities and Internet is used to spread university publications and to obtain pertinent data from full texts data bases acquired by purchase. The model is in phase of introduction in the Universities and a simplified version of them is available in Internet. http://revistas.mes.edu.c