4,637 research outputs found

    Library's rules and regulations. Existing situation and global experience

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    In the end of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century library legislation has been improved and renewed all over the world. It was connected with the importance of information society and a need to adopt library laws to modern settings and modern users’ needs and expectations. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss existing library rules and regulations, the articles that concern aspects of the library accessibility. These articles are very important for library’s attendance and survival as modern information sharing, searching and retrieving place. The workshop will be started with a thematic introductory presentation and continued as a participants’ group discussion. The presentation will consist of 3 parts: 1) an overview (a “crash course”) of some historical aspects of libraries’ rules and regulations, their meaning and necessity both for library users and staff; 2) introduction of fundamental principles and main ideas of guidelines/ manifestoes of IFLA/UNESCO for library (academic and public) service adaptation to the needs of society. This part will include such aspects as freedom of information, access to it, services offered to different groups of users and customer care; 3) review of the rules and regulations of main library groups regarding the patrons’ health and hygiene, patrons’ personal stuff (like clothes, bags, technical devices etc.) and patrons’ behavior inside the library building including usage of library units, Internet, computers and other technical equipment. There will also be given examples for each category of these rules. The main idea of the presentation is that libraries’ rules and regulations should be based on the needs and convenience of the patrons and not for the convenience of the organization and its staff. Afterwards participants will work in groups and discuss points from the list (in advance) of really existing libraries’ rules and regulations, evaluate their importance, adequacy and necessity and also share one’s personal experience. As a result it will present multicultural and multiage opinion about ideal contemporary library rules

    Une papule rose de la tempe

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    Mots clés: Maladie de Bowen, papule de la tempe, biopsie temporaleEnglish Title: Pink papule on the templ

    Kaposi's sarcoma in a patient with erythroblastopenia and thymoma: Reactivation after topical corticosteroids

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    We report a 69-year-old female with erythroblastopenia and thymoma who developed lesions of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) after thymectomy, 2 months after the initiation of therapy with methylprednisolone. Control of mucocutaneous KS lesions was obtained with radiotherapy, interferon alfa-2b and withdrawal of systemic immunosuppressive therapy. Erosive oral lichen planus appeared later, and after therapy with topical corticosteroids a new lesion of KS developed that regressed after withdrawal of topical corticosteroids. The detection of HHV-8 only in lesional skin supports the hypothesis that this virus can trigger the development of KS lesions

    Desmoplastic Trichoepithelioma and Melanocytic Nevus: Dermoscopic and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Presentation of a Rare Collision Tumor

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    A 27-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of an asymptomatic papule located on her right cheek. The physical examination revealed a firm, well-defined with a raised annular border, skin-colored papule, 5 mm in maximum diameter

    Three rare cases of anthrax arising from the same source

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    Anthrax is an acute bacterial infection caused by Bacillus anthracis. Humans become infected under natural conditions by contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. About 95% of human anthrax is cutaneous and 5% respiratory. Gastrointestinal anthrax is very rare, and has been reported in less than 1% of all cases. Anthrax meningitis is a rare complication of any of the other three forms of disease. We report three rare cases of anthrax (gastrointestinal, oropharyngeal and meningitis) arising from the same source. The three patients were from a single family and were admitted with different clinical pictures after the ingestion of half-cooked meat from a sick sheep. These cases emphasize the need for awareness of anthrax in the differential diagnosis in areas where the disease remains endemic
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