14,716 research outputs found

    Psychoanalytic Doctrine as a Historic-Theoretical Basis of Modern Psychoanalytic Pedagogics

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    AbstractThe article analyses the peculiarities of the theoretical bases of psychoanalytic pedagogics which focuses on the psychoanalytic concept. The differences of the development of psychoanalytic pedagogics are shown in the context of ideological and organizational specifics in pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary Russia.Due to the interpretation of publishing activity of modern schools representatives it is proved that the Russian psychoanalytic pedagogics is directed to the historical heritage of the psychoanalytical classics. The modernEuropean psychoanalytic pedagogics develops its directions and subjects in the prognostic framework

    Research Into Technological Indicators of a Rye-wheat Dough Semi-finished Product with the Addition of the Polyfunctional Food Supplement "Magnetofооd"

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    We studied influence of the polyfunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd" on the technological parameters of rye-wheat dough semi-finished product and the finished product. A positive effect of the supplement "Magnetofооd" on the technological parameters of dough and the bread baked using it, is shown. It was established that adding the food supplement "Magnetofооd" in the amount of 0.15 % of the weight of flour reduces dough fermentation time by 13.0 on average %. The introduction of the food supplement "Magnetofооd" also increases the yield of a dough semi-finished product by 2.9 % on average and improves the yield of the finished product by 3.45 % on average. It was revealed that the multifunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd" enhances the quality of rye-wheat dough semi-finished product and the finished product due to its capacity of moisture retention and the inhibition of hydrolysis processes of the basic ingredients of dough.The obtained experimental data could be used to develop a technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with the polyfunctional food supplement "Magnetofооd"

    The relationship between Higher Education and labour market in Greece : the weakest link?

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    The high level of graduate unemployment, even though it is acknowledged as one of the most distinctive characteristics of the Greek labour market, it has not attracted enough attention in the academic literature. This paper utilizes micro-data from the Labour Force Survey in order to investigate how the employment situation of young (aged 35 and below) graduates varies across fields of study. The findings suggest that graduates of disciplines that have high levels of private sector employment, such as Polytechnics and Computer Science, are in general better off in the Greek labour market. On the other hand, graduates of disciplines that are traditionally related to the needs of the public sector, such as Sociology and Humanities, face poor employment prospects. The findings of this study highlight the need for drastic reforms of the Higher Education system

    Current Trends in Educational Research in Europe

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    The author deals with the “issue of the impact of educational research on educational policy and practice with special regard to teacher education” and asks how “educational research is to be defined concerning its content, method and objective.” Since “in respect of these three features, one has to draw a line from normative foundations of philosophical or religious nature and individual experience, on the one hand, to the modem approaches, both of quantitative and qualitative character, on the other”, he says, he first gives an historical overview over the development of educational history in Europe. After discussing a “considerable diversity” of educational research within the international spectrum and analyzing “organisational patterns and issues” as well as “typological and methodological issues” he finally points out the “impact of educational research on decision-making”. (DIPF/ ssch

    Religion in pedagogics?

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    Im eröffnenden Abschnitt (I) wird aus wissenschafts-, gesellschafts- und problemgeschichtlichen Gründen zu erklären versucht, warum Religion in der Pädagogik seit den 60er Jahren fast gar nicht mehr thematisiert wird, es sei denn, die Doppelfrage nach Zusammenhang und Einheit der Pädagogik und nach ihrer Beziehung zur gesellschaftlichen Gesamtpraxis holt die Erziehungswissenschaft ein und führt die individuelle und kulturelle Funktion von Religion wieder vor Augen. Im Rückgang auf den neuzeitlichen Prozeß der gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Ausdifferenzierung legt der zweite Abschnitt (II) nahe, die christliche Religion nicht pauschal zu beurteilen sondern ebenfalls in ihrer geschichtlichen Ausdifferenzierung als kirchliches, gesellschaftliches und persönliches Christentum wahrzunehmen (so schon Rousseau und Pestalozzi) sowie bestimmte Grundmotive pädagogischen Denkens seit der Aufklärung in ihrem dialektischen Verhältnis zur voraufgehenden christentumsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung (Pietismus) einschließlich der biblischen Ursprünge zu begreifen. Vorbereitet durch reformatorische Unterscheidungen gelingt es Schleiermacher, die moderne Differenzierung wissenschaftstheoretisch so zu berücksichtigen, daß Theologie und Pädagogik nicht einander subordiniert werden und religiöse Bildung als eigenständiges Thema hier wie dort behandelt wird (III). Die Ergebnisse werden im Schlußabschnitt (IV) präzisiert und entfaltet. Hierbei wird klargestellt, daß die vertretenen Ansichten nicht ein überall geteiltes Selbstverständnis der Pädagogik und der Evangelischen Theologie spiegeln. Gegenüber Mißverständnissen wird herausgearbeitet, daß jede Verständigung zwischen Pädagogik und Theologie unter dem Prinzip der uneingeschränkten Achtung vor den bestehen bleibenden Differenzen zu suchen ist. (DIPF/Orig.)In the opening section (I), the author attempts a historical explanation of the fact that, since the 1960s, religion has hardly been dealt with in pedagogics and, if so, only when the twofold question of the coherence and unity of pedagogics and its relation to the overall social practice caught up with educational science and reminded us of the individual and cultural function of religion. Referring to the modern process of socio-cultural differentiation, the author then (II) suggests to refrain from passing a sweeping judgement on Christian religion but rather to perceive it, too, in its historical development as ecclesiastical, social, and personal Christianity (just as Rousseau and Pestalozzi did before) and to conceive certain basic motives of pedagogical thought since the Enlightenment in their dialectical relation to the preceding development in the history of Christianity (Pietism), including biblical origins. On the basis of reformatory distinctions, Schleiermacher is able to show that theology and pedagogics are not subordinated to one another and that religious education is considered an independent topic in both fields (III). In a final part (IV), the results are specified and enlarged upon. In this, it is made clear that the view the author has taken does not reflect a common self-concept shared by the whole of pedagogics and of Protestant theology. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is shown that the discourse between pedagogics and theology has to be based on the principle of unrestricted respect for the persisting differences. (DIPF/Orig.

    Innovative methods of teaching and harmonization of educational standards in the sphere of computing

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    Competence-based approach to education (unlike traditional qualification) reflects requirements not only to the content of education, but also to a behavioral component. Recommendations about drawing up curricula for training of specialists in the computing sphere are considered. New pedagogical methods, proposing creative combination of the theory and practice which is reached in the course of direct professional activity are analyzed. The analysis of the problems arising at creation of educational standards is also given. It has shown that professional standards are primary link in high-quality training of various areas of economy specialists (including for computing area), and also ensuring their competitiveness have to be a basis for their development. Thus, problems when developing professional standards complicate prospect of harmonization of professional and educational standards which demands necessary methodological, methodical and expert completion at the first design stage

    The development of translation theories in Europe

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    Este artigo trata do desenvolvimento dos estudos da tradução na Europa, no siculo XX. O maior enfoque está na mudança da perspeciiva de pesquisa, da comparação entre línguas para a confrontação de textos e da focalização datradução como atividade pragmática para a investigação do pensamento do tradutor (perspectiva cognitiva). Paralelamente à discussão dos conceitos teóricos, comenta-se também o desenvolvimento institucional dos estudos da tradução.Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt die Entwicklung der europäischen Übersetzungswissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Wandel der Forschungsperspektive vom Vergleich einzelner Sprachen hin zur Gegenüberstellung von Texten und von der Betonung des Handlungscharakters der Übersetzung hin zur Untersuchung des übersetzerischen Denkens (kognitive Perspektive). Parallel zur Diskussion theoretischer Konzepte, ist auch die institutionelle Entwicklung der Übersetzungswissenschaft Gegenstand der Untersuchung

    Differential effects of colleges on the labour market success of their graduates

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    This paper explores the effects of colleges for higher vocational education on the labour market success of their graduates. Using data about the labour market position of Dutch graduates from higher vocational education, and applying multi-level statistical modelling techniques it is shown that for four domains (finding a job, level of job, monthly wages, and wages per hour) the colleges did hardly differ substantially. Most of the institutional variation occured at the department level within the colleges, but these department effects appeared to be small as well and not always very stable over the years. The discussion focuses on the implication for using labour market data for the construction of institutional performance indicators. It is shown that the ranking of colleges on their labour market performance changes as soon as input variables are controlled for. It is therefore important to look at the ‘net'' outcomes or ‘added value'' rather than the ‘gross'' outcomes.labour market entry;

    Improving the Technique of Scrambled Desserts Using the Food Supplement “Magnetofood”

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    For improving the technology of scrambled dessert products, a food supplement, based on the nanopowder of oxides of two- and trivalent iron “Magnetofood” was introduced in the recipe composition. The object of the studies is base recipes: one of mousse “Cranberry” and sambuk “Apple”. For determining technological characteristics and quality parameters, conventional standard methods were used.It has been established, that introduction of the food supplement “Magnetofood” in amount 0,1 %, 0,15 %, 0,2 % of the recipe mixture mass improves consumption properties of scrambled desserts. The mean value of the organoleptic analysis increases by (1,25±0,1) points. The density also decreases by (29±1) kg/m3 for mousses, by (26±1) kg/m3 for sambuks, and scrambling duration – by ~ 3 minutes. At storing during 24 hours at h=(90±2) %, the microbial contamination of the surface of samples decreases – QMAFAnM in 10 times, yeasts – in 2 times, molds – in 2 times.It has been established, that introduction of the supplement “Magnetofood” favors the growth of the foam-creating ability in average: by (40±2) % for mousses, by (55±3) % for sambuks. The porosity increases by (14,3±0,7) % for mousses, by (12,7±0, 6) % for sambuks. The foam structure stability of scrambled desserts improves by (14±1,1) %. The food supplement “Magnetofood” also raises the effective viscosity by (32 ±1) Pa·s for mousses and by (41±2) Pa·s for sambuks and the mechanical strength of scrambled desserts in 1,23 times.The highest parameters were inherited to mousses and sambuks with supplement “Magnetofood” mass share 0,15 %.There have been experimentally substantiated scrambling technological parameters and regimes of recipe mixtures of berry-fruit mousses and sambuks, modified by the food supplement “Magnetofood”. The total scrambling duration is (14–16) minutes. The initial scrambling speed of the berry-fruit base is (2,0–2,2) s-1, at that the scrambling time is (5–6)·60s. Then the recipe mixture is scrambled at speed (3,3–3,5) s-1 during (3–4)·60s. Scrambling is finished at speed (2,0–2,2) s-1. The distinctive feature of the improved technology is premixing of the food supplement “Magnetofood” with gelatin, realized before the technological operation of soaking gelatin in cold water.The obtained experimental data may be used at developing innovative technologies of scrambled dessert products with the food supplement “Magnetofood”