14,242 research outputs found

    Hemodynamically informed parcellation of cerebral FMRI data

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    Standard detection of evoked brain activity in functional MRI (fMRI) relies on a fixed and known shape of the impulse response of the neurovascular coupling, namely the hemodynamic response function (HRF). To cope with this issue, the joint detection-estimation (JDE) framework has been proposed. This formalism enables to estimate a HRF per region but for doing so, it assumes a prior brain partition (or parcellation) regarding hemodynamic territories. This partition has to be accurate enough to recover accurate HRF shapes but has also to overcome the detection-estimation issue: the lack of hemodynamics information in the non-active positions. An hemodynamically-based parcellation method is proposed, consisting first of a feature extraction step, followed by a Gaussian Mixture-based parcellation, which considers the injection of the activation levels in the parcellation process, in order to overcome the detection-estimation issue and find the underlying hemodynamics

    Improving Reliability of Subject-Level Resting-State fMRI Parcellation with Shrinkage Estimators

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    A recent interest in resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) lies in subdividing the human brain into anatomically and functionally distinct regions of interest. For example, brain parcellation is often used for defining the network nodes in connectivity studies. While inference has traditionally been performed on group-level data, there is a growing interest in parcellating single subject data. However, this is difficult due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of rsfMRI data, combined with typically short scan lengths. A large number of brain parcellation approaches employ clustering, which begins with a measure of similarity or distance between voxels. The goal of this work is to improve the reproducibility of single-subject parcellation using shrinkage estimators of such measures, allowing the noisy subject-specific estimator to "borrow strength" in a principled manner from a larger population of subjects. We present several empirical Bayes shrinkage estimators and outline methods for shrinkage when multiple scans are not available for each subject. We perform shrinkage on raw intervoxel correlation estimates and use both raw and shrinkage estimates to produce parcellations by performing clustering on the voxels. Our proposed method is agnostic to the choice of clustering method and can be used as a pre-processing step for any clustering algorithm. Using two datasets---a simulated dataset where the true parcellation is known and is subject-specific and a test-retest dataset consisting of two 7-minute rsfMRI scans from 20 subjects---we show that parcellations produced from shrinkage correlation estimates have higher reliability and validity than those produced from raw estimates. Application to test-retest data shows that using shrinkage estimators increases the reproducibility of subject-specific parcellations of the motor cortex by up to 30%.Comment: body 21 pages, 11 figure

    Impact of brain parcellation on prediction performance in models of cognition and demographics

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    Brain connectivity analysis begins with the selection of a parcellation scheme that will define brain regions as nodes of a network whose connections will be studied. Brain connectivity has already been used in predictive modelling of cognition, but it remains unclear if the resolution of the parcellation used can systematically impact the predictive model performance. In this work, structural, functional and combined connectivity were each defined with five different parcellation schemes. The resolution and modality of the parcellation schemes were varied. Each connectivity defined with each parcellation was used to predict individual differences in age, education, sex, executive function, self-regulation, language, encoding and sequence processing. It was found that low-resolution functional parcellation consistently performed above chance at producing generalisable models of both demographics and cognition. However, no single parcellation scheme showed a superior predictive performance across all cognitive domains and demographics. In addition, although parcellation schemes impacted the graph theory measures of each connectivity type (structural, functional and combined), these differences did not account for the out-of-sample predictive performance of the models. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that while high-resolution parcellations may be beneficial for modelling specific individual differences, partial voluming of signals produced by the higher resolution of the parcellation likely disrupts model generalisability

    The envirome and the connectome: exploring the structural noise in the human brain associated with socioeconomic deprivation

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    Complex cognitive functions are widely recognized to be the result of a number of brain regions working together as large-scale networks. Recently, complex network analysis has been used to characterize various structural properties of the large scale network organization of the brain. For example, the human brain has been found to have a modular architecture i.e. regions within the network form communities (modules) with more connections between regions within the community compared to regions outside it. The aim of this study was to examine the modular and overlapping modular architecture of the brain networks using complex network analysis. We also examined the association between neighborhood level deprivation and brain network structure – modularity and grey nodes. We compared network structure derived from anatomical MRI scans of 42 middle-aged neurologically healthy men from the least (LD) and the most deprived (MD) neighborhoods of Glasgow with their corresponding random networks. Cortical morphological covariance networks were constructed from the cortical thickness derived from the MRI scans of the brain. For a given modularity threshold, networks derived from the MD group showed similar number of modules compared to their corresponding random networks, while networks derived from the LD group had more modules compared to their corresponding random networks. The MD group also had fewer grey nodes – a measure of overlapping modular structure. These results suggest that apparent structural difference in brain networks may be driven by differences in cortical thicknesses between groups. This demonstrates a structural organization that is consistent with a system that is less robust and less efficient in information processing. These findings provide some evidence of the relationship between socioeconomic deprivation and brain network topology