9,530 research outputs found

    Evidence of a high incidence of subclinically affected calves in a herd of cattle with fatal cases of Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP).

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    BACKGROUND: Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) is a disease of calves characterised by bone marrow trilineage hypoplasia, mediated by ingestion of alloantibodies in colostrum. Suspected subclinical forms of BNP have been reported, suggesting that observed clinical cases may not represent the full extent of the disease. However to date there are no objective data available on the incidence of subclinical disease or its temporal distribution. This study aimed to 1) ascertain whether subclinical BNP occurs and, if so, to determine the incidence on an affected farm and 2) determine whether there is evidence of temporal clustering of BNP cases on this farm. To achieve these aims, haematological screening of calves born on the farm during one calving season was carried out, utilising blood samples collected at defined ages. These data were then analysed in comparison to data from both known BNP-free control animals and histopathologically confirmed BNP cases. An ordinal logistic regression model was used to create a composite haematology score to predict the probabilities of calves being normal, based on their haematology measurements at 10–14 days old. RESULTS: This study revealed that 15% (21 of 139) of the clinically normal calves on this farm had profoundly abnormal haematology (<5% chance of being normal) and could be defined as affected by subclinical BNP. Together with clinical BNP cases, this gave the study farm a BNP incidence of 18%. Calves with BNP were found to be distributed throughout the calving period, with no clustering, and no significant differences in the date of birth of cases or subclinical cases were found compared to the rest of the calves. This study did not find any evidence of increased mortality or increased time from birth to sale in subclinical BNP calves but, as the study only involved a single farm and adverse effects may be determined by other inter-current diseases it remains possible that subclinical BNP has a detrimental impact on the health and productivity of calves under certain circumstances. CONCLUSIONS: Subclinical BNP was found to occur at a high incidence in a herd of cattle with fatal cases of BNP

    Feminization and severe pancytopenia caused by testicular neoplasia in a cryptorchid dog

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    In this case report, a paraneoplastic syndrome caused by testicular neoplasia in a ten-year-old cryptorchid dog is described. Feminization and pancytopenia were observed, resulting from the testicular neoplastic production of estrogens. A diagnosis of testicular tumor and associated bone marrow suppression was made by ultrasonography and blood examination, with estrogen blood levels being severely elevated. Urinalysis revealed a urinary tract infection. Castration was performed together with a blood transfusion, and antibiotic treatment was started. After an initial improvement, the dog died suddenly after approximately three weeks. In this report, the importance is highlighted of identifying clinical signs associated with feminization in intact male dogs at an early stage, to avoid severe, potentially irreversible, hematological consequences due to bone marrow suppression. Elective orchidectomy of both testes is highly recommended in cryptorchid dogs as neoplastic transformation of the undescended testis may occur, with potentially fatal outcome

    Demonstration of early functional compromise of bone marrow derived hematopoietic progenitor cells during bovine neonatal pancytopenia through in vitro culture of bone marrow biopsies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) is a syndrome characterised by thrombocytopenia associated with marked bone marrow destruction in calves, widely reported since 2007 in several European countries and since 2011 in New Zealand. The disease is epidemiologically associated with the use of an inactivated bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) vaccine and is currently considered to be caused by absorption of colostral antibody produced by some vaccinated cows (“BNP dams”). Alloantibodies capable of binding to the leukocyte surface have been detected in BNP dams and antibodies recognising bovine MHC class I and β-2-microglobulin have been detected in vaccinated cattle. In this study, calves were challenged with pooled colostrum collected from BNP dams or from non-BNP dams and their bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) cultured <it>in vitro</it> from sternal biopsies taken at 24 hours and 6 days post-challenge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Clonogenic assay demonstrated that CFU-GEMM (colony forming unit-granulocyte/erythroid/macrophage/megakaryocyte; pluripotential progenitor cell) colony development was compromised from HPCs harvested as early as 24 hour post-challenge. By 6 days post challenge, HPCs harvested from challenged calves failed to develop CFU-E (erythroid) colonies and the development of both CFU-GEMM and CFU-GM (granulocyte/macrophage) was markedly reduced.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that the bone marrow pathology and clinical signs associated with BNP are related to an insult which compromises the pluripotential progenitor cell within the first 24 hours of life but that this does not initially include all cell types.</p

    A case of left atrial myxoma accompanied by pancytopenia and pathological findings suggestive of pulmonary hypertension

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    A case of left atrial myxoma accompanied by peculiar symptoms is reported. A 15-year old boy had progressive congestive heart failure and three episodes of acute attacks of panctyopenia. The anemia was accompanied by helmet-shaped, broken red blood cells, erythroid hyperplasia and elevation of indirect bilirubin. The thrombocytopenia gave rise to hemorrhagic tendency of the skin and mucous membrane. The leukocytopenia was seen at the same time. The patient also had general constitutional disturbances showing generalized malaise, persistent fever, elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, positive C-reactive protein, pulmonary infection and anginal attacks. Postmortem examinations revealed a left atrial myxoma and intricated pulmonary changes. There was obliterative endarteritis of the left coronary branch and pulmonary arteries. The interstitial pulmonary fibrosis was also prominent. The pancytopenia should have been induced by the mechanical damage of circulating blood cells by the left atrial myxoma. The pathological findings of the lungs were highly suggestive of pulmonary hypertension, which was assumed to be due to mitral block caused by the atrial myxoma.</p

    Herd-level animal management factors associated with the occurrence of bovine neonatal pancytopenia in calves in a multicountry study

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    Since 2007, mortality associated with a previously unreported haemorrhagic disease has been observed in young calves in several European countries. The syndrome, which has been named ‘bovine neonatal pancytopenia’ (BNP), is characterised by thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia and a panmyelophthisis. A herd-level case-control study was conducted in four BNP affected countries (Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands) to identify herd management risk factors for BNP occurrence. Data were collected using structured face-to-face and telephone interviews of farm managers and their local veterinarians. In total, 363 case farms and 887 control farms were included in a matched multivariable conditional logistic regression analysis. Case-control status was strongly associated with the odds of herd level use of the vaccine PregSure® BVD (PregSure, Pfizer Animal Health) (matched adjusted odds ratio (OR) 107.2; 95% CI: 41.0–280.1). This was also the case for the practices of feeding calves colostrum from the calf’s own dam (OR 2.0; 95% CI: 1.1–3.4) or feeding pooled colostrum (OR 4.1; 95% CI: 1.9–8.8). Given that the study had relatively high statistical power and represented a variety of cattle production and husbandry systems, it can be concluded with some confidence that no other herd level management factors are competent causes for a sufficient cause of BNP occurrence on herd level. It is suggested that genetic characteristics of the dams and BNP calves should be the focus of further investigations aimed at identifying the currently missing component causes that together with PregSure vaccination and colostrum feeding represent a sufficient cause for occurrence of BNP in calves

    Cytophagic Histiocytic Panniculitis (CHP) in a Patient with SLE Found after Autopsy: When a Rash Is "Complicated!"

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    Introduction: Cytophagic histolytic panniculitis (CHP) is a clinical disorder characterized by nodular panniculitis of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. It was first described in 1980 by Winkelmann. Histologically it is described as an infiltration of the adipose tissue by T- lymphocytes and phagocytic macrophages (also known as "bean bag cells"). Most of the cases are reported under the age of 50 and is a rare cause of panniculitis. We report a case of CHP in a young patient who presented to our emergency room (ER). Case Summary: A 39-year-old African American woman who presented to our hospital with lethargy, progressive confusion, and generalized rash involving both lower extremities of 1 week duration. She had a history of pancytopenia and focal proliferative and membranous lupus nephritis classes 3 and 5. Her physical examination was remarkable for bilateral lower extremity pitting edema and a desquamating rash on both of her legs. The Nicolsky sign was positive. She was noted to be hypotensive and was started on intravenous fluids and broad spectrum antibiotics. Routine laboratory tests revealed severe pancytopenia, with a hemoglobin of 3.9 g/dl, white blood cell count 600/ul, and platelet count of 11000/ul. Within an hour of arrival to the ER she developed acute respiratory failure. She was intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation. She developed shock requiring vasopressors. No imaging could be done due to her unstable condition. Four hours after her initial presentation she developed asystole and expired. Postmortem histopathology of the adipose tissue revealed CHP. Conclusion: CHP can be rapidly fatal. The treatment involves high dose of intravenous steroids and immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine

    Preleukemia: hematological disorders prior to onset of leukemia

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    Published data on Japanese leukemia patients with a preleukemic hematological disorder were assessed. The reexamined cases were from the &#34;Japona Centra Revuo Medicina&#34; reported during the period from 1952 to 1971. Among preleukemic hematological disorders, hypoplastic anemia was the most frequently reported (41 of 62 cases). These &#34;hypoplastic preleukemia&#34; patients were rather elderly and terminated mostly in atypical myelocytic leukemia. The chief hematological feature of the hypoplastic preleukemia cases was the coexistence of a relative erythroid hyperplasia and a slight increase of myeloblasts in the bone marrow that was unusual in hypoplastic anemia. The presence of pancytopenia and hypocellular marrow with a relative erythroid hyperplasia combined with a slight increase of myeloblasts probably indicates hypoplastic preleukemia that terminates later in acute leukemia.</p